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Dear Reader,

Customs formalities cover global supply chains from the country of exportation to the country of importation. The legal rules to be addressed on the way are extensive (tariff, non-tariff, safety, etc.). They vary across countries and regions, change constantly, and often are inaccessible because of the language barrier and/ or unavailability online. 

Businesses aim to arrange customs formalities in the most cost-effective way, taking into account tariff preferences, the variety of customs procedures, and the simplifications. Therefore, the task to ensure compliant and cost-effective customs formalities is a complex one and any customs-related topic is in the scope of the journal. 

At the core of the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners in Europe are these keywords: up-to-date customs knowledge, compliance, harmonisation and simplification of the international and national rules (the simpler the rules, the easier to trade and to manage compliance and risks).

The first bi-monthly issue was released at the end of March 2020. Stakeholders - business, customs, academia, and others - from all over the world are invited to read the journal and to contribute articles.

The Editorial Board:
Enrika Naujokė, CC Learning, UAB, Lithuania
Dr David Savage, Ireland
Roberto Raya da Silva, Raya Consult, Brazil
Prof Dr Borys Kormych, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Ukraine
Dr Ilona Mishchenko, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Ukraine
Samuel Draginich, Amazon EU, Luxembourg
Ira Reese, Global Security and Innovative Solutions, the USA
Mark Rowbotham, Portcullis ISC, the UK
Omer Wagner, Israel
Svitlana Siurik, Belgium

We will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us: info@customslcear.net  

Best regards,
Editorial Board

Naudojimo sąlygos

Terms and Conditions

Responsibility for the content. The information contained in the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners in Europe is for general information purposes only and cannot be construed as legal advice, conclusion or consultation. The publisher CC Learning, UAB (CustomsClear, the Publisher) does not necessarily agree with the views of the authors of articles.

Distribution. The exclusive right to distribute the journal belongs to the Publisher. The paid articles of the journal are only for the use of those who have acquired them lawfully. The originals or copies of the articles may not be distributed, sold, rented, lent or otherwise transferred without the written consent of CustomsClear.

Procedure upon violation. The Publisher will make every effort to resolve any disputes in a consensual manner and therefore asks to be notified (using the contact details provided) of any conflict or misunderstanding before other steps are taken.

Disclaimer. The Publisher accepts no liability for the quality of the information provided or for it being correct, complete or up-to-date. It is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves to ensure compliance with intellectual property rights. We expect authors to indemnify and hold the CustomsClear harmless from any loss, damage, claim, expense or costs, that may be incurred or sustained in connection with or in any way arising out as a result of intellectual property violation claims.

Contact: info@customsclear.net 

Informacija autoriams

Information for Authors

Writing an article is a great way to share your knowledge and, if relevant, to inform readers about your expertise in a particular field of Customs.

Articles are contributed on a non-remunerated basis. Thanking you for your contribution, we will invite you to meet other authors in bimonthly online meetings.

The ISSN 2669-2171 number can be used for academic purposes.


The reader of the journal is a practitioner dealing with customs-related questions first of all in business. She or he might be a beginner or experienced one. Therefore, please write for practitioners, delivering your message in a simple and clear way. 


The main language of the journal is English. However, practitioners in many countries do not speak English, therefore, we encourage to write the article in several languages up to your choice.

Structure and length

Please start with about 3-5 sentences introducing what is your article about. Structure the article in short paragraphs, use subtitles. At the end of the article (and/ or in the author’s profile), you may introduce your organisation and services.

The length of the article is up to your choice, the most important is to clearly deliver the knowledge/ the main message to the reader (there are articles of 1000 and of 3000 words, it can be less or more). 

Author’s profile

Additionally, you may send us a picture and a description of the author for the author's profile. The author's profile opens when you click on the author’s name in the article. 


Please also read 'About the Journal' and 'Terms and Conditions'.


We will be happy to answer your questions. Please contact us by info@customsclear.net

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The connecting formula in classifying goods under the Harmonized System (HS) Convention

The language of the Harmonised System (HS) Convention contains many formulas linking goods and their use, such as 'primary', 'principal', 'intended', etc. The HS seems to contain too many of these connection formulae, and the difference between them is not always clear. It is therefore suggested that the World Customs Organisation (WCO) eliminate the undefined terms and look for a method that is as simple as possible. The article below is a short version of the full article, which has been published in the World Customs Journal, 2023, Issue 17(2).

Omer Wagner

The connecting formula in classifying goods under the Harmonized System (HS) Convention

The language of the Harmonised System (HS) Convention contains many formulas linking goods and their use, such as 'primary', 'principal', 'intended', etc. The HS seems to contain too many of these connection formulae, and the difference between them is not always clear. It is therefore suggested that the World Customs Organisation (WCO) eliminate the undefined terms and look for a method that is as simple as possible. The article below is a short version of the full article, which has been published in the World Customs Journal, 2023, Issue 17(2).

Omer Wagner

Tvarumo reikalavimai: kaip vykdyti veiklą naujoje realybėje?

„Pradinė kilmė“ (angl. deep origin) - tai Brian Staples sukurta frazė gilinantis į iššūkius, kylančius tvarumo reikalavimus įtvirtinančioje teisinėje aplinkoje, kuri vis labiau įtraukia muitinę ir verslą. Tai nėra įprastas muitinės sričiai reguliavimas – kalbame apie tarptautines sankcijas ir kitus draudimus importuoti prekes, kurios yra rizikingos, pavyzdžiui, prekes, pagamintas naudojant priverstinį darbą, vergiją ar kitą nepageidaujamą praktiką. Kaip vykdyti veiklą šioje naujoje ir vis sudėtingesnėje teisinėje aplinkoje?

Brian Staples, Anna Jerzewska, Anthony Buckley

Tvarumo reikalavimai: kaip vykdyti veiklą naujoje realybėje?

„Pradinė kilmė“ (angl. deep origin) - tai Brian Staples sukurta frazė gilinantis į iššūkius, kylančius tvarumo reikalavimus įtvirtinančioje teisinėje aplinkoje, kuri vis labiau įtraukia muitinę ir verslą. Tai nėra įprastas muitinės sričiai reguliavimas – kalbame apie tarptautines sankcijas ir kitus draudimus importuoti prekes, kurios yra rizikingos, pavyzdžiui, prekes, pagamintas naudojant priverstinį darbą, vergiją ar kitą nepageidaujamą praktiką. Kaip vykdyti veiklą šioje naujoje ir vis sudėtingesnėje teisinėje aplinkoje?

Brian Staples, Anna Jerzewska, Anthony Buckley

How to build relationship with a customs broker: Step-by-step instructions from a customs official

Finding the right customs broker can be a huge problem for traders. One may seem to be "your" person, but they may misunderstand you or not listen to you. Another may not have the proper level of knowledge and so on. This article is designed to help you with this search and selection process. You will find answers to the most important questions to ask when looking for a helpful broker.

Rizwan Mahmood

muitinės tarpininkas
How to build relationship with a customs broker: Step-by-step instructions from a customs official

Finding the right customs broker can be a huge problem for traders. One may seem to be "your" person, but they may misunderstand you or not listen to you. Another may not have the proper level of knowledge and so on. This article is designed to help you with this search and selection process. You will find answers to the most important questions to ask when looking for a helpful broker.

Rizwan Mahmood

muitinės tarpininkas
UK customs updates (Feb 2024): Focus on the movement of goods from the island of Ireland to Great Britain

HM Revenue & Customs has announced significant changes affecting UK importers from 31 January. The most important customs and customs-related updates, with a focus on EU-UK trade, have been summarised and explained in the overview below.

Mark Rowbotham

UK customs updates (Feb 2024): Focus on the movement of goods from the island of Ireland to Great Britain

HM Revenue & Customs has announced significant changes affecting UK importers from 31 January. The most important customs and customs-related updates, with a focus on EU-UK trade, have been summarised and explained in the overview below.

Mark Rowbotham

ESTT dėl baudų už muitų teisės pažeidimus teisingumo

Europos Sąjungoje baudos už pažeidimus ir jų teisingumo klausimai yra valstybių narių kompetencija. Neseniai priimtame sprendime ES Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) nurodė, kad 50 % dydžio nuo papildomai apskaičiuotos muito sumos bauda yra teisinga „nepaisant atitinkamo ekonominės veiklos vykdytojo sąžiningumo ir jo taikytų atsargumo priemonių“. Ką tai reiškia ES importuotojams, kurie deklaruoja nelengvatinę prekių kilmę remdamiesi trečiųjų šalių valdžios institucijų išduotais įrodymais, kurie, kaip vėliau paaiškėja, yra neteisingi? Apžvelgiame teismo sprendimą ir aptariame, kokias išvadas galėtų padaryti suinteresuoti asmenys.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

rizikos valdymas
ESTT dėl baudų už muitų teisės pažeidimus teisingumo

Europos Sąjungoje baudos už pažeidimus ir jų teisingumo klausimai yra valstybių narių kompetencija. Neseniai priimtame sprendime ES Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) nurodė, kad 50 % dydžio nuo papildomai apskaičiuotos muito sumos bauda yra teisinga „nepaisant atitinkamo ekonominės veiklos vykdytojo sąžiningumo ir jo taikytų atsargumo priemonių“. Ką tai reiškia ES importuotojams, kurie deklaruoja nelengvatinę prekių kilmę remdamiesi trečiųjų šalių valdžios institucijų išduotais įrodymais, kurie, kaip vėliau paaiškėja, yra neteisingi? Apžvelgiame teismo sprendimą ir aptariame, kokias išvadas galėtų padaryti suinteresuoti asmenys.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

rizikos valdymas
Klaidų muitinės deklaracijoje taisymas – temos svarba ir netikėti iššūkiai

„Kas nedirba, tas neklysta“ posakiu taikliai pasakyta, kad klysti žmogiška ir to nepakeisi. Tačiau klaidas valdyti būtina - kad jų būtų kuo mažiau, kad jos būtų kuo greičiau ištaisytos. Sąjungos muitinės kodeksas numato trijų metų laikotarpį, per kurį verslui galima kreiptis į muitinę dėl klaidų ištaisymo, mokestinių permokų susigrąžinimo ar nepriemokos sumokėjimo. Tačiau Lietuvoje naujas nacionalinis teisės aktas nebenumato galimybės taisyti tam tikrus duomenų elementus. Apžvelkime su tuo susijusius verslui kilusius iššūkius, o taip pat ir kitų šalių praktiką bei tendencijas.

Enrika Naujokė

rizikos valdymas
Klaidų muitinės deklaracijoje taisymas – temos svarba ir netikėti iššūkiai

„Kas nedirba, tas neklysta“ posakiu taikliai pasakyta, kad klysti žmogiška ir to nepakeisi. Tačiau klaidas valdyti būtina - kad jų būtų kuo mažiau, kad jos būtų kuo greičiau ištaisytos. Sąjungos muitinės kodeksas numato trijų metų laikotarpį, per kurį verslui galima kreiptis į muitinę dėl klaidų ištaisymo, mokestinių permokų susigrąžinimo ar nepriemokos sumokėjimo. Tačiau Lietuvoje naujas nacionalinis teisės aktas nebenumato galimybės taisyti tam tikrus duomenų elementus. Apžvelkime su tuo susijusius verslui kilusius iššūkius, o taip pat ir kitų šalių praktiką bei tendencijas.

Enrika Naujokė

rizikos valdymas
Volkswagen Xinjian facility and forced labor

As the European Union ponders statutes that respond to unverified claims by different organizations of the usage of slave labor in the manufacture of a variety of goods from China, a series of claims has been made against one of the Union’s largest manufacturers: Volkswagen. As we review the claims against Volkswagen it is easy to see how the issue has the capability of wreaking havoc with international trade with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Some of the claims are so removed from the exported product that one wonders if it is simply an insincere way of removing certain sectors of China from international trade.

Ira Reese

Volkswagen Xinjian facility and forced labor

As the European Union ponders statutes that respond to unverified claims by different organizations of the usage of slave labor in the manufacture of a variety of goods from China, a series of claims has been made against one of the Union’s largest manufacturers: Volkswagen. As we review the claims against Volkswagen it is easy to see how the issue has the capability of wreaking havoc with international trade with the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Some of the claims are so removed from the exported product that one wonders if it is simply an insincere way of removing certain sectors of China from international trade.

Ira Reese

EU law news February 2024

News in week 8: News at a glance: UCC delegated and implementing acts - amended provisions on customs status, Union transit, etc.; EU adopted 13th package of sanctions against Russia; FAQs 'No re-export to Russia' clause; updated 'List of common high priority items' (items used in Russian military systems); updated guidance on implementing due diligence to shield against Russia sanctions circumvention; ozone-depleting substances - new rules for import, export, etc.; HFC phase-down - new provisions; PEM Convention - amendments, updated tables specifying cumulation possibilities; 13th World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference - European Council conclusions; and more news!

EU law news February 2024

News in week 8: News at a glance: UCC delegated and implementing acts - amended provisions on customs status, Union transit, etc.; EU adopted 13th package of sanctions against Russia; FAQs 'No re-export to Russia' clause; updated 'List of common high priority items' (items used in Russian military systems); updated guidance on implementing due diligence to shield against Russia sanctions circumvention; ozone-depleting substances - new rules for import, export, etc.; HFC phase-down - new provisions; PEM Convention - amendments, updated tables specifying cumulation possibilities; 13th World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference - European Council conclusions; and more news!

Year-end transfer pricing adjustments and the customs value

Customs value and transfer pricing could be likened to Siamese twins - that's how closely linked they are. Let's discuss some practical questions related to the year-end transfer pricing adjustments: If the price is revised upwards, does the importer have to go to customs and pay additional duties? If the price is revised downwards, is the importer entitled to a refund of duties? If the goods are duty-free and there is no excise duty, but only import VAT (which is deductible in any case)?

Omer Wagner

Year-end transfer pricing adjustments and the customs value

Customs value and transfer pricing could be likened to Siamese twins - that's how closely linked they are. Let's discuss some practical questions related to the year-end transfer pricing adjustments: If the price is revised upwards, does the importer have to go to customs and pay additional duties? If the price is revised downwards, is the importer entitled to a refund of duties? If the goods are duty-free and there is no excise duty, but only import VAT (which is deductible in any case)?

Omer Wagner

EU’s dual-use exports - disunity or unity?

The first month of 2024 started with the publication of several European documents at common European and regional level (Baltic Republics), which present interesting facts and analyses on the export and transit of prohibited, restricted or dual-use goods. These are: White paper on Export Control; Commission Recommendation (EU) 2024/214 of 10 January 2024 on guidelines setting out the methodology for data gathering and processing for the preparation of the annual report on the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council; and 'Regional Approach to Ensure Uniform Customs Controls and Information Exchange for Implementation of the EU Restrictive Measures', adopted by the Baltic Republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Boryana Peycheva

eksporto kontrolė, sankcijos
EU’s dual-use exports - disunity or unity?

The first month of 2024 started with the publication of several European documents at common European and regional level (Baltic Republics), which present interesting facts and analyses on the export and transit of prohibited, restricted or dual-use goods. These are: White paper on Export Control; Commission Recommendation (EU) 2024/214 of 10 January 2024 on guidelines setting out the methodology for data gathering and processing for the preparation of the annual report on the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council; and 'Regional Approach to Ensure Uniform Customs Controls and Information Exchange for Implementation of the EU Restrictive Measures', adopted by the Baltic Republics of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.

Boryana Peycheva

eksporto kontrolė, sankcijos
Discount for customs purposes? On one condition

The Israel Customs Authority does not seem to be a fan of discounts. It appealed against the judgement of the District Court, in which the court clarified that the Customs Authority cannot, on the one hand, rely on the fact that the price is subject to a condition (discount) that cannot be assessed and the transaction price is therefore invalid, and, on the other hand, base the assessment on the transaction price but without the condition. Let's take a look at what the Supreme Court had to say in this dispute. The disputed amount is about ILS 5 million (~1.3 million Eur).

Omer Wagner

Discount for customs purposes? On one condition

The Israel Customs Authority does not seem to be a fan of discounts. It appealed against the judgement of the District Court, in which the court clarified that the Customs Authority cannot, on the one hand, rely on the fact that the price is subject to a condition (discount) that cannot be assessed and the transaction price is therefore invalid, and, on the other hand, base the assessment on the transaction price but without the condition. Let's take a look at what the Supreme Court had to say in this dispute. The disputed amount is about ILS 5 million (~1.3 million Eur).

Omer Wagner

EU Deforestation Regulation: Impact on Customs

Note from the CCRM editors: What can we expect from customs in the future? Professor Albert Willem Veenstra addressed this question together with other authors in the article ‘The changing role of Customs: Customs aligning with supply chain and information management’ (World Customs Journal). After participating in a webinar on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), in which Professor Veenstra shared his insights, we took the opportunity to ask about the impact of this regulation on Customs and talk about various other related topics, such as complex supply chains, new business models for customs brokers and, of course, the knowledge required to meet the demands of a modern compliance professional.

Albert Willem Veenstra

EU Deforestation Regulation: Impact on Customs

Note from the CCRM editors: What can we expect from customs in the future? Professor Albert Willem Veenstra addressed this question together with other authors in the article ‘The changing role of Customs: Customs aligning with supply chain and information management’ (World Customs Journal). After participating in a webinar on the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), in which Professor Veenstra shared his insights, we took the opportunity to ask about the impact of this regulation on Customs and talk about various other related topics, such as complex supply chains, new business models for customs brokers and, of course, the knowledge required to meet the demands of a modern compliance professional.

Albert Willem Veenstra

EU law news January 2024

News in week 4. WCO dedicates 2024 to 'Customs Engaging Traditional and New Partners with Purpose'; EU's white paper on export controls and new guidelines on data gathering and processing; uniform regional restrictive measures implementation in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; preparation for linking the excise system EMCS to export system AES; FAQs about CBAM; updates to the tariff measures for poultrymeat, open mesh fabrics of glass fibres and mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate; extension of protective (SPS) measures for bivalve molluscs from Türkiye.

EU law news January 2024

News in week 4. WCO dedicates 2024 to 'Customs Engaging Traditional and New Partners with Purpose'; EU's white paper on export controls and new guidelines on data gathering and processing; uniform regional restrictive measures implementation in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; preparation for linking the excise system EMCS to export system AES; FAQs about CBAM; updates to the tariff measures for poultrymeat, open mesh fabrics of glass fibres and mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate; extension of protective (SPS) measures for bivalve molluscs from Türkiye.

Ateitis be muitinės deklaracijų ir nauji importuotojų bei eksportuotojų vaidmenys ES

Jei bus priimtas pasiūlymas dėl ES muitinės reformos, atsisveikinsime su daug žinomų terminų (pvz., įvežimo bendroji deklaracija, muitinės deklaracija, deklarantas ir t. t.) ir mokinsimės naujus. Apžvelgiame pakeitimus, kurie atskleidžia kintančius dalyvių (pvz., eksportuotojo, importuotojo, deklaranto, vežėjo, muitinės sandėlio ar laisvosios zonos operatoriaus) vaidmenis ir atsakomybę, atitinkamai nykstančius supaprastinimus (pvz., įtraukimas į deklaranto apskaitą, supaprastinta ir papildoma deklaracija) ir didelį pokytį muitinės procesuose, visų pirma dėl ES muitinės duomenų platformos sukūrimo. Ekonominės veiklos vykdytojai turėtų išanalizuoti būsimus pokyčius ir laiku atkreipti teisėkūros institucijų dėmesį į trūkumus ir galimai nenumatytas pasekmes.

Michael Lux

Ateitis be muitinės deklaracijų ir nauji importuotojų bei eksportuotojų vaidmenys ES

Jei bus priimtas pasiūlymas dėl ES muitinės reformos, atsisveikinsime su daug žinomų terminų (pvz., įvežimo bendroji deklaracija, muitinės deklaracija, deklarantas ir t. t.) ir mokinsimės naujus. Apžvelgiame pakeitimus, kurie atskleidžia kintančius dalyvių (pvz., eksportuotojo, importuotojo, deklaranto, vežėjo, muitinės sandėlio ar laisvosios zonos operatoriaus) vaidmenis ir atsakomybę, atitinkamai nykstančius supaprastinimus (pvz., įtraukimas į deklaranto apskaitą, supaprastinta ir papildoma deklaracija) ir didelį pokytį muitinės procesuose, visų pirma dėl ES muitinės duomenų platformos sukūrimo. Ekonominės veiklos vykdytojai turėtų išanalizuoti būsimus pokyčius ir laiku atkreipti teisėkūros institucijų dėmesį į trūkumus ir galimai nenumatytas pasekmes.

Michael Lux

ESTT: sprendimas dėl teisinio tikrumo

Vėluojant sumokėti mokesčius, įskaitant importo mokesčius perskaičiuotus dėl muitinės po įforminimo nustatytų neatitikimų, skaičiuojami delspinigiai ir palūkanos. Sumos gali susidaryti didžiulės, ypač vertinant tai, kad mokesčių perskaičiavimas gali būti atliekamas už trejus metus ir net ilgesnį laikotarpį (pavyzdžiui, jei ginčas nagrinėjamas teisme). Apie tai, kiek ilgas gali būti minėtas laikotarpis, sužinome aktualioje Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo (ESTT) nagrinėtoje byloje. Be to, teismas priėmė svarbų sprendimą, turintį įtakos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio (PVM) ir muitų teisės sistemai Europos Sąjungoje. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos teismo išvados, pabrėžiant teisinio tikrumo ir veiksmingumo principus ES teisėje ir nagrinėjant jo poveikį PVM teisės aktams ir praktikai.

Jonas Sakalauskas

ESTT: sprendimas dėl teisinio tikrumo

Vėluojant sumokėti mokesčius, įskaitant importo mokesčius perskaičiuotus dėl muitinės po įforminimo nustatytų neatitikimų, skaičiuojami delspinigiai ir palūkanos. Sumos gali susidaryti didžiulės, ypač vertinant tai, kad mokesčių perskaičiavimas gali būti atliekamas už trejus metus ir net ilgesnį laikotarpį (pavyzdžiui, jei ginčas nagrinėjamas teisme). Apie tai, kiek ilgas gali būti minėtas laikotarpis, sužinome aktualioje Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismo (ESTT) nagrinėtoje byloje. Be to, teismas priėmė svarbų sprendimą, turintį įtakos pridėtinės vertės mokesčio (PVM) ir muitų teisės sistemai Europos Sąjungoje. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos teismo išvados, pabrėžiant teisinio tikrumo ir veiksmingumo principus ES teisėje ir nagrinėjant jo poveikį PVM teisės aktams ir praktikai.

Jonas Sakalauskas

The future of customs intermediaries in the UK - overview

Recognising the critical role that customs intermediaries play in enabling international trade for UK businesses, the government issued a consultation that sought feedback on the concept of introducing a voluntary standard. The final phase of the consultation process concluded in August 2023. A significant consensus emerged among stakeholders on the idea of introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries.

Ilona Kawka

muitinės tarpininkas
The future of customs intermediaries in the UK - overview

Recognising the critical role that customs intermediaries play in enabling international trade for UK businesses, the government issued a consultation that sought feedback on the concept of introducing a voluntary standard. The final phase of the consultation process concluded in August 2023. A significant consensus emerged among stakeholders on the idea of introducing a voluntary standard for customs intermediaries.

Ilona Kawka

muitinės tarpininkas
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