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Central customs IT processes in a company:

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IT systems, databases
Central customs IT processes in a company: classification

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IT systems, databases
Muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėliai: steigimas

Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiame, kas žinotina ruošiantis steigti muitinės arba laikinojo saugojimo sandėlį: dokumentai, kuriuos reikia pateikti, kaip pateikti prašymą, prašymo nagrinėjimas ir sprendimo priėmimas.

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Muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėliai: steigimas

Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiame, kas žinotina ruošiantis steigti muitinės arba laikinojo saugojimo sandėlį: dokumentai, kuriuos reikia pateikti, kaip pateikti prašymą, prašymo nagrinėjimas ir sprendimo priėmimas.

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Muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėliai: apskaita

Dažniausiai nustatomi apskaitos pažeidimai, kuriuos apžvelgiame šiame straipsnyje, rodo, kad ne visi muitinės ar laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių darbuotojai gerai išmano apskaitos reikalavimus. Todėl verta juos ne tik prisiminti, bet ir įmonėms pagalvoti, kaip užtikrinti, kad visi atsakingi darbuotojai būtų su jais tinkamai supažindinti.

Kauno teritorinė muitinė

Muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėliai: apskaita

Dažniausiai nustatomi apskaitos pažeidimai, kuriuos apžvelgiame šiame straipsnyje, rodo, kad ne visi muitinės ar laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių darbuotojai gerai išmano apskaitos reikalavimus. Todėl verta juos ne tik prisiminti, bet ir įmonėms pagalvoti, kaip užtikrinti, kad visi atsakingi darbuotojai būtų su jais tinkamai supažindinti.

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Access2Markets database: What you need to know

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Inward processing in the EU: Does the duty rate always depend on the commodity code for the goods?

Classification under a tariff subheading is not an end in itself but serves to determine which measures, tariff or other, should be applied to the goods concerned. However, in case of inward processing in the EU, the question has been raised, whether the duty rate of the processed goods at the time of release for free circulation must be applied in certain cases even though the tariff classification, customs value, and origin of the imported goods are the basis for the duty calculation.

Prof Dr Sandra Rinnert

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Inward processing in the EU: Does the duty rate always depend on the commodity code for the goods?

Classification under a tariff subheading is not an end in itself but serves to determine which measures, tariff or other, should be applied to the goods concerned. However, in case of inward processing in the EU, the question has been raised, whether the duty rate of the processed goods at the time of release for free circulation must be applied in certain cases even though the tariff classification, customs value, and origin of the imported goods are the basis for the duty calculation.

Prof Dr Sandra Rinnert

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Calculation of import charges in EU

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Calculation of import charges in EU

Anthony Buckley

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E-customs in the EU

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E-customs in the EU

Electronic customs (‘e-customs’) is a major development for the EU's Customs Union. The project aims to replace paper-format customs procedures with EU-wide electronic procedures to create a more efficient and modern customs environment. Each year the European Commission releases a report on progress in developing electronic systems. The latest report was published in February 2023.

IT systems, databases
Eksporto kredito garantijos lietuviškos kilmės prekėms – ką turėtume žinoti?

Muitinės sritis glaudžiai susijusi su daugeliu kitų sričių, yra net naudojamas terminas „ne muitinės“ teisės aktai. Kad turėtume pilną galimybių ir rizikų vaizdą, svarbu žinoti ir tokius tarsi nesusijusius dalykus kaip dokumentinis akredityvas mokėjimui už prekes, tad natūralu, kad akį patraukė informacija dėl dar kitos temos – eksporto kreditų garantijų eksportuotojams. Ką ir kodėl apie jas turėtų žinoti galbūt ne tik eksportuotojai, bet ir muitinės tarpininkai bei kiti tiekimo grandinės dalyviai? Į šį ir susijusius klausimus atsakyti maloniai sutiko nacionalinės plėtros įstaigos „Investicijų ir verslo garantijos“ (INVEGA) Priemonių valdymo skyriaus projektų vadovė Milda Kutraitė.

Milda Kutraitė

Eksporto kredito garantijos lietuviškos kilmės prekėms – ką turėtume žinoti?

Muitinės sritis glaudžiai susijusi su daugeliu kitų sričių, yra net naudojamas terminas „ne muitinės“ teisės aktai. Kad turėtume pilną galimybių ir rizikų vaizdą, svarbu žinoti ir tokius tarsi nesusijusius dalykus kaip dokumentinis akredityvas mokėjimui už prekes, tad natūralu, kad akį patraukė informacija dėl dar kitos temos – eksporto kreditų garantijų eksportuotojams. Ką ir kodėl apie jas turėtų žinoti galbūt ne tik eksportuotojai, bet ir muitinės tarpininkai bei kiti tiekimo grandinės dalyviai? Į šį ir susijusius klausimus atsakyti maloniai sutiko nacionalinės plėtros įstaigos „Investicijų ir verslo garantijos“ (INVEGA) Priemonių valdymo skyriaus projektų vadovė Milda Kutraitė.

Milda Kutraitė

Inward processing in the UK: how a trivial compliance failure caused them to be taxed millions

When you realise that the biggest threat to your business is neither the competition nor international event risk, but a seemingly minor compliance failure, you will have read this case study: According to a recent tribunal judgement, even a seemingly trivial compliance failure, such as an error or discrepancy in the information supplied to HMRC by the importer and their customs agent, may invalidate a customs tax remission for an entire time. We explain it all in-depth and provide valuable pointers on legally handling your customs clearances.

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Inward processing in the UK: how a trivial compliance failure caused them to be taxed millions

When you realise that the biggest threat to your business is neither the competition nor international event risk, but a seemingly minor compliance failure, you will have read this case study: According to a recent tribunal judgement, even a seemingly trivial compliance failure, such as an error or discrepancy in the information supplied to HMRC by the importer and their customs agent, may invalidate a customs tax remission for an entire time. We explain it all in-depth and provide valuable pointers on legally handling your customs clearances.

Arne Mielken

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CDS - comprehensive trade environment in UK

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The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

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The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

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Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

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Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

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End-use: special customs procedure in EU

Patrick Nieveler

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A closer look at the Regulation on the EU Single Window Environment for Customs

In December 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/2399 establishing the European Union Single Window Environment for Customs was published which amends at the same time two Articles of the UCC. The title of this Regulation is misleading insofar as it suggests to the reader that its aim is to establish an EU Single Window for Customs. So, what is actually the aim of this Regulation? How will our work change in the future? What is the meaning of the UCC amendments introduced by this Regulation? We thank Michael Lux who kindly agreed to answer these and other related questions.

Michael Lux

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en, lt
A closer look at the Regulation on the EU Single Window Environment for Customs

In December 2022, Regulation (EU) 2022/2399 establishing the European Union Single Window Environment for Customs was published which amends at the same time two Articles of the UCC. The title of this Regulation is misleading insofar as it suggests to the reader that its aim is to establish an EU Single Window for Customs. So, what is actually the aim of this Regulation? How will our work change in the future? What is the meaning of the UCC amendments introduced by this Regulation? We thank Michael Lux who kindly agreed to answer these and other related questions.

Michael Lux

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en, lt
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

IT systems, databases
Customer service: the next wave

Since 2016, when the Finnish Government decided to digitalize all public services, Finnish Customs has been working on the development of digital services to improve its customer service. In 2017 the Administration explained, in the pages of this magazine, how it tested the innovation potential of a hackathon to identify solutions that would make it easier to access information about Customs regulations and procedures. In this article, we take a look at the latest tools implemented by Finnish Customs to enhance its capacity to help its customers – namely a chatbot and a contact management system.

Mikael Hyövälti

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Customer service: the next wave

Since 2016, when the Finnish Government decided to digitalize all public services, Finnish Customs has been working on the development of digital services to improve its customer service. In 2017 the Administration explained, in the pages of this magazine, how it tested the innovation potential of a hackathon to identify solutions that would make it easier to access information about Customs regulations and procedures. In this article, we take a look at the latest tools implemented by Finnish Customs to enhance its capacity to help its customers – namely a chatbot and a contact management system.

Mikael Hyövälti

IT systems, databases
The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

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The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

IT systems, databases
The AI revolution is underway, and this is good news for Customs

Customs authorities are showing a growing interest in adopting artificial intelligence (AI), the broad category of science that entails simulating human thinking capability and behaviour. As stated in a joint paper published by the World Customs Organization, (WCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) entitled The role of advanced technologies in cross-border trade: A Customs perspective, “around half of Customs authorities use some combination of big data analytics, AI and machine learning, while the other half plans to do so in the future.”

Dr. Chen Zhiqiang

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The AI revolution is underway, and this is good news for Customs

Customs authorities are showing a growing interest in adopting artificial intelligence (AI), the broad category of science that entails simulating human thinking capability and behaviour. As stated in a joint paper published by the World Customs Organization, (WCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) entitled The role of advanced technologies in cross-border trade: A Customs perspective, “around half of Customs authorities use some combination of big data analytics, AI and machine learning, while the other half plans to do so in the future.”

Dr. Chen Zhiqiang

IT systems, databases
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