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What are the benefits and requirements

Dr Mikhail Kashubsky

knowledge management
What are the benefits and requirements of publishing an article in a journal?

Dr Mikhail Kashubsky

knowledge management
Muitinės klientų konsultavimo paslaugų apžvalga

Redakcijos pokalbis su Mindaugu Krikščionaičiu, Muitinės departamento Muitinės informacijos skyriaus vedėju, apie skyriaus veiklą, gaunamas užklausas ir tai, ką turėtų žinoti verslas – kaip jas geriausiai teikti, kada tikėtis atsakymo.

knowledge management
Muitinės klientų konsultavimo paslaugų apžvalga

Redakcijos pokalbis su Mindaugu Krikščionaičiu, Muitinės departamento Muitinės informacijos skyriaus vedėju, apie skyriaus veiklą, gaunamas užklausas ir tai, ką turėtų žinoti verslas – kaip jas geriausiai teikti, kada tikėtis atsakymo.

knowledge management
Education in the context of the new

Customs Knowledge Institute

knowledge management
Education in the context of the new and expanded role of Customs

Customs Knowledge Institute

knowledge management
Journals on Customs: Gain knowledge
01h 25min

knowledge management
Journals on Customs: Gain knowledge on the topics selected by the editors
01h 25min

knowledge management
The importance of data in DHL Express

Quality data is the lifeblood of an efficient Customs clearance process. All Customs tasks and responsibilities are performed, at least in part, on the basis of data received from businesses engaged in trade – for example, data for purposes of revenue collection, risk management, admissibility checks, resource allocation and cooperation with other agencies, as well as the collection of statistical data for macroeconomic decisions.

Sandra Fischer

knowledge management
The importance of data in DHL Express

Quality data is the lifeblood of an efficient Customs clearance process. All Customs tasks and responsibilities are performed, at least in part, on the basis of data received from businesses engaged in trade – for example, data for purposes of revenue collection, risk management, admissibility checks, resource allocation and cooperation with other agencies, as well as the collection of statistical data for macroeconomic decisions.

Sandra Fischer

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs valuation – the particularities of different countries

Customs valuation is one of the most problematic areas of customs, whatever the country or territory. Experts from different continents - from North and South America to Europe and Asia - confirmed this at the 16th Authors' Meeting. The following is a summary of the main conclusions of this event. The topics covered: discounts, advertising costs, “fair prices” vs transaction value, the arm’s length principle when moving stock between branches, sourcing goods from non-market economies, advance valuation rulings, etc.

en, lt
Customs valuation – the particularities of different countries

Customs valuation is one of the most problematic areas of customs, whatever the country or territory. Experts from different continents - from North and South America to Europe and Asia - confirmed this at the 16th Authors' Meeting. The following is a summary of the main conclusions of this event. The topics covered: discounts, advertising costs, “fair prices” vs transaction value, the arm’s length principle when moving stock between branches, sourcing goods from non-market economies, advance valuation rulings, etc.

Muitinio įvertinimo išminties „koncentratas“ - naujoje knygoje

Redakcijos įvadas. Naujai išleistoje JAV autoriaus Mark K. Neville, Jr. knygoje muitinio įvertinimo tema, pirmoji autoriaus padėka skirta Monikai Bielskienei, „Muitų teisė praktikams“ redakcinės kolegijos narei. Džiaugiamės ir didžiuojamės, bei, žinoma, pakvietėme Moniką pasidalinti susijusiomis mintimis ir įžvalgomis apie knygą, kurią Monika pokalbio metu pavadino muitinio įvertinimo išminties „koncentratu“.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
Muitinio įvertinimo išminties „koncentratas“ - naujoje knygoje

Redakcijos įvadas. Naujai išleistoje JAV autoriaus Mark K. Neville, Jr. knygoje muitinio įvertinimo tema, pirmoji autoriaus padėka skirta Monikai Bielskienei, „Muitų teisė praktikams“ redakcinės kolegijos narei. Džiaugiamės ir didžiuojamės, bei, žinoma, pakvietėme Moniką pasidalinti susijusiomis mintimis ir įžvalgomis apie knygą, kurią Monika pokalbio metu pavadino muitinio įvertinimo išminties „koncentratu“.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
Customs Risk Register

Anthony Buckley

‎ €49.99
knowledge management
Customs Risk Register

Anthony Buckley

‎ €49.99
knowledge management
en, lt
Customs brokers: Growing importance in the US. The opposite in the EU?

The United States is strengthening the role of customs brokers as professionals by introducing a professional development requirement (which will come into force on 24 July 2023), stressing that this will help improve trade compliance and revenue protection and allow brokers to act as an additional layer of security to prevent illicit goods from entering US commerce. In the meantime, EU customs brokers fear that the EU Customs Reform and the draft new Customs Code could signal the end of their profession.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs brokers: Growing importance in the US. The opposite in the EU?

The United States is strengthening the role of customs brokers as professionals by introducing a professional development requirement (which will come into force on 24 July 2023), stressing that this will help improve trade compliance and revenue protection and allow brokers to act as an additional layer of security to prevent illicit goods from entering US commerce. In the meantime, EU customs brokers fear that the EU Customs Reform and the draft new Customs Code could signal the end of their profession.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
Competencies of a customs broker: insights from a workshop

Customs matters are complex and little known to the general public. This makes customs brokers an indispensable part of international trade, and with their knowledge they can greatly help their clients. What key competencies should customs brokers have? What additional key skills should they have? And what can we do to improve the competencies of customs brokers? These three questions were dealt with in a workshop organised by Customs Knowledge Community (CKC). Let's have an overview of the results.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

knowledge management
Competencies of a customs broker: insights from a workshop

Customs matters are complex and little known to the general public. This makes customs brokers an indispensable part of international trade, and with their knowledge they can greatly help their clients. What key competencies should customs brokers have? What additional key skills should they have? And what can we do to improve the competencies of customs brokers? These three questions were dealt with in a workshop organised by Customs Knowledge Community (CKC). Let's have an overview of the results.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

knowledge management
Best practices and tips for managing customs knowledge in a company

What aspects should be taken into account in the context of customs knowledge management within a company? During the 15th Authors' Meeting, experts from the UK, Israel, France, Colombia, Brazil and Lithuania shared many tips and practices on how to acquire, update and manage knowledge to be successful in customs processes. The main insights – on the role of a customs manager, exchanging information internally, ensuring awareness of all the involved persons, manuals, peer learning, etc. - shared are summarised in the following overview.

knowledge management, risk management
Best practices and tips for managing customs knowledge in a company

What aspects should be taken into account in the context of customs knowledge management within a company? During the 15th Authors' Meeting, experts from the UK, Israel, France, Colombia, Brazil and Lithuania shared many tips and practices on how to acquire, update and manage knowledge to be successful in customs processes. The main insights – on the role of a customs manager, exchanging information internally, ensuring awareness of all the involved persons, manuals, peer learning, etc. - shared are summarised in the following overview.

knowledge management, risk management
ES muitų ir prekybos atitikties tęstinio mokymosi programa: pirmojo susitikimo apžvalga

Džiaugiamės startavus ES muitų ir prekybos atitikties tęstinio mokymosi programai (TMP)! Pristatome programą, kviečiame prisijungti prie formuojamos grupės ir dalinamės pirmojo grupės dalyvių susitikimo įžvalgomis įvairiais aspektais, pavyzdžiui, komunikacija darbdaviui apie muitinės specialisto pozicijos kuriamą vertę, „klasikinė“ prekių klasifikavimo tema, muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių steigimo bei valdymo klausimai ir kita.

knowledge management
ES muitų ir prekybos atitikties tęstinio mokymosi programa: pirmojo susitikimo apžvalga

Džiaugiamės startavus ES muitų ir prekybos atitikties tęstinio mokymosi programai (TMP)! Pristatome programą, kviečiame prisijungti prie formuojamos grupės ir dalinamės pirmojo grupės dalyvių susitikimo įžvalgomis įvairiais aspektais, pavyzdžiui, komunikacija darbdaviui apie muitinės specialisto pozicijos kuriamą vertę, „klasikinė“ prekių klasifikavimo tema, muitinės ir laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių steigimo bei valdymo klausimai ir kita.

knowledge management
What are the tasks of the customs manager

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

‎ €24.99
knowledge management
What are the tasks of the customs manager in the company?

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

‎ €24.99
knowledge management
Customs managers: What do they do?

How are customs issues managed within companies? What is it that people in charge of meeting Customs’ expectations do? This article highlights the role of the key players in customs compliance - customs managers. The findings presented are based on interviews with key informants in nine multinational companies from a cross-section of industries.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

knowledge management
Customs managers: What do they do?

How are customs issues managed within companies? What is it that people in charge of meeting Customs’ expectations do? This article highlights the role of the key players in customs compliance - customs managers. The findings presented are based on interviews with key informants in nine multinational companies from a cross-section of industries.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

knowledge management
Knowledge of customs and tax regulations: Who is concerned?

There is often a perception that laws are the domain of lawyers, taxes are the domain of accountants and financiers, profits are the domain of salespeople, and so on. Is this the right approach? The purpose of this article is to examine why knowledge of customs and tax regulations is important not only for lawyers and financial experts, but also for other employees, especially directors, managers and other supervisors. The article is based on a presentation given on the occasion of the launch of the MBA programme ‘Customs Process Management’ at Vytautas Magnus University.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

knowledge management
Knowledge of customs and tax regulations: Who is concerned?

There is often a perception that laws are the domain of lawyers, taxes are the domain of accountants and financiers, profits are the domain of salespeople, and so on. Is this the right approach? The purpose of this article is to examine why knowledge of customs and tax regulations is important not only for lawyers and financial experts, but also for other employees, especially directors, managers and other supervisors. The article is based on a presentation given on the occasion of the launch of the MBA programme ‘Customs Process Management’ at Vytautas Magnus University.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

knowledge management
en, lt
Some guidance to Customs and trade practitioners on how to deal with the hugely complex, demanding and risky field of Customs knowledge | WCO News

This article argues that a formal plan for building and managing Customs knowledge is necessary for a Customs brokerage to operate effectively. The components of such a plan are discussed, as well as the determinants that may affect the choices made. The discussion refers also to general issues of Customs knowledge acquisition, management and updating. The considerations apply to all Customs practitioners and trading businesses.

Anthony Buckley

knowledge management
en, lt
Some guidance to Customs and trade practitioners on how to deal with the hugely complex, demanding and risky field of Customs knowledge | WCO News

This article argues that a formal plan for building and managing Customs knowledge is necessary for a Customs brokerage to operate effectively. The components of such a plan are discussed, as well as the determinants that may affect the choices made. The discussion refers also to general issues of Customs knowledge acquisition, management and updating. The considerations apply to all Customs practitioners and trading businesses.

Anthony Buckley

knowledge management
en, lt
Interesting trends in Customs university programmes | WCO News

The business of Customs is extremely complex, and yet, until very recently, there was no academic recognition of Customs as a profession. Unlike lawyers, accountants, engineers and others who are able to point to some form of diploma that indicates they are professionals in their field, no equivalent existed for Customs officials. This changed in the 1990s, thanks to three like-minded individuals who had been developing Customs-specific curricula in their universities – Münster in Germany, Riga in Latvia and Canberra in Australia.

Professor David Widdowson

knowledge management
en, lt
Interesting trends in Customs university programmes | WCO News

The business of Customs is extremely complex, and yet, until very recently, there was no academic recognition of Customs as a profession. Unlike lawyers, accountants, engineers and others who are able to point to some form of diploma that indicates they are professionals in their field, no equivalent existed for Customs officials. This changed in the 1990s, thanks to three like-minded individuals who had been developing Customs-specific curricula in their universities – Münster in Germany, Riga in Latvia and Canberra in Australia.

Professor David Widdowson

knowledge management
en, lt
Effective enforcement of international trade regulations requires powerful data analytics | WCO News

New regulatory frameworks are constantly being introduced by governments with the aim of ensuring that the trading of goods remains compliant with their goals. While the regulators place the onus of compliance mainly on the importers themselves, Customs are also faced with the immense responsibility of enforcing these regulations effectively without stopping the wheels of the global economy from turning. The smart use of data and technology to provide Customs authorities with the necessary knowledge and tools represents the best way forward.

knowledge management
en, lt
Effective enforcement of international trade regulations requires powerful data analytics | WCO News

New regulatory frameworks are constantly being introduced by governments with the aim of ensuring that the trading of goods remains compliant with their goals. While the regulators place the onus of compliance mainly on the importers themselves, Customs are also faced with the immense responsibility of enforcing these regulations effectively without stopping the wheels of the global economy from turning. The smart use of data and technology to provide Customs authorities with the necessary knowledge and tools represents the best way forward.

knowledge management
Customs procedures - possibilities not to be missed and worth knowing about

The possibilities and risks of customs procedures were the focus of discussion at the 14th Authors' Meeting. Experts from Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, France, Bulgaria, Israel, Brazil and Argentina shared insights and tips on how to manage customs procedures for the maximum benefit of businesses. A number of issues were raised, particularly in relation to the use of special customs procedures.

knowledge management
Customs procedures - possibilities not to be missed and worth knowing about

The possibilities and risks of customs procedures were the focus of discussion at the 14th Authors' Meeting. Experts from Belgium, Germany, Lithuania, France, Bulgaria, Israel, Brazil and Argentina shared insights and tips on how to manage customs procedures for the maximum benefit of businesses. A number of issues were raised, particularly in relation to the use of special customs procedures.

knowledge management
en, lt
Knowledge management: interesting practices from brokers | WCO News

Customs brokers and Customs administrations share many challenges when it comes to collecting and sharing knowledge. This article introduces some of the practices used in this domain by brokers based in Lithuania.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
en, lt
Knowledge management: interesting practices from brokers | WCO News

Customs brokers and Customs administrations share many challenges when it comes to collecting and sharing knowledge. This article introduces some of the practices used in this domain by brokers based in Lithuania.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
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