Special customs procedures in the EU

Inward and outward processing, storage, temporary admission, end-use

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This course provides understanding and ability for customs specialists to execute activities related to the special procedures in the EU, with the exception of the transit procedure. Patrick Nieveler: 'The complexity of global supply chains is increasing in each economic sector. Therefore, it is important for businesses to use duty suspension regimes with effective tools and automated processes.' 

The course is one of the modules of the extensive Customs clearance and trade compliance in the EU training (see the brochure).


The course consists of seven lessons:

  1. Overview of special procedures
  2. Placing goods under a special procedure
  3. Inward processing
  4. Storage
  5. Outward processing
  6. End-use
  7. Temporary admission

In the resources section you will find slides and recommended reading. In addition, you can read articles of interest on the platform during the entire learning period (after purchasing the course, you will get access to the articles).

Upon successful completion of the quiz questions (more than 60% of the questions must be answered correctly), you will receive a certificate of completion.


After taking this course, the learner shall:

  • Demonstrate awareness and knowledge about different types of special procedures;
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of the steps and tasks associated to successfully placing goods under a special procedure.


Please plan to dedicate around 3 hours for learning.

The UCC offers the option to combine various special procedures. For example, companies using OP (outward processing) are not always clearing OP goods directly into free circulation but into a bonded warehouse.

Patrick Nieveler

Knowledge of customs procedures can lead to significant benefits, while the opposite can often be a waste of time and money.

Dr Momchil Antov

Customs Knowledge Institute: 🔗 Customs Knowledge Institute is an Irish not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to bring together passionate customs practitioners for the purpose of enhancing customs knowledge. 📧 support@customsknowledgeinstitute.org  
CustomsClear: we are the customs and trade compliance knowledge marketplace and our goal is to connect knowledge seekers with industry-related experts. Check other available 🔗courses.

Resources are available after purchase.

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Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

customs clearance
Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

customs clearance
EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are his responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are his responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

Customs data requirements in the EU – latest changes

The Union Customs Code and related regulations set out, among other things, the requirements for the data to be submitted to customs. Normally, these regulations are not often amended. However, this has not been the case recently, see ‘EU law news February 2024’. In this article, we provide an overview of some of the latest changes to the data elements and invite readers who are new to the subject to familiarise themselves with the data tables and the new definitions such as sub-elements, sub-classes and attributes.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance
Customs data requirements in the EU – latest changes

The Union Customs Code and related regulations set out, among other things, the requirements for the data to be submitted to customs. Normally, these regulations are not often amended. However, this has not been the case recently, see ‘EU law news February 2024’. In this article, we provide an overview of some of the latest changes to the data elements and invite readers who are new to the subject to familiarise themselves with the data tables and the new definitions such as sub-elements, sub-classes and attributes.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance
Muitinės deklaracijos pildymas: kuo vadovautis?

Kad sklandūs muitinės formalumai ir prekių išleidimas nėra duotybė, o didelių pastangų ir sudėtingų pasirengimų rezultatas, ypač pajuntame tuomet, kai procesai stringa, o tai pastaruoju metu nutinka neretai. Nuolatiniai sistemų atnaujinimai ir diegimai, juos pagrindžiančios teisinės bazės pokyčiai, kuria jausmą tarsi gyventume „nuolat remontuojamame bute“ – taip pajuokauta Muitinės praktikų asociacijos kovo 7 d. rengtoje apskrito stalo diskusijoje „Aktualūs pokyčiai muitinės deklaracijoje“. Pasidalinsiu įžvalgomis iš šios diskusijos, kuriai pirmasis dalyvio pateiktas klausimas buvo - kuo vadovautis pildant muitinės deklaraciją?

Daiva Baltronienė

customs clearance
Muitinės deklaracijos pildymas: kuo vadovautis?

Kad sklandūs muitinės formalumai ir prekių išleidimas nėra duotybė, o didelių pastangų ir sudėtingų pasirengimų rezultatas, ypač pajuntame tuomet, kai procesai stringa, o tai pastaruoju metu nutinka neretai. Nuolatiniai sistemų atnaujinimai ir diegimai, juos pagrindžiančios teisinės bazės pokyčiai, kuria jausmą tarsi gyventume „nuolat remontuojamame bute“ – taip pajuokauta Muitinės praktikų asociacijos kovo 7 d. rengtoje apskrito stalo diskusijoje „Aktualūs pokyčiai muitinės deklaracijoje“. Pasidalinsiu įžvalgomis iš šios diskusijos, kuriai pirmasis dalyvio pateiktas klausimas buvo - kuo vadovautis pildant muitinės deklaraciją?

Daiva Baltronienė

customs clearance
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