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Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

IT systems, databases, restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

IT systems, databases, restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
Customer service: the next wave

Since 2016, when the Finnish Government decided to digitalize all public services, Finnish Customs has been working on the development of digital services to improve its customer service. In 2017 the Administration explained, in the pages of this magazine, how it tested the innovation potential of a hackathon to identify solutions that would make it easier to access information about Customs regulations and procedures. In this article, we take a look at the latest tools implemented by Finnish Customs to enhance its capacity to help its customers – namely a chatbot and a contact management system.

Mikael Hyövälti

IT systems, databases
Customer service: the next wave

Since 2016, when the Finnish Government decided to digitalize all public services, Finnish Customs has been working on the development of digital services to improve its customer service. In 2017 the Administration explained, in the pages of this magazine, how it tested the innovation potential of a hackathon to identify solutions that would make it easier to access information about Customs regulations and procedures. In this article, we take a look at the latest tools implemented by Finnish Customs to enhance its capacity to help its customers – namely a chatbot and a contact management system.

Mikael Hyövälti

IT systems, databases
The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

IT systems, databases
The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

IT systems, databases
The AI revolution is underway, and this is good news for Customs

Customs authorities are showing a growing interest in adopting artificial intelligence (AI), the broad category of science that entails simulating human thinking capability and behaviour. As stated in a joint paper published by the World Customs Organization, (WCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) entitled The role of advanced technologies in cross-border trade: A Customs perspective, “around half of Customs authorities use some combination of big data analytics, AI and machine learning, while the other half plans to do so in the future.”

Dr. Chen Zhiqiang

IT systems, databases
The AI revolution is underway, and this is good news for Customs

Customs authorities are showing a growing interest in adopting artificial intelligence (AI), the broad category of science that entails simulating human thinking capability and behaviour. As stated in a joint paper published by the World Customs Organization, (WCO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) entitled The role of advanced technologies in cross-border trade: A Customs perspective, “around half of Customs authorities use some combination of big data analytics, AI and machine learning, while the other half plans to do so in the future.”

Dr. Chen Zhiqiang

IT systems, databases
en, lt
The European Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for business cooperating with customs

The European Green Course, presented at the end of 2019, raised new challenges for various business enterprises; however, at the same time, it presented new opportunities. Businesses that cooperate with customs, such as customs brokers, logistics companies, and companies that export or import goods, are no exception.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
The European Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for business cooperating with customs

The European Green Course, presented at the end of 2019, raised new challenges for various business enterprises; however, at the same time, it presented new opportunities. Businesses that cooperate with customs, such as customs brokers, logistics companies, and companies that export or import goods, are no exception.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU Single Window for Customs: new regulation and what lies ahead?

New regulation establishes the EU Single Window Environment for Customs (SWE-C) and amends the Union Customs Code (UCC). One of the objectives of SWE-C is to enable the seamless flow of data between the administrations of exporting and importing countries, as well as between customs authorities and economic operators, allowing data entered in the system to be re-used. What does it mean for business? What steps have been taken so far in practice? What lies ahead? What is changing in the UCC?

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
en, lt
EU Single Window for Customs: new regulation and what lies ahead?

New regulation establishes the EU Single Window Environment for Customs (SWE-C) and amends the Union Customs Code (UCC). One of the objectives of SWE-C is to enable the seamless flow of data between the administrations of exporting and importing countries, as well as between customs authorities and economic operators, allowing data entered in the system to be re-used. What does it mean for business? What steps have been taken so far in practice? What lies ahead? What is changing in the UCC?

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
What about customs trends in an economic downturn?

Obviously, customs could not stay aside from all the processes related to the economic downturn, being an important element in the global supply chain. Customs regulation can significantly affect the course and results of international trade in both directions: either to aggravate problems or to contribute to their solution. What customs trends can be identified today?

Anthony Buckley

IT systems, databases
What about customs trends in an economic downturn?

Obviously, customs could not stay aside from all the processes related to the economic downturn, being an important element in the global supply chain. Customs regulation can significantly affect the course and results of international trade in both directions: either to aggravate problems or to contribute to their solution. What customs trends can be identified today?

Anthony Buckley

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Digitalisation of customs processes and the strategy of the customs department

Overseeing the digitalisation of business processes is a particularly great challenge for executives responsible for customs and foreign trade - in addition to those presented by trade wars, Brexit and sanctions, which can change on a daily basis. The influence of digitalisation on production, purchasing, distribution and logistical processes relating to customs and foreign trade law demands serious change. At the same time, digitalisation offers the chance to develop efficient and future-proof solutions. But what is important to consider…?

Michael Tomuscheit

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Digitalisation of customs processes and the strategy of the customs department

Overseeing the digitalisation of business processes is a particularly great challenge for executives responsible for customs and foreign trade - in addition to those presented by trade wars, Brexit and sanctions, which can change on a daily basis. The influence of digitalisation on production, purchasing, distribution and logistical processes relating to customs and foreign trade law demands serious change. At the same time, digitalisation offers the chance to develop efficient and future-proof solutions. But what is important to consider…?

Michael Tomuscheit

IT systems, databases
Sankcijų taikymo ir dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės aktualijos

ES rengiant tolesnes sankcijas kaip atsaką į Rusijos paskelbtą karinio rezervo mobilizaciją karui Ukrainoje, temos svarba auga, juo labiau, kad griežtinama ir jau galiojančių sankcijų kontrolė. Šia tema kalbėjo ir į „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ surengto vebinaro dalyvių klausimus atsakė gerb. Rolandas Jurgaitis, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresnysis patarėjas. Pateikiame pranešimo ir vebinaro dalyvių keltų klausimų apžvalgą bei susijusią informaciją.

Customs Practitioners Association

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijų taikymo ir dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės aktualijos

ES rengiant tolesnes sankcijas kaip atsaką į Rusijos paskelbtą karinio rezervo mobilizaciją karui Ukrainoje, temos svarba auga, juo labiau, kad griežtinama ir jau galiojančių sankcijų kontrolė. Šia tema kalbėjo ir į „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ surengto vebinaro dalyvių klausimus atsakė gerb. Rolandas Jurgaitis, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresnysis patarėjas. Pateikiame pranešimo ir vebinaro dalyvių keltų klausimų apžvalgą bei susijusią informaciją.

Customs Practitioners Association

restrictions, trade barriers
What might be the consequences of non-authorised

Enrika Naujokė

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What might be the consequences of non-authorised export?

Enrika Naujokė

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restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C)

The ‘single window’ is a trade facilitation measure, allowing parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements, thus reducing duplication, time, and costs.

IT systems, databases
en, lt
EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C)

The ‘single window’ is a trade facilitation measure, allowing parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements, thus reducing duplication, time, and costs.

IT systems, databases
en, lt
European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe)

The European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) aims to improve administrative procedures in maritime transport by introducing a single window for reporting formalities for ships to harmonise processes and data exchange with economic operators. Legal acts establish that the latest date for the system to be operational is no later than 15.08.2025.

IT systems, databases
en, lt
European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe)

The European Maritime Single Window environment (EMSWe) aims to improve administrative procedures in maritime transport by introducing a single window for reporting formalities for ships to harmonise processes and data exchange with economic operators. Legal acts establish that the latest date for the system to be operational is no later than 15.08.2025.

IT systems, databases
Ar dėl administracinio nusižengimo gali būti konfiskuotos pažeidėjui nepriklausančios prekės?

Teismas sprendė pirotechnikos gaminių, kurių vertė 103 998 Eur, konfiskavimo klausimą. Gaminius bandyta išvežti į Rusiją pažeidžiant nustatytus draudimus. Administracine tvarka nubaustas pažeidėjas – transporto priemonės vairuotojas, jam skirta bauda (1 200 Eur) su gavėjui Rusijoje priklausančių prekių konfiskavimu. Ginčas kilo dėl pažeidėjui nepriklausančių prekių konfiskavimo. Apžvelkime situaciją ir kokį išaiškinimą pateikė teismas.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Ar dėl administracinio nusižengimo gali būti konfiskuotos pažeidėjui nepriklausančios prekės?

Teismas sprendė pirotechnikos gaminių, kurių vertė 103 998 Eur, konfiskavimo klausimą. Gaminius bandyta išvežti į Rusiją pažeidžiant nustatytus draudimus. Administracine tvarka nubaustas pažeidėjas – transporto priemonės vairuotojas, jam skirta bauda (1 200 Eur) su gavėjui Rusijoje priklausančių prekių konfiskavimu. Ginčas kilo dėl pažeidėjui nepriklausančių prekių konfiskavimo. Apžvelkime situaciją ir kokį išaiškinimą pateikė teismas.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Customs strategies at the heart of international business development

In the year 2021, there has been a major breakdown in the customs practices in the EU and the changes will continue over the next years for many reasons: data provisions and data quality will become the new hobbyhorse for customs authorities, more significant facilitations will be granted to companies who have the AEO status for e-commerce flows, etc. We provide a brief overview of the changes, highlight the role of customs experts in turning challenges into opportunities, and share some thoughts on what is needed to become a member of the big family united under the customs topic.

Christophe Pereira

IT systems, databases
Customs strategies at the heart of international business development

In the year 2021, there has been a major breakdown in the customs practices in the EU and the changes will continue over the next years for many reasons: data provisions and data quality will become the new hobbyhorse for customs authorities, more significant facilitations will be granted to companies who have the AEO status for e-commerce flows, etc. We provide a brief overview of the changes, highlight the role of customs experts in turning challenges into opportunities, and share some thoughts on what is needed to become a member of the big family united under the customs topic.

Christophe Pereira

IT systems, databases
Protecting importers’ information while improving Customs controls

Customs administrations and trade operators both want to reduce the complexity of compiling and exchanging data. However, there can be tension between the Customs administration’s need to access data and the company’s need to protect confidential information. This article presents two solutions for analysing and reporting data which ensure strong data protection by allowing access to the data without the need to move them around.

Jeff Rittener

IT systems, databases
Protecting importers’ information while improving Customs controls

Customs administrations and trade operators both want to reduce the complexity of compiling and exchanging data. However, there can be tension between the Customs administration’s need to access data and the company’s need to protect confidential information. This article presents two solutions for analysing and reporting data which ensure strong data protection by allowing access to the data without the need to move them around.

Jeff Rittener

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Introduction to export controls – What

Bertrand Rager

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Introduction to export controls – What is it? Why? When? How?

Bertrand Rager

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
New on Access2Markets: export bans imposed by Russia and Belarus

In response to EU and other countries’ sanctions, Russia and Belarus retaliated by imposing export bans on certain products to what were branded ‘unfriendly countries’. As a result, some products, although not subject to EU import restrictions, cannot be imported because they cannot be taken out of the exporting country. So how can one learn which goods are restricted? Information on export prohibitions, restrictions and tariffs are now available on Access2Markets.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
en, lt
New on Access2Markets: export bans imposed by Russia and Belarus

In response to EU and other countries’ sanctions, Russia and Belarus retaliated by imposing export bans on certain products to what were branded ‘unfriendly countries’. As a result, some products, although not subject to EU import restrictions, cannot be imported because they cannot be taken out of the exporting country. So how can one learn which goods are restricted? Information on export prohibitions, restrictions and tariffs are now available on Access2Markets.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

IT systems, databases
Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

IT systems, databases
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