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en, lt
Payment of interest on returned sums that were unlawfully recovered by the customs authorities in the EU Member States and their assessment by the EU courts

In business practice, the customs authorities often recover from the traders (business entities) (or sometimes – refuse to pay to these persons) various duties, charges, levies, or sanctions administered by them, even though such recovery or refusing to pay them at the later date may be declared illegal, contrary to the EU law, e.g. by national courts. Accordingly, in such a situation the question arises whether such wrongly recovered and/or paid sums (customs duties, other charges, penalties) administered by the customs authorities in the EU Member States must be repaid together with additionally calculated interest for the period during which the person concerned was unlawfully deprived of the relevant sums of money? The article analyses how such issues should be addressed in the light of recent case law of the European Court of Justice (CJEU).

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
en, lt
Payment of interest on returned sums that were unlawfully recovered by the customs authorities in the EU Member States and their assessment by the EU courts

In business practice, the customs authorities often recover from the traders (business entities) (or sometimes – refuse to pay to these persons) various duties, charges, levies, or sanctions administered by them, even though such recovery or refusing to pay them at the later date may be declared illegal, contrary to the EU law, e.g. by national courts. Accordingly, in such a situation the question arises whether such wrongly recovered and/or paid sums (customs duties, other charges, penalties) administered by the customs authorities in the EU Member States must be repaid together with additionally calculated interest for the period during which the person concerned was unlawfully deprived of the relevant sums of money? The article analyses how such issues should be addressed in the light of recent case law of the European Court of Justice (CJEU).

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
Prekių laikinojo saugojimo pažeidimai ir jų teisinio vertinimo aktualijos (I dalis): nusižengimai susiję su veiklomis laikinojo saugojimo sandėliuose

Vienas iš esminių muitinės formalumų, su kuriuo tenka susidurti daugeliu prekių atgabenimo į ES muitų teritoriją atvejų, yra laikinasis saugojimas – ES muitų teisės aktuose apibrėžta būsena, kurioje prekės yra prižiūrimos tol, kol joms nebus įforminta jų galutinį muitinį statusą apibrėžianti muitinės procedūra. Akcentuotina, kad laikinojo saugojimo tinkamo vykdymo užtikrinimo tikslais muitų teisės aktai nustato konkrečius griežtus bei imperatyvius reikalavimus, kurių nesilaikymas gali užtraukti administracinę atsakomybę. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame straipsnyje, įvertinus aktualią pastarųjų metų (nuo 2019 m.) teismų praktiką, apžvelgiamas vienas iš teisinės atsakomybės už prekių laikinojo saugojimo pažeidimus taikymo elementų – nusižengimų, susijusių su laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių veikla, teisinis vertinimas ir jo naujovės bei aktualijos.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Prekių laikinojo saugojimo pažeidimai ir jų teisinio vertinimo aktualijos (I dalis): nusižengimai susiję su veiklomis laikinojo saugojimo sandėliuose

Vienas iš esminių muitinės formalumų, su kuriuo tenka susidurti daugeliu prekių atgabenimo į ES muitų teritoriją atvejų, yra laikinasis saugojimas – ES muitų teisės aktuose apibrėžta būsena, kurioje prekės yra prižiūrimos tol, kol joms nebus įforminta jų galutinį muitinį statusą apibrėžianti muitinės procedūra. Akcentuotina, kad laikinojo saugojimo tinkamo vykdymo užtikrinimo tikslais muitų teisės aktai nustato konkrečius griežtus bei imperatyvius reikalavimus, kurių nesilaikymas gali užtraukti administracinę atsakomybę. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame straipsnyje, įvertinus aktualią pastarųjų metų (nuo 2019 m.) teismų praktiką, apžvelgiamas vienas iš teisinės atsakomybės už prekių laikinojo saugojimo pažeidimus taikymo elementų – nusižengimų, susijusių su laikinojo saugojimo sandėlių veikla, teisinis vertinimas ir jo naujovės bei aktualijos.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Solidari atsakomybė už skolą muitinei: tai „tik“ muito ar ir kitų mokesčių rizika?

Atstovas muitinėje gali atstovauti klientą muitinėje tiesiogiai arba netiesiogiai. Pastaruoju atveju atstovas yra solidariai atsakingas už skolą muitinei. Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) aktualiai išnagrinėtoje byloje atsakė į klausimą, ar netiesioginis atstovas solidariai atsako ne tik už muito, bet ir importo PVM sumokėjimą.

Jurgita Stanienė

duties, taxes
Solidari atsakomybė už skolą muitinei: tai „tik“ muito ar ir kitų mokesčių rizika?

Atstovas muitinėje gali atstovauti klientą muitinėje tiesiogiai arba netiesiogiai. Pastaruoju atveju atstovas yra solidariai atsakingas už skolą muitinei. Europos Sąjungos Teisingumo Teismas (ESTT) aktualiai išnagrinėtoje byloje atsakė į klausimą, ar netiesioginis atstovas solidariai atsako ne tik už muito, bet ir importo PVM sumokėjimą.

Jurgita Stanienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcionuojami asmenys: pažink savo
01h 01min

Andrius Košel

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restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcionuojami asmenys: pažink savo klientus ir tiekėjus
01h 01min

Andrius Košel

‎ €49.99
restrictions, trade barriers
Tarptautinės sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: teisinis reguliavimas ir verslo rizikos valdymas

Tarptautinės sankcijos – privalomos kiekvienam, ir ne tik ES įvedami ribojimai. Verslui tenka susidurti ir su kitų šalių, pavyzdžiui, JAV, ekstrateritorialaus poveikio sankcijomis. Kaip valdyti riziką? Apžvelkime ribojimus sandorio šalims, jų patikrą viešai prieinamuose sąrašuose, sankcijų įtaką finansinėms operacijoms, apėjimo rizikos valdymą ir atsakomybę, teismų praktiką ir kokias reikėtų numatyti prekių pirkimo-pardavimo ar kitų sutarčių sąlygas, kad įvedus sankcijas, įtakojančias sandorį, būtų apsisaugota nuo neigiamų pasekmių.

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Tarptautinės sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: teisinis reguliavimas ir verslo rizikos valdymas

Tarptautinės sankcijos – privalomos kiekvienam, ir ne tik ES įvedami ribojimai. Verslui tenka susidurti ir su kitų šalių, pavyzdžiui, JAV, ekstrateritorialaus poveikio sankcijomis. Kaip valdyti riziką? Apžvelkime ribojimus sandorio šalims, jų patikrą viešai prieinamuose sąrašuose, sankcijų įtaką finansinėms operacijoms, apėjimo rizikos valdymą ir atsakomybę, teismų praktiką ir kokias reikėtų numatyti prekių pirkimo-pardavimo ar kitų sutarčių sąlygas, kad įvedus sankcijas, įtakojančias sandorį, būtų apsisaugota nuo neigiamų pasekmių.

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Keep an eye on customs case law or Who has enough money to throw away?

‘Compliance’ with statute law has given rise to a lot of publications and debates. However, when considering compliance, it should not be forgotten that case law also influences a company’s organisation and processes. Can you think of any court cases which are having an effect on your internal operations? Using the current proceedings on ‘reimbursement interest’ as an example, this contribution shows that court rulings can influence customs practice in companies and so it is important that you follow court proceedings from the outset. This is because even pending proceedings may enable you to earn money with customs or at least avoid throwing it away. Court judgements do not always operate to the detriment of the economic participant.

Dr. Talke Ovie

duties, taxes
Keep an eye on customs case law or Who has enough money to throw away?

‘Compliance’ with statute law has given rise to a lot of publications and debates. However, when considering compliance, it should not be forgotten that case law also influences a company’s organisation and processes. Can you think of any court cases which are having an effect on your internal operations? Using the current proceedings on ‘reimbursement interest’ as an example, this contribution shows that court rulings can influence customs practice in companies and so it is important that you follow court proceedings from the outset. This is because even pending proceedings may enable you to earn money with customs or at least avoid throwing it away. Court judgements do not always operate to the detriment of the economic participant.

Dr. Talke Ovie

duties, taxes
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Trade Barriers Regulation of the EU

Part of the EU’s trade rules enforcement arsenal, the Trade Barriers Regulation is a legal instrument that gives EU companies, industries, associations and Member States the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission about trade barriers in third countries.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Trade Barriers Regulation of the EU

Part of the EU’s trade rules enforcement arsenal, the Trade Barriers Regulation is a legal instrument that gives EU companies, industries, associations and Member States the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission about trade barriers in third countries.

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijoms nustatytų išimčių taikymas

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijoms nustatytų išimčių taikymas

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė

restrictions, trade barriers
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

restrictions, trade barriers
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijų, susijusių su prekių judėjimu, taikymo praktikoje klausimai

Tinkamas ir teisingas dėl karo Ukrainoje įvestų sankcijų taikymas tapo iššūkiu tiek muitinei, tiek verslui. Siekdama vienodo taikymo praktikoje visose ES šalyse narėse ir atsakyti į kylančius klausimus, Europos Komisija parengė ir š. m. kovo 23 d. publikavo gairę, kuri parengta atsakymų į dažnai užduodamus klausimus forma. Apžvelkime atsakymus į klausimus dėl sankcijų įsigaliojimo momento, išimčių laikinojo saugojimo terminui, dėl prabangos prekių vertės nustatymo ir prekių vieneto sąvokos, dėl medienos gaminių importo draudimo bei dėl prekių importo iš Donecko ir Luhansko sričių.

Enrika Naujokė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijų, susijusių su prekių judėjimu, taikymo praktikoje klausimai

Tinkamas ir teisingas dėl karo Ukrainoje įvestų sankcijų taikymas tapo iššūkiu tiek muitinei, tiek verslui. Siekdama vienodo taikymo praktikoje visose ES šalyse narėse ir atsakyti į kylančius klausimus, Europos Komisija parengė ir š. m. kovo 23 d. publikavo gairę, kuri parengta atsakymų į dažnai užduodamus klausimus forma. Apžvelkime atsakymus į klausimus dėl sankcijų įsigaliojimo momento, išimčių laikinojo saugojimo terminui, dėl prabangos prekių vertės nustatymo ir prekių vieneto sąvokos, dėl medienos gaminių importo draudimo bei dėl prekių importo iš Donecko ir Luhansko sričių.

Enrika Naujokė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

restrictions, trade barriers
Phytosanitary, veterinary and sanitary import controls in various countries

Any state that allows animals, plants or products of animal and plant origin to enter its territory shall establish additional measures aimed at protecting people, animals and plants from infection, pests and diseases. Having a similar purpose, these measures differ depending on the country of their application. The article offers examples of the use of such measures in some countries, in particular, the UK (where the IPAFFS system is replacing the EU's TRACES), Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic Union.

Dinesh Unadkat

restrictions, trade barriers
Phytosanitary, veterinary and sanitary import controls in various countries

Any state that allows animals, plants or products of animal and plant origin to enter its territory shall establish additional measures aimed at protecting people, animals and plants from infection, pests and diseases. Having a similar purpose, these measures differ depending on the country of their application. The article offers examples of the use of such measures in some countries, in particular, the UK (where the IPAFFS system is replacing the EU's TRACES), Ukraine and the Eurasian Economic Union.

Dinesh Unadkat

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Licensing procedures (export and import)

Licensing is a restrictive measure that consists of the need to obtain permission from the competent authority to import or export goods.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Licensing procedures (export and import)

Licensing is a restrictive measure that consists of the need to obtain permission from the competent authority to import or export goods.

restrictions, trade barriers
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