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Erga omnes arba didžiausio palankumo režimo muito tarifas – kas tai?

Naršant TARIC ir LITAR duomenų bazes, susidursite su sąvoka „erga omnes muito tarifas". Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos kalba tai – „didžiausio palankumo režimo muito tarifas" (angl. Most-favoured-nation tariff (MFN tariff)). Ką šios sąvokos reiškia?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes
Erga omnes arba didžiausio palankumo režimo muito tarifas – kas tai?

Naršant TARIC ir LITAR duomenų bazes, susidursite su sąvoka „erga omnes muito tarifas". Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos kalba tai – „didžiausio palankumo režimo muito tarifas" (angl. Most-favoured-nation tariff (MFN tariff)). Ką šios sąvokos reiškia?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes
Customs law: retrospective change of the customs declarant

It has now been established by the supreme judicial authority, that it is possible to amend the customs declaration subsequently, even with regard to the information relating to the identity of the declarant. However, with some limitations, which we point out in the overview of the recent judgement of the European Court of Justice.

Dr. Talke Ovie

customs brokers
Customs law: retrospective change of the customs declarant

It has now been established by the supreme judicial authority, that it is possible to amend the customs declaration subsequently, even with regard to the information relating to the identity of the declarant. However, with some limitations, which we point out in the overview of the recent judgement of the European Court of Justice.

Dr. Talke Ovie

customs brokers
bg, en
Royalties and customs value: CJEU clarification to Bulgarian courts

The goal of the EU law on customs valuation is to introduce a fair, uniform, and neutral system excluding the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values. The customs value must therefore reflect the real economic value of an imported product and take into account all of the elements of that product that have economic value. In this article we are going to review how the Bulgarian courts apply the provisions related to customs valuation, more specifically, to the inclusion of royalties in the customs value of the goods.

Елиф Мехмедова

bg, en
Royalties and customs value: CJEU clarification to Bulgarian courts

The goal of the EU law on customs valuation is to introduce a fair, uniform, and neutral system excluding the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values. The customs value must therefore reflect the real economic value of an imported product and take into account all of the elements of that product that have economic value. In this article we are going to review how the Bulgarian courts apply the provisions related to customs valuation, more specifically, to the inclusion of royalties in the customs value of the goods.

Елиф Мехмедова

Recent tariff classification issues in Latvia: copper alloy ingots

National courts often make use of the possibility to seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia recently raised a very technical question, which, however, concerns the general interpretation of a provision of the Combined Nomenclature of the EU regarding classification of the copper alloy ingots. The article overviews the case and its importance for the uniform tariff classification of goods in the EU Member States.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

Recent tariff classification issues in Latvia: copper alloy ingots

National courts often make use of the possibility to seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia recently raised a very technical question, which, however, concerns the general interpretation of a provision of the Combined Nomenclature of the EU regarding classification of the copper alloy ingots. The article overviews the case and its importance for the uniform tariff classification of goods in the EU Member States.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

en, lt
Opportunities for producers: tariff suspensions

Due to tariffs suspensions Lithuanian producers saved more than 5.15 million euros in 2019. This amount seems considerable, but it could have been significantly higher! In this article, we draw the attention of producers to an opportunity which, in our view, is not sufficiently exploited yet. We also review the current issues - which goods are no longer subject to tariff suspensions due to the new EU Environmental Policy and Industrial Policy, and exceptions - when tariff suspensions are compatible with the application of the anti-dumping duty. Finally, we will share practical advice on how to complete a customs declaration and briefly review other countries' requests for tariff suspensions.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Opportunities for producers: tariff suspensions

Due to tariffs suspensions Lithuanian producers saved more than 5.15 million euros in 2019. This amount seems considerable, but it could have been significantly higher! In this article, we draw the attention of producers to an opportunity which, in our view, is not sufficiently exploited yet. We also review the current issues - which goods are no longer subject to tariff suspensions due to the new EU Environmental Policy and Industrial Policy, and exceptions - when tariff suspensions are compatible with the application of the anti-dumping duty. Finally, we will share practical advice on how to complete a customs declaration and briefly review other countries' requests for tariff suspensions.

Žydrė Bartaškienė

duties, taxes
Žemės ūkio produktų importo ir eksporto naujovės nuo 2021.01.01

2021 m. sausio 1 d. bus pradėtas taikyti 2019 m. gruodžio 17 d. Komisijos deleguotasis reglamentas (ES) Nr. 2020/760. Pareiškėjai, norintys importuoti arba eksportuoti žemės ūkio produktus pagal importo tarifines kvotas, turėtų susipažinti su naujomis sąlygomis ir reikalavimais. Apžvelgiame ir kitus verslui svarbius šios srities reglamentus, bei paraiškų licencijoms gauti teikimą Lietuvoje.

The Agricultural Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture

duties, taxes
Žemės ūkio produktų importo ir eksporto naujovės nuo 2021.01.01

2021 m. sausio 1 d. bus pradėtas taikyti 2019 m. gruodžio 17 d. Komisijos deleguotasis reglamentas (ES) Nr. 2020/760. Pareiškėjai, norintys importuoti arba eksportuoti žemės ūkio produktus pagal importo tarifines kvotas, turėtų susipažinti su naujomis sąlygomis ir reikalavimais. Apžvelgiame ir kitus verslui svarbius šios srities reglamentus, bei paraiškų licencijoms gauti teikimą Lietuvoje.

The Agricultural Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture

duties, taxes
en, lt
Review of anti-dumping measures in the EU

The global market and increasing competition among market participants encourage unfair trade practices. Various anti-dumping measures are in place to stop unfair trade and protect EU producers. The number of anti-dumping measures is growing every year in the EU, which ensures fair trade and reduces the formation of monopoly positions on the market. From 2019, the EU more focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to protect them from unfair trade by simplifying procedures. The anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures have led to an average reduction of 80 per cent in unfair trade. This shows that the anti-dumping measures in the EU are working effectively.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Review of anti-dumping measures in the EU

The global market and increasing competition among market participants encourage unfair trade practices. Various anti-dumping measures are in place to stop unfair trade and protect EU producers. The number of anti-dumping measures is growing every year in the EU, which ensures fair trade and reduces the formation of monopoly positions on the market. From 2019, the EU more focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to protect them from unfair trade by simplifying procedures. The anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures have led to an average reduction of 80 per cent in unfair trade. This shows that the anti-dumping measures in the EU are working effectively.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

duties, taxes
Application of WTO law in tax disputes with Lithuanian customs authorities: mission (not) possible?

In this article, by evaluating the latest case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Order of 27 May 2020 in Administrative Case No. eA-2474-968 / 2020, etc.), we will review how the provisions of WTO law in national courts have been (and are) applied in the Republic of Lithuania in tax disputes with customs authorities and what are the possibilities for relying directly on them to defend the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayers.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law international
Application of WTO law in tax disputes with Lithuanian customs authorities: mission (not) possible?

In this article, by evaluating the latest case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Order of 27 May 2020 in Administrative Case No. eA-2474-968 / 2020, etc.), we will review how the provisions of WTO law in national courts have been (and are) applied in the Republic of Lithuania in tax disputes with customs authorities and what are the possibilities for relying directly on them to defend the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayers.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law international
EU customs law and international maritime law: relationship and its problematic issues

The article seeks to identify legal issues related to the implementation of economic activities in maritime areas by analyzing the customs law of the European Union (EU) and its regulations (Union Customs Code (UCC) and the regulations related to its implementation) defining the boundaries of the EU customs territory, determining the customs origin of goods and describing the order of the customs procedures. The author also presents suggestions on how the identified legal issues should be addressed by amending EU customs legislation and what are the tax risks associated with them.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law, origin
EU customs law and international maritime law: relationship and its problematic issues

The article seeks to identify legal issues related to the implementation of economic activities in maritime areas by analyzing the customs law of the European Union (EU) and its regulations (Union Customs Code (UCC) and the regulations related to its implementation) defining the boundaries of the EU customs territory, determining the customs origin of goods and describing the order of the customs procedures. The author also presents suggestions on how the identified legal issues should be addressed by amending EU customs legislation and what are the tax risks associated with them.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law, origin
en, lt
EU VAT e-commerce package: questions raised by express and postal operators in Lithuania

Although quite some time has elapsed since the announcement of the amendments to the provisions on distance selling of goods and the EU Council has adopted a number of documents setting out implementing measures for the VAT e-commerce package and details of the operation of the VAT one-stop-shop since the end of 2017 until now, there is still a lack of exceptionally important information needed for express and postal operators to be properly prepared for the practical application of the new VAT e-commerce rules. Even extension of the period of the implementation of the rules for six months does not seem to be a long enough period for settlement of all ambiguities.

Lina Petronienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
EU VAT e-commerce package: questions raised by express and postal operators in Lithuania

Although quite some time has elapsed since the announcement of the amendments to the provisions on distance selling of goods and the EU Council has adopted a number of documents setting out implementing measures for the VAT e-commerce package and details of the operation of the VAT one-stop-shop since the end of 2017 until now, there is still a lack of exceptionally important information needed for express and postal operators to be properly prepared for the practical application of the new VAT e-commerce rules. Even extension of the period of the implementation of the rules for six months does not seem to be a long enough period for settlement of all ambiguities.

Lina Petronienė

duties, taxes
Infringements and sanctions: theft of goods placed under customs supervision. CJEU case law

What happens if the goods placed under customs supervision are stolen? Is that circumstance to be regarded as relieving the person in charge of the goods from related tax obligations arising from the release for free circulation? May the national legislation of an EU Member State impose a pecuniary penalty, which equals to the amount of import duties or some other amount? Or may be both imposed – the payment of duties and the pecuniary penalty?

Andrius Košel

import, violations
Infringements and sanctions: theft of goods placed under customs supervision. CJEU case law

What happens if the goods placed under customs supervision are stolen? Is that circumstance to be regarded as relieving the person in charge of the goods from related tax obligations arising from the release for free circulation? May the national legislation of an EU Member State impose a pecuniary penalty, which equals to the amount of import duties or some other amount? Or may be both imposed – the payment of duties and the pecuniary penalty?

Andrius Košel

import, violations
Disputes regarding legality of the EU‘s antidumping customs duties: situation and experience in EU (Lithuania)

The antidumping duties, which are often imposed to protect internal market from unfair competition of foreign goods, can reach up to 100 percent of the customs value of the goods or even more when the average rate of conventional customs duties does not exceed as much as 5 per cent. For this and other reasons, the question of the possibilities of protection of the business entities, exporter‘s and importer‘s rights as well as legitimate interests in cases of application of such duties becomes critical and the possibilities of challenging them remain very important and will be discussed in this article, by analyzing judicial practice in the tax disputes in the EU courts, and, in particular, national courts in the EU Member States, namely, the Republic of Lithuania.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Disputes regarding legality of the EU‘s antidumping customs duties: situation and experience in EU (Lithuania)

The antidumping duties, which are often imposed to protect internal market from unfair competition of foreign goods, can reach up to 100 percent of the customs value of the goods or even more when the average rate of conventional customs duties does not exceed as much as 5 per cent. For this and other reasons, the question of the possibilities of protection of the business entities, exporter‘s and importer‘s rights as well as legitimate interests in cases of application of such duties becomes critical and the possibilities of challenging them remain very important and will be discussed in this article, by analyzing judicial practice in the tax disputes in the EU courts, and, in particular, national courts in the EU Member States, namely, the Republic of Lithuania.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Eksportas į Indijos Respubliką ir tarptautinės prekybos tarifinės bei netarifinės kliūtys – į ką reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį?

Viena iš svarbiausių, į svarbiausių ES prekybos partnerių dešimtuką patenkančių ES prekybos partnerių yra Indijos Respublika. ES (tame tarpe ir Lietuvos Respublikos) verslo subjektams ieškant naujų prekybos bei eksporto rinkų (ypač dėl dabartinių ekonomikos sukrėtimų, susijusių su Covid19 pandemijos poveikiu) itin aktualiais tampa klausimai su kokias eksporto ribojimais, kliūtimis ar muitais jie gali susidurti eksportuodami į Indijos Respubliką. Ar tokio eksporto sąlygos yra tinkamos, priimtinos bei gali užtikrinti sklandžius prekybos srautus ir reikiamas teisines garantijas veikiant Indijos rinkoje? Kodėl ES su vis dar nepavyksta sudaryti laisvosios prekybos sutarties su šia šalimi, kuri, tikėtina, padidintų ir europietiškų prekių eksportą į Indiją? Straipsnyje ES ir Lietuvos Respublikos eksportuotojams pateikiama informacija apie tarptautinės prekybos su Indija kliūtis, šios prekybos teisines sąlygas ir apibūdinama kokių pokyčių galima tikėtis artimiausioje ateityje.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Eksportas į Indijos Respubliką ir tarptautinės prekybos tarifinės bei netarifinės kliūtys – į ką reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį?

Viena iš svarbiausių, į svarbiausių ES prekybos partnerių dešimtuką patenkančių ES prekybos partnerių yra Indijos Respublika. ES (tame tarpe ir Lietuvos Respublikos) verslo subjektams ieškant naujų prekybos bei eksporto rinkų (ypač dėl dabartinių ekonomikos sukrėtimų, susijusių su Covid19 pandemijos poveikiu) itin aktualiais tampa klausimai su kokias eksporto ribojimais, kliūtimis ar muitais jie gali susidurti eksportuodami į Indijos Respubliką. Ar tokio eksporto sąlygos yra tinkamos, priimtinos bei gali užtikrinti sklandžius prekybos srautus ir reikiamas teisines garantijas veikiant Indijos rinkoje? Kodėl ES su vis dar nepavyksta sudaryti laisvosios prekybos sutarties su šia šalimi, kuri, tikėtina, padidintų ir europietiškų prekių eksportą į Indiją? Straipsnyje ES ir Lietuvos Respublikos eksportuotojams pateikiama informacija apie tarptautinės prekybos su Indija kliūtis, šios prekybos teisines sąlygas ir apibūdinama kokių pokyčių galima tikėtis artimiausioje ateityje.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
ECJ ruling on the tariff classification of heat patches to treat muscle injuries and soreness

From a tariff classification point of view, the scope of the term ‘medical products’ has been and continues to be controversial in some instances. For businesses, classification of goods that may or may not have medical application outside of Harmonised System Chapter 30 can result in their goods attracting a significant customs duty rate. This article summarises the case where heat patches, designed to treat muscle injuries and soreness, were originally classified by Commission Implementing Regulation 2016/1140 under heading 3824, but following an appeal to the ECJ, these items were found to be a products of heading 3005.

Dr David Savage

ECJ ruling on the tariff classification of heat patches to treat muscle injuries and soreness

From a tariff classification point of view, the scope of the term ‘medical products’ has been and continues to be controversial in some instances. For businesses, classification of goods that may or may not have medical application outside of Harmonised System Chapter 30 can result in their goods attracting a significant customs duty rate. This article summarises the case where heat patches, designed to treat muscle injuries and soreness, were originally classified by Commission Implementing Regulation 2016/1140 under heading 3824, but following an appeal to the ECJ, these items were found to be a products of heading 3005.

Dr David Savage

Problematic areas of the application of customs duties in the international trade between the EU and Republic of India: tax disputes arising in the EU and its Member States (Lithuania)

The article seeks to answer the question what are the specific practical regulatory problems currently facing the international trade operators engaged in international trade business between the EU Member States and the Republic of India and how they can be reflected/solved in the possible free trade agreement between them. Problematic areas of the application of customs duties are being identified on the basis of a case study of tax disputes regarding imports of goods from India on EU level (in the Court of Justice of the EU and national level of the EU Member States (using the Republic of Lithuania as the main example)).

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

trade policy
Problematic areas of the application of customs duties in the international trade between the EU and Republic of India: tax disputes arising in the EU and its Member States (Lithuania)

The article seeks to answer the question what are the specific practical regulatory problems currently facing the international trade operators engaged in international trade business between the EU Member States and the Republic of India and how they can be reflected/solved in the possible free trade agreement between them. Problematic areas of the application of customs duties are being identified on the basis of a case study of tax disputes regarding imports of goods from India on EU level (in the Court of Justice of the EU and national level of the EU Member States (using the Republic of Lithuania as the main example)).

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

trade policy
Muitinės skolininko samprata Sąjungos muitinės kodekse ir ES Teisingumo Teismo praktikoje: į ką būtina atkreipti dėmesį?

Tiek mokestinių ginčų praktikoje, tiek ir muitinės vykdomų mokestinių patikrinimų ar tyrimų metu labai dažnai kyla klausimas kurį asmenį muitinė turi teisę laikyti skolininku ir, atitinkamai, jo atžvilgiu apskaičiuoti papildomai mokėtinas importo mokesčių sumas ar atlikti šių mokesčių kontrolės veiksmus, taikyti atsakomybės priemones. Pavyzdžiui, šioje srityje dažnai keliami klausimai ar skolininku muitinei pripažintinas tik verslo subjektas faktiškai įsigijęs prekes, atgabentas į ES ir Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teritoriją, t. y. importuotojas, ir ar tokį pat statusą gali turėti šias prekes faktiškai atgabenęs asmuo (vežėjas), jų įsigijimą ir gabenimą organizavęs asmuo (tarpininkas), ar atgabentų prekių muitinės procedūras padėjęs įforminti asmuo (deklarantas) bei kiti tarptautinės prekybos ir prekių tiekimo sandorių grandinėje dalyvavę asmenys. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgsime Sąjungos muitinės kodekso (SMK) nuostatas bei aktualią ES Teisingumo Teismo (ESTT) praktiką, kuri padeda atsakyti į šiuos klausimus bei leidžia verslo subjektams apginti savo teises ir teisėtus interesus ginčytinose situacijose.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Muitinės skolininko samprata Sąjungos muitinės kodekse ir ES Teisingumo Teismo praktikoje: į ką būtina atkreipti dėmesį?

Tiek mokestinių ginčų praktikoje, tiek ir muitinės vykdomų mokestinių patikrinimų ar tyrimų metu labai dažnai kyla klausimas kurį asmenį muitinė turi teisę laikyti skolininku ir, atitinkamai, jo atžvilgiu apskaičiuoti papildomai mokėtinas importo mokesčių sumas ar atlikti šių mokesčių kontrolės veiksmus, taikyti atsakomybės priemones. Pavyzdžiui, šioje srityje dažnai keliami klausimai ar skolininku muitinei pripažintinas tik verslo subjektas faktiškai įsigijęs prekes, atgabentas į ES ir Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teritoriją, t. y. importuotojas, ir ar tokį pat statusą gali turėti šias prekes faktiškai atgabenęs asmuo (vežėjas), jų įsigijimą ir gabenimą organizavęs asmuo (tarpininkas), ar atgabentų prekių muitinės procedūras padėjęs įforminti asmuo (deklarantas) bei kiti tarptautinės prekybos ir prekių tiekimo sandorių grandinėje dalyvavę asmenys. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgsime Sąjungos muitinės kodekso (SMK) nuostatas bei aktualią ES Teisingumo Teismo (ESTT) praktiką, kuri padeda atsakyti į šiuos klausimus bei leidžia verslo subjektams apginti savo teises ir teisėtus interesus ginčytinose situacijose.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
en, lt
What should we know about customs procedure 42?

Although customs procedure 42 has been applied in Lithuania for a number of years, there are still questions from declarants and companies on how to declare goods and what actions should be taken after customs clearance. We provide an overview of the questions and answers and also point out why fiscal representation in Lithuania is rarely used.

Jolanta Diktanienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
What should we know about customs procedure 42?

Although customs procedure 42 has been applied in Lithuania for a number of years, there are still questions from declarants and companies on how to declare goods and what actions should be taken after customs clearance. We provide an overview of the questions and answers and also point out why fiscal representation in Lithuania is rarely used.

Jolanta Diktanienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Tariff quotas for imports into EU

Tariff quotas permit total or partial suspension of the normal duties applicable to imported goods. The quotas are set for a limited quantity of goods and for a limited period.

duties, taxes
en, lt
Tariff quotas for imports into EU

Tariff quotas permit total or partial suspension of the normal duties applicable to imported goods. The quotas are set for a limited quantity of goods and for a limited period.

duties, taxes
Antidempingo muitų taikymas ES: teisinė praktika bei ginčijimo pagrindai ir galimybės

Europos Sąjunga, kaip ir daugelis kitų pasaulio valstybių bei jų muitų sąjungų, taiko prekybos apsaugos priemonių sistemą, kuriomis siekiama užkirsti kelią nesąžiningai prekybai tais atvejais, kai produktai iš trečiųjų valstybių importuojami tokiomis sąlygomis, kurios prieštarauja sąžiningos konkurencijos principams. Viena iš tokių priemonių, kuri pastaruoju metu, reaguojant į Covid-19 pandemijos sukeltus ekonominius sukrėtimus, ES institucijų taikoma vis dažniau yra antidempingo muitai. Jų taikymo atveju importuotojams bei eksportuotojams itin aktualiu tampa praktinis klausimas kokios yra teisinės galimybės juos užginčyti, kas ir aptariama šiame straipsnyje.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Antidempingo muitų taikymas ES: teisinė praktika bei ginčijimo pagrindai ir galimybės

Europos Sąjunga, kaip ir daugelis kitų pasaulio valstybių bei jų muitų sąjungų, taiko prekybos apsaugos priemonių sistemą, kuriomis siekiama užkirsti kelią nesąžiningai prekybai tais atvejais, kai produktai iš trečiųjų valstybių importuojami tokiomis sąlygomis, kurios prieštarauja sąžiningos konkurencijos principams. Viena iš tokių priemonių, kuri pastaruoju metu, reaguojant į Covid-19 pandemijos sukeltus ekonominius sukrėtimus, ES institucijų taikoma vis dažniau yra antidempingo muitai. Jų taikymo atveju importuotojams bei eksportuotojams itin aktualiu tampa praktinis klausimas kokios yra teisinės galimybės juos užginčyti, kas ir aptariama šiame straipsnyje.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
Prekių tiekimas muitinės sandėlyje apmokestinamas standartiniu PVM tarifu

Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas sprendė ginčą, ar Lietuvos įmonė, pardavusi Lietuvos muitinės sandėlyje sandėliuojamas prekes, pagrįstai šiam prekių tiekimui pritaikė 0 proc. PVM tarifą. Sprendimas aktualus įmonėms, vykdančioms prekybą prekėmis, kurios yra sandėliuojamos Lietuvoje muitinės sandėlyje ir kurioms įforminta muitinės sandėliavimo procedūra (kodas 7100).

Gintaras Juškauskas

duties, taxes
Prekių tiekimas muitinės sandėlyje apmokestinamas standartiniu PVM tarifu

Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas sprendė ginčą, ar Lietuvos įmonė, pardavusi Lietuvos muitinės sandėlyje sandėliuojamas prekes, pagrįstai šiam prekių tiekimui pritaikė 0 proc. PVM tarifą. Sprendimas aktualus įmonėms, vykdančioms prekybą prekėmis, kurios yra sandėliuojamos Lietuvoje muitinės sandėlyje ir kurioms įforminta muitinės sandėliavimo procedūra (kodas 7100).

Gintaras Juškauskas

duties, taxes
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