
Patrick Nieveler

  • Должность: Manager Customs & Excise Tax
  • Организация: PASANI Customs Academy
  • Cтрана: Germany

Patrick Nieveler has more than 20 years of experience in customs and excise tax. After studying business economics he held various leading positions in international companies of the consumer goods industry and automotive industry. Since 2012 Patrick Nieveler held the position of Manager Customs Procedures and Excise Tax at a German automobile manufacturer. He is chairman of various customs working committees of trade associations in Germany. 

Patrick Nieveler is a lecturer at the University of Augsburg, Germany. In 2018, he founded PASANI Customs Academy which offers modern training and e-learning in customs, export controls and excise tax with the focus of transferring practical knowledge and experience.

Обновлено: October 10, 2021

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