en lt

Georgi Goranov

  • Должность: Attorney at Law
  • Организация: Georgi Goranov law office and Unitax Consult Ltd.
  • Cтрана: Bulgaria

Georgi Goranov is an Attorney at Law with more than twenty years of experience in the scope of customs excise and tax law. His law office successfully represents legal entities and natural persons before the competent tax authorities and national courts of the Republic of Bulgaria in resolving legal disputes in the above legal spheres. Georgi Goranov has also acted as a proxy in several court procedures rendered before the Court of Justice of the European Union about preliminary rulings concerning different customs issues.

Georgi Goranov also runs a consultancy firm named Unitax Consult Ltd. which represents its clients in a variety of customs and excise legislative procedures such as obtaining licenses of authorised economic operators, licensing customs and excise warehouses etc., as well as organises customs and excise seminars and workshops.

Georgi Goranov is a lecturer in trainings for customs agents, organized by the Bulgarian National Freight Forwarding Association. He is also a customs and excise consultant of the Bulgarian Chamber of Trade and Industry and an associated member of the Bulgarian National Organization of Customs Agents.

Georgi Goranov commenced his carrier as a legal advisor working for the Bulgarian National Customs Agency when he had a chance to participate in an international project for drafting and implementing the Ethic Code for Bulgarian Customs Employees.

If you have any related questions, please do not hesitate to contact: 
Mob.: +359 899 808321
E-mail: georgi.goranov@unitax-consult.com
Website: https://unitax-consult.com

Обновлено: July 26, 2022

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