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en, lt
One court case - two lessons: tariff quotas, invalidation of a customs declaration and potential risks

Tariff quotas mean less or no duty when importing goods. Most tariff quotas are allocated on a first come, first served basis; therefore, the timing of lodging a customs declaration might be crucial. What if, due to issues concerning customs IT systems, you are late and the quota is exhausted? Can you ask customs to invalidate the customs declaration and wait until the new tariff quota is opened?

Jurgita Stanienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
One court case - two lessons: tariff quotas, invalidation of a customs declaration and potential risks

Tariff quotas mean less or no duty when importing goods. Most tariff quotas are allocated on a first come, first served basis; therefore, the timing of lodging a customs declaration might be crucial. What if, due to issues concerning customs IT systems, you are late and the quota is exhausted? Can you ask customs to invalidate the customs declaration and wait until the new tariff quota is opened?

Jurgita Stanienė

duties, taxes
The fall and partial rise of EU-US trading relations

In spite of recent challenges, the EU-US trading relationship is underpinned by deeply integrated economies. The European Commission website describes this relationship as defining world trade and contributing as much as 40% to world GDP. Despite both the EU and the USA being modern developed economies, competition for global market share in addition societal changes brought about by an increase in globalisation has influenced trade policy. This has been particularly evident during the Trump presidency. This article tracks this difficult spell that we look to be emerging from and looks forward to what is hoped will be a détente in trade tensions between the two trading powerhouses on either side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Dr David Savage

торговая политика
The fall and partial rise of EU-US trading relations

In spite of recent challenges, the EU-US trading relationship is underpinned by deeply integrated economies. The European Commission website describes this relationship as defining world trade and contributing as much as 40% to world GDP. Despite both the EU and the USA being modern developed economies, competition for global market share in addition societal changes brought about by an increase in globalisation has influenced trade policy. This has been particularly evident during the Trump presidency. This article tracks this difficult spell that we look to be emerging from and looks forward to what is hoped will be a détente in trade tensions between the two trading powerhouses on either side of the Atlantic Ocean.

Dr David Savage

торговая политика
en, lt, ru
Обзор 4-й конференции таможенных практиков

Лучший способ закрепить знания - повторение. Особенно, когда один день конференции настолько насыщен знаниями, что, как пошутил один из участников конференции, «не укладывается в голове». Поэтому мы приглашаем вас вспомнить темы и некоторые их аспекты, обсуждавшиеся на 4-й конференции таможенных практиков в июне. Мы также предоставляем ссылки на доступные материалы конференции (для членов Ассоциации практикующих таможенников доступ бесплатный, см. преимущества и условия членства) [1] и статьи, опубликованные некоторыми спикерами после конференции. Обращаем ваше внимание, что Ассоциация таможенных практиков готовится к 5-й конференции таможенных практиков, которая состоится 2 декабря в Каунасе и в режиме онлайн. Приглашаем предлагать темы, задавать вопросы и, конечно же, участвовать! Более подробная информация будет вскоре опубликована на www.lcpa.lt, контакты: info@lcpa.lt.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management
en, lt, ru
Обзор 4-й конференции таможенных практиков

Лучший способ закрепить знания - повторение. Особенно, когда один день конференции настолько насыщен знаниями, что, как пошутил один из участников конференции, «не укладывается в голове». Поэтому мы приглашаем вас вспомнить темы и некоторые их аспекты, обсуждавшиеся на 4-й конференции таможенных практиков в июне. Мы также предоставляем ссылки на доступные материалы конференции (для членов Ассоциации практикующих таможенников доступ бесплатный, см. преимущества и условия членства) [1] и статьи, опубликованные некоторыми спикерами после конференции. Обращаем ваше внимание, что Ассоциация таможенных практиков готовится к 5-й конференции таможенных практиков, которая состоится 2 декабря в Каунасе и в режиме онлайн. Приглашаем предлагать темы, задавать вопросы и, конечно же, участвовать! Более подробная информация будет вскоре опубликована на www.lcpa.lt, контакты: info@lcpa.lt.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management
en, lt
Tariff quotas: find information in TARIC

CustomsClear ㅤ

‎ €9.00
duties, taxes
en, lt
Tariff quotas: find information in TARIC

CustomsClear ㅤ

‎ €9.00
duties, taxes
en, lt
Tariff-rate quotas for steel products: peculiarities of the application

Editorial word. This month, the European Commission published a regulation that prolonged the application of safeguard measures against imports of certain steel products. Ingrida Beliokienė, the chief specialist of the Tariffs Division of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance (Lithuania), kindly agreed to share information about the peculiarities of the use of these measures.

Ingrida Beliokienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Tariff-rate quotas for steel products: peculiarities of the application

Editorial word. This month, the European Commission published a regulation that prolonged the application of safeguard measures against imports of certain steel products. Ingrida Beliokienė, the chief specialist of the Tariffs Division of the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance (Lithuania), kindly agreed to share information about the peculiarities of the use of these measures.

Ingrida Beliokienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
First-come, first-served tariff quotas: what business needs to know

The use of tariff quotas is an important topic for many EU importers, and its relevance is not diminishing. Let’s take a look at the questions that businesses raise about tariff quotas and what is important to pay attention to.

Ingrida Beliokienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
First-come, first-served tariff quotas: what business needs to know

The use of tariff quotas is an important topic for many EU importers, and its relevance is not diminishing. Let’s take a look at the questions that businesses raise about tariff quotas and what is important to pay attention to.

Ingrida Beliokienė

duties, taxes
A chance for businesses to reduce their post-Brexit customs duty bill – UK tariff suspensions

Exactly a year following the publication of the UK’s Global Tariff, the UK government announced on 20 May 2021 that the UK will launch its own tariff suspension scheme, tailored to the needs of UK businesses. This means legible goods will benefit from paying no customs duties upon import into the UK. As a UK business paying customs duties currently, this is a window of opportunity to apply for a tariff suspension to reduce your future customs duty bill. What does this mean in practice, and who can apply for this benefit?

Jessica Yang

duties, taxes
A chance for businesses to reduce their post-Brexit customs duty bill – UK tariff suspensions

Exactly a year following the publication of the UK’s Global Tariff, the UK government announced on 20 May 2021 that the UK will launch its own tariff suspension scheme, tailored to the needs of UK businesses. This means legible goods will benefit from paying no customs duties upon import into the UK. As a UK business paying customs duties currently, this is a window of opportunity to apply for a tariff suspension to reduce your future customs duty bill. What does this mean in practice, and who can apply for this benefit?

Jessica Yang

duties, taxes
en, lt
EU-UK trade agreement: no customs duties on originating goods

On 24 December 2020 European Commission announced that an agreement with the United Kingdom on the terms of future cooperation was reached. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement shall be provisionally applied as of 1 January 2021. It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin. What are these rules and the documents proving the originating status of the goods?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes, origin
en, lt
EU-UK trade agreement: no customs duties on originating goods

On 24 December 2020 European Commission announced that an agreement with the United Kingdom on the terms of future cooperation was reached. The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement shall be provisionally applied as of 1 January 2021. It provides for zero tariffs and zero quotas on all goods that comply with the appropriate rules of origin. What are these rules and the documents proving the originating status of the goods?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes, origin
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