balandis 19, 2020
lt en ru
Muitinė vertė

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

Muitų ir mokesčių apskaičiavimo pagrindas yra prekių muitinė vertė. Tarptautinei prekybai būtų sudėtinga veikti, jei kiekviena šalis naudotųsi savo vertinimo metodais. Todėl buvo sukurtos tarptautinės vertinimo taisyklės. Šios taisyklės taip pat naudojamos rengiant prekybos statistiką, įgyvendinant ir stebint prekybos susitarimus bei stebint kiekybinius apribojimus.

„Muitinė vertė“ tarptautiniu mastu reiškia prekių vertę, kaip ji yra apibrėžta Sutartyje dėl 1994 m. bendrojo susitarimo dėl muitų tarifų ir prekybos VII straipsnio įgyvendinimo (PPO susitarimas dėl muitinio įvertinimo).

PPO susitarime dėl muitinio įvertinimo nustatyta, kad importuojamos prekės muitinis įvertinimas turėtų būti grindžiamas faktine importuojamos prekės, kuriai taikomas muitas, verte arba panašios prekės verte, o ne nacionalinės kilmės prekės verte arba ginčytinomis bei fiktyviomis vertėmis.

Faktine verte“ turėtų būti laikoma tokia kaina, už kurią importuojančios valstybės įstatymų nustatytu laiku ir nustatytoje vietoje tokia ar panaši prekė, esant įprastiniams prekybiniams ryšiams bei visiškos konkurencijos sąlygomis, yra parduodama arba siūloma parduoti. Kai tokios ar panašios prekės kaina priklauso nuo to dydžio, kuris yra nurodytas konkrečiame sandoryje, kainos nustatymas turėtų būti visada susijęs arba su (i) palyginamaisiais dydžiais, arba su (ii) nemažiau palankiais importuotojams dydžiais, kurie susidaro parduodant daugiau prekių, esant eksportuojančių ir importuojančių valstybių tarpusavio prekybai.

Skaitykite VII straipsnio tekstą. Dokumentas paskelbtas PMO svetainėje (anglų kalba).


Комментарии ()

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Customs Valuation - Updated Compendium and Simplification Guidance

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Customs Valuation - Updated Compendium and Simplification Guidance

Year-end transfer pricing adjustments and the customs value

Customs value and transfer pricing could be likened to Siamese twins - that's how closely linked they are. Let's discuss some practical questions related to the year-end transfer pricing adjustments: If the price is revised upwards, does the importer have to go to customs and pay additional duties? If the price is revised downwards, is the importer entitled to a refund of duties? If the goods are duty-free and there is no excise duty, but only import VAT (which is deductible in any case)?

Omer Wagner

Year-end transfer pricing adjustments and the customs value

Customs value and transfer pricing could be likened to Siamese twins - that's how closely linked they are. Let's discuss some practical questions related to the year-end transfer pricing adjustments: If the price is revised upwards, does the importer have to go to customs and pay additional duties? If the price is revised downwards, is the importer entitled to a refund of duties? If the goods are duty-free and there is no excise duty, but only import VAT (which is deductible in any case)?

Omer Wagner

Discount for customs purposes? On one condition

The Israel Customs Authority does not seem to be a fan of discounts. It appealed against the judgement of the District Court, in which the court clarified that the Customs Authority cannot, on the one hand, rely on the fact that the price is subject to a condition (discount) that cannot be assessed and the transaction price is therefore invalid, and, on the other hand, base the assessment on the transaction price but without the condition. Let's take a look at what the Supreme Court had to say in this dispute. The disputed amount is about ILS 5 million (~1.3 million Eur).

Omer Wagner

Discount for customs purposes? On one condition

The Israel Customs Authority does not seem to be a fan of discounts. It appealed against the judgement of the District Court, in which the court clarified that the Customs Authority cannot, on the one hand, rely on the fact that the price is subject to a condition (discount) that cannot be assessed and the transaction price is therefore invalid, and, on the other hand, base the assessment on the transaction price but without the condition. Let's take a look at what the Supreme Court had to say in this dispute. The disputed amount is about ILS 5 million (~1.3 million Eur).

Omer Wagner

en, lt
Impact of the war in the Middle East on customs valuation

Israel has been in a state of war for the past three months. This war has had an impact on international trade, particularly on customs valuation, including for importers in other countries such as the EU, as explained in more detail in this article.

Omer Wagner

en, lt
Impact of the war in the Middle East on customs valuation

Israel has been in a state of war for the past three months. This war has had an impact on international trade, particularly on customs valuation, including for importers in other countries such as the EU, as explained in more detail in this article.

Omer Wagner

Customs valuation and transfer pricing – understanding similarities and differences (II)

Editors’ note: In this second part of the article, the author highlights the similarities and differences between customs valuation and transfer pricing and emphasises that the requirements may differ for the same goods. He also outlines the solutions used by customs in different countries. For example, the Canada Border Services Agency considers the transfer price to be the ‘uninfluenced’ price paid or payable for imported goods if a written transfer price agreement exists between a vendor and a related purchaser and is in effect at the time of importation.

Rizwan Mahmood

Customs valuation and transfer pricing – understanding similarities and differences (II)

Editors’ note: In this second part of the article, the author highlights the similarities and differences between customs valuation and transfer pricing and emphasises that the requirements may differ for the same goods. He also outlines the solutions used by customs in different countries. For example, the Canada Border Services Agency considers the transfer price to be the ‘uninfluenced’ price paid or payable for imported goods if a written transfer price agreement exists between a vendor and a related purchaser and is in effect at the time of importation.

Rizwan Mahmood

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