September 11, 2022
en lt
EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C)

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What is ‘single window’?

The ‘single window’ is a trade facilitation measure, allowing parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardised information and documents with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements, thus reducing duplication, time, and costs.

Why is EU Single Window Environment for Customs (EU SWE-C) required?

The formalities required at the EU’s external borders often involve many different authorities in charge of other policy areas, such as health and safety, environment protection, fisheries and agriculture, market surveillance and product compliance, and cultural heritage. Consequently, economic operators must submit information to several authorities, each with its own portal and procedures. This is burdensome and time consuming for economic operators and reduces the capacity of authorities to jointly act in preventing risks.

What actions have been undertaken so far?

In 2008, the Member States and the Commission committed to promoting an electronic customs environment in the EU by endeavouring to establish a framework of single window services. In 2016, Communication from the Commission on ‘Developing the EU Customs Union and its Governance’ announced the Commission’s plans to explore a workable solution for developing and creating an EU SWE-C.

In line with these priorities, the Commission launched a pilot project in 2015, the EU Customs Single Window-Common Veterinary Entry Document (EU CSW-CVED) to enable the automated verification of three non-customs health certificates by nine Member States’ customs administrations. Its successor, the EU Customs Single Window Certificates Exchange System (EU CSW-CERTEX), expanded the scope of regulatory requirements and introduced new functionalities.

How about the legislation?

The legislative proposal was announced in the new Customs Action Plan and the latter was published in September 2020 as part of President von der Leyen’s commitment to take the Customs Union to the next level. In 2022, the ordinary legislative procedure on the proposed regulation is ongoing. 

It is worth noting that the development of the EU SWE-C rests on two pillars of digital administrative cooperation:

  • The first includes government-to-government (G2G) digital cooperation between customs and partner competent authorities through the central component EU CSW-CERTEX to support the automated reception and verification by customs of the documents for goods clearance related to non-customs formalities; 
  • The second pillar, business-to-government (B2G) digital cooperation, aims at streamlining reporting formalities imposed on trade for the import, export, and transit of specific goods subject to non-customs regulatory formalities. Thus, reporting and procedural redundancies are avoided, and the realisation of the internationally recognised single window concept is enabled by providing economic operators with a single-entry point to fulfil all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements.

Learn more in the 2021 e-customs annual progress report prepared by the European Commission.

Комментарии ()

Importo deklaracijų duomenų teikimas per iMDAS – patirtys ir įžvalgos

Nepastebimos sienos, sklandūs muitinės formalumai, vienodos taisyklės visoje ES ir patenkinti tiek muitinės klientai, tiek pati muitinė... siekiamybė kurios link veda iššūkių (būtų galima sakyti, kad problemų, tačiau tai „nebemadinga“) pilnas kelias. Iššūkiai įvairūs – teisiniai, praktiniai, ar tiesiog žmogiškieji, pavyzdžiui, nesusikalbėjimas. Eksporto duomenų teikimo per iMDAS nesena patirtis tapo verslui nerimo dėl kitų sistemų diegimo priežastimi. Nuo 2024 m. kovo 11-osios dienos per išmaniąją Muitinės deklaracijų apdorojimo sistemą (iMDAS) pradėti teikti importo deklaracijų duomenys bei su šių duomenų apdorojimu susijusios elektroninės paslaugos. Apžvelkime, kokios yra naujos patirtys ir įžvalgos.

Jurgita Stanienė

IT systems, databases
Importo deklaracijų duomenų teikimas per iMDAS – patirtys ir įžvalgos

Nepastebimos sienos, sklandūs muitinės formalumai, vienodos taisyklės visoje ES ir patenkinti tiek muitinės klientai, tiek pati muitinė... siekiamybė kurios link veda iššūkių (būtų galima sakyti, kad problemų, tačiau tai „nebemadinga“) pilnas kelias. Iššūkiai įvairūs – teisiniai, praktiniai, ar tiesiog žmogiškieji, pavyzdžiui, nesusikalbėjimas. Eksporto duomenų teikimo per iMDAS nesena patirtis tapo verslui nerimo dėl kitų sistemų diegimo priežastimi. Nuo 2024 m. kovo 11-osios dienos per išmaniąją Muitinės deklaracijų apdorojimo sistemą (iMDAS) pradėti teikti importo deklaracijų duomenys bei su šių duomenų apdorojimu susijusios elektroninės paslaugos. Apžvelkime, kokios yra naujos patirtys ir įžvalgos.

Jurgita Stanienė

IT systems, databases
Prekių deklaravimo pokyčiai, iššūkiai ir aktualūs klausimai

Viena po kitos keičiamos ir atnaujinamos muitinės sistemos – kovą pradėsime naudoti elektroninius T2L, iMDAS importui, tačiau ir neseniai įgyvendinti pokyčiai dar kelia klausimų, pavyzdžiui, kaip teisingai deklaruoti prekes nelikus procedūros kodo „49“ arba kaip tam tikrais atvejais forminti eksportą iš muitinei priimtinos vietos. Muitinės praktikų asociacijos nariai aktyviai diskutuoja šiais klausimais virtualiame forume, o taip pat kviečia į kovo 7 d. vyksiantį vebinarą-apkrito stalo diskusiją „Aktualūs pokyčiai muitinės deklaracijoje“. Apžvelkime pokyčių muitinės deklaracijoje temą, verslui kylančius iššūkius ir atsakymus į minėtus praktinius klausimus.

Customs Practitioners Association

IT systems, databases
Prekių deklaravimo pokyčiai, iššūkiai ir aktualūs klausimai

Viena po kitos keičiamos ir atnaujinamos muitinės sistemos – kovą pradėsime naudoti elektroninius T2L, iMDAS importui, tačiau ir neseniai įgyvendinti pokyčiai dar kelia klausimų, pavyzdžiui, kaip teisingai deklaruoti prekes nelikus procedūros kodo „49“ arba kaip tam tikrais atvejais forminti eksportą iš muitinei priimtinos vietos. Muitinės praktikų asociacijos nariai aktyviai diskutuoja šiais klausimais virtualiame forume, o taip pat kviečia į kovo 7 d. vyksiantį vebinarą-apkrito stalo diskusiją „Aktualūs pokyčiai muitinės deklaracijoje“. Apžvelkime pokyčių muitinės deklaracijoje temą, verslui kylančius iššūkius ir atsakymus į minėtus praktinius klausimus.

Customs Practitioners Association

IT systems, databases
MERCOSUR launches Customs Data Model based on WCO standard and takes a leap forward in terms of data exchange

The Southern Common Market (known as MERCOSUR) is a regional integration process initially established by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequently joined by Venezuela (currently suspended) and Bolivia (whose accession procedure is still underway). MERCOSUR makes its decisions through three bodies: the Council of the Common Market (CMC), which is the main MERCOSUR body that conducts the integration process politically; the Common Market Group (GMC), which oversees the day-to-day functioning of the bloc; and the Mercosur Trade Commission (CCM), which is responsible for the administration of common commercial policy instruments.

Leonardo Pellegrino

IT systems, databases
MERCOSUR launches Customs Data Model based on WCO standard and takes a leap forward in terms of data exchange

The Southern Common Market (known as MERCOSUR) is a regional integration process initially established by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, and subsequently joined by Venezuela (currently suspended) and Bolivia (whose accession procedure is still underway). MERCOSUR makes its decisions through three bodies: the Council of the Common Market (CMC), which is the main MERCOSUR body that conducts the integration process politically; the Common Market Group (GMC), which oversees the day-to-day functioning of the bloc; and the Mercosur Trade Commission (CCM), which is responsible for the administration of common commercial policy instruments.

Leonardo Pellegrino

IT systems, databases
Automatic Customs data exchange: a look into the system used in the Western Balkans

Customs administrations in the Western Balkans have established a platform to automatically exchange Customs data. Called “SEED”, the system has proven efficient in identifying irregularities, offences and smuggling activities, as well as in accelerating the clearance of goods.

Customs Administration of Serbia

IT systems, databases
Automatic Customs data exchange: a look into the system used in the Western Balkans

Customs administrations in the Western Balkans have established a platform to automatically exchange Customs data. Called “SEED”, the system has proven efficient in identifying irregularities, offences and smuggling activities, as well as in accelerating the clearance of goods.

Customs Administration of Serbia

IT systems, databases
en, lt
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

IT systems, databases
en, lt
EU Customs Data Model (EUCDM)

The electronic customs declaration consists of data elements that should be harmonised worldwide so that customs can verify the data flow from the exporting country to the importing country. The World Customs Organisation has developed the WCO data model, which provides a universal language for cross-border data exchange. The EU has adopted this model for its own purposes and for trans-European use.

IT systems, databases
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