
The crucial role of the WCO in trade liberalization of climate-friendly goods

The National Board of Trade Sweden recently published a report entitled Trade and Climate Change – Promoting climate goals with a WTO agreement, which shows that trade policy-makers can do more to contribute to the promotion of climate goals. Customs administrations, through the World Customs Organization (WCO), have a crucial role to play, writes Emilie Eriksson, legal adviser and co-author of the report.

Emilie Eriksson

торговая политика
The crucial role of the WCO in trade liberalization of climate-friendly goods

The National Board of Trade Sweden recently published a report entitled Trade and Climate Change – Promoting climate goals with a WTO agreement, which shows that trade policy-makers can do more to contribute to the promotion of climate goals. Customs administrations, through the World Customs Organization (WCO), have a crucial role to play, writes Emilie Eriksson, legal adviser and co-author of the report.

Emilie Eriksson

торговая политика
Protecting importers’ information while improving Customs controls

Customs administrations and trade operators both want to reduce the complexity of compiling and exchanging data. However, there can be tension between the Customs administration’s need to access data and the company’s need to protect confidential information. This article presents two solutions for analysing and reporting data which ensure strong data protection by allowing access to the data without the need to move them around.

Jeff Rittener

IT systems, databases
Protecting importers’ information while improving Customs controls

Customs administrations and trade operators both want to reduce the complexity of compiling and exchanging data. However, there can be tension between the Customs administration’s need to access data and the company’s need to protect confidential information. This article presents two solutions for analysing and reporting data which ensure strong data protection by allowing access to the data without the need to move them around.

Jeff Rittener

IT systems, databases
Some thoughts on Customs role in sustainable development

This article looks at how Singapore Customs strives to bring efficiency in the management of trade operations to lower their impact on the environment as well as at the initiatives it has taken to support environmental policies.

risk management
Some thoughts on Customs role in sustainable development

This article looks at how Singapore Customs strives to bring efficiency in the management of trade operations to lower their impact on the environment as well as at the initiatives it has taken to support environmental policies.

risk management
Some common questions about the HS, and how to change it to meet needs

Good trade-related policy requires good trade data. While it may occasionally be necessary to implement policies and trade measures without a data-driven understanding of the underlying trade, there is always the risk that doing so could deliver unpredictable results or miss the desired objectives. Good trade data is also essential for monitoring and assessing the implementation of trade policies.

Gael Grooby

Some common questions about the HS, and how to change it to meet needs

Good trade-related policy requires good trade data. While it may occasionally be necessary to implement policies and trade measures without a data-driven understanding of the underlying trade, there is always the risk that doing so could deliver unpredictable results or miss the desired objectives. Good trade data is also essential for monitoring and assessing the implementation of trade policies.

Gael Grooby

Moving goods in a circular business model: challenges and way ahead

Global trade has experienced intense challenges for the past two years, with supply chains facing unprecedented pressures during the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently with the Russia-Ukraine war on the European continent.

Florence Binta Diao-Gueye

export, import
Moving goods in a circular business model: challenges and way ahead

Global trade has experienced intense challenges for the past two years, with supply chains facing unprecedented pressures during the COVID-19 pandemic and more recently with the Russia-Ukraine war on the European continent.

Florence Binta Diao-Gueye

export, import
Supporting the green transition: challenges and way forward

The WCO is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and is taking this opportunity to look back at what it has achieved as well as at ways of responding to current challenges. One pressing issue is how to support the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Kunio Mikuriya

право международное, торговая политика
Supporting the green transition: challenges and way forward

The WCO is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and is taking this opportunity to look back at what it has achieved as well as at ways of responding to current challenges. One pressing issue is how to support the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Kunio Mikuriya

право международное, торговая политика
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