Panašus turinys

Administraciniai teisės pažeidimai - ar taikomos sankcijos atitinka tikslus?

Administraciniu teisės pažeidimu laikomas priešingas teisei, kaltas (tyčinis arba neatsargus) veikimas arba neveikimas, kuriuo kėsinamasi į šias vertybes: valstybinę arba viešąją tvarką, nuosavybę, piliečių teises ir laisves, į nustatytą valdymo tvarką. Analizuojat sprendimus dėl sankcijų pagal ATPK 209 (2) str. (Prekių (daiktų) deklaravimo tvarkos pažeidimas) skyrimo, neretai sudėtinga atsakyti, kuriai iš vertybių pažeidėjas sukėlė grėsmę, o dar sudėtingiau jam patarti, kaip nuo tokių situacijų apsisaugoti ateityje. Deja, sankcijų rezultatu būna ir deklaranto sprendimas verčiau tapti bedarbiu, nei dirbti šį darbą.

Muita UAB

Administraciniai teisės pažeidimai - ar taikomos sankcijos atitinka tikslus?

Administraciniu teisės pažeidimu laikomas priešingas teisei, kaltas (tyčinis arba neatsargus) veikimas arba neveikimas, kuriuo kėsinamasi į šias vertybes: valstybinę arba viešąją tvarką, nuosavybę, piliečių teises ir laisves, į nustatytą valdymo tvarką. Analizuojat sprendimus dėl sankcijų pagal ATPK 209 (2) str. (Prekių (daiktų) deklaravimo tvarkos pažeidimas) skyrimo, neretai sudėtinga atsakyti, kuriai iš vertybių pažeidėjas sukėlė grėsmę, o dar sudėtingiau jam patarti, kaip nuo tokių situacijų apsisaugoti ateityje. Deja, sankcijų rezultatu būna ir deklaranto sprendimas verčiau tapti bedarbiu, nei dirbti šį darbą.

Muita UAB

Baudų netaikymo ir jų dydžio mažinimo pagrindai

Po prekių muitinio įforminimo atliekamo tyrimo metu nustačius mokestinę nepriemoką, įmonei gali būti taikoma bauda net iki 50 % nuo papildomai priskaičiuotos sumos. Kadangi didelės baudų sumos gali neigiamai įtakoti įmonės veiklą, svarbu žinoti, kokiais atvejais baudos nėra taikomos arba jų dydis gali būti sumažintas iki minimalios sumos.

Rima Zabalevičienė

Baudų netaikymo ir jų dydžio mažinimo pagrindai

Po prekių muitinio įforminimo atliekamo tyrimo metu nustačius mokestinę nepriemoką, įmonei gali būti taikoma bauda net iki 50 % nuo papildomai priskaičiuotos sumos. Kadangi didelės baudų sumos gali neigiamai įtakoti įmonės veiklą, svarbu žinoti, kokiais atvejais baudos nėra taikomos arba jų dydis gali būti sumažintas iki minimalios sumos.

Rima Zabalevičienė

Su prekių deklaravimu muitinėje susijusios rizikos

Deklaruojant prekes muitinei svarbu užtikrinti duomenų teisingumą ne tik dėl administracinių sankcijų prekes deklaruojančiam asmeniui taikymo, bet ir dėl to, kad gali būti sulaikytos ir konfiskuotos deklaruojamos prekės kaip administracinio teisės pažeidimo padarymo įrankis arba tiesioginis objektas.

Muita UAB

Su prekių deklaravimu muitinėje susijusios rizikos

Deklaruojant prekes muitinei svarbu užtikrinti duomenų teisingumą ne tik dėl administracinių sankcijų prekes deklaruojančiam asmeniui taikymo, bet ir dėl to, kad gali būti sulaikytos ir konfiskuotos deklaruojamos prekės kaip administracinio teisės pažeidimo padarymo įrankis arba tiesioginis objektas.

Muita UAB

en, fr
Untangling the complexity of non-tariff measures

This year, the World Trade Report ventures beyond the well illuminated area of tariffs, to shine a light on non-tariff measures (NTMs) – a generic term which covers policy measures, other than ordinary Customs tariffs, that can affect international trade in goods by changing quantities traded or prices, or both.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Untangling the complexity of non-tariff measures

This year, the World Trade Report ventures beyond the well illuminated area of tariffs, to shine a light on non-tariff measures (NTMs) – a generic term which covers policy measures, other than ordinary Customs tariffs, that can affect international trade in goods by changing quantities traded or prices, or both.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Global security: the dilemma posed by dual-use goods in the Customs tariff

Customs officers around the world are used to implementing a broad range of controls, and increasingly, security-related controls. Of these, controls of dual-use commodities may be some of the most difficult to understand and apply. After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a number of international initiatives were taken to improve the security of international movements of goods and persons. Amongst them, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540) makes it obligatory for UN member States to put in place an export and transit control system to prevent the dissemination of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) - related technology to unauthorized nonstate organizations or people.

Renaud Chatelus

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Global security: the dilemma posed by dual-use goods in the Customs tariff

Customs officers around the world are used to implementing a broad range of controls, and increasingly, security-related controls. Of these, controls of dual-use commodities may be some of the most difficult to understand and apply. After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a number of international initiatives were taken to improve the security of international movements of goods and persons. Amongst them, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540) makes it obligatory for UN member States to put in place an export and transit control system to prevent the dissemination of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) - related technology to unauthorized nonstate organizations or people.

Renaud Chatelus

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Negative economic prospects fuel protectionism

WTO members are taking more steps to shield their national industries from foreign competition as the economic climate deteriorates, said the monitoring group Global Trade Alert (GTA), which estimates that almost 200 measures that harm trading partners have been introduced from November 2010 to July 2011.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Negative economic prospects fuel protectionism

WTO members are taking more steps to shield their national industries from foreign competition as the economic climate deteriorates, said the monitoring group Global Trade Alert (GTA), which estimates that almost 200 measures that harm trading partners have been introduced from November 2010 to July 2011.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Programme Global Shield

In recent years, the world has witnessed an increase in the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Th ese devices are manufactured using chemicals that are produced by various manufacturers and available commercially throughout the world. They are utilized within civilian industries and generally legal to purchase, store, and use.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Programme Global Shield

In recent years, the world has witnessed an increase in the use of improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Th ese devices are manufactured using chemicals that are produced by various manufacturers and available commercially throughout the world. They are utilized within civilian industries and generally legal to purchase, store, and use.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Korea takes concrete action to protect the environment

In line with the Korean Government's drive for "Green Growth", the Korea Customs Service (KCS) developed its Green Customs vision and released its plan to combat illegal transactions of goods detrimental to the environment in October 2008. This comprehensive longterm plan was produced by adjusting the recommendation on environmental protection adopted by the WCO Council in June 2008 to Korea’s circumstances.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Korea takes concrete action to protect the environment

In line with the Korean Government's drive for "Green Growth", the Korea Customs Service (KCS) developed its Green Customs vision and released its plan to combat illegal transactions of goods detrimental to the environment in October 2008. This comprehensive longterm plan was produced by adjusting the recommendation on environmental protection adopted by the WCO Council in June 2008 to Korea’s circumstances.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Customs and the environment

Customs administrations play a vital role in environmental protection at borders. They ensure compliance with the provisions of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and national legislation, are tasked with monitoring the trade in certain environmentally sensitive goods and endangered species, with identifying and detecting smuggling and other offences, and with helping to raise users’ awareness of this illicit trade.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Customs and the environment

Customs administrations play a vital role in environmental protection at borders. They ensure compliance with the provisions of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and national legislation, are tasked with monitoring the trade in certain environmentally sensitive goods and endangered species, with identifying and detecting smuggling and other offences, and with helping to raise users’ awareness of this illicit trade.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
It is Time to stop Environmental Crime at the Border

Some people may ask why Customs has anything to do with environmental crime. They may also argue that it is all too late when a tiger skin is carried through the Customs. However, if Customs does nothing, more wildlife will fall victim to illegal poaching or be taken away from their natural habitats.

Katharina Kummer Peiry

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
It is Time to stop Environmental Crime at the Border

Some people may ask why Customs has anything to do with environmental crime. They may also argue that it is all too late when a tiger skin is carried through the Customs. However, if Customs does nothing, more wildlife will fall victim to illegal poaching or be taken away from their natural habitats.

Katharina Kummer Peiry

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Boost for hazardous waste management in Côte d’Ivoire

Designated to answer several shortcomings that were highlighted by the dumping of hazardous waste from the vessel “Probo Koala” in Abidjan’s residential areas in August 2006, the two-year project will be implemented by the Basel Convention Regional Center for French-speaking Countries in Africa, based in Senegal, and executed by the Ministry of Environment in Abidjan, in cooperation with the Basel Convention Secretariat.

Willem Wijnstekers

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
en, fr
Boost for hazardous waste management in Côte d’Ivoire

Designated to answer several shortcomings that were highlighted by the dumping of hazardous waste from the vessel “Probo Koala” in Abidjan’s residential areas in August 2006, the two-year project will be implemented by the Basel Convention Regional Center for French-speaking Countries in Africa, based in Senegal, and executed by the Ministry of Environment in Abidjan, in cooperation with the Basel Convention Secretariat.

Willem Wijnstekers

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
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