Customs warehouse: consequences of late entry into the stock records

(be PVM, mokėjimas kortele arba bankiniu pavedimu)

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(be PVM, mokėjimas kortele arba bankiniu pavedimu)

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It is not a secret that when it comes to customs procedures, even seemingly insignificant discrepancies may result in a significant financial loss. In this video you will learn what consequences the late entry into the stock records may have for a customs warehouse.

The story is based on a real-life situation taken from the judgement of the European Court of Justice in the case C-28/11.

Prieiga prie resursų suteikiama įsigijus kursą.

Komentarai ()

Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are their responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are their responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM):

Arne Mielken

‎ €39.99
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): The Law

Arne Mielken

‎ €39.99
Lygis: Bazinis
Tipas: Seminaro įrašas
Muitinio sandėliavimo klaidos: net tinkamai užbaigus procedūrą, gali tekti sumokėti mokesčius!

Muitinės sandėlyje apskaitos pažeidimai gali būti nustatomi įvairiomis formomis: tai ir nustatyti prekių trūkumai ar perteklius, prekių perdavimo sandėlio viduje klaidos, neteisingas duomenų suvedimas. Tačiau tam tikrais atvejais, net išvežus prekes iš muitinės sandėlio ir tinkamai užbaigus sandėliavimo procedūrą, gali atsirasti mokestinė prievolė muitinei. Tokia situacija nagrinėjama aktualioje teismo byloje.

Jurgita Stanienė

Muitinio sandėliavimo klaidos: net tinkamai užbaigus procedūrą, gali tekti sumokėti mokesčius!

Muitinės sandėlyje apskaitos pažeidimai gali būti nustatomi įvairiomis formomis: tai ir nustatyti prekių trūkumai ar perteklius, prekių perdavimo sandėlio viduje klaidos, neteisingas duomenų suvedimas. Tačiau tam tikrais atvejais, net išvežus prekes iš muitinės sandėlio ir tinkamai užbaigus sandėliavimo procedūrą, gali atsirasti mokestinė prievolė muitinei. Tokia situacija nagrinėjama aktualioje teismo byloje.

Jurgita Stanienė

Transport services VAT exempt because already in import tax base? You will need to prove it!

The Romanian company provides transportation services. It transported goods from the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands) to Cluj-Napoca (Romania) under transit procedure. Goods were released into free circulation in Romania. It treated transportation service as VAT exempt because it assumed that transportation cost was included into the import VAT taxable base. Tax authorities claimed otherwise: the taxpayer failed to provide documents confirming that the transportation cost was included into the import VAT taxable base. Consequently, they denied the exemption. The dispute between the company and the tax authorities reached as far as the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), which recently issued clarifications on the application of the provisions of the VAT Directive in this case.

Mark Rowbotham

Transport services VAT exempt because already in import tax base? You will need to prove it!

The Romanian company provides transportation services. It transported goods from the port of Rotterdam (the Netherlands) to Cluj-Napoca (Romania) under transit procedure. Goods were released into free circulation in Romania. It treated transportation service as VAT exempt because it assumed that transportation cost was included into the import VAT taxable base. Tax authorities claimed otherwise: the taxpayer failed to provide documents confirming that the transportation cost was included into the import VAT taxable base. Consequently, they denied the exemption. The dispute between the company and the tax authorities reached as far as the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU), which recently issued clarifications on the application of the provisions of the VAT Directive in this case.

Mark Rowbotham

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