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Using the Windsor Framework from Great
01h 39min

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €59.99
Using the Windsor Framework from Great Britain or Ireland
01h 39min

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €59.99
What the UK Border Target Operating
01h 56min

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €119.00
What the UK Border Target Operating Model means for EU and UK trade
01h 56min

Customs Knowledge Institute

‎ €119.00
Jungtinės Karalystės aktualijos kuriant efektyviausią pasaulyje sieną

Po Brexit, Jungtinė Karalystė kuria savo teisinę bazę ir yra išsikėlusi strateginį tikslą sukurti efektyviausią muitinės sieną pasaulyje. Šio tikslo link veda ir š.m. rugpjūčio 29 d. paskelbtas Tikslinis pasienio veiklos modelis (angl. Border Target Operating Model, sutr. BTOM), skirtas padėti JK importuotojams ir eksportuotojams bei jų tiekimo grandinėms (kurių daugelis yra iš/į ES), pasienio ir logistikos pramonei, uostams ir kitoms suinteresuotosioms šalims, įskaitant JK prekybos partnerius, suprasti naująjį JK sienų veiklos modelį ir su tuo susijusius vykdomus pokyčius. Apžvelkime, kas nustatyta šiame dokumente.

Enrika Naujokė

muitinės formalumai
Jungtinės Karalystės aktualijos kuriant efektyviausią pasaulyje sieną

Po Brexit, Jungtinė Karalystė kuria savo teisinę bazę ir yra išsikėlusi strateginį tikslą sukurti efektyviausią muitinės sieną pasaulyje. Šio tikslo link veda ir š.m. rugpjūčio 29 d. paskelbtas Tikslinis pasienio veiklos modelis (angl. Border Target Operating Model, sutr. BTOM), skirtas padėti JK importuotojams ir eksportuotojams bei jų tiekimo grandinėms (kurių daugelis yra iš/į ES), pasienio ir logistikos pramonei, uostams ir kitoms suinteresuotosioms šalims, įskaitant JK prekybos partnerius, suprasti naująjį JK sienų veiklos modelį ir su tuo susijusius vykdomus pokyčius. Apžvelkime, kas nustatyta šiame dokumente.

Enrika Naujokė

muitinės formalumai
Changes to trade in goods between Northern Ireland and Great Britain as a result of the Windsor Framework

!!! Updated article with adjustments made to the UCC !!! On 24 March 2023, the EU and the United Kingdom (UK) agreed to settle their dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol, in particular by responding to some of the UK's requests to facilitate trade between Great Britain – GB (England, Wales, Scotland) on the one hand and Northern Ireland on the other (so-called East-West trade) and by accommodating the UK on some other issues. The relevant legal acts, recommendations and declarations were published in Official Journal No. L 102 of 17 April 2023. CCRM Journal for Practitioners in Europe has therefore asked Michael Lux, who advised the Government of Northern Ireland on the interpretation of the original version of the Northern Ireland Protocol, to outline the main aspects of the Windsor Framework with regard to trade in goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Michael Lux

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai, teisė
Changes to trade in goods between Northern Ireland and Great Britain as a result of the Windsor Framework

!!! Updated article with adjustments made to the UCC !!! On 24 March 2023, the EU and the United Kingdom (UK) agreed to settle their dispute over the Northern Ireland Protocol, in particular by responding to some of the UK's requests to facilitate trade between Great Britain – GB (England, Wales, Scotland) on the one hand and Northern Ireland on the other (so-called East-West trade) and by accommodating the UK on some other issues. The relevant legal acts, recommendations and declarations were published in Official Journal No. L 102 of 17 April 2023. CCRM Journal for Practitioners in Europe has therefore asked Michael Lux, who advised the Government of Northern Ireland on the interpretation of the original version of the Northern Ireland Protocol, to outline the main aspects of the Windsor Framework with regard to trade in goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Michael Lux

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai, teisė
Brexit Diary – the Journey to Windsor

The Windsor Framework possibly places Northern Ireland in a very enviable position. Importers and exporters from Northern Ireland uniquely have free access to both the UK and EU markets – which should surely attract considerable foreign investment and transform it into a prosperous trading hub. How did the journey to Windsor go?

Dr David Savage

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai, teisė
Brexit Diary – the Journey to Windsor

The Windsor Framework possibly places Northern Ireland in a very enviable position. Importers and exporters from Northern Ireland uniquely have free access to both the UK and EU markets – which should surely attract considerable foreign investment and transform it into a prosperous trading hub. How did the journey to Windsor go?

Dr David Savage

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai, teisė
UK and EU hauliers: get ready for GVMS 2022

Brexit for EU and UK hauliers transporting goods in and out of the UK will really begin on January 1st 2022. Up until now goods imported or exported to and from the UK may have moved through the ports in some cases without the correct customs declarations. This was due to the lack of UK preparedness around Brexit as a whole. The Goods Vehicle Movement System (GVMS) will ensure this practice stops.

Kieran Gleeson

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
UK and EU hauliers: get ready for GVMS 2022

Brexit for EU and UK hauliers transporting goods in and out of the UK will really begin on January 1st 2022. Up until now goods imported or exported to and from the UK may have moved through the ports in some cases without the correct customs declarations. This was due to the lack of UK preparedness around Brexit as a whole. The Goods Vehicle Movement System (GVMS) will ensure this practice stops.

Kieran Gleeson

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
On some complex customs topics aftermath of Brexit

“A customs topic or not? What is the most complex customs topic?” - a discussion among authors of the CCRM journal on the topic took place in June during the 6th Authors’ Meeting. The authors of this article shared views on several challenges in Ireland and the UK aftermath of Brexit: meeting non-customs requirements in Northern Ireland and two models for processing import shipments in the ports in the UK.

Anthony Buckley

žinių valdymas
On some complex customs topics aftermath of Brexit

“A customs topic or not? What is the most complex customs topic?” - a discussion among authors of the CCRM journal on the topic took place in June during the 6th Authors’ Meeting. The authors of this article shared views on several challenges in Ireland and the UK aftermath of Brexit: meeting non-customs requirements in Northern Ireland and two models for processing import shipments in the ports in the UK.

Anthony Buckley

žinių valdymas
After Brexit – the new trading reality in Ireland

It has often been said that a cast-iron rule of international trade is that we tend to trade most with the countries in our immediate vicinity. This is very much true of Ireland’s trading relationship with the United Kingdom. This article looks at some of the main aspects of the new trading environment that Irish companies have to contend with.

Dr David Savage

muitinės formalumai
After Brexit – the new trading reality in Ireland

It has often been said that a cast-iron rule of international trade is that we tend to trade most with the countries in our immediate vicinity. This is very much true of Ireland’s trading relationship with the United Kingdom. This article looks at some of the main aspects of the new trading environment that Irish companies have to contend with.

Dr David Savage

muitinės formalumai
One month of Brexit at the French 'smart border'

Jean-Michel Thillier, Director of Customs for the Hauts-de-France region of northern France and in charge of Brexit, took stock of the 'smart border' after one month of Brexit. The attention of operators was drawn to various issues identified: unpreparedness for customs formalities, unnecessary requesting of preferential origin, etc.

Cyrille Chatail

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
One month of Brexit at the French 'smart border'

Jean-Michel Thillier, Director of Customs for the Hauts-de-France region of northern France and in charge of Brexit, took stock of the 'smart border' after one month of Brexit. The attention of operators was drawn to various issues identified: unpreparedness for customs formalities, unnecessary requesting of preferential origin, etc.

Cyrille Chatail

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
Rules of origin: the case of the Irish bread industry (EU-UK trade)

After months of wrangling the EU and the UK agreed upon the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on the 24th of December 2020. This trade agreement came as a huge relief to most traders and businesses who have exposure to the EU/UK supply chain. However, it was not long before this ‘Christmas present’ revealed some very significant conditions that invalidated many of the benefits that most thought the TCA presented. For Customs and trade professionals, this would have been anticipated to some extent, but to regular business owners who had come to rely on the frictionless trade that the EU’s Customs Union and single market facilitated, these conditions came as a very unwelcome shock.

Dr David Savage

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
Rules of origin: the case of the Irish bread industry (EU-UK trade)

After months of wrangling the EU and the UK agreed upon the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) on the 24th of December 2020. This trade agreement came as a huge relief to most traders and businesses who have exposure to the EU/UK supply chain. However, it was not long before this ‘Christmas present’ revealed some very significant conditions that invalidated many of the benefits that most thought the TCA presented. For Customs and trade professionals, this would have been anticipated to some extent, but to regular business owners who had come to rely on the frictionless trade that the EU’s Customs Union and single market facilitated, these conditions came as a very unwelcome shock.

Dr David Savage

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
EU-UK trade: customs duty impact on distribution centre models

What does the EU-UK TCA mean for businesses that sell finished goods of EU origin to EU customers from the UK, and vice versa? This article addresses questions increasingly asked by businesses with distribution centre models. Specifically, questions relating to how to mitigate customs duty when trading originating goods between the UK and the EU in 2021.

Jessica Yang

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
EU-UK trade: customs duty impact on distribution centre models

What does the EU-UK TCA mean for businesses that sell finished goods of EU origin to EU customers from the UK, and vice versa? This article addresses questions increasingly asked by businesses with distribution centre models. Specifically, questions relating to how to mitigate customs duty when trading originating goods between the UK and the EU in 2021.

Jessica Yang

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
en, lt
ES ir JK LPS: Kas yra eksportuotojo registracijos Nr.? (2 dalis)

Apžvelgėme, ką turi atlikti ES eksportuotojas, kad gautų eksportuotojo registracijos numerį nurodymui pareiškime apie prekių kilmę (1 dalis) ir tęsiame temą atsakydami į šiuos klausimus: Kokį eksportuotojo registracijos numerį nurodo Jungtinės Karalystės eksportuotojai? Kas apskritai gali būti ES arba JK eksportuotoju? Kokie yra komerciniai dokumentai, kuriuose gali būti surašomas pareiškimas apie prekių kilmę?

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
ES ir JK LPS: Kas yra eksportuotojo registracijos Nr.? (2 dalis)

Apžvelgėme, ką turi atlikti ES eksportuotojas, kad gautų eksportuotojo registracijos numerį nurodymui pareiškime apie prekių kilmę (1 dalis) ir tęsiame temą atsakydami į šiuos klausimus: Kokį eksportuotojo registracijos numerį nurodo Jungtinės Karalystės eksportuotojai? Kas apskritai gali būti ES arba JK eksportuotoju? Kokie yra komerciniai dokumentai, kuriuose gali būti surašomas pareiškimas apie prekių kilmę?

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
Unikali Šiaurės Airijos situacija: JK ir ES muitų teisė

Skaitytojos klausimai: Ar Šiaurės Airija priklauso (nuo 2021.01.01) dviem muitų teritorijoms: Jungtinės Karalystės ir Sąjungos? Kokie muitinės formalumai bus taikomi gabenant prekes iš ES į Šiaurės Airiją ir atvirkščiai? Kaip dėl muitų lengvatų ir lengvatinės prekių kilmės?

Muita UAB

en, lt
Unikali Šiaurės Airijos situacija: JK ir ES muitų teisė

Skaitytojos klausimai: Ar Šiaurės Airija priklauso (nuo 2021.01.01) dviem muitų teritorijoms: Jungtinės Karalystės ir Sąjungos? Kokie muitinės formalumai bus taikomi gabenant prekes iš ES į Šiaurės Airiją ir atvirkščiai? Kaip dėl muitų lengvatų ir lengvatinės prekių kilmės?

Muita UAB

en, lt
ES ir JK LPS: Kas yra eksportuotojo registracijos Nr.? (1 dalis)

Nuliniai muitai ES ir JK prekyboje bus taikomi tik lengvatinės kilmės produktams. Daugeliu atvejų kilmės įrodymas bus pareiškimas apie prekių kilmę, kurį eksportuotojas surašys komerciniame dokumente. Skaitytojo klausimai: „Pareiškimo apie prekių kilmę formoje nurodytas eksportuotojo registracijos numeris. Kada ir kaip ES eksportuotojas turėtų jį gauti? Kiek laiko tai užtrunka? Ar eksportuotojas gali pareiškimą apie prekių kilmę surašyti po eksporto?“.

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
ES ir JK LPS: Kas yra eksportuotojo registracijos Nr.? (1 dalis)

Nuliniai muitai ES ir JK prekyboje bus taikomi tik lengvatinės kilmės produktams. Daugeliu atvejų kilmės įrodymas bus pareiškimas apie prekių kilmę, kurį eksportuotojas surašys komerciniame dokumente. Skaitytojo klausimai: „Pareiškimo apie prekių kilmę formoje nurodytas eksportuotojo registracijos numeris. Kada ir kaip ES eksportuotojas turėtų jį gauti? Kiek laiko tai užtrunka? Ar eksportuotojas gali pareiškimą apie prekių kilmę surašyti po eksporto?“.

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
ES ir JK prekybos susitarimas: jokių muitų kilmę turinčioms prekėms

2020 m. gruodžio 24 d. Europos Komisija paskelbė, kad pasiekė susitarimą su Jungtine Karalyste dėl būsimo bendradarbiavimo. ES ir JK prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarimas bus laikinai taikomas nuo 2021 m. sausio 1 d. Jame numatyti nuliniai tarifai ir nulinės kvotos visoms prekėms, kurios atitiks nustatytas lengvatinės kilmės taisykles. Kokios yra šios taisyklės ir kokie dokumentai įrodys, kad prekės yra lengvatinės kilmės?

Enrika Naujokė

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
en, lt
ES ir JK prekybos susitarimas: jokių muitų kilmę turinčioms prekėms

2020 m. gruodžio 24 d. Europos Komisija paskelbė, kad pasiekė susitarimą su Jungtine Karalyste dėl būsimo bendradarbiavimo. ES ir JK prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarimas bus laikinai taikomas nuo 2021 m. sausio 1 d. Jame numatyti nuliniai tarifai ir nulinės kvotos visoms prekėms, kurios atitiks nustatytas lengvatinės kilmės taisykles. Kokios yra šios taisyklės ir kokie dokumentai įrodys, kad prekės yra lengvatinės kilmės?

Enrika Naujokė

kilmė, muitai, mokesčiai
Brexit Diary October-November

As the second wave of COVID-19 continued to caused misery for millions of people across Europe and the world, Brexit continued to bubble away under the surface. As we moved from September into October precious little progress was evident as the UK and EU sides re-iterated their positions in regarding the main sticking points, i.e. The Level Playing Field, Fisheries and Governance.

Dr David Savage

prekybos politika
Brexit Diary October-November

As the second wave of COVID-19 continued to caused misery for millions of people across Europe and the world, Brexit continued to bubble away under the surface. As we moved from September into October precious little progress was evident as the UK and EU sides re-iterated their positions in regarding the main sticking points, i.e. The Level Playing Field, Fisheries and Governance.

Dr David Savage

prekybos politika
The French Customs "Smart Border" Offer for Brexit

Known as the "smart border”, this technological solution aims at maintaining the fluidity of the flows of goods despite the re-establishment of customs formalities at the border. It will be applied, as from the end of the transition period, at all entry/ exit points in the Calais area and more generally in the Channel - North Sea space.

Bertrand Rager

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
The French Customs "Smart Border" Offer for Brexit

Known as the "smart border”, this technological solution aims at maintaining the fluidity of the flows of goods despite the re-establishment of customs formalities at the border. It will be applied, as from the end of the transition period, at all entry/ exit points in the Calais area and more generally in the Channel - North Sea space.

Bertrand Rager

IT sistemos, duomenų bazės
Brexit Diary August-September

In any other year, the Brexit issue would receive a huge amount of attention. However, 2020 is an unusual year. As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to present Governments all over the world with policy decisions, the clock continued to tick down on the EU-UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations. August was relatively quiet but all of that changed in September as the UK government upped the stakes with the introduction of the Internal Market Bill. This is my Brexit Diary which tracks developments in the upcoming and final EU-UK divorce.

Dr David Savage

prekybos politika
Brexit Diary August-September

In any other year, the Brexit issue would receive a huge amount of attention. However, 2020 is an unusual year. As the COVID-19 pandemic continued to present Governments all over the world with policy decisions, the clock continued to tick down on the EU-UK Free Trade Agreement negotiations. August was relatively quiet but all of that changed in September as the UK government upped the stakes with the introduction of the Internal Market Bill. This is my Brexit Diary which tracks developments in the upcoming and final EU-UK divorce.

Dr David Savage

prekybos politika
Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

klasifikavimas, žinių valdymas
Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

klasifikavimas, žinių valdymas
BREXIT: "NO DEAL" in sight!

We are heading straight for a "no-deal" with the UK - i.e. the application of the rules of the World Trade Organisation, which means high tariffs and tighter customs controls. The European Union will apply the same rules as for any country with which it does not have a trade agreement (the United States, for example). You should therefore build this scenario into your business and contact your service providers to prepare for this deadline as well as possible. For your information, you will find materials made available by the French authorities, Brussels and British authorities, and information about CE marking change to UKCA marking.

Bertrand Rager

prekybos politika
BREXIT: "NO DEAL" in sight!

We are heading straight for a "no-deal" with the UK - i.e. the application of the rules of the World Trade Organisation, which means high tariffs and tighter customs controls. The European Union will apply the same rules as for any country with which it does not have a trade agreement (the United States, for example). You should therefore build this scenario into your business and contact your service providers to prepare for this deadline as well as possible. For your information, you will find materials made available by the French authorities, Brussels and British authorities, and information about CE marking change to UKCA marking.

Bertrand Rager

prekybos politika
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