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Ukraine customs and trade news: December 2022/January 2023

News at a glance: agreement on the "Single Market" with the EU; adoption of the full base of European technical standards; Licensing of goods and quotas for 2023; the CEPA between Ukraine and UAE; and more updates!

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news: December 2022/January 2023

News at a glance: agreement on the "Single Market" with the EU; adoption of the full base of European technical standards; Licensing of goods and quotas for 2023; the CEPA between Ukraine and UAE; and more updates!

Iryna Pavlenko

en, lt
The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

Dr David Savage

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

Dr David Savage

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What is the design behind export controls

Annette Reiser

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What is the design behind export controls and sanctions?

Annette Reiser

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restrictions, trade barriers
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Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

restrictions, trade barriers
de, en
Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-customs formalities in EU

EU Regulation provides a new legal framework to improve information sharing and digital cooperation between customs administrations and other government authorities in charge of enforcing non-customs formalities at the EU border. What are these non-customs formalities?

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopa prekių paskirtis tarptautinėje prekyboje: Lietuvos teismų praktikos vertinimai bylose dėl teisinės atsakomybės

Straipsnyje apžvelgiame pastarųjų metų Lietuvos teismų praktiką teisinės (administracinės) atsakomybės bylose, susijusią su dvejopos paskirties prekėmis ir kitomis strateginėmis prekėmis (karine įranga) bei jų gabenimo tvarkos pažeidimais ir joje pateikiamus esminius išaiškinimus bei problemines praktikos sritis. Nors ilgą laiką buvo pastebima, jog teismų praktika šioje srityje Lietuvoje nėra gausi, tačiau būtent pastaruoju metu jos pavyzdžių ir su jais susijusių straipsnyje pristatomų praktinių atsakomybės taikymo iššūkių, kuriuos turėtų žinoti tarptautinės prekybos verslas, vis labiau daugėja. Skelbiamas straipsnis yra atviros prieigos straipsnis, pirmiau publikuotas Interneto portale „Teisė.Pro“, „Komentarų“ skiltyje, kurioje taip pat galite susipažinti su jo elektronine vieša versija.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
The European Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for business cooperating with customs

The European Green Course, presented at the end of 2019, raised new challenges for various business enterprises; however, at the same time, it presented new opportunities. Businesses that cooperate with customs, such as customs brokers, logistics companies, and companies that export or import goods, are no exception.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
The European Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for business cooperating with customs

The European Green Course, presented at the end of 2019, raised new challenges for various business enterprises; however, at the same time, it presented new opportunities. Businesses that cooperate with customs, such as customs brokers, logistics companies, and companies that export or import goods, are no exception.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Ukraine customs and trade news: October/November 2022

News at a glance: ban on export of fuel wood; cooperation Ukraine - UK, Ukraine - U.S.; anti-dumping and safeguard measures; new Customs tariff; Common transit comes into effect.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news: October/November 2022

News at a glance: ban on export of fuel wood; cooperation Ukraine - UK, Ukraine - U.S.; anti-dumping and safeguard measures; new Customs tariff; Common transit comes into effect.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news: August/September 2022

News at a glance: amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine; customs ‘visa-free’ regime; updating the Customs Tariff of Ukraine; termination of safeguard investigations; upgrade of the free trade agreement between Ukraine and the UK; the Digital Trade Agreement between Ukraine and Great Britain.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news: August/September 2022

News at a glance: amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine; customs ‘visa-free’ regime; updating the Customs Tariff of Ukraine; termination of safeguard investigations; upgrade of the free trade agreement between Ukraine and the UK; the Digital Trade Agreement between Ukraine and Great Britain.

Iryna Pavlenko

Sankcijų taikymo ir dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės aktualijos

ES rengiant tolesnes sankcijas kaip atsaką į Rusijos paskelbtą karinio rezervo mobilizaciją karui Ukrainoje, temos svarba auga, juo labiau, kad griežtinama ir jau galiojančių sankcijų kontrolė. Šia tema kalbėjo ir į „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ surengto vebinaro dalyvių klausimus atsakė gerb. Rolandas Jurgaitis, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresnysis patarėjas. Pateikiame pranešimo ir vebinaro dalyvių keltų klausimų apžvalgą bei susijusią informaciją.

Customs Practitioners Association

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Sankcijų taikymo ir dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės aktualijos

ES rengiant tolesnes sankcijas kaip atsaką į Rusijos paskelbtą karinio rezervo mobilizaciją karui Ukrainoje, temos svarba auga, juo labiau, kad griežtinama ir jau galiojančių sankcijų kontrolė. Šia tema kalbėjo ir į „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ surengto vebinaro dalyvių klausimus atsakė gerb. Rolandas Jurgaitis, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresnysis patarėjas. Pateikiame pranešimo ir vebinaro dalyvių keltų klausimų apžvalgą bei susijusią informaciją.

Customs Practitioners Association

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What might be the consequences of non-authorised

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €14.99
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What might be the consequences of non-authorised export?

Enrika Naujokė

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restrictions, trade barriers
Customs broker’s profession: to be or not to be licensed?

This is the third article in our study of customs broker activity in different countries. The first one concerned the peculiarities of the customs broker profession in different EU countries. The second one contained insights and news not only from the EU, but also from the UK and Canada. We dedicate the third article to the approaches of regulation of customs broker’s profession in different countries. For this purpose, we conducted a small survey among our readers before. The results turned out to be quite interesting, especially in the context of their comparison with the current situation in various countries.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

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Customs broker’s profession: to be or not to be licensed?

This is the third article in our study of customs broker activity in different countries. The first one concerned the peculiarities of the customs broker profession in different EU countries. The second one contained insights and news not only from the EU, but also from the UK and Canada. We dedicate the third article to the approaches of regulation of customs broker’s profession in different countries. For this purpose, we conducted a small survey among our readers before. The results turned out to be quite interesting, especially in the context of their comparison with the current situation in various countries.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

customs brokers
Ar dėl administracinio nusižengimo gali būti konfiskuotos pažeidėjui nepriklausančios prekės?

Teismas sprendė pirotechnikos gaminių, kurių vertė 103 998 Eur, konfiskavimo klausimą. Gaminius bandyta išvežti į Rusiją pažeidžiant nustatytus draudimus. Administracine tvarka nubaustas pažeidėjas – transporto priemonės vairuotojas, jam skirta bauda (1 200 Eur) su gavėjui Rusijoje priklausančių prekių konfiskavimu. Ginčas kilo dėl pažeidėjui nepriklausančių prekių konfiskavimo. Apžvelkime situaciją ir kokį išaiškinimą pateikė teismas.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Ar dėl administracinio nusižengimo gali būti konfiskuotos pažeidėjui nepriklausančios prekės?

Teismas sprendė pirotechnikos gaminių, kurių vertė 103 998 Eur, konfiskavimo klausimą. Gaminius bandyta išvežti į Rusiją pažeidžiant nustatytus draudimus. Administracine tvarka nubaustas pažeidėjas – transporto priemonės vairuotojas, jam skirta bauda (1 200 Eur) su gavėjui Rusijoje priklausančių prekių konfiskavimu. Ginčas kilo dėl pažeidėjui nepriklausančių prekių konfiskavimo. Apžvelkime situaciją ir kokį išaiškinimą pateikė teismas.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Ukraine customs-related news: June/July 2022

News at a glance: cancellation of quotas and established licensing for export of rye and fertilisers; invitation to Ukraine to join the Convention on a common transit procedure and the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods; expanded list of goods prohibited for export; EU and UK suspend import duties on Ukrainian goods; new rules of administrative responsibility for infringements of customs formalities; and more news.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs-related news: June/July 2022

News at a glance: cancellation of quotas and established licensing for export of rye and fertilisers; invitation to Ukraine to join the Convention on a common transit procedure and the Convention on the simplification of formalities in trade in goods; expanded list of goods prohibited for export; EU and UK suspend import duties on Ukrainian goods; new rules of administrative responsibility for infringements of customs formalities; and more news.

Iryna Pavlenko

en, lt
Introduction to export controls – What

Bertrand Rager

‎ €14.99
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en, lt
Introduction to export controls – What is it? Why? When? How?

Bertrand Rager

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
Ukraine customs-related news: April/May 2022

News at a glance: the ban on the export of Ukrainian agricultural products during martial law; the limitation of foreign currency transactions for import operations; USA: temporary suspension of tariffs on Ukrainian steel; UK: agreement on “cutting” tariffs on all goods from Ukraine to zero; EU: 'Solidarity Lanes' for Ukrainian agro-products; common transit in Ukraine: first special transit simplification; FTA between Ukraine and Moldova: amendments on applying PEM; EU: a one-year suspension of EU import duties on all Ukrainian exports.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs-related news: April/May 2022

News at a glance: the ban on the export of Ukrainian agricultural products during martial law; the limitation of foreign currency transactions for import operations; USA: temporary suspension of tariffs on Ukrainian steel; UK: agreement on “cutting” tariffs on all goods from Ukraine to zero; EU: 'Solidarity Lanes' for Ukrainian agro-products; common transit in Ukraine: first special transit simplification; FTA between Ukraine and Moldova: amendments on applying PEM; EU: a one-year suspension of EU import duties on all Ukrainian exports.

Iryna Pavlenko

Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
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