sausis 30, 2022
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Muitas (muito mokestis)

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Kas yra muitas?

Muitas – tai mokestis, kuriuo apmokestinamos prekės jas įvežant (importuojant) arba išvežant (išvežant) iš muitų teritorijos. Importo muitas – muitas, mokėtinas importuojant prekes. Eksporto muitas – muitas, mokėtinas eksportuojant prekes. Importuojamos prekės gali būti apmokestinamos ir kitais mokesčiais, ES tai importo PVM ir importo akcizas.

Kokios yra muitų rūšys? 

Yra keletas muitų rūšių:

  • „Įprastas“ muitas arba MFN muitas. Pasaulio prekybos organizacijos (PPO) valstybės narės turi laikytis didžiausio palankumo (MFN, angl most-favoured nation) sąlygos, pagal kurią šalis privalo suteikti bet kokias vienai tautai suteiktas privilegijas visoms kitoms PPO valstybėms narėms – tai reiškia vienodą požiūrį į visas šalis.
  • Antidempingo ir kompensaciniai muitai: šie muitai naudojami kaip prekybos apsaugos priemonės nuo importo dempingo kainomis arba subsidijuoto importo ir taikomi papildomai su MFN muitais.
  • Lengvatiniai muitai yra MFN sąlygos išimtis: šalys gali sudaryti prekybos sutartis, pavyzdžiui, ES ir JK prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarimas, ir susitarti dėl mažesnių arba nulinių muitų tarifų prekėms, kilusių ir šalies partnerės. Lengvatinės muitų normos taip pat gali būti vienašališkai nustatytos besivystančių ir mažiausiai išsivysčiusių šalių kilmės prekėms, pavyzdžiui, pagal ES bendrųjų lengvatų sistemą (BLS).

Kur nustatyti ES muitų tarifai? 

ES MFN muitų tarifai yra nustatyti Kombinuotoje nomenklatūroje (KN), kuri yra kasmet atnaujinamas Tarybos reglamento (EEB) Nr. 2658/87 dėl tarifų ir statistinės nomenklatūros bei dėl Bendrojo muitų tarifo priedas. KN 2022 rasite 2021 m. spalio 12 d. Komisijos įgyvendinimo reglamente (ES) 2021/1832.

Antidempingo ir kompensacinių muitų normos kiekvienu konkrečiu atveju nustatomos Europos Komisijos reglamentuose, pavyzdžiui, 2022 m. sausio 18 d. Komisijos įgyvendinimo reglamente (ES) 2022/72, kuriuo nustatomi galutiniai kompensaciniai muitai Kinijos kilmės šviesolaidžių kabeliams. 

Preferencinės muitų normos yra nustatytos prekybos susitarimuose, pavyzdžiui, ES ir Kanados visapusiame ekonomikos ir prekybos susitarime. ES BLS tarifų apskaičiavimo taisyklės yra nustatytos 2012 m. spalio 25 d. Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos reglamente (ES) Nr. 978/2012.

Kur galima rasti tarifus (ar yra internetinis įrankis)? 

Visų rūšių ES muitų tarifus galima rasti internete Integruotame ES tarife (TARIC). Tai daugiakalbė ir daugiafunkcė duomenų bazė, apimanti visas priemones, susijusias su ES muitų tarifu ir komerciniais bei žemės ūkio teisės aktais.

Comments ()

Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

duties, taxes
Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

duties, taxes
VAT and duty deferment accounts in UK

Do you regularly import goods into the UK? Managing import taxes and VAT payments for every consignment can be complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating. Since Brexit, dealing with VAT payments at the border is no longer necessary as they are postponed and settled separately via the importer’s EORI number. However, to release the goods from customs, duties need to be paid at the time of import… or do they? UK customs (HMRC) offer an option to simplify the whole process, known as a deferment account.

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
VAT and duty deferment accounts in UK

Do you regularly import goods into the UK? Managing import taxes and VAT payments for every consignment can be complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating. Since Brexit, dealing with VAT payments at the border is no longer necessary as they are postponed and settled separately via the importer’s EORI number. However, to release the goods from customs, duties need to be paid at the time of import… or do they? UK customs (HMRC) offer an option to simplify the whole process, known as a deferment account.

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
VAT deferment accounts in EU

In theory, when goods enter the EU, import VAT is immediately due to the customs authorities at the relevant border. In practice, the EU VAT Directive gives Member States the ability to determine the conditions under which goods enter their territories. This is in addition to the ability to set detailed rules for payment of VAT in respect of goods imported. This means Member States can implement mechanisms for postponed accounting via the VAT return, or deferred payment schemes, or a combination of both.

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
VAT deferment accounts in EU

In theory, when goods enter the EU, import VAT is immediately due to the customs authorities at the relevant border. In practice, the EU VAT Directive gives Member States the ability to determine the conditions under which goods enter their territories. This is in addition to the ability to set detailed rules for payment of VAT in respect of goods imported. This means Member States can implement mechanisms for postponed accounting via the VAT return, or deferred payment schemes, or a combination of both.

Mark Rowbotham

duties, taxes
The customs posts and their impact on customs tax control

The present research covers the interpretation of the concept of customs posts and the relationship with customs tax control. The analysis of the European Union (EU) regulations showed the essential criteria for customs posts. The Maturity model was also reviewed in order to implement the EU regulations requirements for customs posts. In customs posts the Maturity model must be used in three areas – tax administration, customs administration, and information technology implementation. To assess the practical situation, it was chosen to analyse high-risk customs posts. The situation of the Suwalki corridor and the three-month data collected by two customs posts at the Kybartai Road and Raigardas Road posts were reviewed. The analysis revealed that there is a lack of available data for researchers to conduct analysis and determine the impact of selected customs posts on customs tax control.

Tomas Zymonas

duties, taxes
The customs posts and their impact on customs tax control

The present research covers the interpretation of the concept of customs posts and the relationship with customs tax control. The analysis of the European Union (EU) regulations showed the essential criteria for customs posts. The Maturity model was also reviewed in order to implement the EU regulations requirements for customs posts. In customs posts the Maturity model must be used in three areas – tax administration, customs administration, and information technology implementation. To assess the practical situation, it was chosen to analyse high-risk customs posts. The situation of the Suwalki corridor and the three-month data collected by two customs posts at the Kybartai Road and Raigardas Road posts were reviewed. The analysis revealed that there is a lack of available data for researchers to conduct analysis and determine the impact of selected customs posts on customs tax control.

Tomas Zymonas

duties, taxes
Customs taxes influence the decision of private persons on e-commerce in the European Union

Customs taxes are a form of taxation imposed on goods imported into a country. They are typically levied on the value of the goods, and are intended to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. In the European Union (EU), customs duties are harmonized across all member states. This means that the same rate of duty is applied to the same goods, regardless of which EU country they are imported into, however, there are some exceptions to this rule. Also, not only Duties has to be paid before release to free circulation. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers consumers a convenient and affordable way to shop. However, the growth of e-commerce has also led to an increase in the number of goods being imported into the EU. The influence of customs taxes on e-commerce imports can have a significant impact on private persons. For example, if a private person imports goods from a country outside of the EU, they may have to pay customs taxes on those goods. This can make imported goods more expensive, it can also take more time for delivery, and can discourage private persons from importing goods from outside of the EU. The following sections of this paper will explore this topic in more detail and will discuss the various factors that can influence the impact of customs taxes on e-commerce imports for private persons and propose a theoretical model of how customs taxes affect the e-commerce of private persons.

Gertrūda Bakšienė

duties, taxes
Customs taxes influence the decision of private persons on e-commerce in the European Union

Customs taxes are a form of taxation imposed on goods imported into a country. They are typically levied on the value of the goods, and are intended to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. In the European Union (EU), customs duties are harmonized across all member states. This means that the same rate of duty is applied to the same goods, regardless of which EU country they are imported into, however, there are some exceptions to this rule. Also, not only Duties has to be paid before release to free circulation. E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services online. It has become increasingly popular in recent years, as it offers consumers a convenient and affordable way to shop. However, the growth of e-commerce has also led to an increase in the number of goods being imported into the EU. The influence of customs taxes on e-commerce imports can have a significant impact on private persons. For example, if a private person imports goods from a country outside of the EU, they may have to pay customs taxes on those goods. This can make imported goods more expensive, it can also take more time for delivery, and can discourage private persons from importing goods from outside of the EU. The following sections of this paper will explore this topic in more detail and will discuss the various factors that can influence the impact of customs taxes on e-commerce imports for private persons and propose a theoretical model of how customs taxes affect the e-commerce of private persons.

Gertrūda Bakšienė

duties, taxes
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