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EU law news April/May 2023

News in week 22: More trade-related cooperation agreed between the EU and the US in the Trade and Technology Council; WTO dispute panel established to review EU duties on Indonesian steel products; regulation on tariff cassification of a cooling mat for dogs and cats; anti-dumping duty on imports of rebars originating in Belarus; and more updates!

EU law news April/May 2023

News in week 22: More trade-related cooperation agreed between the EU and the US in the Trade and Technology Council; WTO dispute panel established to review EU duties on Indonesian steel products; regulation on tariff cassification of a cooling mat for dogs and cats; anti-dumping duty on imports of rebars originating in Belarus; and more updates!

en, lt
The Reform of the UCC

The EU Commission has presented a proposal for the reform of the Union Customs Code (as well as amendments of several other legal acts). In view of the largely failed centralisation (and thus standardisation) of customs activities and – apart from ICS2 – IT systems, as well as a lack of harmonisation of customs sanctions, the proposals for an EU Customs Data Hub, an EU Customs Authority, the shift to the (deemed) importer as the person responsible for duties and all compliance aspects, as well as a partial harmonisation of customs sanctions are bold steps with regard to which the business community suffering from unequal treatment within the EU Customs Union and Single Market can only wish the EU Commission success in the Council and the Parliament.

Michael Lux

en, lt
The Reform of the UCC

The EU Commission has presented a proposal for the reform of the Union Customs Code (as well as amendments of several other legal acts). In view of the largely failed centralisation (and thus standardisation) of customs activities and – apart from ICS2 – IT systems, as well as a lack of harmonisation of customs sanctions, the proposals for an EU Customs Data Hub, an EU Customs Authority, the shift to the (deemed) importer as the person responsible for duties and all compliance aspects, as well as a partial harmonisation of customs sanctions are bold steps with regard to which the business community suffering from unequal treatment within the EU Customs Union and Single Market can only wish the EU Commission success in the Council and the Parliament.

Michael Lux

ES aktualijos: gegužė 2023

Naujienos 22 savaitę: ES ir JAV prekybos ir technologijų taryboje susitarta dėl glaudesnio bendradarbiavimo prekybos srityje; įsteigta PPO ginčų nagrinėjimo grupė, kuri peržiūrės ES muitus Indonezijos plieno gaminiams; reglamentas dėl šunims ir katėms skirto šaldomojo kilimėlio tarifinio klasifikavimo; antidempingo muitas Baltarusijos kilmės strypų importui; ir daugiau aktualijų!

ES aktualijos: gegužė 2023

Naujienos 22 savaitę: ES ir JAV prekybos ir technologijų taryboje susitarta dėl glaudesnio bendradarbiavimo prekybos srityje; įsteigta PPO ginčų nagrinėjimo grupė, kuri peržiūrės ES muitus Indonezijos plieno gaminiams; reglamentas dėl šunims ir katėms skirto šaldomojo kilimėlio tarifinio klasifikavimo; antidempingo muitas Baltarusijos kilmės strypų importui; ir daugiau aktualijų!

LR aktualijos: gegužė 2023

Aktualijos gegužės mėn. pab.: muitinė sulaikė žaidimo "Monopolis" klastotes; teismų sprendimai administracinių nusižengimų pagal ANK 212(3) str. bylose dėl neteisingo TARIC kodo deklaravimo, mokestinė nepriemoka 3 976 Eur, bauda 400 Eur ir dėl neteisingo prekės vertės deklaravimo, nurodant valiutą USD vietoje EUR, mokestinė nepriemoka 1 638 Eur, bauda 700 Eur.

LR aktualijos: gegužė 2023

Aktualijos gegužės mėn. pab.: muitinė sulaikė žaidimo "Monopolis" klastotes; teismų sprendimai administracinių nusižengimų pagal ANK 212(3) str. bylose dėl neteisingo TARIC kodo deklaravimo, mokestinė nepriemoka 3 976 Eur, bauda 400 Eur ir dėl neteisingo prekės vertės deklaravimo, nurodant valiutą USD vietoje EUR, mokestinė nepriemoka 1 638 Eur, bauda 700 Eur.

Non-preferential origin & punitive tariffs

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €15.99
Non-preferential origin & punitive tariffs

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €15.99
en, lt
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes, origin
en, lt
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes, origin
Preferential origin: supplier's declaration

Annette Reiser

‎ €19.79
Preferential origin: supplier's declaration in the EU

Annette Reiser

‎ €19.79
Brexit Diary – the Journey to Windsor

The Windsor Framework possibly places Northern Ireland in a very enviable position. Importers and exporters from Northern Ireland uniquely have free access to both the UK and EU markets – which should surely attract considerable foreign investment and transform it into a prosperous trading hub. How did the journey to Windsor go?

Dr David Savage

Brexit Diary – the Journey to Windsor

The Windsor Framework possibly places Northern Ireland in a very enviable position. Importers and exporters from Northern Ireland uniquely have free access to both the UK and EU markets – which should surely attract considerable foreign investment and transform it into a prosperous trading hub. How did the journey to Windsor go?

Dr David Savage

en, lt
Case of classification of unassembled goods OR How to save €389 973?

An unassembled good must be classified as a complete good. For example, if you import disassembled bicycles, you still have to declare them as bicycles and pay the import duties due on the bicycles. But maybe you could be smarter and save the import duties by declaring half of the bicycles’ parts in your name and the other half in a friend's name? In addition, perhaps it would help to place the parts under different customs procedures before releasing them for free circulation?

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
Case of classification of unassembled goods OR How to save €389 973?

An unassembled good must be classified as a complete good. For example, if you import disassembled bicycles, you still have to declare them as bicycles and pay the import duties due on the bicycles. But maybe you could be smarter and save the import duties by declaring half of the bicycles’ parts in your name and the other half in a friend's name? In addition, perhaps it would help to place the parts under different customs procedures before releasing them for free circulation?

Enrika Naujokė

ES aktualijos: balandis 2023

Naujienos 17 savaitę: ES imasi veiksmų PPO ginče su JAV dėl prinokusių alyvuogių; papildomi muitai tam tikriems importuojamiems JAV kilmės produktams; ESTT išaiškino BAT 2(a) taikymą ginče dėl palydovinio imtuvo komponentų tarifinio klasifikavimo; Seišelių eksportuotojai privalo naudoti REX sistemą; naujausia valstybių narių nacionalinė planavimo informacija apie IT įgyvendinimą pagal SMK darbo programą; ir daugiau aktualijų!

ES aktualijos: balandis 2023

Naujienos 17 savaitę: ES imasi veiksmų PPO ginče su JAV dėl prinokusių alyvuogių; papildomi muitai tam tikriems importuojamiems JAV kilmės produktams; ESTT išaiškino BAT 2(a) taikymą ginče dėl palydovinio imtuvo komponentų tarifinio klasifikavimo; Seišelių eksportuotojai privalo naudoti REX sistemą; naujausia valstybių narių nacionalinė planavimo informacija apie IT įgyvendinimą pagal SMK darbo programą; ir daugiau aktualijų!

LR aktualijos: balandis 2023

Aktualijos 17 savaitę: pakeitimai muitinės įstaigų klasifikatoriuje ir nacionalinių kodų sąraše; krovinių poste „Savanoriai“ jau atliekami mažos vertės siuntų muitinės formalumai; padidintas muitinės dėmesys kroviniams, gabenamiems nelogiškais maršrutais; Ukrainos muitinė atkreipia dėmesį, kad svarbu teisingai nurodyti sienos kirtimo punktą ir paskelbė muitinės postų sąrašą; ir daugiau naujienų!

LR aktualijos: balandis 2023

Aktualijos 17 savaitę: pakeitimai muitinės įstaigų klasifikatoriuje ir nacionalinių kodų sąraše; krovinių poste „Savanoriai“ jau atliekami mažos vertės siuntų muitinės formalumai; padidintas muitinės dėmesys kroviniams, gabenamiems nelogiškais maršrutais; Ukrainos muitinė atkreipia dėmesį, kad svarbu teisingai nurodyti sienos kirtimo punktą ir paskelbė muitinės postų sąrašą; ir daugiau naujienų!

en, lt
Car seat protector and pocket net: parts or accessories?

Can the net for making pockets in the rear part of seats and the protection for the inside of seats be classified under subheading 9401 90 80 of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) as parts of seats? The "value" of the answer to the importer is EUR 300 000! The Court of Justice of the European Union has provided clarification on this point.

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
Car seat protector and pocket net: parts or accessories?

Can the net for making pockets in the rear part of seats and the protection for the inside of seats be classified under subheading 9401 90 80 of the Combined Nomenclature (CN) as parts of seats? The "value" of the answer to the importer is EUR 300 000! The Court of Justice of the European Union has provided clarification on this point.

Ingrida Kemežienė

EU law news February/March 2023

News in week 13: communication on decisions relating to binding tariff information; conclusion of the 71st Session of the Harmonized System Committee; CJEU judgements in two tariff classification cases; updates related to anti-dumping; creation of certain tariff rate quotas under the steel safeguard measure; and more news!

EU law news February/March 2023

News in week 13: communication on decisions relating to binding tariff information; conclusion of the 71st Session of the Harmonized System Committee; CJEU judgements in two tariff classification cases; updates related to anti-dumping; creation of certain tariff rate quotas under the steel safeguard measure; and more news!

Ukraine customs and trade news: February/March 2023

News at a glance: Common transit - list of goods exempted from guarantee; extended suspension of import duties, quotas and trade defence measures for Ukrainian exports to the EU and the UK; pilot project for the transport of goods between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova using the TIR electronic procedure; and more news!

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news: February/March 2023

News at a glance: Common transit - list of goods exempted from guarantee; extended suspension of import duties, quotas and trade defence measures for Ukrainian exports to the EU and the UK; pilot project for the transport of goods between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova using the TIR electronic procedure; and more news!

Iryna Pavlenko

en, lt
When is export of electronic devices...

CustomsClear ㅤ

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export, restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
en, lt
When is export of electronic devices... export of waste?

CustomsClear ㅤ

‎ €14.99
export, restrictions, trade barriers, sustainability
ES aktualijos: kovas 2023

Naujienos 13 savaitę: komunikatas dėl sprendimų, susijusių su privalomąja tarifine informacija; įvyko Suderintos sistemos komiteto 71-oji sesija; ESTT sprendimai dviejose tarifinio klasifikavimo bylose; pasikeitimai, susiję su antidempingo priemonėmis; tam tikrų tarifinių kvotų nustatymas pagal plieno apsaugos priemonę; ir daugiau aktualijų!

ES aktualijos: kovas 2023

Naujienos 13 savaitę: komunikatas dėl sprendimų, susijusių su privalomąja tarifine informacija; įvyko Suderintos sistemos komiteto 71-oji sesija; ESTT sprendimai dviejose tarifinio klasifikavimo bylose; pasikeitimai, susiję su antidempingo priemonėmis; tam tikrų tarifinių kvotų nustatymas pagal plieno apsaugos priemonę; ir daugiau aktualijų!

LR aktualijos: kovas 2023

Aktualijos 13 savaitę: patvirtintas kriterijų, pagal kuriuos administracinis nusižengimas laikomas mažai pavojingu, nustatymo tvarkos aprašas; neteko galios įsakymas dėl Mokestinių prievolių įvykdymo užtikrinimo muitinėje taisyklių; patvirtintos kainos taikomos naudotų automobilių muitinio įvertinimo tikslais.

LR aktualijos: kovas 2023

Aktualijos 13 savaitę: patvirtintas kriterijų, pagal kuriuos administracinis nusižengimas laikomas mažai pavojingu, nustatymo tvarkos aprašas; neteko galios įsakymas dėl Mokestinių prievolių įvykdymo užtikrinimo muitinėje taisyklių; patvirtintos kainos taikomos naudotų automobilių muitinio įvertinimo tikslais.

Getting information from Customs in Ukraine: Is it even possible?

“He who owns information owns the world”, said Nathan M. Rothschild two centuries ago. The quote is relevant today particularly when it comes to customs. What if a company needs information from customs authorities? Is it possible to obtain it? Are customs obliged to provide it to a company or an individual? This article deals with the problems faced by Ukrainian companies in obtaining the information they need from the customs authorities. We also take a look at the provisions of the EU Customs Code.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

Getting information from Customs in Ukraine: Is it even possible?

“He who owns information owns the world”, said Nathan M. Rothschild two centuries ago. The quote is relevant today particularly when it comes to customs. What if a company needs information from customs authorities? Is it possible to obtain it? Are customs obliged to provide it to a company or an individual? This article deals with the problems faced by Ukrainian companies in obtaining the information they need from the customs authorities. We also take a look at the provisions of the EU Customs Code.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

en, lt
Customs law in EU: 1 or 27 interpretations?

A recently published comparative analysis of Member States' customs authorisation procedures for the entry of products into the EU concludes that the EU is a customs union with common legislation, customs rules, procedures and a single development plan; yet, for a number of objective reasons and considerations, each Member State manages and develops its customs activities at its own pace and according to its own interpretation of the Union Customs Code. We overview some aspects of the analysis.

Boryana Peycheva

en, lt
Customs law in EU: 1 or 27 interpretations?

A recently published comparative analysis of Member States' customs authorisation procedures for the entry of products into the EU concludes that the EU is a customs union with common legislation, customs rules, procedures and a single development plan; yet, for a number of objective reasons and considerations, each Member State manages and develops its customs activities at its own pace and according to its own interpretation of the Union Customs Code. We overview some aspects of the analysis.

Boryana Peycheva

ES aktualijos: vasaris 2023

Naujienos 8 savaitę: 10-asis sankcijų Rusijai paketas; pasiūlymas pratęsti importo muitų, kvotų ir prekybos apsaugos priemonių sustabdymą Ukrainos eksportui į ES; Sąjungos muitinės kodekso deleguotojo ir įgyvendinimo aktų pakeitimai (susiję su ICS2); ataskaita apie pažangą, padarytą vystant Sąjungos muitinės kodekse numatytas elektronines sistemas; ir daugiau naujienų!

ES aktualijos: vasaris 2023

Naujienos 8 savaitę: 10-asis sankcijų Rusijai paketas; pasiūlymas pratęsti importo muitų, kvotų ir prekybos apsaugos priemonių sustabdymą Ukrainos eksportui į ES; Sąjungos muitinės kodekso deleguotojo ir įgyvendinimo aktų pakeitimai (susiję su ICS2); ataskaita apie pažangą, padarytą vystant Sąjungos muitinės kodekse numatytas elektronines sistemas; ir daugiau naujienų!

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