spalis 30, 2021
lt en

Naudokitės galimybe pasidalinti įžvalgomis, pastebėjimais ir užduoti klausimus komentarų dalyje! Pateikiame š.m. spalį parašytus komentarus.

"Muitų teisė ar muitinės teisė?" dr. Gediminas Valantiejus, advokatas, lektorius, Mykolo Romerio universitetas. KomentarasSusidėliojo ir man pagaliau viskas į lentynėles. Prieš tai buvau arši “muitų teisės” gynėja :). Ačiū, Gediminai.

"Overseas countries and territories: developments after Brexit" by Zofija Pečiukonienė Training specialist, Customs Training Center, Lithuania. CommentThanks for bringing our attention to this decision! Since originating goods can be imported into the EU duty-free and quota-free from the OCTs, and now that 12 territories of the UK are no longer covered, I wonder how many businesses were previously relying on cumulation which means now, they have to review if their goods are still qualifying. Out of interest, has anyone dealt with this since the end of the Brexit transition period?

"The role and importance of customs representation in Bulgaria" by Assoc. Prof. Momchil Antov, Ph.D. Department of Control and Analysis of Economic Activity at D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics – Svishtov. CommentThank you for sharing the insightful numbers! Customs brokers play an important role in Bulgaria. Numbers in Lithuania are similar. In 2020, 85% of import and 87% of export declarations were made using customs brokers' services. Quality training of customs brokers is of high importance.

EU law news: October/ November 2021 CommentDoes anyone know where we can find an overview of what the following is referring to? "...corrigendum corrections to the amendment of the HS2022 Explanatory Notes, 32 new Classification Opinions, 6 amendments of the ENs and 29 new classification decisions." Many thanks!

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