Importing basics for UK importers

(be PVM, mokėjimas kortele arba bankiniu pavedimu)

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Įsigijus mokymo kursą, Jums bus suteikta prieiga 2 mėnesiams.

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(be PVM, mokėjimas kortele arba bankiniu pavedimu)

Pridėti į krepšelį

Įsigijus mokymo kursą, Jums bus suteikta prieiga 2 mėnesiams.

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{{ courseItem.title }}
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{{ subscription.title }}

This course is for those of you who are new to importing and for those of you who want to develop a systematic understanding of the process and effectively manage related risks. The course breaks down importing into different parts. Each part is explained in detail to give you the knowledge you need to manage importing successfully. Please plan to dedicate 4-5 hours to learning.

Through the following modules, you will develop a solid understanding of the following concepts:

Module 1

  • Import process
  • Sourcing
  • Role of HRMC
  • Incoterms 2020

Module 2

  • Importer's responsibility
  • Steps of importing: purchase from a supplier, commercial paperwork, goods are on their way, import entry, goods arrive in the UK
  • Customs valuation
  • Customs procedures
  • Import entry/customs declaration
  • Payment of import taxes

Module 3

  • Commodity codes
  • Anti-dumping duties
  • Import paperwork
  • Preferential trade arrangements and agreements 

Module 4

  • Import trade finance: factoring, letter of credit, etc.
  • Special procedures
  • Practical task – please plan to dedicate around 1 hour

Instructor: The course was prepared and is presented by Richard Bartlett, who possesses over 25 years expertise in logistics. Richard is the Managing Director of Export Unlocked for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. You are in good hands. 

Other benefits

  • You receive a Certificate upon completion. Quizzes and a test are included to help you to test the knowledge. After answering more than 60% of the test questions correctly, you will be awarded a certificate;
  • Slides are available in the resources section; 
  • Purchase of this course entitles you to receive free access to all paid articles on the CustomsClear platform;

Happy learning and importing!

Feel like we are missing something? All your queries are welcome by email at

Prieiga prie resursų suteikiama įsigijus kursą.

Komentarai ()

EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are his responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are his responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

prekybos temos
EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

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Transforming trade: how Dubai Customs is harnessing AI for enhanced trade facilitation and border control

In a world where international trade is the lifeblood of economies, ensuring the smooth flow of goods across borders while maintaining rigorous controls is a challenging balancing act. Dubai, one of the world’s busiest trade hubs, is meeting this challenge head-on by investing in advance technology and embracing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance trade facilitation and border control. These efforts are poised not only to bolster Dubai’s position as a global trade and tourist hub, but also to set new standards for Customs operations and services worldwide, which has reflected positively on Dubai Customs client happiness index reaching a score of 98% for smart and electronic services. Some of the projects developed using AI are presented below.

Ahmed Mahboob Musabih

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Transforming trade: how Dubai Customs is harnessing AI for enhanced trade facilitation and border control

In a world where international trade is the lifeblood of economies, ensuring the smooth flow of goods across borders while maintaining rigorous controls is a challenging balancing act. Dubai, one of the world’s busiest trade hubs, is meeting this challenge head-on by investing in advance technology and embracing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance trade facilitation and border control. These efforts are poised not only to bolster Dubai’s position as a global trade and tourist hub, but also to set new standards for Customs operations and services worldwide, which has reflected positively on Dubai Customs client happiness index reaching a score of 98% for smart and electronic services. Some of the projects developed using AI are presented below.

Ahmed Mahboob Musabih

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Arne Mielken

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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): The Law

Arne Mielken

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Lygis: Bazinis
Tipas: Seminaro įrašas
en, lt
Mega dydžio lengvatinių prekybos susitarimų raida

Pagrindinė straipsnio tema - laisvosios prekybos teritorijų kūrimas visame pasaulyje, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant Azijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno regionui bei Amerikai. Straipsnyje taip pat keliamas klausimas dėl ES vaidmens šioje raidoje. Jis parengtas remiantis pranešimu, skaitytu gegužės 25-26 d. Vilniuje ir internetu vykusioje Europos muitinės praktikų konferencijoje.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

prekybos temos
en, lt
Mega dydžio lengvatinių prekybos susitarimų raida

Pagrindinė straipsnio tema - laisvosios prekybos teritorijų kūrimas visame pasaulyje, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant Azijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno regionui bei Amerikai. Straipsnyje taip pat keliamas klausimas dėl ES vaidmens šioje raidoje. Jis parengtas remiantis pranešimu, skaitytu gegužės 25-26 d. Vilniuje ir internetu vykusioje Europos muitinės praktikų konferencijoje.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

prekybos temos
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