Panašus turinys

Export basics: paperwork and procedures

Richard Bartlett

‎ €59.89
Export basics: paperwork and procedures

Richard Bartlett

‎ €59.89
en, lt
Retrospektyvus eksporto procedūros užbaigimas

Retrospektyvus eksporto procedūros užbaigimas ir Brexit – skirtingi valstybių narių formalumai Lietuvos ir Vokietijos pavyzdžiu. Šiame straipsnyje norime pakalbėti tema, kuri nėra visiškai nauja, tačiau dėl kurios vis dar dažnai kreipiamasi ir kuri kelia daug klausimų. Neaiškumai ir klausimai kyla ypač tada, kai skirtingos muitinės įstaigos taiko skirtingus alternatyvaus įrodymo reikalavimus. Nors tai nėra specifinė Brexit problema, daugelis į Jungtinę Karalystę pradėtų eksporto procedūrų vis dar atviros. Vokietijos muitinės administracija reagavo į tai pritaikydama supaprastinimus.

Patrick Nieveler

en, lt
Retrospektyvus eksporto procedūros užbaigimas

Retrospektyvus eksporto procedūros užbaigimas ir Brexit – skirtingi valstybių narių formalumai Lietuvos ir Vokietijos pavyzdžiu. Šiame straipsnyje norime pakalbėti tema, kuri nėra visiškai nauja, tačiau dėl kurios vis dar dažnai kreipiamasi ir kuri kelia daug klausimų. Neaiškumai ir klausimai kyla ypač tada, kai skirtingos muitinės įstaigos taiko skirtingus alternatyvaus įrodymo reikalavimus. Nors tai nėra specifinė Brexit problema, daugelis į Jungtinę Karalystę pradėtų eksporto procedūrų vis dar atviros. Vokietijos muitinės administracija reagavo į tai pritaikydama supaprastinimus.

Patrick Nieveler

Point of view on some aspects of trade, customs and career

Point of view on these aspects of trade, customs and career: Don’t just trade, provide global service. As a trader, respond positively to the role Customs plays within global trade. Six points to consider when planning your career as a customs advisor.

Ronnie Van Rooyen

Point of view on some aspects of trade, customs and career

Point of view on these aspects of trade, customs and career: Don’t just trade, provide global service. As a trader, respond positively to the role Customs plays within global trade. Six points to consider when planning your career as a customs advisor.

Ronnie Van Rooyen

en, lt
ATA knygelė

ATA knygelė naudojama laikinai išvežant, gabenant tranzitu ir laikinai įvežant prekes tam tikrais tikslais, pvz., parodoms, renginiams, gabenant profesinę įrangą ar komercinius pavyzdžius.

en, lt
ATA knygelė

ATA knygelė naudojama laikinai išvežant, gabenant tranzitu ir laikinai įvežant prekes tam tikrais tikslais, pvz., parodoms, renginiams, gabenant profesinę įrangą ar komercinius pavyzdžius.

INF STP: electronic exchange of information for inward and outward processing in the EU

On the 1st of June 2020, the EU Commission implemented the INF Specific Trader Portal (STP) which should ensure the electronic data exchange between the customs authorities involved in the customs procedures of inward and outward processing. This article provides an overview of what traders need to consider and which functions are missing in the current version of INF STP.

Patrick Nieveler

INF STP: electronic exchange of information for inward and outward processing in the EU

On the 1st of June 2020, the EU Commission implemented the INF Specific Trader Portal (STP) which should ensure the electronic data exchange between the customs authorities involved in the customs procedures of inward and outward processing. This article provides an overview of what traders need to consider and which functions are missing in the current version of INF STP.

Patrick Nieveler

Northern Ireland: a case study on import-export customs formalities

The case study is about a company, which brings in a lot of equipment and manufactures some equipment in Northern Ireland (which is in a unique situation as it has become part of two customs territories this year - the UK and the EU) and then exports 95% of its products again. What does the company need to do to engage in the new customs environment between GB, Northern Ireland and the EU?

Simon Ballentine

Northern Ireland: a case study on import-export customs formalities

The case study is about a company, which brings in a lot of equipment and manufactures some equipment in Northern Ireland (which is in a unique situation as it has become part of two customs territories this year - the UK and the EU) and then exports 95% of its products again. What does the company need to do to engage in the new customs environment between GB, Northern Ireland and the EU?

Simon Ballentine

Outward processing procedure in the EU: the basics

Everyone entering the import-export sector should be aware of the variety of customs procedures to work in the most efficient way and satisfy their economic needs. Outward and inward processing are two of the often-used procedures that can help you pass through the borders paying less duties or no duties at all. In this article, we overview EU’s Customs Decisions System and focus on one of 22 authorizations that might be applied there – the outward processing. In the following article, we will continue the topic by looking at inward processing.

Mara Valdemarca

Outward processing procedure in the EU: the basics

Everyone entering the import-export sector should be aware of the variety of customs procedures to work in the most efficient way and satisfy their economic needs. Outward and inward processing are two of the often-used procedures that can help you pass through the borders paying less duties or no duties at all. In this article, we overview EU’s Customs Decisions System and focus on one of 22 authorizations that might be applied there – the outward processing. In the following article, we will continue the topic by looking at inward processing.

Mara Valdemarca

Perdirbimo procedūros: leidimų išdavimo

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

‎ €34.99
Perdirbimo procedūros: leidimų išdavimo sąlygos

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

‎ €34.99
Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė

Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė

ATA Carnet - through customs faster

Whether for trade fairs, exhibitions or sporting events - some companies often import durable / consumer goods abroad temporarily. For those companies, it can be worth obtaining an ATA Carnet.

Michael Schlosser

ATA Carnet - through customs faster

Whether for trade fairs, exhibitions or sporting events - some companies often import durable / consumer goods abroad temporarily. For those companies, it can be worth obtaining an ATA Carnet.

Michael Schlosser

en, fr, lt
Kaip Nyderlandų uostai ruošėsi Brexit

Nyderlandų muitinė yra pagarsėjusi kaip viena moderniausių muitinės administracijų pasaulyje, labiausiai dėl procesų valdymo efektyvumo. Jos šūkis yra: „Plėsti ribas: išmani priežiūra ir minimalus logistikos grandinės trikdymas“. Straipsnyje rašoma apie tai, kokie sprendimai buvo rasti tam, kad būtų sukurtas „skaitmeninis pasienis“ kroviniams, gabenamiems keltais bei trumpųjų nuotolių laivybos laivais, tarp ES ir JK, kai (nuo 2021.01.01) Nyderlandų uostuose turės būti atliekami muitinės formalumai.

Bas van Amsterdam

en, fr, lt
Kaip Nyderlandų uostai ruošėsi Brexit

Nyderlandų muitinė yra pagarsėjusi kaip viena moderniausių muitinės administracijų pasaulyje, labiausiai dėl procesų valdymo efektyvumo. Jos šūkis yra: „Plėsti ribas: išmani priežiūra ir minimalus logistikos grandinės trikdymas“. Straipsnyje rašoma apie tai, kokie sprendimai buvo rasti tam, kad būtų sukurtas „skaitmeninis pasienis“ kroviniams, gabenamiems keltais bei trumpųjų nuotolių laivybos laivais, tarp ES ir JK, kai (nuo 2021.01.01) Nyderlandų uostuose turės būti atliekami muitinės formalumai.

Bas van Amsterdam

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