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EU law news April 2024

News in week 17: 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement; directive on criminal penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures; resolution on the prohibition of products made with forced labour; customs valuation and the meaning of 'in substantially the same quantity'; changes to tariff quotas following the EU's FTA with New Zealand; new representative import prices for certain poultry meat from Brazil; impending expiry of anti-dumping duty on imports of persulphates from China; infringement proceedings against Spain for failure to collect import duties on textile products; South Africa challenges the EU's prohibition on the importation of citrus fruit; World Intellectual Property Day highlights the link between IPRs and SDGs; Commission proposed Association Agreement with Andorra and San Marino to the Council; documents for non-commercial movement of certain pets; Irish Customs - many export declarations have not been correctly closed out.

EU law news April 2024

News in week 17: 20th anniversary of the 2004 EU enlargement; directive on criminal penalties for the violation of Union restrictive measures; resolution on the prohibition of products made with forced labour; customs valuation and the meaning of 'in substantially the same quantity'; changes to tariff quotas following the EU's FTA with New Zealand; new representative import prices for certain poultry meat from Brazil; impending expiry of anti-dumping duty on imports of persulphates from China; infringement proceedings against Spain for failure to collect import duties on textile products; South Africa challenges the EU's prohibition on the importation of citrus fruit; World Intellectual Property Day highlights the link between IPRs and SDGs; Commission proposed Association Agreement with Andorra and San Marino to the Council; documents for non-commercial movement of certain pets; Irish Customs - many export declarations have not been correctly closed out.

Preferential rules of origin: 3 key

Dr Anna Jerzewska

‎ €24.50
Preferential rules of origin: 3 key steps

Dr Anna Jerzewska

‎ €24.50
Customs Valuation - Updated Compendium

‎ €19.99
Customs Valuation - Updated Compendium and Simplification Guidance

‎ €19.99
EU customs law monthly updates CW 13-16

‎ €19.99
EU customs law monthly updates CW 13-16

‎ €19.99
ES aktualijos: balandis 2024

Naujienos 17 savaitę: 2004 m. ES plėtros 20-osios metinės; direktyva dėl baudžiamųjų sankcijų už Sąjungos ribojamųjų priemonių pažeidimus; rezoliucija dėl produktų, pagamintų naudojant priverstinį darbą, uždraudimo; muitinis vertinimas ir sąvokos „iš esmės toks pat kiekis“ reikšmė; tarifinių kvotų pakeitimai dėl ES laisvosios prekybos susitarimo su Naująja Zelandija taikymo; naujos tipinės tam tikros paukštienos iš Brazilijos importo kainos; artėjanti antidempingo muito, taikomo persulfatų importui iš Kinijos, galiojimo pabaiga; pažeidimo procedūra prieš Ispaniją dėl nesurinktų importo muitų už tekstilės gaminius; Pietų Afrika ginčija ES draudimą importuoti citrusinius vaisius; Pasaulinę intelektinės nuosavybės dieną pabrėžiamas intelektinės nuosavybės teisių ir darnaus vystymosi tikslų ryšys; Komisija pasiūlė Tarybai asociacijos susitarimą su Andora ir San Marinu; tam tikrų gyvūnų augintinių nekomercinio judėjimo dokumentai; Airijos muitinė - daug eksporto procedūrų nebuvo tinkamai užbaigtos.

ES aktualijos: balandis 2024

Naujienos 17 savaitę: 2004 m. ES plėtros 20-osios metinės; direktyva dėl baudžiamųjų sankcijų už Sąjungos ribojamųjų priemonių pažeidimus; rezoliucija dėl produktų, pagamintų naudojant priverstinį darbą, uždraudimo; muitinis vertinimas ir sąvokos „iš esmės toks pat kiekis“ reikšmė; tarifinių kvotų pakeitimai dėl ES laisvosios prekybos susitarimo su Naująja Zelandija taikymo; naujos tipinės tam tikros paukštienos iš Brazilijos importo kainos; artėjanti antidempingo muito, taikomo persulfatų importui iš Kinijos, galiojimo pabaiga; pažeidimo procedūra prieš Ispaniją dėl nesurinktų importo muitų už tekstilės gaminius; Pietų Afrika ginčija ES draudimą importuoti citrusinius vaisius; Pasaulinę intelektinės nuosavybės dieną pabrėžiamas intelektinės nuosavybės teisių ir darnaus vystymosi tikslų ryšys; Komisija pasiūlė Tarybai asociacijos susitarimą su Andora ir San Marinu; tam tikrų gyvūnų augintinių nekomercinio judėjimo dokumentai; Airijos muitinė - daug eksporto procedūrų nebuvo tinkamai užbaigtos.

LR aktualijos: balandis 2024

Naujienos 17 savaitę: sankcijos komercinei veiklai, nors ji ir vykdoma nesankcionuojamomis prekėmis – pažeidimo atveju gresia bauda ir prekės konfiskavimas; neteko galios automatinio deklaracijų priėmimo ir apdorojimo tvarka; elektroninės įrangos importo, eksporto, atliekų tvarkymo taisyklių pakeitimai; pranešimo apie LR rinkai tiekiamus maisto papildus teikimo aprašo pakeitimai; LVAT išaiškinimai dėl naudotų automobilių pripažinimo atliekomis ir susijusių leidimų.

LR aktualijos: balandis 2024

Naujienos 17 savaitę: sankcijos komercinei veiklai, nors ji ir vykdoma nesankcionuojamomis prekėmis – pažeidimo atveju gresia bauda ir prekės konfiskavimas; neteko galios automatinio deklaracijų priėmimo ir apdorojimo tvarka; elektroninės įrangos importo, eksporto, atliekų tvarkymo taisyklių pakeitimai; pranešimo apie LR rinkai tiekiamus maisto papildus teikimo aprašo pakeitimai; LVAT išaiškinimai dėl naudotų automobilių pripažinimo atliekomis ir susijusių leidimų.

Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

muitinės formalumai
Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

muitinės formalumai
Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

klasifikavimas, muitai, mokesčiai
Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

klasifikavimas, muitai, mokesčiai
EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are their responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

importas, teisė
EU Customs Reform: Who is the ‘importer’ and what are their responsibilities?

Continuing a series of articles on the main legal aspects of the proposed EU customs reform, the author focuses on a key player in the import process: the importer. The Commission proposal is based on a new vision of this actor and his responsibilities. This article describes and analyses the three variants under this concept: the basic rules for importers, the special rules for deemed importers, and the rules for indirect customs representatives who are treated as the (deemed) importer. Furthermore, it addresses the question of what happens when the wrong person has been named as an importer by an actor in the supply chain or a customs representative.

Michael Lux

importas, teisė
Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

Naujasis Bendrasis gaminių saugos reglamentas

Redakcijos žodis: Šiandien net patys įprasčiausi mus supantys daiktai yra sudėtingų gamybos procesų, kurie neretai vykdomi ne vienoje pasaulio šalyje, rezultatas. Ir, be abejo, visi norime, kad tas rezultatas – drabužiai, kosmetika, žaislai ir kt. - būtų saugus mūsų ir mūsų artimųjų naudojimui. Institucijoms užduotis užtikrinti tą saugumą nėra paprasta, todėl, be kita ko, kaupiama patirtis ir, jos pagrindu, tobulinama teisinė bazė, apie kurią rašoma šiame straipsnyje.

Arvydas Naina

What are the benefits and requirements

Dr Mikhail Kashubsky

žinių valdymas
What are the benefits and requirements of publishing an article in a journal?

Dr Mikhail Kashubsky

žinių valdymas
UK customs updates March 2024

HM Government announced date and other changes around supplementary declarations; DDA payments - an extra calendar day to submit duty deferment payments; CDS implementation extension - exports to move to CDS until 4 June 2024; trade with Northern Ireland - a requirement to have a valid UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation to keep using the NIREM code; important updates on EORI and VAT registrations.

Mark Rowbotham

UK customs updates March 2024

HM Government announced date and other changes around supplementary declarations; DDA payments - an extra calendar day to submit duty deferment payments; CDS implementation extension - exports to move to CDS until 4 June 2024; trade with Northern Ireland - a requirement to have a valid UK Internal Market Scheme authorisation to keep using the NIREM code; important updates on EORI and VAT registrations.

Mark Rowbotham

Origin of goods – the trends

The language of sustainable development legislation and the language of the legislation of origin are completely different; it is necessary to find a lingua franca for these areas to better understand and implement the requirements. On the other hand, harmonisation of rules of origin at a global level is essential to address the challenges faced by importers - the need for harmonisation of these rules has never been greater. These and many other views were exchanged at the 20th Authors' Meeting. We invite you to read an overview.

Origin of goods – the trends

The language of sustainable development legislation and the language of the legislation of origin are completely different; it is necessary to find a lingua franca for these areas to better understand and implement the requirements. On the other hand, harmonisation of rules of origin at a global level is essential to address the challenges faced by importers - the need for harmonisation of these rules has never been greater. These and many other views were exchanged at the 20th Authors' Meeting. We invite you to read an overview.

EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

kilmė, prekybos temos
EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

kilmė, prekybos temos
VAT and duty deferment accounts in UK

Do you regularly import goods into the UK? Managing import taxes and VAT payments for every consignment can be complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating. Since Brexit, dealing with VAT payments at the border is no longer necessary as they are postponed and settled separately via the importer’s EORI number. However, to release the goods from customs, duties need to be paid at the time of import… or do they? UK customs (HMRC) offer an option to simplify the whole process, known as a deferment account.

Mark Rowbotham

muitai, mokesčiai
VAT and duty deferment accounts in UK

Do you regularly import goods into the UK? Managing import taxes and VAT payments for every consignment can be complicated, time-consuming, and frustrating. Since Brexit, dealing with VAT payments at the border is no longer necessary as they are postponed and settled separately via the importer’s EORI number. However, to release the goods from customs, duties need to be paid at the time of import… or do they? UK customs (HMRC) offer an option to simplify the whole process, known as a deferment account.

Mark Rowbotham

muitai, mokesčiai
VAT deferment accounts in EU

In theory, when goods enter the EU, import VAT is immediately due to the customs authorities at the relevant border. In practice, the EU VAT Directive gives Member States the ability to determine the conditions under which goods enter their territories. This is in addition to the ability to set detailed rules for payment of VAT in respect of goods imported. This means Member States can implement mechanisms for postponed accounting via the VAT return, or deferred payment schemes, or a combination of both.

Mark Rowbotham

muitai, mokesčiai
VAT deferment accounts in EU

In theory, when goods enter the EU, import VAT is immediately due to the customs authorities at the relevant border. In practice, the EU VAT Directive gives Member States the ability to determine the conditions under which goods enter their territories. This is in addition to the ability to set detailed rules for payment of VAT in respect of goods imported. This means Member States can implement mechanisms for postponed accounting via the VAT return, or deferred payment schemes, or a combination of both.

Mark Rowbotham

muitai, mokesčiai
CITES reikalavimai papūgų importui į Lietuvą

Klausimas: Planuojame importuoti į Lietuvą papūgas (AROS rūšys: psittacus erithacus, aratinga solstitialis, poicephalus gulielmi) iš Pietų Afrikos. Prekės kodas 0106320000. Ar taikomos CITES konvencijos nuostatos? Ar reikia gauti leidimą iš Aplinkos apsaugos agentūros? Jei taip, kokius dokumentus reikia pateikti, kad leidimas būtų išduotas.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
CITES reikalavimai papūgų importui į Lietuvą

Klausimas: Planuojame importuoti į Lietuvą papūgas (AROS rūšys: psittacus erithacus, aratinga solstitialis, poicephalus gulielmi) iš Pietų Afrikos. Prekės kodas 0106320000. Ar taikomos CITES konvencijos nuostatos? Ar reikia gauti leidimą iš Aplinkos apsaugos agentūros? Jei taip, kokius dokumentus reikia pateikti, kad leidimas būtų išduotas.

apribojimai, kliūtys prekybai
Ukraine customs and trade updates

News at a glance: Digital transformation of Ukrainian Customs; submission of transit declarations via the "Single Window"; Ukrainian Customs have transitioned to a new Guarantees Management System (GMS); agreement between Ukraine and Turkey on the establishment of a system for the electronic exchange of information on goods and vehicles; the UK extends duty-free trade with Ukraine until 2029; the EU to continue the measures to liberalise import tariffs and quotas for Ukrainian products; PEM transitional rules of origin between the EU and Ukraine; the Canadian Senate has passed the bill to implement the modernised free trade agreement between Canada and Ukraine; transposition of certain provisions of the EU Customs Code into the Ukrainian Customs Code; the law on criminalization of smuggling of goods, as well as the inaccurate declaration of goods; for violations of agricultural export rules to certain EU countries, entrepreneurs will be deprived of verification for 6 months.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade updates

News at a glance: Digital transformation of Ukrainian Customs; submission of transit declarations via the "Single Window"; Ukrainian Customs have transitioned to a new Guarantees Management System (GMS); agreement between Ukraine and Turkey on the establishment of a system for the electronic exchange of information on goods and vehicles; the UK extends duty-free trade with Ukraine until 2029; the EU to continue the measures to liberalise import tariffs and quotas for Ukrainian products; PEM transitional rules of origin between the EU and Ukraine; the Canadian Senate has passed the bill to implement the modernised free trade agreement between Canada and Ukraine; transposition of certain provisions of the EU Customs Code into the Ukrainian Customs Code; the law on criminalization of smuggling of goods, as well as the inaccurate declaration of goods; for violations of agricultural export rules to certain EU countries, entrepreneurs will be deprived of verification for 6 months.

Iryna Pavlenko

EU law news March 2024

News in week 13: Classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature - products made of combinations of paper materials, a van-type vehicle, a part of a pillow, footwear having an upper made of 100 % wool, and a smart watch; extension of the Union’s tariff quotas for jute and coconut-fibre products; anti-subsidy investigation - mobile access equipment designed for the lifting of persons, originating in China; Transitional CBAM Registry user manual for Declarants, CBAM Quarterly Report structure and sample files; CHED - amended requirements to deduct quantities stated in the customs declaration; amendments of a regulation concerning import of ovine and caprine animals and products derived from these species.

EU law news March 2024

News in week 13: Classification of goods in the Combined Nomenclature - products made of combinations of paper materials, a van-type vehicle, a part of a pillow, footwear having an upper made of 100 % wool, and a smart watch; extension of the Union’s tariff quotas for jute and coconut-fibre products; anti-subsidy investigation - mobile access equipment designed for the lifting of persons, originating in China; Transitional CBAM Registry user manual for Declarants, CBAM Quarterly Report structure and sample files; CHED - amended requirements to deduct quantities stated in the customs declaration; amendments of a regulation concerning import of ovine and caprine animals and products derived from these species.

EU customs law monthly updates CW 9-12

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €19.99
EU customs law monthly updates CW 9-12

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €19.99
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