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Ką patartumėte „žaliam“ vidiniam tikrintojui mažoje įmonėje?

Skaitytojo klausimas: Esame maža (20+ darbuotojų) keletą metų veikianti įmonė. Neturiu patirties atliekant vidinius įmonės muitinės formalumų patikrinimus. Ką patartumėte, nuo ko pradėti?

risk management
Ką patartumėte „žaliam“ vidiniam tikrintojui mažoje įmonėje?

Skaitytojo klausimas: Esame maža (20+ darbuotojų) keletą metų veikianti įmonė. Neturiu patirties atliekant vidinius įmonės muitinės formalumų patikrinimus. Ką patartumėte, nuo ko pradėti?

risk management
Identifying chemicals precisely through trace analysis is now a reality, opening new doors for Customs officers

Customs administrations have a full array of tools and technologies at their disposal to test material and substances – both in the field and in their labs. These tools all have benefits and limitations. This article introduces an innovation which enables field officers to analyse trace materials left on any items and obtain the specific name of a trace level substance. Not only can they confirm or allay their suspicions rapidly, but they can also proceed to physical inspection with all the precautions needed.

John Johnson

risk management
Identifying chemicals precisely through trace analysis is now a reality, opening new doors for Customs officers

Customs administrations have a full array of tools and technologies at their disposal to test material and substances – both in the field and in their labs. These tools all have benefits and limitations. This article introduces an innovation which enables field officers to analyse trace materials left on any items and obtain the specific name of a trace level substance. Not only can they confirm or allay their suspicions rapidly, but they can also proceed to physical inspection with all the precautions needed.

John Johnson

risk management
en, lt
The developments of mega-free trade agreements

The development of free trade areas around the world, with most attention paid to the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas, is a major theme of the article. It also raises the question of the role of the EU in this development. The article is based on the presentation at the European Customs Practitioners' Conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 25-26 May and online.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

en, lt
The developments of mega-free trade agreements

The development of free trade areas around the world, with most attention paid to the Asia-Pacific region and the Americas, is a major theme of the article. It also raises the question of the role of the EU in this development. The article is based on the presentation at the European Customs Practitioners' Conference held in Vilnius, Lithuania on 25-26 May and online.

Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang

Inventorizacija – vienas seniausių apskaitos elementų

Redakcija: Inventorizacija yra įprasta muitinės, laikinojo saugojimo, akcizinių prekių ir kituose sandėliuose. Taip pat jos principus taikome ne tik prekių atžvilgiu, bet ir naudodamiesi supaprastintomis procedūromis, pavyzdžiui, inventorizuodami įgaliotojo siuntėjo naudojamas plombas. Apskritai, tai labai svarbus įrankis apskaitoje turimų duomenų patikrinimui su faktu ir atitikties užtikrinimui. Pakvietėme ekspertus pasidalinti, į ką turėtų atkreipti verslas ir atsakingi įmonės darbuotojai dėmesį.

Dainora Maziliauskienė

risk management
Inventorizacija – vienas seniausių apskaitos elementų

Redakcija: Inventorizacija yra įprasta muitinės, laikinojo saugojimo, akcizinių prekių ir kituose sandėliuose. Taip pat jos principus taikome ne tik prekių atžvilgiu, bet ir naudodamiesi supaprastintomis procedūromis, pavyzdžiui, inventorizuodami įgaliotojo siuntėjo naudojamas plombas. Apskritai, tai labai svarbus įrankis apskaitoje turimų duomenų patikrinimui su faktu ir atitikties užtikrinimui. Pakvietėme ekspertus pasidalinti, į ką turėtų atkreipti verslas ir atsakingi įmonės darbuotojai dėmesį.

Dainora Maziliauskienė

risk management
UK trade knowledge bundle: Export, Import,

UK trade knowledge bundle: Export, Import, CDS

en, lt
Risk management process

There are five main steps in the standard customs risk management process as defined by the World Customs Organization: establish context, identify risks, analyse risks, assess and prioritize risks and address risks. In addition to these five steps, risk management requires constant monitoring and review.

risk management
en, lt
Risk management process

There are five main steps in the standard customs risk management process as defined by the World Customs Organization: establish context, identify risks, analyse risks, assess and prioritize risks and address risks. In addition to these five steps, risk management requires constant monitoring and review.

risk management
The risk challenge of indirect tax - customs (Part I)

Indirect tax - customs duty, excise duty and VAT - while it must be paid correctly, also offers various cash enhancement opportunities, which is crucial for all organisations seeking to continuously improve their internal indirect tax function. However, the prerequisite is due diligence. In this article, we overview the host of indirect taxes and indirect tax compliance obligations and focus on the “prerequisite” by discussing risk analysis in customs control based on the rules of HRMC (the UK Customs) and highlighting the importance to achieve “low-risk” status. We also overview customs duty. In the following articles, we will discuss VAT and excise more in detail.

Mark Rowbotham

risk management
The risk challenge of indirect tax - customs (Part I)

Indirect tax - customs duty, excise duty and VAT - while it must be paid correctly, also offers various cash enhancement opportunities, which is crucial for all organisations seeking to continuously improve their internal indirect tax function. However, the prerequisite is due diligence. In this article, we overview the host of indirect taxes and indirect tax compliance obligations and focus on the “prerequisite” by discussing risk analysis in customs control based on the rules of HRMC (the UK Customs) and highlighting the importance to achieve “low-risk” status. We also overview customs duty. In the following articles, we will discuss VAT and excise more in detail.

Mark Rowbotham

risk management
Put yourself in the shoes of a customs auditor (and why you should) Part I

What are the objectives of a post-clearance customs audit (PCA)? What does “a desk audit” mean? What are the obligations and rights of auditees? And generally, from a business perspective, isn’t it more important to get border controls right for goods to smoothly cross the borders than to care about PCAs? If you don't know the answers, continue reading this article, which gives an overview of the principles of customs audit-based controls around the world. Understanding these will help you better understand how customs auditors think and work. This is important to be prepared for customs audits and also to develop an appropriate internal procedure for auditing your company's compliance with customs and trade regulations, which is an effective measure to prevent costly errors or to detect and correct them in a timely manner (before the customs audit).

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Put yourself in the shoes of a customs auditor (and why you should) Part I

What are the objectives of a post-clearance customs audit (PCA)? What does “a desk audit” mean? What are the obligations and rights of auditees? And generally, from a business perspective, isn’t it more important to get border controls right for goods to smoothly cross the borders than to care about PCAs? If you don't know the answers, continue reading this article, which gives an overview of the principles of customs audit-based controls around the world. Understanding these will help you better understand how customs auditors think and work. This is important to be prepared for customs audits and also to develop an appropriate internal procedure for auditing your company's compliance with customs and trade regulations, which is an effective measure to prevent costly errors or to detect and correct them in a timely manner (before the customs audit).

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
en, lt
Rising interest on duties = Increasing costs of errors in customs declarations

Those who pay their mortgages have become accustomed to paying higher interest rates. However, this applies not only to mortgages, but also to other interest and late payment charges that we may not think about in practice. For example, increased interest on customs duties, which are additionally charged by customs authorities when discrepancies are found after customs clearance.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

risk management
en, lt
Rising interest on duties = Increasing costs of errors in customs declarations

Those who pay their mortgages have become accustomed to paying higher interest rates. However, this applies not only to mortgages, but also to other interest and late payment charges that we may not think about in practice. For example, increased interest on customs duties, which are additionally charged by customs authorities when discrepancies are found after customs clearance.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

risk management
Customs Risk Register

Anthony Buckley

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risk management
Customs Risk Register

Anthony Buckley

‎ €49.99
risk management
Muitinės ir LS sandėliai: kas svarbiau – „popierinis“ ar fizinis prekių judėjimas?

Aktualioje teismų praktikoje nagrinėjama byla dėl laikinojo saugojimo (LS) sandėlyje saugotų prekių paėmimo iš muitinės priežiūros. Ginčo suma 251164 Eur, kurią sudaro muitas, PVM, bauda ir delspinigiai. Byla aktuali muitinės ir LS sandėlių savininkams, o taip pat ir galimai solidariems skolininkams/ suinteresuotoms šalims – su sandėliu sutartį sudariusiems prekių gavėjams, muitinės tarpininkams. Joje rasite išaiškinimus tokiais klausimais kaip: Kas yra „prekių paėmimas iš muitinės priežiūros“? Kaip turi būti vedama prekių sandėlyje apskaita, kad nekiltų problemų muitinio patikrinimo metu? Kokius duomenis, kad ir neprivalomus, nurodyti muitinės deklaracijose, kad būtų užkirstas kelias ginčams? Į ką atkreipti dėmesį analizuojant komercinius dokumentus?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Muitinės ir LS sandėliai: kas svarbiau – „popierinis“ ar fizinis prekių judėjimas?

Aktualioje teismų praktikoje nagrinėjama byla dėl laikinojo saugojimo (LS) sandėlyje saugotų prekių paėmimo iš muitinės priežiūros. Ginčo suma 251164 Eur, kurią sudaro muitas, PVM, bauda ir delspinigiai. Byla aktuali muitinės ir LS sandėlių savininkams, o taip pat ir galimai solidariems skolininkams/ suinteresuotoms šalims – su sandėliu sutartį sudariusiems prekių gavėjams, muitinės tarpininkams. Joje rasite išaiškinimus tokiais klausimais kaip: Kas yra „prekių paėmimas iš muitinės priežiūros“? Kaip turi būti vedama prekių sandėlyje apskaita, kad nekiltų problemų muitinio patikrinimo metu? Kokius duomenis, kad ir neprivalomus, nurodyti muitinės deklaracijose, kad būtų užkirstas kelias ginčams? Į ką atkreipti dėmesį analizuojant komercinius dokumentus?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Supplier's declaration in preferential trade: when to use it?

Global trade based on preferential treatment offers benefits to its participants. The main one is a reduction in financial costs due to the application of reduced tariff rates when the goods have a preferential origin. In other words, if a product originates in one country and is sold to another country with which there is a preferential trade agreement, the product may be subject to a reduced or even zero duty rate. However, the mere fact that the goods originate in a particular country is not enough to qualify for such benefits. The preferential origin of the goods must be proven, so that the customs authorities do not suspect any manipulation or fraud on the part of importers. Each specific preferential trade agreement sets out acceptable ways of proving the preferential origin of goods. A supplier's declaration is one of the means of proof. Let us find out what it is and when it can be used.

Annette Reiser

Supplier's declaration in preferential trade: when to use it?

Global trade based on preferential treatment offers benefits to its participants. The main one is a reduction in financial costs due to the application of reduced tariff rates when the goods have a preferential origin. In other words, if a product originates in one country and is sold to another country with which there is a preferential trade agreement, the product may be subject to a reduced or even zero duty rate. However, the mere fact that the goods originate in a particular country is not enough to qualify for such benefits. The preferential origin of the goods must be proven, so that the customs authorities do not suspect any manipulation or fraud on the part of importers. Each specific preferential trade agreement sets out acceptable ways of proving the preferential origin of goods. A supplier's declaration is one of the means of proof. Let us find out what it is and when it can be used.

Annette Reiser

Open Customs Blockchain: The missing piece to unlocking the broad application of distributed ledger technology for Customs?

Digitalization has simplified Customs clearance in many areas, especially in the declaration of imports and exports. However, various data discontinuities and queries unnecessarily delay cross-border process flows. A group of major logistics companies, software providers and researchers is driving an initiative which could change this. Called the “Open Customs Blockchain”, it focuses on developing and applying blockchain technology for the exchange of key Customs data in foreign trade.

Open Logistics Foundation

risk management
Open Customs Blockchain: The missing piece to unlocking the broad application of distributed ledger technology for Customs?

Digitalization has simplified Customs clearance in many areas, especially in the declaration of imports and exports. However, various data discontinuities and queries unnecessarily delay cross-border process flows. A group of major logistics companies, software providers and researchers is driving an initiative which could change this. Called the “Open Customs Blockchain”, it focuses on developing and applying blockchain technology for the exchange of key Customs data in foreign trade.

Open Logistics Foundation

risk management
Non-preferential origin & punitive tariffs

Enrika Naujokė

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Non-preferential origin & punitive tariffs

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €15.99
en, lt
Customs compliance with the “INCASE-Model” – a holistic approach for real effectiveness

Through several years as a customs auditor, I saw many companies with numerous approaches and attempts to get a grip on the management of the customs requirements. Despite big efforts (financially, personally, technically), organizations often do not succeed in establishing the desired effect and corresponding success in the area of customs compliance. Instead of this, customs compliance or customs management frequently is not sufficiently managed (especially strategically, but also operationally as a result of this weakness). This even leads to blind spots in the organisation, particularly in the structural field, which has in the meantime become increasingly apparent due to the changed audit approach by the authorities.

Dr. Michael Jung

risk management
en, lt
Customs compliance with the “INCASE-Model” – a holistic approach for real effectiveness

Through several years as a customs auditor, I saw many companies with numerous approaches and attempts to get a grip on the management of the customs requirements. Despite big efforts (financially, personally, technically), organizations often do not succeed in establishing the desired effect and corresponding success in the area of customs compliance. Instead of this, customs compliance or customs management frequently is not sufficiently managed (especially strategically, but also operationally as a result of this weakness). This even leads to blind spots in the organisation, particularly in the structural field, which has in the meantime become increasingly apparent due to the changed audit approach by the authorities.

Dr. Michael Jung

risk management
Best practices and tips for managing customs knowledge in a company

What aspects should be taken into account in the context of customs knowledge management within a company? During the 15th Authors' Meeting, experts from the UK, Israel, France, Colombia, Brazil and Lithuania shared many tips and practices on how to acquire, update and manage knowledge to be successful in customs processes. The main insights – on the role of a customs manager, exchanging information internally, ensuring awareness of all the involved persons, manuals, peer learning, etc. - shared are summarised in the following overview.

risk management
Best practices and tips for managing customs knowledge in a company

What aspects should be taken into account in the context of customs knowledge management within a company? During the 15th Authors' Meeting, experts from the UK, Israel, France, Colombia, Brazil and Lithuania shared many tips and practices on how to acquire, update and manage knowledge to be successful in customs processes. The main insights – on the role of a customs manager, exchanging information internally, ensuring awareness of all the involved persons, manuals, peer learning, etc. - shared are summarised in the following overview.

risk management
en, lt
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

en, lt
Harley-Davidson case highlights limits of binding origin information in Union customs law

In the European Union customs law, it is possible for an economic operator to obtain binding tariff or origin information decisions, which provide assurance about the tariff classification or origin of goods. However, does such a customs decision always guarantee legal security just because national customs has issued a favorable decision to the trader?

Jonas Sakalauskas

Muitinės veiklos ataskaita: ar Jūsų verslo duomenys - tik gerajai statistikai?

Kaip ir kasmet, Lietuvos muitinė paskelbė informatyvią ataskaitą, kurioje pateikia trumpą praėjusių metų veiklos apžvalgą. Verslui ši ataskaita – galimybė sužinoti, kuo gyveno Lietuvos muitinė, kokie buvo prioritetai, sužinoti bendrus deklaracijų kiekius, forminimo trukmę, susipažinti su įvairias kitais skaičiais – suteikti AEO statusai, nebaigti tranzitai, atlikti muitinės patikrinimai ir jų rezultatai, ir kitais. O svarbiausia, mūsų vertinimu, sužinoti, kokios verslo klaidos buvo daromos ir kokios jų mokestinės bei nemokestinės pasekmės ir pagalvoti, kaip Jūsų sąžiningam verslui nepapulti į tokią statistiką. Apžvelkime kai kuriuos ataskaitos aspektus.

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
Muitinės veiklos ataskaita: ar Jūsų verslo duomenys - tik gerajai statistikai?

Kaip ir kasmet, Lietuvos muitinė paskelbė informatyvią ataskaitą, kurioje pateikia trumpą praėjusių metų veiklos apžvalgą. Verslui ši ataskaita – galimybė sužinoti, kuo gyveno Lietuvos muitinė, kokie buvo prioritetai, sužinoti bendrus deklaracijų kiekius, forminimo trukmę, susipažinti su įvairias kitais skaičiais – suteikti AEO statusai, nebaigti tranzitai, atlikti muitinės patikrinimai ir jų rezultatai, ir kitais. O svarbiausia, mūsų vertinimu, sužinoti, kokios verslo klaidos buvo daromos ir kokios jų mokestinės bei nemokestinės pasekmės ir pagalvoti, kaip Jūsų sąžiningam verslui nepapulti į tokią statistiką. Apžvelkime kai kuriuos ataskaitos aspektus.

Enrika Naujokė

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What are the tasks of the customs manager

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

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What are the tasks of the customs manager in the company?

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

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Preferential origin: supplier's declaration

Annette Reiser

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Preferential origin: supplier's declaration in the EU

Annette Reiser

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