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Proposed changes in Indian Customs Law: Key areas to keep an eye on!

On February 1, 2022, the Government of India announced its Union Budget for the period April 2022 to March 2023 (the ‘Budget’). While the Budget has introduced many legislative changes pertaining to Indian taxes, this article captures the key proposed changes in Indian Customs laws which can have an impact on international trade and the supply chain.

Bhupender Singh

Proposed changes in Indian Customs Law: Key areas to keep an eye on!

On February 1, 2022, the Government of India announced its Union Budget for the period April 2022 to March 2023 (the ‘Budget’). While the Budget has introduced many legislative changes pertaining to Indian taxes, this article captures the key proposed changes in Indian Customs laws which can have an impact on international trade and the supply chain.

Bhupender Singh

en, lt
Import procedure 42: VAT-exempt supply in EU

Customs procedure 42 is a mechanism that an EU importer uses to obtain a VAT exemption. It is applied when goods imported from outside the EU into a Member State will be transported to another EU Member State. In such cases, the VAT is due in the latter - the Member State of destination.

duties, taxes
en, lt
Import procedure 42: VAT-exempt supply in EU

Customs procedure 42 is a mechanism that an EU importer uses to obtain a VAT exemption. It is applied when goods imported from outside the EU into a Member State will be transported to another EU Member State. In such cases, the VAT is due in the latter - the Member State of destination.

duties, taxes
en, lt
Customs duties (tariffs)

Customs duty is a tax imposed on goods upon their entry (import) or exit (export) from the customs territory. There are several types of customs duties.

duties, taxes
en, lt
Customs duties (tariffs)

Customs duty is a tax imposed on goods upon their entry (import) or exit (export) from the customs territory. There are several types of customs duties.

duties, taxes
EU law news: December 21/January 22

News in week 4: International Customs Day 2022; UCC Work Programme Progress Report 2021 on progress in developing electronic systems; EU refers China to WTO following its trade restrictions on Lithuania; EU challenges Egyptian import restrictions at the WTO; anti-dumping duty on imports of acesulfame potassium, and certain tube and pipe fittings, of iron or steel; and more news!

EU law news: December 21/January 22

News in week 4: International Customs Day 2022; UCC Work Programme Progress Report 2021 on progress in developing electronic systems; EU refers China to WTO following its trade restrictions on Lithuania; EU challenges Egyptian import restrictions at the WTO; anti-dumping duty on imports of acesulfame potassium, and certain tube and pipe fittings, of iron or steel; and more news!

ES aktualijos: sausis 2022

Naujienos 4 savaitę: Tarptautinė muitinės diena; ES kreipėsi į PPO dėl Kinijos Lietuvai taikomų prekybos apribojimų; ES ginčija Egipto taikomus importo apribojimus PPO; SMK darbo programos dėl elektroninių sistemų kūrimo pažangos ataskaita; antidempingo muitas acesulfamo kalio ir tam tikrų vamzdžių ir vamzdelių jungiamųjų detalių iš geležies arba plieno importui; ir daugiau!

ES aktualijos: sausis 2022

Naujienos 4 savaitę: Tarptautinė muitinės diena; ES kreipėsi į PPO dėl Kinijos Lietuvai taikomų prekybos apribojimų; ES ginčija Egipto taikomus importo apribojimus PPO; SMK darbo programos dėl elektroninių sistemų kūrimo pažangos ataskaita; antidempingo muitas acesulfamo kalio ir tam tikrų vamzdžių ir vamzdelių jungiamųjų detalių iš geležies arba plieno importui; ir daugiau!

LR aktualijos: sausis 2022

Aktualijos sausį: keičiamos muitinės prižiūrimose prekių saugojimo vietose laikomų prekių apskaitos, tvarkymo ir apyvartos ataskaitos pildymo taisyklės; keičiasi dokumentų kodai prekėms, kuriose yra fluorintų šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų; sulaikytas eksportuojamas karinės paskirties aeronavigacinis prietaisas, deklaruotas kaip nekarinės paskirties; į Baltarusiją neleista eksportuoti dvejopo naudojimo įrangos, pritaikytos informacijos šifravimui; ir daugiau!

LR aktualijos: sausis 2022

Aktualijos sausį: keičiamos muitinės prižiūrimose prekių saugojimo vietose laikomų prekių apskaitos, tvarkymo ir apyvartos ataskaitos pildymo taisyklės; keičiasi dokumentų kodai prekėms, kuriose yra fluorintų šiltnamio efektą sukeliančių dujų; sulaikytas eksportuojamas karinės paskirties aeronavigacinis prietaisas, deklaruotas kaip nekarinės paskirties; į Baltarusiją neleista eksportuoti dvejopo naudojimo įrangos, pritaikytos informacijos šifravimui; ir daugiau!

Ukraine news: December 2021/January 2022

News in international trade at a glance: the duty-free limit for parcels has been raised to 150 Eur; the government announced an ambitious plan - five new FTAs; imports of some kinds of cheese subject to safeguard investigation; anti-dumping duty on imports of potato starch, wood panels and thermal insulation materials; abolition of excise stamps on certain types of alcoholic beverages.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine news: December 2021/January 2022

News in international trade at a glance: the duty-free limit for parcels has been raised to 150 Eur; the government announced an ambitious plan - five new FTAs; imports of some kinds of cheese subject to safeguard investigation; anti-dumping duty on imports of potato starch, wood panels and thermal insulation materials; abolition of excise stamps on certain types of alcoholic beverages.

Iryna Pavlenko

Blocking Regulation: the first step towards solving the conflict of laws between EU and US sanctions

The Court of Justice of the EU has interpreted for the first time the Blocking Regulation. The ruling confirms that it is possible to terminate contracts with a US designated person without providing reasons. However, in civil proceedings it is for the EU party to prove that, when it sought to terminate a contract, it did not seek to comply with US sanctions in the absence of an authorisation by the European Commission.

Lourdes Catrain

restrictions, trade barriers
Blocking Regulation: the first step towards solving the conflict of laws between EU and US sanctions

The Court of Justice of the EU has interpreted for the first time the Blocking Regulation. The ruling confirms that it is possible to terminate contracts with a US designated person without providing reasons. However, in civil proceedings it is for the EU party to prove that, when it sought to terminate a contract, it did not seek to comply with US sanctions in the absence of an authorisation by the European Commission.

Lourdes Catrain

restrictions, trade barriers
Įvadas: prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo

Eglė Pučkuvienė

‎ €34.99
Įvadas: prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo pokyčiai 2022 m.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

‎ €34.99
en, lt
Do we have time to prepare for the introduction of trade defence measures?

Importers, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are often unaware of trade defence instruments (TDIs) and face the consequences of newly introduced measures unprepared, thus incurring unforeseen costs. Is it possible to prepare for this and thus, albeit partially, manage the risks associated with the introduction of TDIs? One mean to manage such risks would be regular monitoring of the regulatory environment. Of course, this requires resources, but it is equally important to know the process and deadlines for setting the TDI, as well as why different sizes of measures apply to the same product imported from the same non-EU country and where to find the necessary information. Thus, this is to be discussed in the article.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes
en, lt
Do we have time to prepare for the introduction of trade defence measures?

Importers, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, are often unaware of trade defence instruments (TDIs) and face the consequences of newly introduced measures unprepared, thus incurring unforeseen costs. Is it possible to prepare for this and thus, albeit partially, manage the risks associated with the introduction of TDIs? One mean to manage such risks would be regular monitoring of the regulatory environment. Of course, this requires resources, but it is equally important to know the process and deadlines for setting the TDI, as well as why different sizes of measures apply to the same product imported from the same non-EU country and where to find the necessary information. Thus, this is to be discussed in the article.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

duties, taxes
ES aktualijos: gruodis 2021

Naujienos 52 savaitę: ES - JK prekyboje baigiami taikyti pereinamojo laikotarpio muitinės formalumų ir pasienio kontrolės supaprastinimai; stabdomas muitų taikymas tam tikriems žemės ūkio ir pramonės produktams; prekių, reikalingų kovai su COVID-19 protrūkio padariniais, atleidimas nuo importo muitų ir PVM 2022 m.; reikalaujamų dokumentų ir pranešimų apie importuoti į Sąjungą skirtus ekologiškus ir perėjimo prie ekologinės gamybos laikotarpio produktus taisyklės; ir daugiau naujienų!

ES aktualijos: gruodis 2021

Naujienos 52 savaitę: ES - JK prekyboje baigiami taikyti pereinamojo laikotarpio muitinės formalumų ir pasienio kontrolės supaprastinimai; stabdomas muitų taikymas tam tikriems žemės ūkio ir pramonės produktams; prekių, reikalingų kovai su COVID-19 protrūkio padariniais, atleidimas nuo importo muitų ir PVM 2022 m.; reikalaujamų dokumentų ir pranešimų apie importuoti į Sąjungą skirtus ekologiškus ir perėjimo prie ekologinės gamybos laikotarpio produktus taisyklės; ir daugiau naujienų!

LR aktualijos: gruodis 2021

Aktualijos 52 savaitę: pakeistos Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų surašymo taisyklės, pakeitimai susiję su duomenų elementu „Sandorio pobūdis (8/5)“; akcizų lengvatos taikymas importuojamam mažųjų alaus daryklų alui; nekomerciniais tikslais vežamų gyvūnų augintinių tikrinimo tvarka; informacija dėl laikinai įvežamų transporto priemonių, vykstančių ne savo eiga, deklaravimo; ir daugiau naujienų.

LR aktualijos: gruodis 2021

Aktualijos 52 savaitę: pakeistos Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų surašymo taisyklės, pakeitimai susiję su duomenų elementu „Sandorio pobūdis (8/5)“; akcizų lengvatos taikymas importuojamam mažųjų alaus daryklų alui; nekomerciniais tikslais vežamų gyvūnų augintinių tikrinimo tvarka; informacija dėl laikinai įvežamų transporto priemonių, vykstančių ne savo eiga, deklaravimo; ir daugiau naujienų.

Ginčas dėl Muitinės laboratorijos išvados klasifikuojant trąšas

Trąšos. Paskutiniu metu nuolat girdime: baltarusiškų trąšų tranzitas, rusiškų trąšų importas. Ši tema ne tik spaudoje nuolat gvildenama, ją nagrinėja ir teismai. Apžvelgsime aktualią Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo nutartį trąšų apmokestinimo importo mokesčiais (antidempingo muitu) byloje. Verslas ginčijo Muitinės laboratorijos išvadas dėl prekės klasifikavimo, tad prisiminsime ir žinias šia tema, kuriomis dalinosi pranešėjai š.m. gruodį vykusioje 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje, kurią rengė Muitinės praktikų asociacija.

Ingrida Kemežienė

duties, taxes
Ginčas dėl Muitinės laboratorijos išvados klasifikuojant trąšas

Trąšos. Paskutiniu metu nuolat girdime: baltarusiškų trąšų tranzitas, rusiškų trąšų importas. Ši tema ne tik spaudoje nuolat gvildenama, ją nagrinėja ir teismai. Apžvelgsime aktualią Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo nutartį trąšų apmokestinimo importo mokesčiais (antidempingo muitu) byloje. Verslas ginčijo Muitinės laboratorijos išvadas dėl prekės klasifikavimo, tad prisiminsime ir žinias šia tema, kuriomis dalinosi pranešėjai š.m. gruodį vykusioje 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje, kurią rengė Muitinės praktikų asociacija.

Ingrida Kemežienė

duties, taxes
Textbook of European Customs Law: interview with the co-author of the book

The first edition of the “Textbook of European Customs Law” was published 30 years ago. This year, the 10th edition was released. We talk to co-author Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang about the book, studies and why businesses should invest in the customs education of their employees.

Enrika Naujokė

Textbook of European Customs Law: interview with the co-author of the book

The first edition of the “Textbook of European Customs Law” was published 30 years ago. This year, the 10th edition was released. We talk to co-author Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang about the book, studies and why businesses should invest in the customs education of their employees.

Enrika Naujokė

Combined Nomenclature 2022

The new version of the Combined Nomenclature, applicable as of 1 January 2022, was adopted by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1832 of 21 October 2021. We review the most important amendments, of which there are many.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

Combined Nomenclature 2022

The new version of the Combined Nomenclature, applicable as of 1 January 2022, was adopted by the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/1832 of 21 October 2021. We review the most important amendments, of which there are many.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

en, ru
Requirements for labelling of vaping products (vapes) on the territory of Russia

Until recently, e-cigarettes and their accessories were not subject to precise, unambiguous regulation under Russian law, including requirements on packaging labelling. As a matter of practice, until recently, some market players were attempting to mitigate compliance risks stemming from the aforementioned legislative gap as to labelling of the products in question by adhering to regulations applicable to tobacco products. Nevertheless, recently, quite substantial changes were made to legislation governing nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes.

Polina Savvina

en, ru
Requirements for labelling of vaping products (vapes) on the territory of Russia

Until recently, e-cigarettes and their accessories were not subject to precise, unambiguous regulation under Russian law, including requirements on packaging labelling. As a matter of practice, until recently, some market players were attempting to mitigate compliance risks stemming from the aforementioned legislative gap as to labelling of the products in question by adhering to regulations applicable to tobacco products. Nevertheless, recently, quite substantial changes were made to legislation governing nicotine-containing products, including e-cigarettes.

Polina Savvina

en, lt
Anti-dumping duties. Is the tariff classification of goods still important?

In recent case law, the Court of Justice of the European Union clarified what determines the application of anti-dumping duties on specific goods, such as tariff classification of goods or other criteria. Although different criteria are preferred in practice, for the first time, a step has been taken to separate the tariff classification from the characteristics of the product subject to trade regulation measures.

Jonas Sakalauskas

classification, duties, taxes
en, lt
Anti-dumping duties. Is the tariff classification of goods still important?

In recent case law, the Court of Justice of the European Union clarified what determines the application of anti-dumping duties on specific goods, such as tariff classification of goods or other criteria. Although different criteria are preferred in practice, for the first time, a step has been taken to separate the tariff classification from the characteristics of the product subject to trade regulation measures.

Jonas Sakalauskas

classification, duties, taxes
Ukraine news: October/November 2021

News in international trade at a glance: IT platform Trade Defense of Ukraine; the possible changes in customs valuation; Ukraine is about to join Сommon Transit Convention; new safeguard investigation on imports of rock and/ or earth drilling tools regardless of country of origin; revision of the anti-dumping measures on imports of cement originating in Moldova and rods of carbon and other alloy steels originating in Belarus.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine news: October/November 2021

News in international trade at a glance: IT platform Trade Defense of Ukraine; the possible changes in customs valuation; Ukraine is about to join Сommon Transit Convention; new safeguard investigation on imports of rock and/ or earth drilling tools regardless of country of origin; revision of the anti-dumping measures on imports of cement originating in Moldova and rods of carbon and other alloy steels originating in Belarus.

Iryna Pavlenko

EU law news: October/ November 2021

News in week 47: CJEU ruling concerning the tariff classification of mastectomy bras; autonomous duties suspended on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands; export authorisation for the exports of covid vaccines will be not required, the goods will be subject to export surveillance; PEM transitional rules of origin applicable between the EU and the Republic of Moldova; the 2022 edition of the Harmonized System Nomenclature is available online.

EU law news: October/ November 2021

News in week 47: CJEU ruling concerning the tariff classification of mastectomy bras; autonomous duties suspended on imports of certain industrial products into the Canary Islands; export authorisation for the exports of covid vaccines will be not required, the goods will be subject to export surveillance; PEM transitional rules of origin applicable between the EU and the Republic of Moldova; the 2022 edition of the Harmonized System Nomenclature is available online.

ES aktualijos: lapkritis 2021

Naujienos 47 savaitę: ESTT nutartis dėl pomastektominių liemenėlių tarifinio klasifikavimo; sustabdomas autonominių muitų taikymas tam tikriems į Kanarų salas importuojamiems pramonės produktams; covid vakcinų eksportui nebereikės leidimų, tačiau bus vykdoma jų priežiūra; PEM pereinamojo laikotarpio kilmės taisyklės pradedamos taikyti tarp ES ir Moldovos Respublikos; internete jau pasiekiama Suderintos sistemos nomenklatūros 2022 m. versija.

Muita UAB

ES aktualijos: lapkritis 2021

Naujienos 47 savaitę: ESTT nutartis dėl pomastektominių liemenėlių tarifinio klasifikavimo; sustabdomas autonominių muitų taikymas tam tikriems į Kanarų salas importuojamiems pramonės produktams; covid vakcinų eksportui nebereikės leidimų, tačiau bus vykdoma jų priežiūra; PEM pereinamojo laikotarpio kilmės taisyklės pradedamos taikyti tarp ES ir Moldovos Respublikos; internete jau pasiekiama Suderintos sistemos nomenklatūros 2022 m. versija.

Muita UAB

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