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Verslininko portalas importo ir eksporto

Laura Grikinienė

‎ €34.99
IT systems, databases
Verslininko portalas importo ir eksporto deklaracijų pateikimui

Laura Grikinienė

‎ €34.99
IT systems, databases
Managing the cost of making customs declarations: are software solutions the future?

How much does it cost? When goods cross a border, customs formalities must be completed. Customs brokers help businesses complete these formalities. In the UK, £32.50 per declaration is HMRC’s estimated cost of this service, but in reality, the price tag can be as high as £150 per declaration. For businesses trading between the UK and the EU, this is an additional cost of Brexit. Unlike customs duties, this cost cannot be reduced by using the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Many businesses are considering completing customs declarations in-house with the help of software solutions. But is this the right option for everyone?

Jessica Yang

IT systems, databases
Managing the cost of making customs declarations: are software solutions the future?

How much does it cost? When goods cross a border, customs formalities must be completed. Customs brokers help businesses complete these formalities. In the UK, £32.50 per declaration is HMRC’s estimated cost of this service, but in reality, the price tag can be as high as £150 per declaration. For businesses trading between the UK and the EU, this is an additional cost of Brexit. Unlike customs duties, this cost cannot be reduced by using the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Many businesses are considering completing customs declarations in-house with the help of software solutions. But is this the right option for everyone?

Jessica Yang

IT systems, databases
Muitinės mokesčių apskaitos ir kontrolės informacinė sistema (MAKIS). Naujas funkcionalumas!

Naudojant MAKIS paslaugų portalą, mokesčių mokėtojams teikiama informacija apie jų mokestinį balansą, įsiskolinimus muitinei ir mokėtinas sumas, Valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje įskaitomą pridėtinės vertės mokestį, mokestinių prievolių išieškojimo būklę ir kitus muitinės mokesčių mokėtojams aktualius sistemoje esančius duomenis. Mokesčių mokėtojai turi galimybę per portalą pateikti prašymus, susijusius su muitinės administruojamais mokesčiais. Nuo 2020 m. rugsėjo 1 d. portale įgyvendinta galimybė mokesčių mokėtojui, gavus atsakymą į užklausą apie jo mokestinį balansą, mygtuko „Mokėti“ paspaudimu atlikti mokėtinos sumos ar jos dalies sumokėjimą elektroninėje erdvėje. Netolimoje ateityje laukia ir daugiau patobulinimų, siekiant portalą pritaikyti kuo patogesniam deklaracijų už smulkias siuntas apmokėjimo procesui.

Paulius Bindokas

IT systems, databases
Muitinės mokesčių apskaitos ir kontrolės informacinė sistema (MAKIS). Naujas funkcionalumas!

Naudojant MAKIS paslaugų portalą, mokesčių mokėtojams teikiama informacija apie jų mokestinį balansą, įsiskolinimus muitinei ir mokėtinas sumas, Valstybinėje mokesčių inspekcijoje įskaitomą pridėtinės vertės mokestį, mokestinių prievolių išieškojimo būklę ir kitus muitinės mokesčių mokėtojams aktualius sistemoje esančius duomenis. Mokesčių mokėtojai turi galimybę per portalą pateikti prašymus, susijusius su muitinės administruojamais mokesčiais. Nuo 2020 m. rugsėjo 1 d. portale įgyvendinta galimybė mokesčių mokėtojui, gavus atsakymą į užklausą apie jo mokestinį balansą, mygtuko „Mokėti“ paspaudimu atlikti mokėtinos sumos ar jos dalies sumokėjimą elektroninėje erdvėje. Netolimoje ateityje laukia ir daugiau patobulinimų, siekiant portalą pritaikyti kuo patogesniam deklaracijų už smulkias siuntas apmokėjimo procesui.

Paulius Bindokas

IT systems, databases
en, fr, lt
WCO releases new online tool to support actors in international trade:

Get to know more about and watch a video with some practical applications on the platform. Benefit also from a promotional code on the purchase of your subscription!

Publications & Data Solutions Department - WCO

IT systems, databases
en, fr, lt
WCO releases new online tool to support actors in international trade:

Get to know more about and watch a video with some practical applications on the platform. Benefit also from a promotional code on the purchase of your subscription!

Publications & Data Solutions Department - WCO

IT systems, databases
How to enhance customs risk management with external data?

The Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners (PEN-CP) has published a study that explores the data landscapes of the today’s customs world, marking yet another concrete highlight for the world’s first innovation-boosting customs network.

Dr. Toni Männistö

IT systems, databases
How to enhance customs risk management with external data?

The Pan-European Network of Customs Practitioners (PEN-CP) has published a study that explores the data landscapes of the today’s customs world, marking yet another concrete highlight for the world’s first innovation-boosting customs network.

Dr. Toni Männistö

IT systems, databases
en, lt, ru
Databases for trade (EU)

Learn about and find links to customs-related databases in the EU: TARIC, customs offices information, validation of EORI and REX numbers, AEO, CLASS, ECICS, EBTI, SAMANCTA, Export and Transit MRN follow-up and databases of quotas, suspensions, surveillances.

IT systems, databases
en, lt, ru
Databases for trade (EU)

Learn about and find links to customs-related databases in the EU: TARIC, customs offices information, validation of EORI and REX numbers, AEO, CLASS, ECICS, EBTI, SAMANCTA, Export and Transit MRN follow-up and databases of quotas, suspensions, surveillances.

IT systems, databases
ICS2: the new European customs “Import Control System” just arriving!

The purpose of this note is to introduce the new European Import Control System (ICS2) in the safety and security measures framework and the launch of its first "release 1" version for express courier and postal shipments transported by air. Looking at it from a French perspective.

Bertrand Rager

IT systems, databases
ICS2: the new European customs “Import Control System” just arriving!

The purpose of this note is to introduce the new European Import Control System (ICS2) in the safety and security measures framework and the launch of its first "release 1" version for express courier and postal shipments transported by air. Looking at it from a French perspective.

Bertrand Rager

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Transforming Customs operations management teams into strategic players

Within companies, Customs operations management teams are typically slow to adopt new technology. Yet by adopting trade software solutions, they could centralize and automate their Customs and trade compliance processes and harness the value of data, saving time and money and informing strategic decisions. Although this article mainly addresses companies, it is also of interest to Customs administrations who want to understand the solutions and tools that are available on the market and that enable companies to modernize their Customs and trade compliance processes.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Transforming Customs operations management teams into strategic players

Within companies, Customs operations management teams are typically slow to adopt new technology. Yet by adopting trade software solutions, they could centralize and automate their Customs and trade compliance processes and harness the value of data, saving time and money and informing strategic decisions. Although this article mainly addresses companies, it is also of interest to Customs administrations who want to understand the solutions and tools that are available on the market and that enable companies to modernize their Customs and trade compliance processes.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Improving Strategic Trade Detection and Classification through Machine Learning

Ensuring the enforcement of a national strategic trade control (STC) system is a key requirement for all Customs administrations. Strategic goods comprise weapons of mass destruction (WMD), conventional weapons, and the materials, technology and equipment that may be used in their development or delivery. Many of these commodities have both civil and military applications and are called dual-use goods.

Christopher Nelson

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Improving Strategic Trade Detection and Classification through Machine Learning

Ensuring the enforcement of a national strategic trade control (STC) system is a key requirement for all Customs administrations. Strategic goods comprise weapons of mass destruction (WMD), conventional weapons, and the materials, technology and equipment that may be used in their development or delivery. Many of these commodities have both civil and military applications and are called dual-use goods.

Christopher Nelson

IT systems, databases
en, fr
TradeTrust: accelerating the digitalization of international trade

Singapore is spearheading the implementation of TradeTrust, which is a framework comprised of a set of globally accepted standards to facilitate the digitalization of documents used in international trade and logistics and their interoperability, and also a set of software components that connect to a blockchain backbone IT infrastructure. Economic operators and public and private institutions using TradeTrust will create a global network of trusted partners for the exchange and verification of digital trade documentation across borders. The ultimate objective is to enable a more seamless flow of goods between trading nations and reduce the inefficiencies and complexities generated by the use of paper-based documentation, making cross-border trade simpler and safer.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
TradeTrust: accelerating the digitalization of international trade

Singapore is spearheading the implementation of TradeTrust, which is a framework comprised of a set of globally accepted standards to facilitate the digitalization of documents used in international trade and logistics and their interoperability, and also a set of software components that connect to a blockchain backbone IT infrastructure. Economic operators and public and private institutions using TradeTrust will create a global network of trusted partners for the exchange and verification of digital trade documentation across borders. The ultimate objective is to enable a more seamless flow of goods between trading nations and reduce the inefficiencies and complexities generated by the use of paper-based documentation, making cross-border trade simpler and safer.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
How digital tools can improve compliance with SPS measures

Given increasing concerns about food security and food safety and the need to fight hunger and eliminate food waste, a review of the current processes for implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and adoption of information technology to enhance workflows would benefit both the import and export economies, as well as trading partners.

Francis Lopez

IT systems, databases
en, fr
How digital tools can improve compliance with SPS measures

Given increasing concerns about food security and food safety and the need to fight hunger and eliminate food waste, a review of the current processes for implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and adoption of information technology to enhance workflows would benefit both the import and export economies, as well as trading partners.

Francis Lopez

IT systems, databases
en, fr, lt
Digitization of ATA Carnets: overview of the ICC pilot project

The ATA[1] Carnet is an international Customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary admission of most goods for up to one year. It enables countries, businesses and border agencies to expedite the Customs process by utilizing unified, ready-to-use declaration forms and eliminating the lodging of a guarantee, bond or cash deposit in the country of temporary importation. At the end of 2020, the ATA Carnet procedure has been implemented in 78 countries and Customs territories. In each one of them, the Customs authority appoints a National Guaranteeing Association (NGA) which guarantees payment of import duties and taxes in cooperation with foreign NGAs around the world. Under the NGA’s umbrella, there can be multiple issuing associations (IAs) in each country to process Carnet applications. Processing fees apply as well as a surety bond which will be returned if the Carnet has been used correctly. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million companies worldwide, is responsible for administering the global guarantee chain affiliated with all NGAs.

Cyrille Bernard

IT systems, databases
en, fr, lt
Digitization of ATA Carnets: overview of the ICC pilot project

The ATA[1] Carnet is an international Customs document that permits duty-free and tax-free temporary admission of most goods for up to one year. It enables countries, businesses and border agencies to expedite the Customs process by utilizing unified, ready-to-use declaration forms and eliminating the lodging of a guarantee, bond or cash deposit in the country of temporary importation. At the end of 2020, the ATA Carnet procedure has been implemented in 78 countries and Customs territories. In each one of them, the Customs authority appoints a National Guaranteeing Association (NGA) which guarantees payment of import duties and taxes in cooperation with foreign NGAs around the world. Under the NGA’s umbrella, there can be multiple issuing associations (IAs) in each country to process Carnet applications. Processing fees apply as well as a surety bond which will be returned if the Carnet has been used correctly. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million companies worldwide, is responsible for administering the global guarantee chain affiliated with all NGAs.

Cyrille Bernard

IT systems, databases
Customs-related databases

What customs-related databases do you use, find the most useful and/ or the most interesting? An exchange on customs-related databases used worldwide took place on 18 February 2021 during the 4th meeting of the authors of the CCRM journal. Why there is no comprehensive list of such databases? Herewith we could start the list! We would be happy to amend it with the databases you use, write to us:

Customs Practitioners Association

IT systems, databases
Customs-related databases

What customs-related databases do you use, find the most useful and/ or the most interesting? An exchange on customs-related databases used worldwide took place on 18 February 2021 during the 4th meeting of the authors of the CCRM journal. Why there is no comprehensive list of such databases? Herewith we could start the list! We would be happy to amend it with the databases you use, write to us:

Customs Practitioners Association

IT systems, databases
One month of Brexit at the French 'smart border'

Jean-Michel Thillier, Director of Customs for the Hauts-de-France region of northern France and in charge of Brexit, took stock of the 'smart border' after one month of Brexit. The attention of operators was drawn to various issues identified: unpreparedness for customs formalities, unnecessary requesting of preferential origin, etc.

Cyrille Chatail

IT systems, databases
One month of Brexit at the French 'smart border'

Jean-Michel Thillier, Director of Customs for the Hauts-de-France region of northern France and in charge of Brexit, took stock of the 'smart border' after one month of Brexit. The attention of operators was drawn to various issues identified: unpreparedness for customs formalities, unnecessary requesting of preferential origin, etc.

Cyrille Chatail

IT systems, databases
de, en
Customs in Switzerland: reinvention through digitalization and paperless clearance

With numerous innovations such as smartphone apps as well as the elimination of Swiss sub-headings in the customs tariff numbers, Swiss Customs aims to drive digital transformation. Since Switzerland is not part of the EU customs union, shipments of goods have always had to be cleared at the Swiss border. Now, cooperation with neighboring countries is to be promoted in order to exchange the data that is now available electronically with each other. This will speed up customs clearance on both sides. In this article, you will find out what innovations are in store for EU as well as Swiss companies.

Thomas Woodtli

IT systems, databases
de, en
Customs in Switzerland: reinvention through digitalization and paperless clearance

With numerous innovations such as smartphone apps as well as the elimination of Swiss sub-headings in the customs tariff numbers, Swiss Customs aims to drive digital transformation. Since Switzerland is not part of the EU customs union, shipments of goods have always had to be cleared at the Swiss border. Now, cooperation with neighboring countries is to be promoted in order to exchange the data that is now available electronically with each other. This will speed up customs clearance on both sides. In this article, you will find out what innovations are in store for EU as well as Swiss companies.

Thomas Woodtli

IT systems, databases
de, en, lt
Fit for the future of digitalisation with a treasure trove of customs data

Now new technologies are coming along, beckoning with their promises of complete automation so everything works by itself. AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, etc. are supposed to make everything better, much more automated and ensure it's all correct. But let us take a look at the reality here. Are all those promises true?

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
de, en, lt
Fit for the future of digitalisation with a treasure trove of customs data

Now new technologies are coming along, beckoning with their promises of complete automation so everything works by itself. AI (Artificial Intelligence), Blockchain, etc. are supposed to make everything better, much more automated and ensure it's all correct. But let us take a look at the reality here. Are all those promises true?

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Electronic certificates of origin for exporters in Lithuania

The state (Republic of Lithuania) has delegated to the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts the task of issuing certificates of non-preferential origin for goods exported to third countries. Every year, the Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts issues about 7,000 certificates to exporters. Most of them are issued for transportation of goods to Uzbekistan, Belarus, China, Ukraine, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, India.

Jekaterina Komarova

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Electronic certificates of origin for exporters in Lithuania

The state (Republic of Lithuania) has delegated to the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Crafts the task of issuing certificates of non-preferential origin for goods exported to third countries. Every year, the Vilnius Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts issues about 7,000 certificates to exporters. Most of them are issued for transportation of goods to Uzbekistan, Belarus, China, Ukraine, Russia, the United Arab Emirates, India.

Jekaterina Komarova

IT systems, databases
The French Customs "Smart Border" Offer for Brexit

Known as the "smart border”, this technological solution aims at maintaining the fluidity of the flows of goods despite the re-establishment of customs formalities at the border. It will be applied, as from the end of the transition period, at all entry/ exit points in the Calais area and more generally in the Channel - North Sea space.

Bertrand Rager

IT systems, databases
The French Customs "Smart Border" Offer for Brexit

Known as the "smart border”, this technological solution aims at maintaining the fluidity of the flows of goods despite the re-establishment of customs formalities at the border. It will be applied, as from the end of the transition period, at all entry/ exit points in the Calais area and more generally in the Channel - North Sea space.

Bertrand Rager

IT systems, databases
en, lt
How technology assists ongoing customs compliance

Compliance is a legal requirement — it is not something that a company can choose to ignore. It is for this reason that organisations are turning to automation and other technological solutions. Technology frees compliance personnel to work on value-added tasks and long term strategic goals. It never replaces the necessity for compliance professionals. Here are four areas where technology can help an organisation ensure ongoing compliance with customs regulations.

Anne Sexton

IT systems, databases
en, lt
How technology assists ongoing customs compliance

Compliance is a legal requirement — it is not something that a company can choose to ignore. It is for this reason that organisations are turning to automation and other technological solutions. Technology frees compliance personnel to work on value-added tasks and long term strategic goals. It never replaces the necessity for compliance professionals. Here are four areas where technology can help an organisation ensure ongoing compliance with customs regulations.

Anne Sexton

IT systems, databases
Interview with an expert of global trade measures

Anna Gayk is Managing Partner of the Mendel company. The company, originally engaged in the production of printed matter and as publishers of foreign trade publications, has evolved to a leading information service and data content provider in the field of global trade measures over the last two decades. The company is specialised in research, provision and updating of foreign trade information and data with a focus on tariff and non-tariff measures of virtually all countries in the world. In the interview, we talk about digitalisation, quality of data, research, what works well internationally in customs and what could be improved, and about other topics.

Roberto Raya da Silva

IT systems, databases
Interview with an expert of global trade measures

Anna Gayk is Managing Partner of the Mendel company. The company, originally engaged in the production of printed matter and as publishers of foreign trade publications, has evolved to a leading information service and data content provider in the field of global trade measures over the last two decades. The company is specialised in research, provision and updating of foreign trade information and data with a focus on tariff and non-tariff measures of virtually all countries in the world. In the interview, we talk about digitalisation, quality of data, research, what works well internationally in customs and what could be improved, and about other topics.

Roberto Raya da Silva

IT systems, databases
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