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Introduction to export controls – What

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Introduction to export controls – What is it? Why? When? How?

Bertrand Rager

‎ €14.99
restrictions, trade barriers
A few remarks on the softness of soft law in the sphere of customs classification

Customs classification rules are numerous, long and technically complex. No wonder both declarants and customs authorities seek guidance as to understanding these rules. This article outlines the intricacies of hard and soft law aimed at facilitating the application of the classification provisions.

Prof Dr Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki

A few remarks on the softness of soft law in the sphere of customs classification

Customs classification rules are numerous, long and technically complex. No wonder both declarants and customs authorities seek guidance as to understanding these rules. This article outlines the intricacies of hard and soft law aimed at facilitating the application of the classification provisions.

Prof Dr Krzysztof Lasiński-Sulecki

What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

law international, restrictions, trade barriers, trade policy
What strategies may EU traders use to overcome trade barriers?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) terminated the examination procedure concerning obstacles to trade applied by Mexico (see Commission implementing decision (EU) 2022/161, 3.2.2022). This was because the dispute regarding Tequila export licenses was resolved in favour of EU exports by domestic courts in Mexico. The example reveals that exporters can cope with trade barriers in several ways: in courts, and through complaints to the EC.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

law international, restrictions, trade barriers, trade policy
Kur pakankamo rūpestingumo klasifikuojant prekes ribos?

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas - sritis, kurioje Lietuvoje dirbančiam deklarantui nesunku „užsidirbti“ administracinę nuobaudą. Nuobaudos būtų galima išvengti, jeigu pavyktų įrodyti, kad buvo klasifikuojama pakankamai rūpestingai. Teismuose vis bandoma išsiaiškinti: kurgi tos rūpestingumo ribos? Apžvelgiame aktualią bylą, kurioje ginčas kilo dėl nuobaudos, skirtos už neteisingą išmaniųjų apyrankių klasifikavimą.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

Kur pakankamo rūpestingumo klasifikuojant prekes ribos?

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas - sritis, kurioje Lietuvoje dirbančiam deklarantui nesunku „užsidirbti“ administracinę nuobaudą. Nuobaudos būtų galima išvengti, jeigu pavyktų įrodyti, kad buvo klasifikuojama pakankamai rūpestingai. Teismuose vis bandoma išsiaiškinti: kurgi tos rūpestingumo ribos? Apžvelgiame aktualią bylą, kurioje ginčas kilo dėl nuobaudos, skirtos už neteisingą išmaniųjų apyrankių klasifikavimą.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijos: naujas teisės aktas, galiojančių sankcijų terminai

Skaitytojo klausimai: Į ką verslui svarbu atkreipti dėmesį naujame LRV nutarime dėl Tarptautinių sankcijų įstatymo įgyvendinimo? Taip pat, kada baigiasi jau galiojančių sankcijų Rusijai ir Baltarusijai terminai dėl seniau sudarytų sutarčių vykdymo?

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
The "dark art" of classification (challenging a BTI ruling)

The area of classification is often seen as a dark art and impenetrable to most people. This is of course untrue, but it does require experience and repeated and frequent exposure in order to operate confidently and competently within this discipline. In March 2021, an article reporting on the deliberations of the Irish Tax Appeals Commission regarding a tariff classification dispute between the Irish Revenue Commissioners and a medical technology company appeared in an Irish daily newspaper. As a customs consultant and a former civil servant with a particular interest in tariff classification, my attention was immediately piqued.

Dr David Savage

The "dark art" of classification (challenging a BTI ruling)

The area of classification is often seen as a dark art and impenetrable to most people. This is of course untrue, but it does require experience and repeated and frequent exposure in order to operate confidently and competently within this discipline. In March 2021, an article reporting on the deliberations of the Irish Tax Appeals Commission regarding a tariff classification dispute between the Irish Revenue Commissioners and a medical technology company appeared in an Irish daily newspaper. As a customs consultant and a former civil servant with a particular interest in tariff classification, my attention was immediately piqued.

Dr David Savage

en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Sanctioned persons: get to know your customers and suppliers

As you know, the European Union has adopted several packages of restrictive measures against the Russian Federation in the wake of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and restrictive measures against the Republic of Belarus in the light of the situation in Belarus. All these measures must be effectively implemented by the competent authorities and the EU economic operators. Let us discuss one of the measures - directly and indirectly sanctioned persons and how to identify them so that they do not appear among customers or suppliers.

Andrius Košel

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
The case with the smell of vanilla

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) examined a case, the goal of which was to clarify the tariff position that covers a runny and golden-brown product with a strong smell of vanilla, consisting of approximately 85% ethanol, 10% water, 4.8% dry residue and having an average vanilla content of 0.5% (the Goods), and whether the Goods of such composition shall be exempt from excise duty on alcohol. The CJEU had to clarify whether the Goods are classified as vegetable extracts, extracted oleoresins or a mixture thereof. It was also necessary to comment on the interpretation of ‘flavouring’, which is not defined in either the Combined Nomenclature (CN) or Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages (Directive 92/83).

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
The case with the smell of vanilla

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) examined a case, the goal of which was to clarify the tariff position that covers a runny and golden-brown product with a strong smell of vanilla, consisting of approximately 85% ethanol, 10% water, 4.8% dry residue and having an average vanilla content of 0.5% (the Goods), and whether the Goods of such composition shall be exempt from excise duty on alcohol. The CJEU had to clarify whether the Goods are classified as vegetable extracts, extracted oleoresins or a mixture thereof. It was also necessary to comment on the interpretation of ‘flavouring’, which is not defined in either the Combined Nomenclature (CN) or Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages (Directive 92/83).

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Kaliningrad – Russia transit: are there any special simplifications?

Due to the war in Ukraine, the Kaliningrad Oblast is getting increased attention. We receive questions about the ‘Kaliningrad transit‘: whether there are any simplifications for the transportation of goods from Russia to Kaliningrad and vice versa or exemptions from sanctions? The exemptions have been introduced in the fifth EU sanctions package against Russia. But let’s start with an overview of some historical events.

Jurgita Stanienė

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Sankcionuojami asmenys: pažink savo
01h 01min

Andrius Košel

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Sankcionuojami asmenys: pažink savo klientus ir tiekėjus
01h 01min

Andrius Košel

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restrictions, trade barriers
Tarptautinės sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: teisinis reguliavimas ir verslo rizikos valdymas

Tarptautinės sankcijos – privalomos kiekvienam, ir ne tik ES įvedami ribojimai. Verslui tenka susidurti ir su kitų šalių, pavyzdžiui, JAV, ekstrateritorialaus poveikio sankcijomis. Kaip valdyti riziką? Apžvelkime ribojimus sandorio šalims, jų patikrą viešai prieinamuose sąrašuose, sankcijų įtaką finansinėms operacijoms, apėjimo rizikos valdymą ir atsakomybę, teismų praktiką ir kokias reikėtų numatyti prekių pirkimo-pardavimo ar kitų sutarčių sąlygas, kad įvedus sankcijas, įtakojančias sandorį, būtų apsisaugota nuo neigiamų pasekmių.

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

restrictions, trade barriers
Tarptautinės sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: teisinis reguliavimas ir verslo rizikos valdymas

Tarptautinės sankcijos – privalomos kiekvienam, ir ne tik ES įvedami ribojimai. Verslui tenka susidurti ir su kitų šalių, pavyzdžiui, JAV, ekstrateritorialaus poveikio sankcijomis. Kaip valdyti riziką? Apžvelkime ribojimus sandorio šalims, jų patikrą viešai prieinamuose sąrašuose, sankcijų įtaką finansinėms operacijoms, apėjimo rizikos valdymą ir atsakomybę, teismų praktiką ir kokias reikėtų numatyti prekių pirkimo-pardavimo ar kitų sutarčių sąlygas, kad įvedus sankcijas, įtakojančias sandorį, būtų apsisaugota nuo neigiamų pasekmių.

Inga Karulaitytė-Kvainauskienė

restrictions, trade barriers
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
What exporters should know about licensing barriers?

Due to the non-transparent import licensing requirements in many countries, such as Turkey, India, Malaysia, Brazil, and Argentina, to mention a few, exporters are denied trade opportunities, which these days are especially important for those who lost their export markets after Russia invaded Ukraine. The article introduces basic information on automatic and non-automatic licensing and provides practical examples of some non-transparent licensing regimes worldwide that must be considered when choosing new export markets.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Trade Barriers Regulation of the EU

Part of the EU’s trade rules enforcement arsenal, the Trade Barriers Regulation is a legal instrument that gives EU companies, industries, associations and Member States the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission about trade barriers in third countries.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Trade Barriers Regulation of the EU

Part of the EU’s trade rules enforcement arsenal, the Trade Barriers Regulation is a legal instrument that gives EU companies, industries, associations and Member States the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission about trade barriers in third countries.

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Sankcijoms nustatytų išimčių taikymas

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

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Sankcijoms nustatytų išimčių taikymas

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

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restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Import into the EU: peculiarities of the end-use procedure

The end-use customs procedure can offer the benefit of an import duty relief when the goods are imported for a specific use, or it might be the only option to import certain goods. Let's look at the specifics of this procedure by answering the reader's question about the conditions for the import into the EU of propane gas, which will be used in the technological process of a manufacturing plant. We also provide an overview of the general import requirements for chemicals.

Alina Budrikienė

restrictions, trade barriers
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

restrictions, trade barriers
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijų, susijusių su prekių judėjimu, taikymo praktikoje klausimai

Tinkamas ir teisingas dėl karo Ukrainoje įvestų sankcijų taikymas tapo iššūkiu tiek muitinei, tiek verslui. Siekdama vienodo taikymo praktikoje visose ES šalyse narėse ir atsakyti į kylančius klausimus, Europos Komisija parengė ir š. m. kovo 23 d. publikavo gairę, kuri parengta atsakymų į dažnai užduodamus klausimus forma. Apžvelkime atsakymus į klausimus dėl sankcijų įsigaliojimo momento, išimčių laikinojo saugojimo terminui, dėl prabangos prekių vertės nustatymo ir prekių vieneto sąvokos, dėl medienos gaminių importo draudimo bei dėl prekių importo iš Donecko ir Luhansko sričių.

Enrika Naujokė

restrictions, trade barriers
Sankcijų, susijusių su prekių judėjimu, taikymo praktikoje klausimai

Tinkamas ir teisingas dėl karo Ukrainoje įvestų sankcijų taikymas tapo iššūkiu tiek muitinei, tiek verslui. Siekdama vienodo taikymo praktikoje visose ES šalyse narėse ir atsakyti į kylančius klausimus, Europos Komisija parengė ir š. m. kovo 23 d. publikavo gairę, kuri parengta atsakymų į dažnai užduodamus klausimus forma. Apžvelkime atsakymus į klausimus dėl sankcijų įsigaliojimo momento, išimčių laikinojo saugojimo terminui, dėl prabangos prekių vertės nustatymo ir prekių vieneto sąvokos, dėl medienos gaminių importo draudimo bei dėl prekių importo iš Donecko ir Luhansko sričių.

Enrika Naujokė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Exporter of dual-use items

Exporter of dual-use items is any person who has the power to determine the sending of the items out of the customs territory of the Union.

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en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dual-use items

‘Dual-use items’ means items, including software and technology, which can be used for both civil and military purposes.

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