juin 30, 2018
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Le rôle du SH dans le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030 des Nations Unies

Photo by Adrien Taylor on Unsplash

Si nous voulons que le commerce international devienne un instrument vertueux au service de l’éradication de la pauvreté et de la faim, capable de promouvoir la prospérité et le développement durable, il est indispensable d’adopter des politiques adéquates et des cadres légaux et réglementaires solides. Le 25 septembre 2015, les 193 États membres des Nations Unies (ONU) ont adopté le Programme de développement durable à l’horizon 2030, et ses 17 Objectifs de développement durable (ODD), 169 cibles et 232 indicateurs.

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Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

Technology to Customs: Catch me, if you can

The WTO's Harmonised System (HS) convention is probably one of the most successful international conventions and aims to harmonise tariff codes for goods worldwide. The WTO also has successful conventions, including the 1996 Information Technology Agreement (ITA), which aims to improve trade in technology products by eliminating customs duties on selected and defined products. The interests of the HS and the ITA are not identical. While the HS aims to establish rules for a unified classification, regardless of whether the result leads to duty-free treatment or not, the ITA's objective is duty-free treatment for technological products.

Omer Wagner

The connecting formula in classifying goods under the Harmonized System (HS) Convention

The language of the Harmonised System (HS) Convention contains many formulas linking goods and their use, such as 'primary', 'principal', 'intended', etc. The HS seems to contain too many of these connection formulae, and the difference between them is not always clear. It is therefore suggested that the World Customs Organisation (WCO) eliminate the undefined terms and look for a method that is as simple as possible. The article below is a short version of the full article, which has been published in the World Customs Journal, 2023, Issue 17(2).

Omer Wagner

The connecting formula in classifying goods under the Harmonized System (HS) Convention

The language of the Harmonised System (HS) Convention contains many formulas linking goods and their use, such as 'primary', 'principal', 'intended', etc. The HS seems to contain too many of these connection formulae, and the difference between them is not always clear. It is therefore suggested that the World Customs Organisation (WCO) eliminate the undefined terms and look for a method that is as simple as possible. The article below is a short version of the full article, which has been published in the World Customs Journal, 2023, Issue 17(2).

Omer Wagner

Partnership with private sector leads to enhanced certainty in the classification of products in Brazil

Brazil is on the cusp of a groundbreaking transformation, with the rollout of an upgraded version 2.0 of its Foreign Trade Single Window, the Portal Único Siscomex. A core innovation within the Portal is the introduction of a catalogue describing products using pre-defined attributes. The new system has been made possible thanks to an exceptional partnership between private and public entities who worked hand in hand to redefine the way products are identified for cross-border trade.

Jackson Aluir Corbari

Partnership with private sector leads to enhanced certainty in the classification of products in Brazil

Brazil is on the cusp of a groundbreaking transformation, with the rollout of an upgraded version 2.0 of its Foreign Trade Single Window, the Portal Único Siscomex. A core innovation within the Portal is the introduction of a catalogue describing products using pre-defined attributes. The new system has been made possible thanks to an exceptional partnership between private and public entities who worked hand in hand to redefine the way products are identified for cross-border trade.

Jackson Aluir Corbari

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas – iššūkis verslui ir/ar muitinei?

Praėjusius metus Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas baigė ir naujus 2024 m. pradėjo priimdamas 3 nutartis susijusias su prekių tarifiniu klasifikavimu. Tačiau visos šiose bylose galima rasti skirtingas žinutes, kurias verta įsidėmėti diskutuojant su muitine dėl tinkamo prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo.

Ingrida Kemežienė

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas – iššūkis verslui ir/ar muitinei?

Praėjusius metus Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas baigė ir naujus 2024 m. pradėjo priimdamas 3 nutartis susijusias su prekių tarifiniu klasifikavimu. Tačiau visos šiose bylose galima rasti skirtingas žinutes, kurias verta įsidėmėti diskutuojant su muitine dėl tinkamo prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo.

Ingrida Kemežienė

image en
Hidden element of tariff classification: Legislative purpose

Omer Wagner

image en
Hidden element of tariff classification: Legislative purpose

Omer Wagner

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