vasaris 04, 2021
lt en
Kilmės kriterijus: tarifinio klasifikavimo pasikeitimas

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Kas yra konkretiems produktams taikomos kilmės taisyklės?

Konkretiems produktams taikomos kilmės taisyklės – tai reikalavimai, kuriuos turi atitikti produktas (kurio gamybai panaudotos kilmės neturinčios medžiagos), kad būtų laikomas turinčiu tam tikros šalies kilmę. Šios taisyklės sukurtos remiantis keliais kriterijais.

Ką reiškia tarifinio klasifikavimo pasikeitimas?

Vienas jų yra tarifinio klasifikavimo pasikeitimas (kitų kriterijų pavyzdžiai: gamybos procesas, kilmės statuso neturinčių medžiagų didžiausia vertė arba masė). Tai reiškia, kad gamyboje gali būti naudojama kilmės neturinti medžiaga, priskiriama bet kuriam kitam skirsniui, pozicijai ar subpozicijai1 negu galutinis produktas.

Pavyzdžiui, ES gaminamas cukranendrių cukrus (SS pozicija 17.01) iš kilmės statuso neturinčių cukranendrių (SS pozicija 12.12) eksportui į Jungtinę Karalystę (JK).  ES ir JK prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarime2 nustatyta kilmės taisyklė:

CTH trumpinys reiškia, kad bet kuri produkto gamybai panaudota kilmės neturinti medžiaga turi būti klasifikuojama priskiriant ją kitai pozicijai negu produktas (t. y. turi pasikeisti pozicija).

Vadinasi, ES pagaminus cukranendrių cukrų (17.01) iš kilmės statuso neturinčių cukranendrių (12.12), taisyklė yra išpildyta - cukrus yra ES lengvatinės kilmės ir gali būti importuojamas į JK taikant lengvatinį muito tarifą (0 %). 

Į ką reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį?

Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad prieš patikrindami konkretaus produkto kilmės taisyklę, turite įsitikinti, kad kilmės statuso neturinčių medžiagų gamybos operacijos yra pakankamos. Nepakankamos gamybos operacijų sąrašą rasite konkrečiame susitarime ar susitarime.


1Skirsnis - Suderintos sistemos 2 skaitmenų lygmuo, pozicija - Suderintos sistemos 4 skaitmenų lygmuo, subpozicija - Suderintos sistemos 6 skaitmenų lygmuo.

2Europos Sąjungos bei Europos atominės energijos bendrijos ir Jungtinės Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystės prekybos ir bendradarbiavimo susitarimas, 31.12.2020 paskelbtas oficialiąjame leidinyje L 444

Comments ()

Origin of goods – the trends

The language of sustainable development legislation and the language of the legislation of origin are completely different; it is necessary to find a lingua franca for these areas to better understand and implement the requirements. On the other hand, harmonisation of rules of origin at a global level is essential to address the challenges faced by importers - the need for harmonisation of these rules has never been greater. These and many other views were exchanged at the 20th Authors' Meeting. We invite you to read an overview.

Origin of goods – the trends

The language of sustainable development legislation and the language of the legislation of origin are completely different; it is necessary to find a lingua franca for these areas to better understand and implement the requirements. On the other hand, harmonisation of rules of origin at a global level is essential to address the challenges faced by importers - the need for harmonisation of these rules has never been greater. These and many other views were exchanged at the 20th Authors' Meeting. We invite you to read an overview.

EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

EU FTAs: Is EU fully utilising benefits?

The EU has concluded more than 40 free trade agreements (FTAs) with around 80 countries, which supposedly bring significant benefits for trade with partner countries. But is this really the case, i.e. is the EU fully utilising these benefits? This article attempts to assess the application of EU FTAs by analysing the flow of goods in and out of the main trading partners. The author looks at how import and export volumes and geography depend on the existence of preferential agreements.

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

AfCFTA: Towards harmonisation of rules of origin

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), approved in 2012 by the African Union’s (AU) 18th Ordinary Session of Assembly of Heads of State and Government, is one of the Flagship Projects of the AU’s Agenda 2063. The Action Plan for Boosting intra-African trade has a strong focus on accelerating intra-African trade and boosting Africa’s trading position in the global market, in particular through implementation of trade facilitation standards and tools. We provide a brief overview of AfCFTA rules of origin.

Mette Werdelin Azzam

AfCFTA: Towards harmonisation of rules of origin

The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), approved in 2012 by the African Union’s (AU) 18th Ordinary Session of Assembly of Heads of State and Government, is one of the Flagship Projects of the AU’s Agenda 2063. The Action Plan for Boosting intra-African trade has a strong focus on accelerating intra-African trade and boosting Africa’s trading position in the global market, in particular through implementation of trade facilitation standards and tools. We provide a brief overview of AfCFTA rules of origin.

Mette Werdelin Azzam

en, lt
Two lessons from case law on the origin of goods

Editors' note: The recent 20th Authors' Meeting dealt with issues of origin for customs purposes. At this meeting, the author presented two Israeli court cases - one concerning an unauthorised person signing the certificate of preferential origin and the other concerning whether pistachios originated in Iran or Turkey (non-preferential origin for the application of prohibitions). The cases are not necessarily new, but they deal with relevant questions: What happens if the proof of preferential origin is signed by an unauthorised person? Can the authorisation be granted retrospectively? Is the 'statistical and reasonableness check' sufficient for customs to reject the declared non-preferential origin of the goods?

Omer Wagner

en, lt
Two lessons from case law on the origin of goods

Editors' note: The recent 20th Authors' Meeting dealt with issues of origin for customs purposes. At this meeting, the author presented two Israeli court cases - one concerning an unauthorised person signing the certificate of preferential origin and the other concerning whether pistachios originated in Iran or Turkey (non-preferential origin for the application of prohibitions). The cases are not necessarily new, but they deal with relevant questions: What happens if the proof of preferential origin is signed by an unauthorised person? Can the authorisation be granted retrospectively? Is the 'statistical and reasonableness check' sufficient for customs to reject the declared non-preferential origin of the goods?

Omer Wagner

image en
Some thoughts on origin

Anthony Buckley

image en
Some thoughts on origin

Anthony Buckley

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