June 14, 2024
Introduction of advance rulings system in Côte d’Ivoire

Photo by James Wiseman from Unsplash

In 2023, Côte d’Ivoire introduced a new and modern system of advance customs rulings. This development followed two workshops organised in Côte d’Ivoire in May 2023 with the German Alliance for Trade Facilitation and under the aegis of the EU-WCO Programme for the Harmonized System in Africa funded by the EU. The workshops were part of a wider capacity-building programme to support Côte d’Ivoire in meeting its WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement obligations - in particular, Article 3 of the TFA which requires signatory parties to provide an option to apply advance rulings on origin and classification.


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Country update
Should the UK rejoin PEM?

Whenever the topic of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) review comes up, the Pan-European Mediterranean (PEM) origin cumulation zone is one of the topics mentioned as potentially in scope. Recently, several reports and organizations have included rejoining PEM as one of the recommendations for the new Government. Rejoining PEM is indeed one of the steps that could improve market access for products from all industries that could be done within the current format of the TCA. It could also be done without changing the essential character of the relationships, i.e. one based on a simple and fairly basic trade agreement.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

Country update
Should the UK rejoin PEM?

Whenever the topic of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) review comes up, the Pan-European Mediterranean (PEM) origin cumulation zone is one of the topics mentioned as potentially in scope. Recently, several reports and organizations have included rejoining PEM as one of the recommendations for the new Government. Rejoining PEM is indeed one of the steps that could improve market access for products from all industries that could be done within the current format of the TCA. It could also be done without changing the essential character of the relationships, i.e. one based on a simple and fairly basic trade agreement.

Dr Anna Jerzewska

Pan-European-Mediterranean (PEM) Zone

The Pan-European-Mediterranean Zone was implemented in 2005. The idea was to create a cumulation zone between Europe and its neighbours and to encourage intra-regional integration by promoting trade and cooperation. The PEM Convention allows for the cumulation of origin between different countries within the zone. Cumulation of origin is one of the ways to allow for greater flexibility when it comes to using raw and semi-manufactured materials in the production process. It allows a member of a trade agreement to use originating products from other members.

Pan-European-Mediterranean (PEM) Zone

The Pan-European-Mediterranean Zone was implemented in 2005. The idea was to create a cumulation zone between Europe and its neighbours and to encourage intra-regional integration by promoting trade and cooperation. The PEM Convention allows for the cumulation of origin between different countries within the zone. Cumulation of origin is one of the ways to allow for greater flexibility when it comes to using raw and semi-manufactured materials in the production process. It allows a member of a trade agreement to use originating products from other members.

Topic spotlight
From textiles to motor vehicles: a sectoral study of rules of origin complexity

In their recent report, the World Customs Organization (WCO) proposed a new methodology for classifying and comparing product-specific rules of origin between agreements. This new conceptual tool: the "drafting complexity index" (DCI) was used to provide insights into rules for automotive and textile sectors.

Guillaume Gerout

Topic spotlight
From textiles to motor vehicles: a sectoral study of rules of origin complexity

In their recent report, the World Customs Organization (WCO) proposed a new methodology for classifying and comparing product-specific rules of origin between agreements. This new conceptual tool: the "drafting complexity index" (DCI) was used to provide insights into rules for automotive and textile sectors.

Guillaume Gerout

Topic spotlight
What is new in the Combined Nomenclature 2025?

Editor's note (by Enrika Naujoke). Want to have fun? Try explaining various aspects of product classification to programmers who are to integrate it into software. For example, the latest update regarding tomatoes with “greatest diameter of less than 47 mm”. Yes, the tariff depends on classification based on “greatest of less” wording! Let us know how you get on. We hope that reading the Combined Nomenclature updates from the perspective of this exercise will be interesting and engaging.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

Topic spotlight
What is new in the Combined Nomenclature 2025?

Editor's note (by Enrika Naujoke). Want to have fun? Try explaining various aspects of product classification to programmers who are to integrate it into software. For example, the latest update regarding tomatoes with “greatest diameter of less than 47 mm”. Yes, the tariff depends on classification based on “greatest of less” wording! Let us know how you get on. We hope that reading the Combined Nomenclature updates from the perspective of this exercise will be interesting and engaging.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

Topic spotlight
What’s new in classification: the latest WCO updates on classification of goods

Article 34 (7)(ііі) of the Union Customs Code provides for that the customs authorities shall revoke BTI decisions where they are no longer compatible with the classification decisions, classification opinions or amendments of the HS nomenclature Explanatory Notes. In such cases, the European Commission issues a Communication and publishes it in the 'C' series of the Official Journal of the European Union. This article provides an overview of the recent Communication C/2024/5990 and the classification opinions contained therein.

Ingrida Sakalienė

Topic spotlight
What’s new in classification: the latest WCO updates on classification of goods

Article 34 (7)(ііі) of the Union Customs Code provides for that the customs authorities shall revoke BTI decisions where they are no longer compatible with the classification decisions, classification opinions or amendments of the HS nomenclature Explanatory Notes. In such cases, the European Commission issues a Communication and publishes it in the 'C' series of the Official Journal of the European Union. This article provides an overview of the recent Communication C/2024/5990 and the classification opinions contained therein.

Ingrida Sakalienė

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