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Kur pakankamo rūpestingumo klasifikuojant prekes ribos?

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas - sritis, kurioje Lietuvoje dirbančiam deklarantui nesunku „užsidirbti“ administracinę nuobaudą. Nuobaudos būtų galima išvengti, jeigu pavyktų įrodyti, kad buvo klasifikuojama pakankamai rūpestingai. Teismuose vis bandoma išsiaiškinti: kurgi tos rūpestingumo ribos? Apžvelgiame aktualią bylą, kurioje ginčas kilo dėl nuobaudos, skirtos už neteisingą išmaniųjų apyrankių klasifikavimą.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

Kur pakankamo rūpestingumo klasifikuojant prekes ribos?

Prekių tarifinis klasifikavimas - sritis, kurioje Lietuvoje dirbančiam deklarantui nesunku „užsidirbti“ administracinę nuobaudą. Nuobaudos būtų galima išvengti, jeigu pavyktų įrodyti, kad buvo klasifikuojama pakankamai rūpestingai. Teismuose vis bandoma išsiaiškinti: kurgi tos rūpestingumo ribos? Apžvelgiame aktualią bylą, kurioje ginčas kilo dėl nuobaudos, skirtos už neteisingą išmaniųjų apyrankių klasifikavimą.

Jurgita Bartninkienė

Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

classification, IT systems, databases
Kokią įtaką prekių klasifikavimo efektyvumui ir tikslumui daro technologijos?

Viena pagrindinių diskusijų temų 2019 m. PMO konferencijoje dėl Suderintos sistemos (SS) ateities krypties buvo SS kompleksiškumas. Buvo išreikštas susirūpinimas dėl SS klasifikavimo sudėtingumo, ypač mažoms ir vidutinėms įmonėms, kurioms suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti pasaulio ekonomikoje, bet jos nebūtinai turi tam reikalingų priemonių.

Randy Rotchin

classification, IT systems, databases
The "dark art" of classification (challenging a BTI ruling)

The area of classification is often seen as a dark art and impenetrable to most people. This is of course untrue, but it does require experience and repeated and frequent exposure in order to operate confidently and competently within this discipline. In March 2021, an article reporting on the deliberations of the Irish Tax Appeals Commission regarding a tariff classification dispute between the Irish Revenue Commissioners and a medical technology company appeared in an Irish daily newspaper. As a customs consultant and a former civil servant with a particular interest in tariff classification, my attention was immediately piqued.

Dr David Savage

The "dark art" of classification (challenging a BTI ruling)

The area of classification is often seen as a dark art and impenetrable to most people. This is of course untrue, but it does require experience and repeated and frequent exposure in order to operate confidently and competently within this discipline. In March 2021, an article reporting on the deliberations of the Irish Tax Appeals Commission regarding a tariff classification dispute between the Irish Revenue Commissioners and a medical technology company appeared in an Irish daily newspaper. As a customs consultant and a former civil servant with a particular interest in tariff classification, my attention was immediately piqued.

Dr David Savage

en, lt
Port Community Systems & Customs (Part I)

Customs put the pieces of the various authorities' puzzle together and release the goods with an overall decision. Therefore, among many other players, the customs administration plays an extremely important role in effective operations in the port, and close cooperation among all the stakeholders is an obvious guarantor of quality. In this part, we examine the tasks and challenges facing the logistics industry, the core mandate of customs and their challenges, and how can another dimension of effective process flow be created?

Uwe Liebschner

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Port Community Systems & Customs (Part I)

Customs put the pieces of the various authorities' puzzle together and release the goods with an overall decision. Therefore, among many other players, the customs administration plays an extremely important role in effective operations in the port, and close cooperation among all the stakeholders is an obvious guarantor of quality. In this part, we examine the tasks and challenges facing the logistics industry, the core mandate of customs and their challenges, and how can another dimension of effective process flow be created?

Uwe Liebschner

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Port Community Systems & Customs (Part II)

The aim of Port Community Systems (PCS) or trade Single Windows (SW) activities is not to replace existing systems. Rather, it is to create a sufficient landscape of electronic infrastructure and exchange mechanisms to link the administrative processes with the operation of all stakeholders involved. Collaboration/ cooperation is the key to getting everyone on board and creating the right modern environment for an effective port. This can create an attractive environment for trade and, thus, an increase of economic activities. So, what role do PCS play, and are or can they be a building block for the process?

Uwe Liebschner

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Port Community Systems & Customs (Part II)

The aim of Port Community Systems (PCS) or trade Single Windows (SW) activities is not to replace existing systems. Rather, it is to create a sufficient landscape of electronic infrastructure and exchange mechanisms to link the administrative processes with the operation of all stakeholders involved. Collaboration/ cooperation is the key to getting everyone on board and creating the right modern environment for an effective port. This can create an attractive environment for trade and, thus, an increase of economic activities. So, what role do PCS play, and are or can they be a building block for the process?

Uwe Liebschner

IT systems, databases
de, en
Digital filing – how to keep your document management securely under control

Instead of stacking file folders on shelves, more and more companies today are moving towards using systems for digital archiving. Today, people spend around two thirds of their working time processing documents. Creating, checking, sending, filing - all this costs them a lot of time and often also nerves. In the article, you will learn about the advantages of electronic archiving and what to look for when choosing digital archiving software.

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
de, en
Digital filing – how to keep your document management securely under control

Instead of stacking file folders on shelves, more and more companies today are moving towards using systems for digital archiving. Today, people spend around two thirds of their working time processing documents. Creating, checking, sending, filing - all this costs them a lot of time and often also nerves. In the article, you will learn about the advantages of electronic archiving and what to look for when choosing digital archiving software.

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
de, en
And now it’s time to innovate – yes, you can! Three tips on how you can learn to innovate

Innovation is a process that renews and updates an area, a product or a service by applying new procedures, introducing new techniques or establishing successful ideas. But what does that actually mean in practice?

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
de, en
And now it’s time to innovate – yes, you can! Three tips on how you can learn to innovate

Innovation is a process that renews and updates an area, a product or a service by applying new procedures, introducing new techniques or establishing successful ideas. But what does that actually mean in practice?

Janine Lampprecht

IT systems, databases
en, lt
The case with the smell of vanilla

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) examined a case, the goal of which was to clarify the tariff position that covers a runny and golden-brown product with a strong smell of vanilla, consisting of approximately 85% ethanol, 10% water, 4.8% dry residue and having an average vanilla content of 0.5% (the Goods), and whether the Goods of such composition shall be exempt from excise duty on alcohol. The CJEU had to clarify whether the Goods are classified as vegetable extracts, extracted oleoresins or a mixture thereof. It was also necessary to comment on the interpretation of ‘flavouring’, which is not defined in either the Combined Nomenclature (CN) or Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages (Directive 92/83).

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
The case with the smell of vanilla

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) examined a case, the goal of which was to clarify the tariff position that covers a runny and golden-brown product with a strong smell of vanilla, consisting of approximately 85% ethanol, 10% water, 4.8% dry residue and having an average vanilla content of 0.5% (the Goods), and whether the Goods of such composition shall be exempt from excise duty on alcohol. The CJEU had to clarify whether the Goods are classified as vegetable extracts, extracted oleoresins or a mixture thereof. It was also necessary to comment on the interpretation of ‘flavouring’, which is not defined in either the Combined Nomenclature (CN) or Council Directive 92/83/EEC of 19 October 1992 on the harmonization of the structures of excise duties on alcohol and alcoholic beverages (Directive 92/83).

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

IT systems, databases
Digital Vetting: using multi-dimensional data and AI-driven selectivity models to enhance enforcement

Global digitalization is leading to an exponential increase in the volume and production of data, which, in turn, is matched by a growing demand for data from all parts of society. This phenomenon is known as the Data Revolution.

David Smason

IT systems, databases
Digital Vetting: using multi-dimensional data and AI-driven selectivity models to enhance enforcement

Global digitalization is leading to an exponential increase in the volume and production of data, which, in turn, is matched by a growing demand for data from all parts of society. This phenomenon is known as the Data Revolution.

David Smason

IT systems, databases
Blockchain document transfer: understanding the technology and its uses

According to research, a single container shipment can generate up to 200 communications, and the administrative cost of processing the accompanying documentation is estimated to be 15‑20% of the overall cost of transporting the goods. It is therefore essential to find easier, more efficient ways of transferring data and documents, and verifying and archiving documentation.

Vjeran Ortynski

IT systems, databases
Blockchain document transfer: understanding the technology and its uses

According to research, a single container shipment can generate up to 200 communications, and the administrative cost of processing the accompanying documentation is estimated to be 15‑20% of the overall cost of transporting the goods. It is therefore essential to find easier, more efficient ways of transferring data and documents, and verifying and archiving documentation.

Vjeran Ortynski

IT systems, databases
What impact is technology having on efforts to improve HS classification efficiency and accuracy?

One of the main topics of discussion during the 2019 WCO Conference on the Future Direction of the Harmonized System (HS) was HS complexity. Concern was expressed about the difficulty of HS classification especially for small and medium-sized enterprises that are being granted the opportunity to participate in the global economy but don’t necessarily possess the tools needed to do so.

Randy Rotchin

classification, IT systems, databases
What impact is technology having on efforts to improve HS classification efficiency and accuracy?

One of the main topics of discussion during the 2019 WCO Conference on the Future Direction of the Harmonized System (HS) was HS complexity. Concern was expressed about the difficulty of HS classification especially for small and medium-sized enterprises that are being granted the opportunity to participate in the global economy but don’t necessarily possess the tools needed to do so.

Randy Rotchin

classification, IT systems, databases
Trade digitization on a global scale: how far are we?

One positive outcome from the COVID-19 pandemic was the boost in the digitization of interactions and operations in many sectors of society. Digitization is a relatively easy concept to understand. It is the process of converting information into a digital format, in other words, bits and bytes.

Hannah Nguyen

IT systems, databases
Trade digitization on a global scale: how far are we?

One positive outcome from the COVID-19 pandemic was the boost in the digitization of interactions and operations in many sectors of society. Digitization is a relatively easy concept to understand. It is the process of converting information into a digital format, in other words, bits and bytes.

Hannah Nguyen

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Basics in customs: commodity code, origin

Muita UAB

‎ €39.89
en, lt
Basics in customs: commodity code, origin and duties, customs value

Muita UAB

‎ €39.89
Muitinės formalumų skaitmenizavimas: Lietuvoje kuriamas sprendimas

Apie skaitmeninimą ir skaitmenizavimą muitinės srityje, pažangą, iššūkius ir Lietuvoje kuriamą sprendimą kalbamės su Arūnu Sabaliausku, Trevio Muitinės paslaugų plėtros vadovu, skaitmeninės platformos „Trevio Customs“ vienu iš kūrėjų.

Arūnas Sabaliauskas

IT systems, databases
Muitinės formalumų skaitmenizavimas: Lietuvoje kuriamas sprendimas

Apie skaitmeninimą ir skaitmenizavimą muitinės srityje, pažangą, iššūkius ir Lietuvoje kuriamą sprendimą kalbamės su Arūnu Sabaliausku, Trevio Muitinės paslaugų plėtros vadovu, skaitmeninės platformos „Trevio Customs“ vienu iš kūrėjų.

Arūnas Sabaliauskas

IT systems, databases
Customs-related online resources in Canada

To provide proper customs information, an importer needs knowledge. Online resources make acquiring it easier than it used to be. We overview online resources available in Canada for tariff classification, adjustments to transaction value, the origin of goods, commercial invoice, customs accounting declaration, calculation of duties and GST. This information is also useful for European (and other) exporters who sell their goods to Canada and want to know more about the import requirements of the country of destination.

Peter Mitchell

IT systems, databases
Customs-related online resources in Canada

To provide proper customs information, an importer needs knowledge. Online resources make acquiring it easier than it used to be. We overview online resources available in Canada for tariff classification, adjustments to transaction value, the origin of goods, commercial invoice, customs accounting declaration, calculation of duties and GST. This information is also useful for European (and other) exporters who sell their goods to Canada and want to know more about the import requirements of the country of destination.

Peter Mitchell

IT systems, databases
Possibilities for application of e-CMR

The article highlights the trends in Europe regarding the application of electronic CMR consignment notes (e-CMR). Which countries use the e-CMR? Why other countries do not? What are the benefits of using e-CMR for import, export and transit of goods?

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

IT systems, databases
Possibilities for application of e-CMR

The article highlights the trends in Europe regarding the application of electronic CMR consignment notes (e-CMR). Which countries use the e-CMR? Why other countries do not? What are the benefits of using e-CMR for import, export and transit of goods?

Assoc Prof Dr Momchil Antov

IT systems, databases
Customs valuation IS: rules and practice of using the data

Importer’s questions: Does an importer have the possibility to learn the transaction values of identical or similar goods imported by other EU importers? How do customs apply those values at the time of customs clearance? In order to answer these questions, let’s take a look at a customs information system (IS) of an EU member state, where the customs valuation-related data are stored, and at the rules and the practice of using the data.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
Customs valuation IS: rules and practice of using the data

Importer’s questions: Does an importer have the possibility to learn the transaction values of identical or similar goods imported by other EU importers? How do customs apply those values at the time of customs clearance? In order to answer these questions, let’s take a look at a customs information system (IS) of an EU member state, where the customs valuation-related data are stored, and at the rules and the practice of using the data.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
Įvadas: prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo

Eglė Pučkuvienė

‎ €34.99
Įvadas: prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo pokyčiai 2022 m.

Eglė Pučkuvienė

‎ €34.99
Interviu su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu

Kalbamės su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu apie 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje vykusią diskusiją muitinės procesų tobulinimo tema, apie diskusijų metu teikiamų siūlymų įgyvendinimą; kokie buvo praėję metai Lietuvos muitinei ir kokie bus ateinantys, ypač skaitmeninimo, klimato kaitos valdymo srityse.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
Interviu su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu

Kalbamės su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu apie 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje vykusią diskusiją muitinės procesų tobulinimo tema, apie diskusijų metu teikiamų siūlymų įgyvendinimą; kokie buvo praėję metai Lietuvos muitinei ir kokie bus ateinantys, ypač skaitmeninimo, klimato kaitos valdymo srityse.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
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