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Journals on Customs: Why should you attend the Global Webinar?

On April 28th, 2022, another edition of the event 'Global Webinar: Journals on Customs' took place, during which editors of six leading journals shared their insights concerning some of the most significant topics, events and articles that have taken place in specialist editions over the past year. For me, as a young researcher, such events are of great importance, as they allow me to learn what are the current important issues in the field of global customs control. In the next few lines, I will try to outline what impressed me the most in the presentations of the speakers in the meeting.

Boryana Peycheva

knowledge management
Journals on Customs: Why should you attend the Global Webinar?

On April 28th, 2022, another edition of the event 'Global Webinar: Journals on Customs' took place, during which editors of six leading journals shared their insights concerning some of the most significant topics, events and articles that have taken place in specialist editions over the past year. For me, as a young researcher, such events are of great importance, as they allow me to learn what are the current important issues in the field of global customs control. In the next few lines, I will try to outline what impressed me the most in the presentations of the speakers in the meeting.

Boryana Peycheva

knowledge management
en, lt
Who is responsible for customs compliance? or When everyone is responsible - no one is!

Reader‘s question: We are a medium-sized EU manufacturing company. We import and export goods, and customs clearance is handled by customs agents. We are going to set up our own customs warehouse, apply for the AEO status and obtain authorisations for customs simplifications. We have also faced restrictions in regard to the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus. The question is, who in the company should be responsible for fulfilling the customs requirements and complying with them so that customs-related processes run smoothly?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
en, lt
Who is responsible for customs compliance? or When everyone is responsible - no one is!

Reader‘s question: We are a medium-sized EU manufacturing company. We import and export goods, and customs clearance is handled by customs agents. We are going to set up our own customs warehouse, apply for the AEO status and obtain authorisations for customs simplifications. We have also faced restrictions in regard to the sanctions imposed on Russia and Belarus. The question is, who in the company should be responsible for fulfilling the customs requirements and complying with them so that customs-related processes run smoothly?

Enrika Naujokė

risk management
en, lt

Risk is the likelihood and the impact of an event, which would prevent the correct application of Union or national measures, compromise the financial interests of the Union and its Member States, etc.

risk management
en, lt

Risk is the likelihood and the impact of an event, which would prevent the correct application of Union or national measures, compromise the financial interests of the Union and its Member States, etc.

risk management
Ar verta investuoti į žinias netikrumo laikais?

Kur geriausia investuoti netikrumo laikais? Kalbinamas apie pandemijos sukeltą įtampą rinkose, žinomas investuotojas, apžvelgdamas įvairias investicijų galimybes, pabrėžė, kad pati vertingiausia investicija yra į savo žinias. Pandemija sutrikdė tiekimo grandines, bet daugumos jų nenutraukė, tai dabar daro karas Ukrainoje. Tad, ar verta investuoti į žinias muitinės, logistikos ir tarptautinės prekybos srityje, kuri mūsų regione šiuo metu išgyvena sudėtingus laikus? Diskusijoje mintimis dalinasi Socialinių mokslų kolegijos studijų programų vadovė Kristina Stonkuvienė, Lietuvos nacionalinės ekspeditorių ir logistų asociacijos „LINEKA“ prezidentas Edmundas Daukantas ir „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ vadovė Enrika Naujokė.

knowledge management
Ar verta investuoti į žinias netikrumo laikais?

Kur geriausia investuoti netikrumo laikais? Kalbinamas apie pandemijos sukeltą įtampą rinkose, žinomas investuotojas, apžvelgdamas įvairias investicijų galimybes, pabrėžė, kad pati vertingiausia investicija yra į savo žinias. Pandemija sutrikdė tiekimo grandines, bet daugumos jų nenutraukė, tai dabar daro karas Ukrainoje. Tad, ar verta investuoti į žinias muitinės, logistikos ir tarptautinės prekybos srityje, kuri mūsų regione šiuo metu išgyvena sudėtingus laikus? Diskusijoje mintimis dalinasi Socialinių mokslų kolegijos studijų programų vadovė Kristina Stonkuvienė, Lietuvos nacionalinės ekspeditorių ir logistų asociacijos „LINEKA“ prezidentas Edmundas Daukantas ir „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ vadovė Enrika Naujokė.

knowledge management
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

knowledge management
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

knowledge management
en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

knowledge management
en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

knowledge management
en, lt
'Lex Portus' - the journal launched in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea

A year ago, we published an interview with Prof Dr Borys Kormych, with whom we have the honour of cooperating on the editorial board of the CCRM journal. We then discussed the 'Lex Portus' journal, which was started in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea, to address, among other topics, the resulting legal challenges in transport, customs and border formalities. The war started by Russia in Ukraine sheds new light on many of the topics covered in the interview: the annexation of Crimea, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, work done in Ukraine to join the Convention on Common Transit Procedure, and more. We invite you to read the interview.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
en, lt
'Lex Portus' - the journal launched in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea

A year ago, we published an interview with Prof Dr Borys Kormych, with whom we have the honour of cooperating on the editorial board of the CCRM journal. We then discussed the 'Lex Portus' journal, which was started in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea, to address, among other topics, the resulting legal challenges in transport, customs and border formalities. The war started by Russia in Ukraine sheds new light on many of the topics covered in the interview: the annexation of Crimea, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, work done in Ukraine to join the Convention on Common Transit Procedure, and more. We invite you to read the interview.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
en, lt
Why seek a career as a customs specialist? Interview with a Global Customs Expert

Many people discover their profession as customs specialists by chance and realise that it is their life passion. It is not a profession one usually dreams of. But it is worthy to be dreamed of! In this series of articles, we talk to customs specialists from around the world to find out why this profession is so exciting for them. Today, we invite you to meet a global customs expert at one of the world’s leading providers of diagnostic systems for hospitals.

Thomas Woodtli

knowledge management
en, lt
Why seek a career as a customs specialist? Interview with a Global Customs Expert

Many people discover their profession as customs specialists by chance and realise that it is their life passion. It is not a profession one usually dreams of. But it is worthy to be dreamed of! In this series of articles, we talk to customs specialists from around the world to find out why this profession is so exciting for them. Today, we invite you to meet a global customs expert at one of the world’s leading providers of diagnostic systems for hospitals.

Thomas Woodtli

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs (trade) compliance

Customs compliance means compliance with legal rules and procedures applicable to goods brought into or taken out of the customs territory.

risk management
en, lt
Customs (trade) compliance

Customs compliance means compliance with legal rules and procedures applicable to goods brought into or taken out of the customs territory.

risk management
Customs clearance in UK in 2022: what could possibly go wrong?

Being aware of the many things that could go wrong with customs in 2022 will make you think about how to minimise risks.

Jessica Yang

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Customs clearance in UK in 2022: what could possibly go wrong?

Being aware of the many things that could go wrong with customs in 2022 will make you think about how to minimise risks.

Jessica Yang

risk management
en, lt
Customs risk

Businesses manage two types of risk: the risk of non-compliance with legal requirements; and the risk to miss out to acquire competitive advantage (by not utilising legal possibilities).

risk management
en, lt
Customs risk

Businesses manage two types of risk: the risk of non-compliance with legal requirements; and the risk to miss out to acquire competitive advantage (by not utilising legal possibilities).

risk management
en, lt
Compliance management framework

A compliance management framework is a single operating framework that integrates the principal elements of customs risk and compliance management.

risk management
en, lt
Compliance management framework

A compliance management framework is a single operating framework that integrates the principal elements of customs risk and compliance management.

risk management
de, en, lt
The future of customs audits – it does not always need an external view

A status quo of the customs and export control relevant processes in the company is important for an effective internal control system (ICS) as well as for your own 'clarity'. We know from our experience that processes in the customs area often remain unchanged for a long time and have 'grown historically'. As a result, potential savings, especially in the area of digitalisation, are often not recognised.

Janine Lampprecht

risk management
de, en, lt
The future of customs audits – it does not always need an external view

A status quo of the customs and export control relevant processes in the company is important for an effective internal control system (ICS) as well as for your own 'clarity'. We know from our experience that processes in the customs area often remain unchanged for a long time and have 'grown historically'. As a result, potential savings, especially in the area of digitalisation, are often not recognised.

Janine Lampprecht

risk management
de, en
Change in training due to increasing digitalisation in customs and export control

The trend towards online training is clearly noticeable. But what is the difference to the past? Is there one at all?

Janine Lampprecht

knowledge management
de, en
Change in training due to increasing digitalisation in customs and export control

The trend towards online training is clearly noticeable. But what is the difference to the past? Is there one at all?

Janine Lampprecht

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs valuation: interview with the author of the book

Mark Neville is the author of a book on International Trade Laws of the US and is working on a new book on customs valuation. In an interview, Mark kindly shares information about the books and his philosophy of writing a book or an article.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs valuation: interview with the author of the book

Mark Neville is the author of a book on International Trade Laws of the US and is working on a new book on customs valuation. In an interview, Mark kindly shares information about the books and his philosophy of writing a book or an article.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
Interviu su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu

Kalbamės su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu apie 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje vykusią diskusiją muitinės procesų tobulinimo tema, apie diskusijų metu teikiamų siūlymų įgyvendinimą; kokie buvo praėję metai Lietuvos muitinei ir kokie bus ateinantys, ypač skaitmeninimo, klimato kaitos valdymo srityse.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
Interviu su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu

Kalbamės su gerb. Jonu Miškiniu apie 5-oje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje vykusią diskusiją muitinės procesų tobulinimo tema, apie diskusijų metu teikiamų siūlymų įgyvendinimą; kokie buvo praėję metai Lietuvos muitinei ir kokie bus ateinantys, ypač skaitmeninimo, klimato kaitos valdymo srityse.

Enrika Naujokė

IT systems, databases
Atitikties tarptautiniame prekių judėjime užtikrinimas: atsakingi asmenys

Redakcijos žodis. Straipsnyje "Tarpvalstybinės logistikos operacijos: interviu su knygos autoriumi" apžvelgtos atitikties kontrolės sritys - mokesčiai, aplinka, sveikata, saugumas ir sauga, rinkos apsauga ir kitos - tarpvalstybiniame prekių judėjime. Planuojantiems tokią veiklą ne mažiau svarbu nustatyti, kas atsako už įvairius atitikties aspektus. Kviečiame pratęsti pažintį su knyga skaitant ištrauką būtent šia tema.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

risk management
Atitikties tarptautiniame prekių judėjime užtikrinimas: atsakingi asmenys

Redakcijos žodis. Straipsnyje "Tarpvalstybinės logistikos operacijos: interviu su knygos autoriumi" apžvelgtos atitikties kontrolės sritys - mokesčiai, aplinka, sveikata, saugumas ir sauga, rinkos apsauga ir kitos - tarpvalstybiniame prekių judėjime. Planuojantiems tokią veiklą ne mažiau svarbu nustatyti, kas atsako už įvairius atitikties aspektus. Kviečiame pratęsti pažintį su knyga skaitant ištrauką būtent šia tema.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

risk management
en, lt
Cross-Border Logistics Operations: interview with the author of the book

The newly released book “Cross-Border Logistics Operations: Effective trade facilitation and border management” discusses the role of customs and other border agencies within the wider context of logistics and supply chain management. We invite you to read an excerpt from the book on extensive compliance requirements and to watch the interview with the author Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

knowledge management, risk management
en, lt
Cross-Border Logistics Operations: interview with the author of the book

The newly released book “Cross-Border Logistics Operations: Effective trade facilitation and border management” discusses the role of customs and other border agencies within the wider context of logistics and supply chain management. We invite you to read an excerpt from the book on extensive compliance requirements and to watch the interview with the author Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger.

Prof. Dr. Andrew Grainger

knowledge management, risk management
Textbook of European Customs Law: interview with the co-author of the book

The first edition of the “Textbook of European Customs Law” was published 30 years ago. This year, the 10th edition was released. We talk to co-author Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang about the book, studies and why businesses should invest in the customs education of their employees.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management, law
Textbook of European Customs Law: interview with the co-author of the book

The first edition of the “Textbook of European Customs Law” was published 30 years ago. This year, the 10th edition was released. We talk to co-author Prof. Dr. Hans-Michael Wolffgang about the book, studies and why businesses should invest in the customs education of their employees.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management, law
A book about customs representation: interview with the author

Customs agents (brokers) play a significant role as intermediaries between importers/ exporters and customs. Dr. Momchil Antov wrote a book on the topic of customs representation. We talk to Mr. Antov about the book, customs developments in Bulgaria and what aspects should traders consider when hiring a customs broker.

Dr David Savage

customs brokers, knowledge management
A book about customs representation: interview with the author

Customs agents (brokers) play a significant role as intermediaries between importers/ exporters and customs. Dr. Momchil Antov wrote a book on the topic of customs representation. We talk to Mr. Antov about the book, customs developments in Bulgaria and what aspects should traders consider when hiring a customs broker.

Dr David Savage

customs brokers, knowledge management
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