
Showing 193-208 of 1078
Advance Rulings on Tariff Classification: What? Why? Where?

Since problems of classification of goods are relevant to all countries of the world, the WCO, as the "keeper" of the Harmonised System, has developed a number of tools for its correct and uniform application. These tools include Explanatory Notes, Compendium of Classification Opinions, Classification Decisions, Recommendations Related to the Harmonised System, and Advance Rulings for Classification. Let's look at the latter tool in more detail, including a practical tip on where to find Advance Rulings in different countries.

Taichi Kawazoe

Advance Rulings on Tariff Classification: What? Why? Where?

Since problems of classification of goods are relevant to all countries of the world, the WCO, as the "keeper" of the Harmonised System, has developed a number of tools for its correct and uniform application. These tools include Explanatory Notes, Compendium of Classification Opinions, Classification Decisions, Recommendations Related to the Harmonised System, and Advance Rulings for Classification. Let's look at the latter tool in more detail, including a practical tip on where to find Advance Rulings in different countries.

Taichi Kawazoe

EU law
Customs infringements and related penalties in the EU: current situation (2023)

In January 2023, the EU Commission presented the report "On the assessment of customs infringements and penalties in Member States" (COM(2023) 5 final), which provides a summarized overview of the individual system of penalties for infringements of customs law in each EU Member State. This article presents the essential highlights of the Commission‘s report, describes the existing system of infringements of customs law in the EU and its specific features throughout the EU Member States, as well as its specific features in different states. At the same time, the article reviews the perspectives of unifying the system of application of legal responsibility for infringements of customs law and the initiatives currently which are being considered in this area.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

EU law
Customs infringements and related penalties in the EU: current situation (2023)

In January 2023, the EU Commission presented the report "On the assessment of customs infringements and penalties in Member States" (COM(2023) 5 final), which provides a summarized overview of the individual system of penalties for infringements of customs law in each EU Member State. This article presents the essential highlights of the Commission‘s report, describes the existing system of infringements of customs law in the EU and its specific features throughout the EU Member States, as well as its specific features in different states. At the same time, the article reviews the perspectives of unifying the system of application of legal responsibility for infringements of customs law and the initiatives currently which are being considered in this area.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Confiad organization: shaping the future of customs brokers’ profession

The Pan-European organisation International Confederation of Customs Brokers and Customs Representatives (Confiad) was founded in 1982 in Italy. It was founded with the purpose to defend and coordinate the professional interest of its members, supporting harmonisation of the legislative, professional and customs regulations at European level. Confiad President Dr Massimo De Gregorio kindly accepted our invitation to share information about the confederation, its main activities and the customs broker’s profession.

Dr Massimo De Gregorio

customs brokers
Confiad organization: shaping the future of customs brokers’ profession

The Pan-European organisation International Confederation of Customs Brokers and Customs Representatives (Confiad) was founded in 1982 in Italy. It was founded with the purpose to defend and coordinate the professional interest of its members, supporting harmonisation of the legislative, professional and customs regulations at European level. Confiad President Dr Massimo De Gregorio kindly accepted our invitation to share information about the confederation, its main activities and the customs broker’s profession.

Dr Massimo De Gregorio

customs brokers
Classification of drones: toy or unmanned aircraft?

In 2022, the approach to the classification of unmanned aircraft changed. A separate heading has been introduced for them. Has the classification of these goods been simplified? Have there been fewer problems in determining their code? Let's find out what challenges we may face when classifying some types of drones.

Taichi Kawazoe

Classification of drones: toy or unmanned aircraft?

In 2022, the approach to the classification of unmanned aircraft changed. A separate heading has been introduced for them. Has the classification of these goods been simplified? Have there been fewer problems in determining their code? Let's find out what challenges we may face when classifying some types of drones.

Taichi Kawazoe

EU law
Customs law in EU: 1 or 27 interpretations?

A recently published comparative analysis of Member States' customs authorisation procedures for the entry of products into the EU concludes that the EU is a customs union with common legislation, customs rules, procedures and a single development plan; yet, for a number of objective reasons and considerations, each Member State manages and develops its customs activities at its own pace and according to its own interpretation of the Union Customs Code. We overview some aspects of the analysis.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance, law
EU law
Customs law in EU: 1 or 27 interpretations?

A recently published comparative analysis of Member States' customs authorisation procedures for the entry of products into the EU concludes that the EU is a customs union with common legislation, customs rules, procedures and a single development plan; yet, for a number of objective reasons and considerations, each Member State manages and develops its customs activities at its own pace and according to its own interpretation of the Union Customs Code. We overview some aspects of the analysis.

Boryana Peycheva

customs clearance, law
Customs Consultative Committees: What’s in it for business?

Customs Consultative Committees (CCCs) or similar bodies have been set up in EU Member States, the UK and other countries to bring business and customs together to discuss issues, share knowledge and improve the business environment. With what questions or problems can businesses turn to the CCC and what results can be expected? How can this be done? Do businesses actively make use of this tool? We thank Anthony Buckley, Chair of the CCC in Ireland for a number of years during the Brexit preparations, for kindly accepting the invitation to share his experiences and views.

Anthony Buckley , Enrika Naujokė

Customs Consultative Committees: What’s in it for business?

Customs Consultative Committees (CCCs) or similar bodies have been set up in EU Member States, the UK and other countries to bring business and customs together to discuss issues, share knowledge and improve the business environment. With what questions or problems can businesses turn to the CCC and what results can be expected? How can this be done? Do businesses actively make use of this tool? We thank Anthony Buckley, Chair of the CCC in Ireland for a number of years during the Brexit preparations, for kindly accepting the invitation to share his experiences and views.

Anthony Buckley , Enrika Naujokė

Overviews and comments
How to save on import taxes? or Which is the place where the goods are brought into EU?

Reader's question: Goods FOB Singapore are shipped to Tallinn. Rotterdam is the port of transshipment (containers are only moved from one vessel to another). What transportation costs - Singapore-Rotterdam (€ 2,000) or Singapore-Tallinn (€ 3,000) - should be included into the dutiable value of goods upon their importation in Estonia?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes
Overviews and comments
How to save on import taxes? or Which is the place where the goods are brought into EU?

Reader's question: Goods FOB Singapore are shipped to Tallinn. Rotterdam is the port of transshipment (containers are only moved from one vessel to another). What transportation costs - Singapore-Rotterdam (€ 2,000) or Singapore-Tallinn (€ 3,000) - should be included into the dutiable value of goods upon their importation in Estonia?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes
Customs procedures
Inward processing in the UK: how a trivial compliance failure caused them to be taxed millions

When you realise that the biggest threat to your business is neither the competition nor international event risk, but a seemingly minor compliance failure, you will have read this case study: According to a recent tribunal judgement, even a seemingly trivial compliance failure, such as an error or discrepancy in the information supplied to HMRC by the importer and their customs agent, may invalidate a customs tax remission for an entire time. We explain it all in-depth and provide valuable pointers on legally handling your customs clearances.

Arne Mielken

Customs procedures
Inward processing in the UK: how a trivial compliance failure caused them to be taxed millions

When you realise that the biggest threat to your business is neither the competition nor international event risk, but a seemingly minor compliance failure, you will have read this case study: According to a recent tribunal judgement, even a seemingly trivial compliance failure, such as an error or discrepancy in the information supplied to HMRC by the importer and their customs agent, may invalidate a customs tax remission for an entire time. We explain it all in-depth and provide valuable pointers on legally handling your customs clearances.

Arne Mielken

Overviews and comments
Binding Valuation Information (BVI) decisions in the EU: the pros and cons

Biding tariff and binding origin information decisions are used in the EU and provide legal certainty to economic operators regarding the correct determination of the tariff code and origin of their goods. What about the introduction of the same measures with regard to valuation? In the following article, we highlight some points on this topic.

Georgi Goranov

Overviews and comments
Binding Valuation Information (BVI) decisions in the EU: the pros and cons

Biding tariff and binding origin information decisions are used in the EU and provide legal certainty to economic operators regarding the correct determination of the tariff code and origin of their goods. What about the introduction of the same measures with regard to valuation? In the following article, we highlight some points on this topic.

Georgi Goranov

Customs and Trade Compliance: Tips from Authors of Books

Books on Customs and Trade Compliance can provide great guidance in planning your future activities (2023 and beyond). Authors of the books and also their readers were exchanging distilled insights and tips in this regard during the 3rd Global Webinar ‘Book on Customs’, which took place on the 15th of December, 2022. We overview some of the thoughts and practical tips shared.

knowledge management
Customs and Trade Compliance: Tips from Authors of Books

Books on Customs and Trade Compliance can provide great guidance in planning your future activities (2023 and beyond). Authors of the books and also their readers were exchanging distilled insights and tips in this regard during the 3rd Global Webinar ‘Book on Customs’, which took place on the 15th of December, 2022. We overview some of the thoughts and practical tips shared.

knowledge management
Country update
Ukraine customs and trade news: December 2022/January 2023

News at a glance: agreement on the "Single Market" with the EU; adoption of the full base of European technical standards; Licensing of goods and quotas for 2023; the CEPA between Ukraine and UAE; and more updates!

Iryna Pavlenko , Oleg Kyryievskyi

Country update
Ukraine customs and trade news: December 2022/January 2023

News at a glance: agreement on the "Single Market" with the EU; adoption of the full base of European technical standards; Licensing of goods and quotas for 2023; the CEPA between Ukraine and UAE; and more updates!

Iryna Pavlenko , Oleg Kyryievskyi

The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

Dr David Savage

duties, taxes, restrictions, trade barriers, import, sustainability
The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

In mid-December 2022, negotiators of the Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement of a provisional and conditional nature on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). The agreement needs to be confirmed by ambassadors of the EU member states, and by the European Parliament, and adopted by both institutions before it is final. However, according to the agreed timetable, the transition period for its implementation is set to come into force in October 2023. What should companies do?

Dr David Savage

duties, taxes, restrictions, trade barriers, import, sustainability
EU law
EU law news December 2022/January 2023

News in week 4: International Customs Day 2023 and the theme of the year “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge-sharing and Professional Pride in Customs”; REX system in EU trade with Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar; antidumping updates: expiry reviews, new exporting producer treatment; and more news.

EU law
EU law news December 2022/January 2023

News in week 4: International Customs Day 2023 and the theme of the year “Nurturing the Next Generation: Promoting a Culture of Knowledge-sharing and Professional Pride in Customs”; REX system in EU trade with Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar; antidumping updates: expiry reviews, new exporting producer treatment; and more news.

Overviews and comments
Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

restrictions, trade barriers, export
Overviews and comments
Export control in trade within EU: 3 case studies

Even in these difficult times, it is important for all companies to always conduct their business legally safely. While a few months ago it was still completely 'normal' business within the European Union or third countries, things can be very different at the moment. Possessing an end-use statement makes a lot of sense, even if you are making only a seemingly harmless sale of goods within the European Union. Let's take a look at 3 practical examples.

Rolf Finger

restrictions, trade barriers, export
Customs valuation of raw materials and waste as subject of the circular economy

In the EU Customs Valuation Compendium, we can find a Commentary on the customs valuation of waste. The need for regulation of this topic is growing together with an aim to meet the objectives of the circular economy. The Commentary is one of the newest interpretative instruments that has been published, so let's take a look at the clarifications it provides, including a practical case study.

Milda Stravinskė

valuation, sustainability
Customs valuation of raw materials and waste as subject of the circular economy

In the EU Customs Valuation Compendium, we can find a Commentary on the customs valuation of waste. The need for regulation of this topic is growing together with an aim to meet the objectives of the circular economy. The Commentary is one of the newest interpretative instruments that has been published, so let's take a look at the clarifications it provides, including a practical case study.

Milda Stravinskė

valuation, sustainability
Case law
Adjustment of the customs value of goods: judicial clarification in the Hamamatsu case

The German Federal Tax Court has ruled in a case referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for clarification. The main question put to the CJEU was: can the transaction value be based on the initial price paid if a fixed adjustment is subsequently applied, calculated by means of a pro rata apportionment mechanism, despite the fact that at the end of the year, in the event of an adjustment, there will be a repayment of import duties or an additional payment? The CJEU has given a striking, albeit not entirely clear, ruling in a case that retrospective adjustments (upward or downward) to transfer pricing are not taken into account in determining the customs value of goods. Here is an overview of the case and the highlights of the German court's decision.

Jovita Mikšienė

Case law
Adjustment of the customs value of goods: judicial clarification in the Hamamatsu case

The German Federal Tax Court has ruled in a case referred to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) for clarification. The main question put to the CJEU was: can the transaction value be based on the initial price paid if a fixed adjustment is subsequently applied, calculated by means of a pro rata apportionment mechanism, despite the fact that at the end of the year, in the event of an adjustment, there will be a repayment of import duties or an additional payment? The CJEU has given a striking, albeit not entirely clear, ruling in a case that retrospective adjustments (upward or downward) to transfer pricing are not taken into account in determining the customs value of goods. Here is an overview of the case and the highlights of the German court's decision.

Jovita Mikšienė

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