Showing 1-2 of 2
en, fr
Strategic Trade Control Enforcement Project: a new component of the WCO Compliance and Enforcement Package

One year ago, the WCO Secretariat launched a Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Project as directed by the WCO Enforcement Committee and in response to calls for technical assistance from WCO Members. The Project’s anniversary marks a good opportunity to take stock of what has been accomplished so far, and what remains to be done.

customs control, law international
en, fr
Strategic Trade Control Enforcement Project: a new component of the WCO Compliance and Enforcement Package

One year ago, the WCO Secretariat launched a Strategic Trade Control Enforcement (STCE) Project as directed by the WCO Enforcement Committee and in response to calls for technical assistance from WCO Members. The Project’s anniversary marks a good opportunity to take stock of what has been accomplished so far, and what remains to be done.

customs control, law international
en, fr
WCO launches its Technology Network

The WCO launched a new web-based application called the Technology Network (TeN) to replace its Databank on Advanced Technology. Although the TeN offers new functionalities and a modern and userfriendly environment, the objective of this new tool remains the same as the old one: to enable Customs administrations to easily find information on the latest technology solutions and products available on the market.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
WCO launches its Technology Network

The WCO launched a new web-based application called the Technology Network (TeN) to replace its Databank on Advanced Technology. Although the TeN offers new functionalities and a modern and userfriendly environment, the objective of this new tool remains the same as the old one: to enable Customs administrations to easily find information on the latest technology solutions and products available on the market.

IT systems, databases
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