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Prekių klasifikavimo teisingumo įrodinėjimo procedūriniai klausimai

Tinkamo ir teisingo prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo užtikrinimas yra aktuali praktinė problema. Būtent netikslus prekių suklasifikavimas pagal ES Kombinuotąją Nomenklatūrą labai dažnai yra viena pagrindinių mokestinių ginčų su muitine priežasčių. Verslo subjektams, susidūrus su tokiomis situacijomis, kai siekiama ginčyti muitinės sprendimus dėl atlikto prekių klasifikavimo peržiūrėjimo, yra labai svarbu žinoti kokios yra jų procedūrinės teisės teikti reikiamus naujus įrodymus dėl klasifikavimo teisingumo bei reikalauti muitinės atlikti papildomus tikrinimo veiksmus. Atsižvelgiant į tai, straipsnyje, pasitelkdami naujausią Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktiką mokestinių ginčų bylose, apžvelgiame minėtus klausimus ir dėl jų pateiktus teismo išaiškinimus.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Prekių klasifikavimo teisingumo įrodinėjimo procedūriniai klausimai

Tinkamo ir teisingo prekių tarifinio klasifikavimo užtikrinimas yra aktuali praktinė problema. Būtent netikslus prekių suklasifikavimas pagal ES Kombinuotąją Nomenklatūrą labai dažnai yra viena pagrindinių mokestinių ginčų su muitine priežasčių. Verslo subjektams, susidūrus su tokiomis situacijomis, kai siekiama ginčyti muitinės sprendimus dėl atlikto prekių klasifikavimo peržiūrėjimo, yra labai svarbu žinoti kokios yra jų procedūrinės teisės teikti reikiamus naujus įrodymus dėl klasifikavimo teisingumo bei reikalauti muitinės atlikti papildomus tikrinimo veiksmus. Atsižvelgiant į tai, straipsnyje, pasitelkdami naujausią Lietuvos vyriausiojo administracinio teismo praktiką mokestinių ginčų bylose, apžvelgiame minėtus klausimus ir dėl jų pateiktus teismo išaiškinimus.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

en, lt, ru
EU hard law: hierarchy, types, and opportunities

Sources of European Union (EU) law can be classified according to their binding nature. 'Hard law' defines binding legislation, and 'soft law' includes non-obligatory guidelines, recommendations, opinions. Andrius Košel has published an excellent article on soft law and here we will examine hierarchy and types of hard law, as well as opportunities in its application.

Monika Bielskienė

en, lt, ru
EU hard law: hierarchy, types, and opportunities

Sources of European Union (EU) law can be classified according to their binding nature. 'Hard law' defines binding legislation, and 'soft law' includes non-obligatory guidelines, recommendations, opinions. Andrius Košel has published an excellent article on soft law and here we will examine hierarchy and types of hard law, as well as opportunities in its application.

Monika Bielskienė

The concept of a customs debtor and the case-law in Lithuania

In tax disputes with customs authorities, the question often arises as to whether a person in respect of whom a customs debt is calculated can be regarded as a customs debtor. This issue is particularly evident in cases where the person concerned did not import the taxable goods himself, but only indirectly or directly contributed to their importation. While in the European Union (EU) such issues are mainly regulated and covered by the Union Customs Code, in practice the implementation of EU customs law differs in various EU Member States, which sometimes even adopt their own national laws in this area. With this in mind, the article discusses the latest practice in Lithuania and the position of its national courts whether such an expansive interpretation of the concept of customs debtor is possible and in which cases.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes, law
The concept of a customs debtor and the case-law in Lithuania

In tax disputes with customs authorities, the question often arises as to whether a person in respect of whom a customs debt is calculated can be regarded as a customs debtor. This issue is particularly evident in cases where the person concerned did not import the taxable goods himself, but only indirectly or directly contributed to their importation. While in the European Union (EU) such issues are mainly regulated and covered by the Union Customs Code, in practice the implementation of EU customs law differs in various EU Member States, which sometimes even adopt their own national laws in this area. With this in mind, the article discusses the latest practice in Lithuania and the position of its national courts whether such an expansive interpretation of the concept of customs debtor is possible and in which cases.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes, law
en, lt
Different duty tariffs: tractor towing broken-down or undamaged vehicles

‘The aircraft tractor’ hauls an undamaged vehicle - the rate of the duty is higher than it hauls a broken-down vehicle! The correct classification of goods is important for the proper and correct payment of customs duties.

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, lt
Different duty tariffs: tractor towing broken-down or undamaged vehicles

‘The aircraft tractor’ hauls an undamaged vehicle - the rate of the duty is higher than it hauls a broken-down vehicle! The correct classification of goods is important for the proper and correct payment of customs duties.

Ingrida Kemežienė

en, fr
Improving Strategic Trade Detection and Classification through Machine Learning

Ensuring the enforcement of a national strategic trade control (STC) system is a key requirement for all Customs administrations. Strategic goods comprise weapons of mass destruction (WMD), conventional weapons, and the materials, technology and equipment that may be used in their development or delivery. Many of these commodities have both civil and military applications and are called dual-use goods.

Christopher Nelson

en, fr
Improving Strategic Trade Detection and Classification through Machine Learning

Ensuring the enforcement of a national strategic trade control (STC) system is a key requirement for all Customs administrations. Strategic goods comprise weapons of mass destruction (WMD), conventional weapons, and the materials, technology and equipment that may be used in their development or delivery. Many of these commodities have both civil and military applications and are called dual-use goods.

Christopher Nelson

en, lt, ru
Significance of guidelines, explanatory notes and other "soft law" acts

In the European governance the EU legislation distinguishes between the so called “formal law” and the “informal law”. The latter also known as measures of soft law. Formal law compromises regulations, directives and decisions, whereby recommendations and opinions, as well as other methods of developing policy: e.g. policy guidelines are considered soft law. Practical examples of informal law in the field of customs are the Guidelines for Customs Valuation of Goods, the Customs Valuation Compendium, the Transit Guide. What is the significance of these documents in practice?

Andrius Košel

en, lt, ru
Significance of guidelines, explanatory notes and other "soft law" acts

In the European governance the EU legislation distinguishes between the so called “formal law” and the “informal law”. The latter also known as measures of soft law. Formal law compromises regulations, directives and decisions, whereby recommendations and opinions, as well as other methods of developing policy: e.g. policy guidelines are considered soft law. Practical examples of informal law in the field of customs are the Guidelines for Customs Valuation of Goods, the Customs Valuation Compendium, the Transit Guide. What is the significance of these documents in practice?

Andrius Košel

en, lt
Tariff classification of protective textile face masks

In view of the continuing spread of the virus that causes the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for and imports of protective equipment in the EU Member States has increased and continues to increase, increasing the workload of both customs brokers and customs. In order to facilitate and speed up the customs clearance of such goods and to enable more accurate statistics to be collected, new TARIC subheadings were introduced corresponding to the more detailed characteristics of the different face masks. We also provide an overview of standards that specify requirements for such goods.

Virginija Dordzikienė

en, lt
Tariff classification of protective textile face masks

In view of the continuing spread of the virus that causes the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for and imports of protective equipment in the EU Member States has increased and continues to increase, increasing the workload of both customs brokers and customs. In order to facilitate and speed up the customs clearance of such goods and to enable more accurate statistics to be collected, new TARIC subheadings were introduced corresponding to the more detailed characteristics of the different face masks. We also provide an overview of standards that specify requirements for such goods.

Virginija Dordzikienė

en, lt
Focus of the CJEU: exclusive distribution compensation and customs value

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) took another decision regarding customs valuation and adjustment of transaction value. In this decision CJEU analysed legal importance of compensation paid for the right to exclusively distribute goods. CJEU concluded that such compensation was the condition of sale and thus must be reflected in the customs value of goods. The fact that compensation was agreed on in a separate contract (not in a sale-purchase agreement) and that it was limited in time did not change conclusions of the CJEU. It is yet another signal for the importers to carefully examine all the payments between them and the seller and evaluate their possible influence on customs value of imported goods.

Monika Bielskienė

en, lt
Focus of the CJEU: exclusive distribution compensation and customs value

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) took another decision regarding customs valuation and adjustment of transaction value. In this decision CJEU analysed legal importance of compensation paid for the right to exclusively distribute goods. CJEU concluded that such compensation was the condition of sale and thus must be reflected in the customs value of goods. The fact that compensation was agreed on in a separate contract (not in a sale-purchase agreement) and that it was limited in time did not change conclusions of the CJEU. It is yet another signal for the importers to carefully examine all the payments between them and the seller and evaluate their possible influence on customs value of imported goods.

Monika Bielskienė

Įvadas į prekių tarifinį klasifikavimą

Ingrida Sakalienė

‎ €34.99
Įvadas į prekių tarifinį klasifikavimą

Ingrida Sakalienė

‎ €34.99
en, lt
Excise duty on water-pipe tobacco

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union has answered the question of whether goods made partly of tobacco and other materials should be subject to excise duty on tobacco in its entirety or only in part of the composition of the tobacco as one of the consisting substances.

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes
en, lt
Excise duty on water-pipe tobacco

The judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union has answered the question of whether goods made partly of tobacco and other materials should be subject to excise duty on tobacco in its entirety or only in part of the composition of the tobacco as one of the consisting substances.

Jonas Sakalauskas

duties, taxes
The concept of a customs debtor in the UCC and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Both in the practice of tax disputes and during tax inspections or investigations carried out by the customs authorities, the following question arises quite often: which particular person the customs authorities are entitled to qualify as the debtor and, accordingly, to calculate (to that or another particular person) the additional import taxes. In this article, we will review the provisions of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) and the relevant case-law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU), which helps to answer these questions and allows businesses to defend their rights and legitimate interests in disputed situations.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
The concept of a customs debtor in the UCC and the case-law of the Court of Justice of the EU

Both in the practice of tax disputes and during tax inspections or investigations carried out by the customs authorities, the following question arises quite often: which particular person the customs authorities are entitled to qualify as the debtor and, accordingly, to calculate (to that or another particular person) the additional import taxes. In this article, we will review the provisions of the EU Union Customs Code (UCC) and the relevant case-law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU), which helps to answer these questions and allows businesses to defend their rights and legitimate interests in disputed situations.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

duties, taxes
en, lt
Free of charge software and customs valuation

Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU) remained with its position that the economic value of software should be added to the transaction value of imported goods, despite the fact that it was designed in the European Union and transferred to the third-country manufacturer free of charge.

Monika Bielskienė

en, lt
Free of charge software and customs valuation

Court of Justice of European Union (CJEU) remained with its position that the economic value of software should be added to the transaction value of imported goods, despite the fact that it was designed in the European Union and transferred to the third-country manufacturer free of charge.

Monika Bielskienė

en, fr
Advance rulings: facilitating trade while promoting compliance

Advance rulings relating to the determination of tariff classification and origin of goods are already established in several countries, but few have implemented such a system in the field of Customs valuation. Such rulings do not determine or confirm the actual Customs value of a particular consignment but indicate the treatment to apply to certain elements of the Customs value. In this article, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) explains the processes and procedures relating to this powerful trade facilitation tool which benefits both the administration and trade operators.

en, fr
Advance rulings: facilitating trade while promoting compliance

Advance rulings relating to the determination of tariff classification and origin of goods are already established in several countries, but few have implemented such a system in the field of Customs valuation. Such rulings do not determine or confirm the actual Customs value of a particular consignment but indicate the treatment to apply to certain elements of the Customs value. In this article, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) explains the processes and procedures relating to this powerful trade facilitation tool which benefits both the administration and trade operators.

Privalomoji tarifinė informacija (PTI): teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai ES bei naujovės Lietuvoje

Pagal Sąjungos muitinės kodekso nuostatas, privalomoji prekių tarifinė informacija yra apibrėžiama kaip raštiškas muitinės sprendimas dėl tarifinio prekių klasifikavimo, kurį valstybių narių muitinės išduoda ekonominių operacijų vykdytojui, gavusios jo prašymą ir kuriuo įpareigojama taikyti konkretų jame nurodytų prekių rūšių tarifinį klasifikavimą. 2019 m. Lietuvoje įsigaliojo naujos privalomosios prekių tarifinės informacijos (PTI) išdavimo taisyklės, aktualios visiems prekes iš trečiųjų valstybių (ne ES narių) importuojantiems asmenims. Straipsnyje aptariame kokie praktiniai ir teisiniai klausimai pastaruoju metu kyla šioje muitų teisės srityje tiek ES lygmeniu, tiek ir Lietuvos Respublikoje, ypač taikant naująsias PTI išdavimo taisykles.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

classification, law
Privalomoji tarifinė informacija (PTI): teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai ES bei naujovės Lietuvoje

Pagal Sąjungos muitinės kodekso nuostatas, privalomoji prekių tarifinė informacija yra apibrėžiama kaip raštiškas muitinės sprendimas dėl tarifinio prekių klasifikavimo, kurį valstybių narių muitinės išduoda ekonominių operacijų vykdytojui, gavusios jo prašymą ir kuriuo įpareigojama taikyti konkretų jame nurodytų prekių rūšių tarifinį klasifikavimą. 2019 m. Lietuvoje įsigaliojo naujos privalomosios prekių tarifinės informacijos (PTI) išdavimo taisyklės, aktualios visiems prekes iš trečiųjų valstybių (ne ES narių) importuojantiems asmenims. Straipsnyje aptariame kokie praktiniai ir teisiniai klausimai pastaruoju metu kyla šioje muitų teisės srityje tiek ES lygmeniu, tiek ir Lietuvos Respublikoje, ypač taikant naująsias PTI išdavimo taisykles.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

classification, law
Customs law: retrospective change of the customs declarant

It has now been established by the supreme judicial authority, that it is possible to amend the customs declaration subsequently, even with regard to the information relating to the identity of the declarant. However, with some limitations, which we point out in the overview of the recent judgement of the European Court of Justice.

Dr. Talke Ovie

customs brokers
Customs law: retrospective change of the customs declarant

It has now been established by the supreme judicial authority, that it is possible to amend the customs declaration subsequently, even with regard to the information relating to the identity of the declarant. However, with some limitations, which we point out in the overview of the recent judgement of the European Court of Justice.

Dr. Talke Ovie

customs brokers
bg, en
Royalties and customs value: CJEU clarification to Bulgarian courts

The goal of the EU law on customs valuation is to introduce a fair, uniform, and neutral system excluding the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values. The customs value must therefore reflect the real economic value of an imported product and take into account all of the elements of that product that have economic value. In this article we are going to review how the Bulgarian courts apply the provisions related to customs valuation, more specifically, to the inclusion of royalties in the customs value of the goods.

Елиф Мехмедова

bg, en
Royalties and customs value: CJEU clarification to Bulgarian courts

The goal of the EU law on customs valuation is to introduce a fair, uniform, and neutral system excluding the use of arbitrary or fictitious customs values. The customs value must therefore reflect the real economic value of an imported product and take into account all of the elements of that product that have economic value. In this article we are going to review how the Bulgarian courts apply the provisions related to customs valuation, more specifically, to the inclusion of royalties in the customs value of the goods.

Елиф Мехмедова

Recent tariff classification issues in Latvia: copper alloy ingots

National courts often make use of the possibility to seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia recently raised a very technical question, which, however, concerns the general interpretation of a provision of the Combined Nomenclature of the EU regarding classification of the copper alloy ingots. The article overviews the case and its importance for the uniform tariff classification of goods in the EU Member States.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

Recent tariff classification issues in Latvia: copper alloy ingots

National courts often make use of the possibility to seek a preliminary ruling from the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The Supreme Court of the Republic of Latvia recently raised a very technical question, which, however, concerns the general interpretation of a provision of the Combined Nomenclature of the EU regarding classification of the copper alloy ingots. The article overviews the case and its importance for the uniform tariff classification of goods in the EU Member States.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

Application of WTO law in tax disputes with Lithuanian customs authorities: mission (not) possible?

In this article, by evaluating the latest case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Order of 27 May 2020 in Administrative Case No. eA-2474-968 / 2020, etc.), we will review how the provisions of WTO law in national courts have been (and are) applied in the Republic of Lithuania in tax disputes with customs authorities and what are the possibilities for relying directly on them to defend the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayers.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law international
Application of WTO law in tax disputes with Lithuanian customs authorities: mission (not) possible?

In this article, by evaluating the latest case law of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania (Order of 27 May 2020 in Administrative Case No. eA-2474-968 / 2020, etc.), we will review how the provisions of WTO law in national courts have been (and are) applied in the Republic of Lithuania in tax disputes with customs authorities and what are the possibilities for relying directly on them to defend the rights and legitimate interests of the taxpayers.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law international
EU customs law and international maritime law: relationship and its problematic issues

The article seeks to identify legal issues related to the implementation of economic activities in maritime areas by analyzing the customs law of the European Union (EU) and its regulations (Union Customs Code (UCC) and the regulations related to its implementation) defining the boundaries of the EU customs territory, determining the customs origin of goods and describing the order of the customs procedures. The author also presents suggestions on how the identified legal issues should be addressed by amending EU customs legislation and what are the tax risks associated with them.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law, origin
EU customs law and international maritime law: relationship and its problematic issues

The article seeks to identify legal issues related to the implementation of economic activities in maritime areas by analyzing the customs law of the European Union (EU) and its regulations (Union Customs Code (UCC) and the regulations related to its implementation) defining the boundaries of the EU customs territory, determining the customs origin of goods and describing the order of the customs procedures. The author also presents suggestions on how the identified legal issues should be addressed by amending EU customs legislation and what are the tax risks associated with them.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

law, origin
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