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Northern Ireland: a case study on import-export customs formalities

The case study is about a company, which brings in a lot of equipment and manufactures some equipment in Northern Ireland (which is in a unique situation as it has become part of two customs territories this year - the UK and the EU) and then exports 95% of its products again. What does the company need to do to engage in the new customs environment between GB, Northern Ireland and the EU?

Simon Ballentine

Northern Ireland: a case study on import-export customs formalities

The case study is about a company, which brings in a lot of equipment and manufactures some equipment in Northern Ireland (which is in a unique situation as it has become part of two customs territories this year - the UK and the EU) and then exports 95% of its products again. What does the company need to do to engage in the new customs environment between GB, Northern Ireland and the EU?

Simon Ballentine

Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: kas keičiasi įsigaliojus naujam reglamentui?

Š.m. rugsėjo 9 d. įsigaliojo Reglamentas (ES) Nr. 2021/821 nustatantis Sąjungos dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės režimą ir panaikintas „senasis“ Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 428/2009. Kas pasikeitė? Į ką svarbu atkreipti dėmesį verslui? Kalbamės su Rolandu Jurgaičiu, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresniuoju patarėju.

Rolandas Jurgaitis

restrictions, trade barriers
Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: kas keičiasi įsigaliojus naujam reglamentui?

Š.m. rugsėjo 9 d. įsigaliojo Reglamentas (ES) Nr. 2021/821 nustatantis Sąjungos dvejopo naudojimo prekių kontrolės režimą ir panaikintas „senasis“ Reglamentas (EB) Nr. 428/2009. Kas pasikeitė? Į ką svarbu atkreipti dėmesį verslui? Kalbamės su Rolandu Jurgaičiu, Muitinės departamento Muitinės procedūrų skyriaus vyresniuoju patarėju.

Rolandas Jurgaitis

restrictions, trade barriers
Gyvūninių maisto produktų importas draudžiamas, jei nėra „likučių plano“ - kas tai?

Lietuvos įmonė Taivane įsigijo tam tikrų pieno gaminių, kuriuos nori išleisti į laisvą apyvartą ES. Tačiau atgabentą krovinį Klaipėdos uoste sulaiko Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba. Gaminių įvežti į ES neleidžiama, nes Taivanas nėra suderinęs likučių plano. Importuotojui nurodoma grąžinti prekę į eksporto šalį arba ją sunaikinti. Kas yra „likučių planas“ ir kaip verslui nepapulti į tokias situacijas?

Vaidotas Kiudulas

restrictions, trade barriers
Gyvūninių maisto produktų importas draudžiamas, jei nėra „likučių plano“ - kas tai?

Lietuvos įmonė Taivane įsigijo tam tikrų pieno gaminių, kuriuos nori išleisti į laisvą apyvartą ES. Tačiau atgabentą krovinį Klaipėdos uoste sulaiko Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba. Gaminių įvežti į ES neleidžiama, nes Taivanas nėra suderinęs likučių plano. Importuotojui nurodoma grąžinti prekę į eksporto šalį arba ją sunaikinti. Kas yra „likučių planas“ ir kaip verslui nepapulti į tokias situacijas?

Vaidotas Kiudulas

restrictions, trade barriers
Outward processing procedure in the EU: the basics

Everyone entering the import-export sector should be aware of the variety of customs procedures to work in the most efficient way and satisfy their economic needs. Outward and inward processing are two of the often-used procedures that can help you pass through the borders paying less duties or no duties at all. In this article, we overview EU’s Customs Decisions System and focus on one of 22 authorizations that might be applied there – the outward processing. In the following article, we will continue the topic by looking at inward processing.

Mara Valdemarca

Outward processing procedure in the EU: the basics

Everyone entering the import-export sector should be aware of the variety of customs procedures to work in the most efficient way and satisfy their economic needs. Outward and inward processing are two of the often-used procedures that can help you pass through the borders paying less duties or no duties at all. In this article, we overview EU’s Customs Decisions System and focus on one of 22 authorizations that might be applied there – the outward processing. In the following article, we will continue the topic by looking at inward processing.

Mara Valdemarca

en, lt
Why is it important to control wood packaging material?

We often do not even think that the wood packaging material (WPM) used in trade to support, strengthen, and transport any production can pose any threat. However, there is a huge threat. Pests can spread with WPM. These harmful organisms do not choose - parks, private gardens, private yards with cultivated vegetation, or forest. Once in the country and under the right conditions, pests spread very quickly, and it is extremely difficult to eradicate them. The fight against already existing pests causes severe economic, emotional damage by cutting down and destroying all trees that are infected, regardless of where they grow and the value they have.

Vilma Mikelaitienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Why is it important to control wood packaging material?

We often do not even think that the wood packaging material (WPM) used in trade to support, strengthen, and transport any production can pose any threat. However, there is a huge threat. Pests can spread with WPM. These harmful organisms do not choose - parks, private gardens, private yards with cultivated vegetation, or forest. Once in the country and under the right conditions, pests spread very quickly, and it is extremely difficult to eradicate them. The fight against already existing pests causes severe economic, emotional damage by cutting down and destroying all trees that are infected, regardless of where they grow and the value they have.

Vilma Mikelaitienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU CE marking: requirements, the responsibility of the importer, actions in case of non-compliance

Editorial word. We keep hearing stories of products, such as massage chairs, plush toys, 'stuck' in customs and not allowed into the EU market due to incorrect or non-existent CE marking. What should be known to EU importers to prevent such situations? Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania, kindly agreed to answer related questions.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU CE marking: requirements, the responsibility of the importer, actions in case of non-compliance

Editorial word. We keep hearing stories of products, such as massage chairs, plush toys, 'stuck' in customs and not allowed into the EU market due to incorrect or non-existent CE marking. What should be known to EU importers to prevent such situations? Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania, kindly agreed to answer related questions.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dangerous product - release for free circulation in the EU not authorised

Editorial word. The website of the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania contains numerous reports of prohibited products to be placed on the market, for example, due to the risk of injury, it is prohibited to place a scooter from China on the market (see picture below). Therefore, importers seeking the smooth release of goods for free circulation need to be certain of the product's compliance with EU safety requirements. Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, SCRPA, kindly agreed to answer questions on the topic.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Dangerous product - release for free circulation in the EU not authorised

Editorial word. The website of the State Consumer Rights Protection Authority (SCRPA), Lithuania contains numerous reports of prohibited products to be placed on the market, for example, due to the risk of injury, it is prohibited to place a scooter from China on the market (see picture below). Therefore, importers seeking the smooth release of goods for free circulation need to be certain of the product's compliance with EU safety requirements. Mr. Arvydas Naina, Head of the Market Surveillance Planning and Risk Assessment Division, SCRPA, kindly agreed to answer questions on the topic.

Arvydas Naina

restrictions, trade barriers
Netarifinis reguliavimas: ką ir kaip

Rolandas Jurgaitis

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Netarifinis reguliavimas: ką ir kaip muitinė kontroliuoja?

Rolandas Jurgaitis

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Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: Y901 kodo

Rolandas Jurgaitis

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Dvejopo naudojimo prekės: Y901 kodo rizika/ grėsmės

Rolandas Jurgaitis

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en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

law, restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

law, restrictions, trade barriers
de, en
Interface to the German ELAN-K2 export system – upload BAFA reports quickly and automatically

Semi-annual reports to the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) usually involve a time-consuming process. BAFA, therefore, offers a free interface with the ELAN-K2 export system for the automated transmission of data. But how does this work and what does XML, API and ERP mean?

Janine Lampprecht

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de, en
Interface to the German ELAN-K2 export system – upload BAFA reports quickly and automatically

Semi-annual reports to the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) usually involve a time-consuming process. BAFA, therefore, offers a free interface with the ELAN-K2 export system for the automated transmission of data. But how does this work and what does XML, API and ERP mean?

Janine Lampprecht

restrictions, trade barriers
Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba: atsakymai į užklausas ir jų svarba verslui

Skaitytojos klausimas: „Kaip operatyviai gauti atsakymą į pateiktą užklausą iš Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos?“. Į šį ir keletą kitų mūsų papildomai užduotų klausimų (dėl užklausų teikimo būdų, atsakymų juridinės galios ir kt.) maloniai sutiko atsakyti Jolita Mačiulytė, Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos vyriausioji patarėja.

Jolita Mačiulytė

restrictions, trade barriers
Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba: atsakymai į užklausas ir jų svarba verslui

Skaitytojos klausimas: „Kaip operatyviai gauti atsakymą į pateiktą užklausą iš Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos?“. Į šį ir keletą kitų mūsų papildomai užduotų klausimų (dėl užklausų teikimo būdų, atsakymų juridinės galios ir kt.) maloniai sutiko atsakyti Jolita Mačiulytė, Valstybinės maisto ir veterinarijos tarnybos vyriausioji patarėja.

Jolita Mačiulytė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
AGRIM license case (EU import)

Public Institution Rural Business and Markets Development Agency

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AGRIM license case (EU import)

Public Institution Rural Business and Markets Development Agency

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CustomsClear ㅤ

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en, lt
AGRIM licence: How to learn whether it is required and how to get one?

CustomsClear ㅤ

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Eksporto AGREX ir importo AGRIM licencijos

Dažnas juridinis ar fizinis asmuo eksportuodamas ar importuodamas tam tikrus žemės ūkio produktus susiduria su sunkumais muitinėje, nes neturi reikiamų licencijų ir nepateikia apie jas informacijos muitinės deklaracijoje. Svarbu iš anksto, dar prieš deklaruojant produktus muitinei, pasidomėti, ar nebus privaloma pateikti eksporto (toliau – AGREX) ar importo (toliau – AGRIM) licencijos.

Public Institution Rural Business and Markets Development Agency

restrictions, trade barriers
Eksporto AGREX ir importo AGRIM licencijos

Dažnas juridinis ar fizinis asmuo eksportuodamas ar importuodamas tam tikrus žemės ūkio produktus susiduria su sunkumais muitinėje, nes neturi reikiamų licencijų ir nepateikia apie jas informacijos muitinės deklaracijoje. Svarbu iš anksto, dar prieš deklaruojant produktus muitinei, pasidomėti, ar nebus privaloma pateikti eksporto (toliau – AGREX) ar importo (toliau – AGRIM) licencijos.

Public Institution Rural Business and Markets Development Agency

restrictions, trade barriers
Sudėtinių produktų įvežimo reikalavimai

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba (VMVT) informuoja, kad jau nuo šių metų balandžio 21 dienos keičiasi reikalavimai iš trečiųjų šalių į Europos Sąjungos (ES) teritoriją įvežamiems sudėtiniams produktams. Visi sudėtiniai produktai, kurių sudėtyje nėra mėsos ir kuriems yra taikomas temperatūrinis režimas, galės būti įvežami tik su veterinarijos sertifikatu.

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba

restrictions, trade barriers
Sudėtinių produktų įvežimo reikalavimai

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba (VMVT) informuoja, kad jau nuo šių metų balandžio 21 dienos keičiasi reikalavimai iš trečiųjų šalių į Europos Sąjungos (ES) teritoriją įvežamiems sudėtiniams produktams. Visi sudėtiniai produktai, kurių sudėtyje nėra mėsos ir kuriems yra taikomas temperatūrinis režimas, galės būti įvežami tik su veterinarijos sertifikatu.

Valstybinė maisto ir veterinarijos tarnyba

restrictions, trade barriers
en, es
Mexican tariff code: the fifth pair of digits

In the Mexican United States, the tariff code is found in the law called “Ley de los Impuestos Generales de Importación y de Exportación” (“Law of General Import and Export Taxes”). The law had significant modifications recently, which were published on July 1st, 2020 to come into effect on December 28th of the same year.

Coral Rocha

restrictions, trade barriers
en, es
Mexican tariff code: the fifth pair of digits

In the Mexican United States, the tariff code is found in the law called “Ley de los Impuestos Generales de Importación y de Exportación” (“Law of General Import and Export Taxes”). The law had significant modifications recently, which were published on July 1st, 2020 to come into effect on December 28th of the same year.

Coral Rocha

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Perdirbimo procedūros: leidimų išdavimo

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

‎ €34.99
Perdirbimo procedūros: leidimų išdavimo sąlygos

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

‎ €34.99
Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė

Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė

en, fr
How digital tools can improve compliance with SPS measures

Given increasing concerns about food security and food safety and the need to fight hunger and eliminate food waste, a review of the current processes for implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and adoption of information technology to enhance workflows would benefit both the import and export economies, as well as trading partners.

Francis Lopez

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
How digital tools can improve compliance with SPS measures

Given increasing concerns about food security and food safety and the need to fight hunger and eliminate food waste, a review of the current processes for implementation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement and adoption of information technology to enhance workflows would benefit both the import and export economies, as well as trading partners.

Francis Lopez

restrictions, trade barriers
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