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Guide to customs procedures: interview with the author of the book (France)

“Guide des procedures douanières” (available in French), written by Cyrille CHATAIL, is a compilation of articles that are constantly updated. It is a kind of encyclopedia of EU customs regulation and its interpretation given by authorities, courts, practitioners, etc. The great advantage of this book is that it “moves” together with the move of the customs regulation! Read the interview and/ or watch the video.

Evguenia Dereviankine

knowledge management
Guide to customs procedures: interview with the author of the book (France)

“Guide des procedures douanières” (available in French), written by Cyrille CHATAIL, is a compilation of articles that are constantly updated. It is a kind of encyclopedia of EU customs regulation and its interpretation given by authorities, courts, practitioners, etc. The great advantage of this book is that it “moves” together with the move of the customs regulation! Read the interview and/ or watch the video.

Evguenia Dereviankine

knowledge management
Customs regimes in Ukraine: co-author about the book

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Customs regimes in Ukraine: co-author about the book

In the book "Customs Regimes in Ukraine" disparate provisions of the legislation - the Customs Code, the Tax Code, numerous regulations - are brought together. This simplifies the perception and understanding of how customs formalities are carried out in a particular customs regime. Read the author's talk or watch the video.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

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Import tax: interview with the author of the book (Brazil)

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Roberto Raya da Silva

knowledge management
Import tax: interview with the author of the book (Brazil)

In the interview, Mr. Solon shares his insights on teaching law to future students, overviews customs law changes in the course of the past decades in Brazil, shares his experience about the process of writing a book, tells about the book "Import Tax" and more! Read the interview and/ or watch the video.

Roberto Raya da Silva

knowledge management
Legal Regulation of Customs Duties: Interview with the Author of the Book (Lithuania)

In the interview, Mr. Valantiejus shares the main idea of the book "Legal Regulation of Customs Duties", points out customs-related insights relevant for customs practitioners, reveals which book on customs subject is his favorite, and more! Read the interview and/ or watch the video. Please find the summary of the book in English in this article (the book is in Lithuanian).

Michael Schlosser

knowledge management
Legal Regulation of Customs Duties: Interview with the Author of the Book (Lithuania)

In the interview, Mr. Valantiejus shares the main idea of the book "Legal Regulation of Customs Duties", points out customs-related insights relevant for customs practitioners, reveals which book on customs subject is his favorite, and more! Read the interview and/ or watch the video. Please find the summary of the book in English in this article (the book is in Lithuanian).

Michael Schlosser

knowledge management
LR teisinės aktualijos: lapkritis 2020

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LR teisinės aktualijos: lapkritis 2020

2020.10.29 - 11.28 pakeitimai: Muitinės ir PVM įstatymų pakeitimai taikomi nuo 2021.07.01 (PVM elektroninės komercijos paketo taikymo pradžia); Intrastato statistinių ataskaitų statistinių formuliarų pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo taisyklės; TIR procedūros vykdytojo leidimų išdavimo ir panaikinimo komitetas; Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos teritorinių muitinių veiklos zonos.

en, lt
EU law news: November 2020

Union Customs Code amendments (AEO); Regulations regarding classification of various goods (reusable drinking straw, plastic cables, etc.); Judgements of the European Court of Justice: valuation, excise; anti-dumping measures on products from China, Indonesia, India; HS 2017 / HS 2022 Correlation Tables; and more.

en, lt
EU law news: November 2020

Union Customs Code amendments (AEO); Regulations regarding classification of various goods (reusable drinking straw, plastic cables, etc.); Judgements of the European Court of Justice: valuation, excise; anti-dumping measures on products from China, Indonesia, India; HS 2017 / HS 2022 Correlation Tables; and more.

Penalties, fines and sanctions under Bulgarian tax law

The system of sanctions for the violations, related to declaration and payment of import taxes, is currently not harmonized within the European Union (EU). Therefore, the article reviews laws of the Republic of Bulgaria (as the EU Member State), defining such penalties and highlights the importance of voluntary disclosure of offence/ violation or mistake by the taxpayer to tax authorities for the application of legal responsibility.

Елиф Мехмедова

Penalties, fines and sanctions under Bulgarian tax law

The system of sanctions for the violations, related to declaration and payment of import taxes, is currently not harmonized within the European Union (EU). Therefore, the article reviews laws of the Republic of Bulgaria (as the EU Member State), defining such penalties and highlights the importance of voluntary disclosure of offence/ violation or mistake by the taxpayer to tax authorities for the application of legal responsibility.

Елиф Мехмедова

en, lt
New version of European Commission‘s Guidance on Customs Valuation – an overview of changes

On 25 September 2020, the European Commission has published a new version of the Guidance on Customs Valuation. Although this document is not legally binding, it is considered an important tool for the interpretation of the EU customs legislation. The guidance aims to ensure a common understanding between customs and economic operators and to provide a tool to facilitate the correct and harmonized application of customs legislation in the Member States. The guidance is expected to be included in the EU Customs Valuation Compendium in 2021.

Jovita Mikšienė

en, lt
New version of European Commission‘s Guidance on Customs Valuation – an overview of changes

On 25 September 2020, the European Commission has published a new version of the Guidance on Customs Valuation. Although this document is not legally binding, it is considered an important tool for the interpretation of the EU customs legislation. The guidance aims to ensure a common understanding between customs and economic operators and to provide a tool to facilitate the correct and harmonized application of customs legislation in the Member States. The guidance is expected to be included in the EU Customs Valuation Compendium in 2021.

Jovita Mikšienė

Customs knowledge in our countries: Is it sufficient? What is ‘sufficient’?

In August 2020, during the 1-st Authors' Meeting, Dr. Talke Ovie emphasized the importance of knowledge: “Customs and trade law is becoming ever more complex and a way must be found to secure the transfer of know-how and knowledge in the current [Covid-19 related] situation". This inspired the topic of the second meeting "Customs knowledge in our countries: Is it sufficient? What is ‘sufficient’?", which took place on 21 October, 2020. Views were exchanged by participants from Brazil, Colombia, India, Latvia and Lithuania.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
Customs knowledge in our countries: Is it sufficient? What is ‘sufficient’?

In August 2020, during the 1-st Authors' Meeting, Dr. Talke Ovie emphasized the importance of knowledge: “Customs and trade law is becoming ever more complex and a way must be found to secure the transfer of know-how and knowledge in the current [Covid-19 related] situation". This inspired the topic of the second meeting "Customs knowledge in our countries: Is it sufficient? What is ‘sufficient’?", which took place on 21 October, 2020. Views were exchanged by participants from Brazil, Colombia, India, Latvia and Lithuania.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
LR teisės aktų pakeitimai: spalis 2020

2020.09.29 - 10.28 pakeitimai susiję su: Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų, pateikiamų elektroninėmis duomenų apdorojimo priemonėmis ir raštu, surašymo taisyklėmis; 2021 m. Intrastato ribų nustatymu; importuojamų pašarų kontrole; kraujo ir kraujo komponentų įvežimu.

LR teisės aktų pakeitimai: spalis 2020

2020.09.29 - 10.28 pakeitimai susiję su: Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų, pateikiamų elektroninėmis duomenų apdorojimo priemonėmis ir raštu, surašymo taisyklėmis; 2021 m. Intrastato ribų nustatymu; importuojamų pašarų kontrole; kraujo ir kraujo komponentų įvežimu.

en, lt
EU law news: October 2020

Some of the news: Combined Nomenclature 2021; preparations for the 66th session of the Harmonized System Committee; new TARIC subheadings for protective face masks; extended period for relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19; latest edition of WCO News looks more specifically at Customs valuation.

en, lt
EU law news: October 2020

Some of the news: Combined Nomenclature 2021; preparations for the 66th session of the Harmonized System Committee; new TARIC subheadings for protective face masks; extended period for relief from import duties and VAT exemption on importation granted for goods needed to combat the effects of the COVID-19; latest edition of WCO News looks more specifically at Customs valuation.

en, fr, lt
Some thoughts on current important issues

The Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association (LCPA) is a very dynamic organization which publishes a journal called the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners. To stimulate the exchange of ideas between Journal contributors, the Association decided to create a writers’ group which met online for the first time on 18 August 2020. Customs specialists from various backgrounds shared their perspectives on the issues they perceived to be important in their respective countries or areas of work. This article highlights some of these issues and invites you to read the Journal to learn more about the writers’ views.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
en, fr, lt
Some thoughts on current important issues

The Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association (LCPA) is a very dynamic organization which publishes a journal called the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners. To stimulate the exchange of ideas between Journal contributors, the Association decided to create a writers’ group which met online for the first time on 18 August 2020. Customs specialists from various backgrounds shared their perspectives on the issues they perceived to be important in their respective countries or areas of work. This article highlights some of these issues and invites you to read the Journal to learn more about the writers’ views.

Enrika Naujokė

knowledge management
Privalomoji tarifinė informacija (PTI): teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai ES bei naujovės Lietuvoje

Pagal Sąjungos muitinės kodekso nuostatas, privalomoji prekių tarifinė informacija yra apibrėžiama kaip raštiškas muitinės sprendimas dėl tarifinio prekių klasifikavimo, kurį valstybių narių muitinės išduoda ekonominių operacijų vykdytojui, gavusios jo prašymą ir kuriuo įpareigojama taikyti konkretų jame nurodytų prekių rūšių tarifinį klasifikavimą. 2019 m. Lietuvoje įsigaliojo naujos privalomosios prekių tarifinės informacijos (PTI) išdavimo taisyklės, aktualios visiems prekes iš trečiųjų valstybių (ne ES narių) importuojantiems asmenims. Straipsnyje aptariame kokie praktiniai ir teisiniai klausimai pastaruoju metu kyla šioje muitų teisės srityje tiek ES lygmeniu, tiek ir Lietuvos Respublikoje, ypač taikant naująsias PTI išdavimo taisykles.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Privalomoji tarifinė informacija (PTI): teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai ES bei naujovės Lietuvoje

Pagal Sąjungos muitinės kodekso nuostatas, privalomoji prekių tarifinė informacija yra apibrėžiama kaip raštiškas muitinės sprendimas dėl tarifinio prekių klasifikavimo, kurį valstybių narių muitinės išduoda ekonominių operacijų vykdytojui, gavusios jo prašymą ir kuriuo įpareigojama taikyti konkretų jame nurodytų prekių rūšių tarifinį klasifikavimą. 2019 m. Lietuvoje įsigaliojo naujos privalomosios prekių tarifinės informacijos (PTI) išdavimo taisyklės, aktualios visiems prekes iš trečiųjų valstybių (ne ES narių) importuojantiems asmenims. Straipsnyje aptariame kokie praktiniai ir teisiniai klausimai pastaruoju metu kyla šioje muitų teisės srityje tiek ES lygmeniu, tiek ir Lietuvos Respublikoje, ypač taikant naująsias PTI išdavimo taisykles.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

Studies of customs law in Lithuania: content, peculiarities, and practical experience

At this particular moment the one and only program which includes comprehensive studies of customs law and customs activities in Lithuania, developed in cooperation with the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (since 2000), is bachelor’s degree studies programme of “Law and Customs Activities” at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). The uniqueness of this program, which is presented in this article, is that it allows acquiring both a classic legal qualification and provides value-added knowledge in the field of customs and logistics.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

knowledge management
Studies of customs law in Lithuania: content, peculiarities, and practical experience

At this particular moment the one and only program which includes comprehensive studies of customs law and customs activities in Lithuania, developed in cooperation with the Customs Department under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania (since 2000), is bachelor’s degree studies programme of “Law and Customs Activities” at Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania). The uniqueness of this program, which is presented in this article, is that it allows acquiring both a classic legal qualification and provides value-added knowledge in the field of customs and logistics.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

knowledge management
Customs knowledge and skills - only for customs officers?

All over the world, in the field of training in customs matters, so far, there has not been coordinated cooperation between customs officers’ “in-house” training and study process in civil higher education establishments both within the borders of one country and among several countries. With regard to the training of customs matters, the EC TAXUD proposes merging all four elements together, where the study process remains within the individual scope of member states and is managed in accordance with national requirements. The paradox of customs activity remains – along with the uniform EU regulation, there are 28 national customs office institutions with uniform competence requirements, but with individually regulated curriculum content and professional standards.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

knowledge management
Customs knowledge and skills - only for customs officers?

All over the world, in the field of training in customs matters, so far, there has not been coordinated cooperation between customs officers’ “in-house” training and study process in civil higher education establishments both within the borders of one country and among several countries. With regard to the training of customs matters, the EC TAXUD proposes merging all four elements together, where the study process remains within the individual scope of member states and is managed in accordance with national requirements. The paradox of customs activity remains – along with the uniform EU regulation, there are 28 national customs office institutions with uniform competence requirements, but with individually regulated curriculum content and professional standards.

Dr. Karlis Ketners

knowledge management
LR teisės aktų pakeitimai: rugsėjis 2020

2020.08.28 - 09.28 pakeitimai susiję su: muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklėmis; elektroninių importo ir eksporto deklaracijų pateikimo teritoriniu principu; garantijos dokumentų formomis; bendrosios garantijos pakeitimo taisyklėmis (dėl galiojimo Jungtinėje Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystėje); importuojamų prekių muitinio įvertinimo kontrolės taisyklėmis; bepiločių orlaivių rinkos priežiūros tvarka.

LR teisės aktų pakeitimai: rugsėjis 2020

2020.08.28 - 09.28 pakeitimai susiję su: muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklėmis; elektroninių importo ir eksporto deklaracijų pateikimo teritoriniu principu; garantijos dokumentų formomis; bendrosios garantijos pakeitimo taisyklėmis (dėl galiojimo Jungtinėje Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystėje); importuojamų prekių muitinio įvertinimo kontrolės taisyklėmis; bepiločių orlaivių rinkos priežiūros tvarka.

EU law news: September 2020

Week 39: regulation on the classification of prepared explosives, other than propellent powders; initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of optical fibre cables classified under CN code ex 8544 70 00.

EU law news: September 2020

Week 39: regulation on the classification of prepared explosives, other than propellent powders; initiation of an anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of optical fibre cables classified under CN code ex 8544 70 00.

ES ir pasaulio aktualijos: rugsėjis 2020

2020.08.29 - 09.26 aktualijos. PMO pranešimai: nuotoliniu būdu vyko PMO žinių akademija; pažymėta pasaulinė ozono diena; Seišeliai prisijungė prie Suderintos Sistemos konvencijos. ES oficialiajame leidinyje paskelbtos aktualijos šiose srityse: tarifinis klasifikavimas; muitinė vertė; muitinės deklaracijos ir procedūros; muitai, antidempingo ir kompensaciniai muitai.

Muita UAB

ES ir pasaulio aktualijos: rugsėjis 2020

2020.08.29 - 09.26 aktualijos. PMO pranešimai: nuotoliniu būdu vyko PMO žinių akademija; pažymėta pasaulinė ozono diena; Seišeliai prisijungė prie Suderintos Sistemos konvencijos. ES oficialiajame leidinyje paskelbtos aktualijos šiose srityse: tarifinis klasifikavimas; muitinė vertė; muitinės deklaracijos ir procedūros; muitai, antidempingo ir kompensaciniai muitai.

Muita UAB

Interview with an expert of global trade measures

Anna Gayk is Managing Partner of the Mendel company. The company, originally engaged in the production of printed matter and as publishers of foreign trade publications, has evolved to a leading information service and data content provider in the field of global trade measures over the last two decades. The company is specialised in research, provision and updating of foreign trade information and data with a focus on tariff and non-tariff measures of virtually all countries in the world. In the interview, we talk about digitalisation, quality of data, research, what works well internationally in customs and what could be improved, and about other topics.

Roberto Raya da Silva

knowledge management
Interview with an expert of global trade measures

Anna Gayk is Managing Partner of the Mendel company. The company, originally engaged in the production of printed matter and as publishers of foreign trade publications, has evolved to a leading information service and data content provider in the field of global trade measures over the last two decades. The company is specialised in research, provision and updating of foreign trade information and data with a focus on tariff and non-tariff measures of virtually all countries in the world. In the interview, we talk about digitalisation, quality of data, research, what works well internationally in customs and what could be improved, and about other topics.

Roberto Raya da Silva

knowledge management
Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

knowledge management
Interview with a customs chemist from Ireland

Dr. David Savage joined the Irish State Laboratory, where he worked in the Customs and Excise Section from 2003 to 2018. During this time, he supported the Irish Customs authority process BTI applications and validated the tariff classification of goods subject to audit in addition to other duties. David also represented Ireland at the Customs Code Committee. Now he works for a Customs and International trade consultancy in Dublin. In the interview, we talk about the tariff classification of goods, Brexit, SMEs and customs knowledge, and other topics.

Anna Gayk

knowledge management
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