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Customs and Trade Compliance: Tips from Authors of Books

Books on Customs and Trade Compliance can provide great guidance in planning your future activities (2023 and beyond). Authors of the books and also their readers were exchanging distilled insights and tips in this regard during the 3rd Global Webinar ‘Book on Customs’, which took place on the 15th of December, 2022. We overview some of the thoughts and practical tips shared.

knowledge management
Customs and Trade Compliance: Tips from Authors of Books

Books on Customs and Trade Compliance can provide great guidance in planning your future activities (2023 and beyond). Authors of the books and also their readers were exchanging distilled insights and tips in this regard during the 3rd Global Webinar ‘Book on Customs’, which took place on the 15th of December, 2022. We overview some of the thoughts and practical tips shared.

knowledge management
Dalijimosi žiniomis ir mokymosi kultūra – kaip ją užauginti?

Kviečiame pasiimti puodelį kavos ir "sudalyvauti" leidinio redakcinės kolegijos diskusijoje. Šiandien kalbame apie tai, kaip sukurti, išvystyti, tinkamai „maitinti“ ir visaip kaip tobulinti žinių duomenų bazes, kad jos neštų kuo didesnę naudą visai muitinės ekosistemai. Klausimas neatsiejamas nuo nuolatinio kiekvieno muitinės srityje dirbančio žmogaus asmeninio tobulėjimo - kaip nebūti senų/ jokių žinių liūdesyje, kaip įdarbinti savo smegenis, išeiti iš komforto zonos, kaip turėti drąsos turėti poziciją, o ne vien atsargų saugų nukopijuotą „Briuselio atsakymo“ variantą.

Milda Stravinskė

knowledge management
Dalijimosi žiniomis ir mokymosi kultūra – kaip ją užauginti?

Kviečiame pasiimti puodelį kavos ir "sudalyvauti" leidinio redakcinės kolegijos diskusijoje. Šiandien kalbame apie tai, kaip sukurti, išvystyti, tinkamai „maitinti“ ir visaip kaip tobulinti žinių duomenų bazes, kad jos neštų kuo didesnę naudą visai muitinės ekosistemai. Klausimas neatsiejamas nuo nuolatinio kiekvieno muitinės srityje dirbančio žmogaus asmeninio tobulėjimo - kaip nebūti senų/ jokių žinių liūdesyje, kaip įdarbinti savo smegenis, išeiti iš komforto zonos, kaip turėti drąsos turėti poziciją, o ne vien atsargų saugų nukopijuotą „Briuselio atsakymo“ variantą.

Milda Stravinskė

knowledge management
Muitinės atitikties ekosistema: bendradarbiavimas, žinios, kokybė

Spartūs pokyčiai – geopolitiniai, technologiniai, klimato, ekonominiai, teisiniai ir kt. – kelia daug iššūkių muitinės atitikties ekosistemai. Kaip juos sėkmingai spręsti? Kaip ne tik spręsti, bet ir patiems drąsiai formuoti ateitį tokią, kokios norime? Kokių žinių ir kompetencijų tam reikia? Kas turi keistis? Š. m. gruodžio 8 d. Vilniuje vyko 7-oji Muitinės praktikų konferencija, kurioje skaityti pranešimai aktualiomis temomis ir kelti minėti klausimai. Pateikiame trumpą pranešimų apžvalgą.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management
Muitinės atitikties ekosistema: bendradarbiavimas, žinios, kokybė

Spartūs pokyčiai – geopolitiniai, technologiniai, klimato, ekonominiai, teisiniai ir kt. – kelia daug iššūkių muitinės atitikties ekosistemai. Kaip juos sėkmingai spręsti? Kaip ne tik spręsti, bet ir patiems drąsiai formuoti ateitį tokią, kokios norime? Kokių žinių ir kompetencijų tam reikia? Kas turi keistis? Š. m. gruodžio 8 d. Vilniuje vyko 7-oji Muitinės praktikų konferencija, kurioje skaityti pranešimai aktualiomis temomis ir kelti minėti klausimai. Pateikiame trumpą pranešimų apžvalgą.

Customs Practitioners Association

knowledge management
The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

IT systems, databases
The WCO Data Model: guidance for efficient implementation

A fundamental requirement for information to flow seamlessly across different IT systems is that they all speak the same language. Cross-border regulatory agencies retaining the right to determine the data they require should all use a similar language and have harmonized the way in which the required data is submitted. This is also critical for enabling economic operators to use the same system to comply with the requirements of different administrations and countries.

Alejandro Rinaldi

IT systems, databases
en, lt
Interpretation of customs law and related challenges for businesses

‘Interpretation of customs law and related challenges for businesses’ was the topic discussed in the 13ᵗʰ Authors’ Meeting. Many interesting and important aspects around the topic were raised by the participants: the challenge of wording and even punctuation used; the importance of understanding the background of legal changes; interpreting law vs first understanding what product we have; the lack of legal clarity in defining responsibilities and liabilities; the need for more simplifications; and how the law shall evolve to help to achieve the vision of the worlds’ most effective border.

knowledge management
en, lt
Interpretation of customs law and related challenges for businesses

‘Interpretation of customs law and related challenges for businesses’ was the topic discussed in the 13ᵗʰ Authors’ Meeting. Many interesting and important aspects around the topic were raised by the participants: the challenge of wording and even punctuation used; the importance of understanding the background of legal changes; interpreting law vs first understanding what product we have; the lack of legal clarity in defining responsibilities and liabilities; the need for more simplifications; and how the law shall evolve to help to achieve the vision of the worlds’ most effective border.

knowledge management
en, lt
The biggest challenges in ensuring customs compliance in a company

‘Compliance starts from managers’ awareness’, ‘You can want the best specialists, but you can choose only among those available and fitting into your budget’, ‘Frequent legal changes and lack of guidance introduce instability’ - these and many more aspects were highlighted by experts from various countries representing business, customs, and academia during the 12th Authors’ Meeting.

knowledge management
en, lt
The biggest challenges in ensuring customs compliance in a company

‘Compliance starts from managers’ awareness’, ‘You can want the best specialists, but you can choose only among those available and fitting into your budget’, ‘Frequent legal changes and lack of guidance introduce instability’ - these and many more aspects were highlighted by experts from various countries representing business, customs, and academia during the 12th Authors’ Meeting.

knowledge management
Insights from judgements of the courts

Procedural fairness, forced labour, export control measures and classification of goods, royalty fee and other valuation-related issues, the liability of a customs broker (representative), tariff classification and the main feature of a product - insights on these topics were shared during the 11th Authors’ Meeting. We invite you to learn which court cases were selected and which aspects were paid attention to by experts from various countries – the United States of America, Ukraine, France, Bulgaria, Israel, and Lithuania.

knowledge management
Insights from judgements of the courts

Procedural fairness, forced labour, export control measures and classification of goods, royalty fee and other valuation-related issues, the liability of a customs broker (representative), tariff classification and the main feature of a product - insights on these topics were shared during the 11th Authors’ Meeting. We invite you to learn which court cases were selected and which aspects were paid attention to by experts from various countries – the United States of America, Ukraine, France, Bulgaria, Israel, and Lithuania.

knowledge management
The crucial role of the WCO in trade liberalization of climate-friendly goods

The National Board of Trade Sweden recently published a report entitled Trade and Climate Change – Promoting climate goals with a WTO agreement, which shows that trade policy-makers can do more to contribute to the promotion of climate goals. Customs administrations, through the World Customs Organization (WCO), have a crucial role to play, writes Emilie Eriksson, legal adviser and co-author of the report.

Emilie Eriksson

trade policy
The crucial role of the WCO in trade liberalization of climate-friendly goods

The National Board of Trade Sweden recently published a report entitled Trade and Climate Change – Promoting climate goals with a WTO agreement, which shows that trade policy-makers can do more to contribute to the promotion of climate goals. Customs administrations, through the World Customs Organization (WCO), have a crucial role to play, writes Emilie Eriksson, legal adviser and co-author of the report.

Emilie Eriksson

trade policy
en, lt
Some business-relevant highlights from the 6th Customs Practitioners' Conference

In June 2022, the 6th Customs Practitioners‘ Conference took place in Lithuania. The importance of customs in the context of the war in Ukraine, challenges for business and the role of customs professionals in helping top-level managers to make strategic decisions and ensure compliance with them, as well as related liability issues, were emphasised. We invite you to familiarise yourself with what was discussed and pointed out by several speakers.

knowledge management
en, lt
Some business-relevant highlights from the 6th Customs Practitioners' Conference

In June 2022, the 6th Customs Practitioners‘ Conference took place in Lithuania. The importance of customs in the context of the war in Ukraine, challenges for business and the role of customs professionals in helping top-level managers to make strategic decisions and ensure compliance with them, as well as related liability issues, were emphasised. We invite you to familiarise yourself with what was discussed and pointed out by several speakers.

knowledge management
en, lt
A coffee break with… Michael Lux

If you had the chance to talk to an expert who was working on the Union Customs Code (UCC), what would you ask? … Questions we asked: What your suggestions do we find in the UCC? What are you especially proud of about the UCC? What could have been done differently? What would be your advice for the users of the UCC? And more! Grab cup of coffee and enjoy our interview with Michael Lux.

Michael Lux

knowledge management
en, lt
A coffee break with… Michael Lux

If you had the chance to talk to an expert who was working on the Union Customs Code (UCC), what would you ask? … Questions we asked: What your suggestions do we find in the UCC? What are you especially proud of about the UCC? What could have been done differently? What would be your advice for the users of the UCC? And more! Grab cup of coffee and enjoy our interview with Michael Lux.

Michael Lux

knowledge management
Customs Control Club: What customs should not be, what customs is today, and what customs should be tomorrow?

This year, the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics created a Customs Control Club. The main idea of it is for students to understand why customs is an important factor in international trade and what its significance is for the state and society. At the end of the first season, students were asked to write an essay on what customs should not be, what customs is today, and what customs should be tomorrow.

Neli Doinova

knowledge management
Customs Control Club: What customs should not be, what customs is today, and what customs should be tomorrow?

This year, the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics created a Customs Control Club. The main idea of it is for students to understand why customs is an important factor in international trade and what its significance is for the state and society. At the end of the first season, students were asked to write an essay on what customs should not be, what customs is today, and what customs should be tomorrow.

Neli Doinova

knowledge management
Supporting the green transition: challenges and way forward

The WCO is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and is taking this opportunity to look back at what it has achieved as well as at ways of responding to current challenges. One pressing issue is how to support the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Kunio Mikuriya

law international, trade policy
Supporting the green transition: challenges and way forward

The WCO is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year and is taking this opportunity to look back at what it has achieved as well as at ways of responding to current challenges. One pressing issue is how to support the transition to a climate-neutral economy.

Kunio Mikuriya

law international, trade policy
Journals on Customs: Why should you attend the Global Webinar?

On April 28th, 2022, another edition of the event 'Global Webinar: Journals on Customs' took place, during which editors of six leading journals shared their insights concerning some of the most significant topics, events and articles that have taken place in specialist editions over the past year. For me, as a young researcher, such events are of great importance, as they allow me to learn what are the current important issues in the field of global customs control. In the next few lines, I will try to outline what impressed me the most in the presentations of the speakers in the meeting.

Boryana Peycheva

knowledge management
Journals on Customs: Why should you attend the Global Webinar?

On April 28th, 2022, another edition of the event 'Global Webinar: Journals on Customs' took place, during which editors of six leading journals shared their insights concerning some of the most significant topics, events and articles that have taken place in specialist editions over the past year. For me, as a young researcher, such events are of great importance, as they allow me to learn what are the current important issues in the field of global customs control. In the next few lines, I will try to outline what impressed me the most in the presentations of the speakers in the meeting.

Boryana Peycheva

knowledge management
Ar verta investuoti į žinias netikrumo laikais?

Kur geriausia investuoti netikrumo laikais? Kalbinamas apie pandemijos sukeltą įtampą rinkose, žinomas investuotojas, apžvelgdamas įvairias investicijų galimybes, pabrėžė, kad pati vertingiausia investicija yra į savo žinias. Pandemija sutrikdė tiekimo grandines, bet daugumos jų nenutraukė, tai dabar daro karas Ukrainoje. Tad, ar verta investuoti į žinias muitinės, logistikos ir tarptautinės prekybos srityje, kuri mūsų regione šiuo metu išgyvena sudėtingus laikus? Diskusijoje mintimis dalinasi Socialinių mokslų kolegijos studijų programų vadovė Kristina Stonkuvienė, Lietuvos nacionalinės ekspeditorių ir logistų asociacijos „LINEKA“ prezidentas Edmundas Daukantas ir „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ vadovė Enrika Naujokė.

knowledge management
Ar verta investuoti į žinias netikrumo laikais?

Kur geriausia investuoti netikrumo laikais? Kalbinamas apie pandemijos sukeltą įtampą rinkose, žinomas investuotojas, apžvelgdamas įvairias investicijų galimybes, pabrėžė, kad pati vertingiausia investicija yra į savo žinias. Pandemija sutrikdė tiekimo grandines, bet daugumos jų nenutraukė, tai dabar daro karas Ukrainoje. Tad, ar verta investuoti į žinias muitinės, logistikos ir tarptautinės prekybos srityje, kuri mūsų regione šiuo metu išgyvena sudėtingus laikus? Diskusijoje mintimis dalinasi Socialinių mokslų kolegijos studijų programų vadovė Kristina Stonkuvienė, Lietuvos nacionalinės ekspeditorių ir logistų asociacijos „LINEKA“ prezidentas Edmundas Daukantas ir „Muitinės praktikų asociacijos“ vadovė Enrika Naujokė.

knowledge management
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

knowledge management
War: How does it highlight the role of a customs specialist, and related challenges?

The war in Ukraine and all the wars and armed conflicts happening around the world highlight the role of customs and customs specialists, especially as it regards compliance with restrictions and prohibitions. Customs specialists must be not only active, but also proactive, so that bad hands do not get access to the tools they can use to cause suffering. Many other topic-related aspects were discussed, and views from various countries were shared during the 10th Authors’ Meeting, which took place on 17th March 2022.

knowledge management
en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

knowledge management
en, lt
Digitisation of customs processes in business: best practices, challenges and the future

Following the 9th author’s meeting held on 20 January 2022, this article distils the thoughts of eight participants on the important topic on digitisation of customs processes. They examine today’s trends and discuss what the future holds.

knowledge management
en, lt
'Lex Portus' - the journal launched in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea

A year ago, we published an interview with Prof Dr Borys Kormych, with whom we have the honour of cooperating on the editorial board of the CCRM journal. We then discussed the 'Lex Portus' journal, which was started in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea, to address, among other topics, the resulting legal challenges in transport, customs and border formalities. The war started by Russia in Ukraine sheds new light on many of the topics covered in the interview: the annexation of Crimea, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, work done in Ukraine to join the Convention on Common Transit Procedure, and more. We invite you to read the interview.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
en, lt
'Lex Portus' - the journal launched in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea

A year ago, we published an interview with Prof Dr Borys Kormych, with whom we have the honour of cooperating on the editorial board of the CCRM journal. We then discussed the 'Lex Portus' journal, which was started in Ukraine after the annexation of Crimea, to address, among other topics, the resulting legal challenges in transport, customs and border formalities. The war started by Russia in Ukraine sheds new light on many of the topics covered in the interview: the annexation of Crimea, the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, work done in Ukraine to join the Convention on Common Transit Procedure, and more. We invite you to read the interview.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
en, lt
Why seek a career as a customs specialist? Interview with a Global Customs Expert

Many people discover their profession as customs specialists by chance and realise that it is their life passion. It is not a profession one usually dreams of. But it is worthy to be dreamed of! In this series of articles, we talk to customs specialists from around the world to find out why this profession is so exciting for them. Today, we invite you to meet a global customs expert at one of the world’s leading providers of diagnostic systems for hospitals.

Thomas Woodtli

knowledge management
en, lt
Why seek a career as a customs specialist? Interview with a Global Customs Expert

Many people discover their profession as customs specialists by chance and realise that it is their life passion. It is not a profession one usually dreams of. But it is worthy to be dreamed of! In this series of articles, we talk to customs specialists from around the world to find out why this profession is so exciting for them. Today, we invite you to meet a global customs expert at one of the world’s leading providers of diagnostic systems for hospitals.

Thomas Woodtli

knowledge management
de, en
Change in training due to increasing digitalisation in customs and export control

The trend towards online training is clearly noticeable. But what is the difference to the past? Is there one at all?

Janine Lampprecht

knowledge management
de, en
Change in training due to increasing digitalisation in customs and export control

The trend towards online training is clearly noticeable. But what is the difference to the past? Is there one at all?

Janine Lampprecht

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs valuation: interview with the author of the book

Mark Neville is the author of a book on International Trade Laws of the US and is working on a new book on customs valuation. In an interview, Mark kindly shares information about the books and his philosophy of writing a book or an article.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
en, lt
Customs valuation: interview with the author of the book

Mark Neville is the author of a book on International Trade Laws of the US and is working on a new book on customs valuation. In an interview, Mark kindly shares information about the books and his philosophy of writing a book or an article.

Monika Bielskienė

knowledge management
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