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Union Customs Code: Which regulations

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en, lt
Union Customs Code: Which regulations constitute it?

CustomsClear ㅤ

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ES aktualijos: rugpjūtis 2021

Naujienos 34 savaitę. Muitinių, atsakingų už prašymų suteikti privalomąją kilmės informaciją priėmimą, sąrašas. Reglamentai dėl: paukštienos importo tarifinių kvotų; sūrio kiekių, kuriuos pagal eksporto licencijas galima eksportuoti į JAV; kiekių, kuriuos galima importuoti taikant tam tikras tarifines kvotas. Pranešimas apie artėjančią antidempingo priemonių galiojimo pabaigą tam tikriems besiūliams vamzdžiams ir vamzdeliams iš Kinijos.

Muita UAB

ES aktualijos: rugpjūtis 2021

Naujienos 34 savaitę. Muitinių, atsakingų už prašymų suteikti privalomąją kilmės informaciją priėmimą, sąrašas. Reglamentai dėl: paukštienos importo tarifinių kvotų; sūrio kiekių, kuriuos pagal eksporto licencijas galima eksportuoti į JAV; kiekių, kuriuos galima importuoti taikant tam tikras tarifines kvotas. Pranešimas apie artėjančią antidempingo priemonių galiojimo pabaigą tam tikriems besiūliams vamzdžiams ir vamzdeliams iš Kinijos.

Muita UAB

LR teisinės aktualijos: rugpjūtis 2021

Rugpjūčio mėn. (iki 28 d.) aktualijos: dėl importo muitų taikymo sustabdymo, esant ekstremaliajai situacijai dėl masinio užsieniečių antplūdžio; dėl importuojamų prekių, gautų kaip parama, neapmokestinimo; dėl asmeniniam vartojimui įvežamų (siunčiamų) gyvūninių produktų, sudėtinių produktų kontrolės tvarkos; ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: rugpjūtis 2021

Rugpjūčio mėn. (iki 28 d.) aktualijos: dėl importo muitų taikymo sustabdymo, esant ekstremaliajai situacijai dėl masinio užsieniečių antplūdžio; dėl importuojamų prekių, gautų kaip parama, neapmokestinimo; dėl asmeniniam vartojimui įvežamų (siunčiamų) gyvūninių produktų, sudėtinių produktų kontrolės tvarkos; ir daugiau!

en, lt
EU law news: July 2021

News in week 30: EU-Argentine agreement relating to the modification of concessions on all the tariff rate quotas; storage of and automated access to the information on the VAT exempted importations under the ‘import scheme’; notices of the expire of anti-dumping measures on imports of high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bars and of aspartame.

en, lt
EU law news: July 2021

News in week 30: EU-Argentine agreement relating to the modification of concessions on all the tariff rate quotas; storage of and automated access to the information on the VAT exempted importations under the ‘import scheme’; notices of the expire of anti-dumping measures on imports of high fatigue performance steel concrete reinforcement bars and of aspartame.

LR teisinės aktualijos: liepa 2021

Liepos mėn. aktualijos: Intrastato ataskaitų pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo taisyklės; Veterinarinių tikrinimų ir muitinės formalumų atlikimo pasienio veterinarijos posto tikrinimo centruose tvarkos aprašas; Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų, pateikiamų elektroninėmis duomenų apdorojimo priemonėmis ir raštu, surašymo taisyklių pakeitimas; Asmenų registravimo Muitinės prievolininkų registre tvarkos aprašas; Mažos vertės siuntų deklaravimo, muitinio tikrinimo ir mokesčių už prekes mažos vertės siuntose apskaičiavimo tvarkos aprašas; ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: liepa 2021

Liepos mėn. aktualijos: Intrastato ataskaitų pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo taisyklės; Veterinarinių tikrinimų ir muitinės formalumų atlikimo pasienio veterinarijos posto tikrinimo centruose tvarkos aprašas; Muitinės ir reeksporto deklaracijų, pateikiamų elektroninėmis duomenų apdorojimo priemonėmis ir raštu, surašymo taisyklių pakeitimas; Asmenų registravimo Muitinės prievolininkų registre tvarkos aprašas; Mažos vertės siuntų deklaravimo, muitinio tikrinimo ir mokesčių už prekes mažos vertės siuntose apskaičiavimo tvarkos aprašas; ir daugiau!

Ukraine law news: July 2021

News at a glance: registration of non-residents at the customs office of Ukraine; criminalization of smuggling: the first step done for adoption; the government regulated the monitoring procedure of the compliance of AEO in Ukraine; safeguard regarding import of the ceramic tiles was terminated.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine law news: July 2021

News at a glance: registration of non-residents at the customs office of Ukraine; criminalization of smuggling: the first step done for adoption; the government regulated the monitoring procedure of the compliance of AEO in Ukraine; safeguard regarding import of the ceramic tiles was terminated.

Iryna Pavlenko

UCC Navigator - a new innovative tool that helps to overcome EU customs legislation complexity

Following the introduction of the Union Customs Code (UCC), the public and private sectors have been looking for a smart way to navigate the complexity of the UCC, which must be read in conjunction with the Delegated Act, the Transitional Delegated Act and the Implementing Act to gain a proper understanding and interpretation of the legal provisions. This task is greatly simplified through the use of new interactive web-based tool called UCC Navigator®, which has been developed by the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies (CCES) at Charles Sturt University in collaboration with a leading software developer, Vivid Thought.

Professor David Widdowson

UCC Navigator - a new innovative tool that helps to overcome EU customs legislation complexity

Following the introduction of the Union Customs Code (UCC), the public and private sectors have been looking for a smart way to navigate the complexity of the UCC, which must be read in conjunction with the Delegated Act, the Transitional Delegated Act and the Implementing Act to gain a proper understanding and interpretation of the legal provisions. This task is greatly simplified through the use of new interactive web-based tool called UCC Navigator®, which has been developed by the Centre for Customs and Excise Studies (CCES) at Charles Sturt University in collaboration with a leading software developer, Vivid Thought.

Professor David Widdowson

en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

en, lt
New dual-use regulation: What are the changes in the "rules of the game"?

Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2021 was published in the OJEU L 206 of 11 June 2021. This regulation recasts and repeals regulation 428/2009 on dual-use items (items designed for civilian purposes but which may have both civilian and military use). It will be applicable as of September 9, 2021. While the amendments do not change the fundamental principles of the control of trade or the general scheme of the Regulation, they will nevertheless result in some changes to the current "rules of the game". The changes are briefly outlined here and concern primarily new or revised definitions.

Lucie Cordier

en, lt
EU law news: June 2021

News in week 25: prolonged safeguard measure on imports of certain steel products; anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of certain corrosion resistant steels; restrictive measures on imports and exports from/ to Belarus; EU proposes World Customs Organization modernisation in support of a strengthened multilateral order; and more news!

en, lt
EU law news: June 2021

News in week 25: prolonged safeguard measure on imports of certain steel products; anti-dumping proceeding concerning imports of certain corrosion resistant steels; restrictive measures on imports and exports from/ to Belarus; EU proposes World Customs Organization modernisation in support of a strengthened multilateral order; and more news!

LR teisinės aktualijos: birželis 2021

Birželį (iki 2021.06.27) aktualijos šiose srityse: PVM ir akcizų grąžinimas arba atsisakymas juos išieškoti; muitinės administruojamų mokesčių ir su jais susijusių sumų mokėjimo taisyklės; muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklės; pašto siuntų deklaravimo, muitinio tikrinimo ir mokesčių už prekes pašto siuntose apskaičiavimo taisyklės; įvežimo bendroji deklaracija ir minimalus duomenų rinkinys; ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: birželis 2021

Birželį (iki 2021.06.27) aktualijos šiose srityse: PVM ir akcizų grąžinimas arba atsisakymas juos išieškoti; muitinės administruojamų mokesčių ir su jais susijusių sumų mokėjimo taisyklės; muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklės; pašto siuntų deklaravimo, muitinio tikrinimo ir mokesčių už prekes pašto siuntose apskaičiavimo taisyklės; įvežimo bendroji deklaracija ir minimalus duomenų rinkinys; ir daugiau!

en, lt
Place of origin of import VAT obligation (temporary admission)

Place of origin of import VAT obligation - the final destination of the goods entering the territory of the Union or entering the economic circulation of the Union? This question was further explored and answered by the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Evelina Šliogerė

en, lt
Place of origin of import VAT obligation (temporary admission)

Place of origin of import VAT obligation - the final destination of the goods entering the territory of the Union or entering the economic circulation of the Union? This question was further explored and answered by the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Evelina Šliogerė

Teismų praktika ir jos svarba taikant

Monika Bielskienė

‎ €34.99
Teismų praktika ir jos svarba taikant muitų teisės aktus

Monika Bielskienė

‎ €34.99
de, en
Retrospective amendment of the customs declarant

It often happens that customs declarations are incorrectly filled out. Such errors are not necessarily intentional and are often nothing more than carelessness. The question in such cases is whether it is possible to amend the customs declaration retrospectively and how. Whereas it is accepted it is possible to go back and correct particulars about the goods and their value, the customs administration has generally not allowed the customs declarant to be amended in this way. Among the reasons cited is that the relevant court judgements have also rejected such an amendment. We now have two recent judgements which deal with this question of the retrospective amendment of the customs declarant. How helpful are these judgements in practice?

Dr. Talke Ovie

de, en
Retrospective amendment of the customs declarant

It often happens that customs declarations are incorrectly filled out. Such errors are not necessarily intentional and are often nothing more than carelessness. The question in such cases is whether it is possible to amend the customs declaration retrospectively and how. Whereas it is accepted it is possible to go back and correct particulars about the goods and their value, the customs administration has generally not allowed the customs declarant to be amended in this way. Among the reasons cited is that the relevant court judgements have also rejected such an amendment. We now have two recent judgements which deal with this question of the retrospective amendment of the customs declarant. How helpful are these judgements in practice?

Dr. Talke Ovie

LR teisinės aktualijos: gegužė 2021

Gegužę aktualijos šiose srityse: leidimai naudoti specialias plombas; naudotų transporto priemonių muitinis įvertinimas; muitinės prižiūrimų prekių sunaikinimas; elektroninė prekių laikinojo saugojimo deklaracija; importo PVM, surinkto taikant specialią importo PVM deklaravimo ir mokėjimo procedūrą, ataskaita; ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: gegužė 2021

Gegužę aktualijos šiose srityse: leidimai naudoti specialias plombas; naudotų transporto priemonių muitinis įvertinimas; muitinės prižiūrimų prekių sunaikinimas; elektroninė prekių laikinojo saugojimo deklaracija; importo PVM, surinkto taikant specialią importo PVM deklaravimo ir mokėjimo procedūrą, ataskaita; ir daugiau!

en, lt
EU law news: May 2021

News in week 21. WCO: two new instruments adopted by the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation concerning royalties and licence fees; note on the cross-border movement of vaccines; the 5th Global AEO Conference. EU: exclusion of imports of products originating in the United Kingdom from tariff quotas; representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors; anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures on imports of various goods; relief from import duties and VAT exemption granted for goods imported to assist to deal with the migration crisis.

en, lt
EU law news: May 2021

News in week 21. WCO: two new instruments adopted by the Technical Committee on Customs Valuation concerning royalties and licence fees; note on the cross-border movement of vaccines; the 5th Global AEO Conference. EU: exclusion of imports of products originating in the United Kingdom from tariff quotas; representative prices in the poultrymeat and egg sectors; anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures on imports of various goods; relief from import duties and VAT exemption granted for goods imported to assist to deal with the migration crisis.

en, lt, ru
What's wrong with customs valuation in Ukraine?

Customs valuation of goods imported into Ukraine is one of the most challenging stages of cross-border trade operations. It is relatively easy to determine the customs value of goods; however, it is almost impossible to convince the customs that the value is accurate and based on the actual price. Hence, there are many court appeals against customs decisions to adjust the customs value. The statistics of court proceedings on such cases are not in favour of customs. Thus, in cases involving Ukrainian customs, 80% (2330 out of 2917 considered over 11 months of 2020) of court decisions were made in favour of plaintiffs (importers, declarants, etc.).

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

en, lt, ru
What's wrong with customs valuation in Ukraine?

Customs valuation of goods imported into Ukraine is one of the most challenging stages of cross-border trade operations. It is relatively easy to determine the customs value of goods; however, it is almost impossible to convince the customs that the value is accurate and based on the actual price. Hence, there are many court appeals against customs decisions to adjust the customs value. The statistics of court proceedings on such cases are not in favour of customs. Thus, in cases involving Ukrainian customs, 80% (2330 out of 2917 considered over 11 months of 2020) of court decisions were made in favour of plaintiffs (importers, declarants, etc.).

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

en, lt
Transit manual (EU)

Transit manual, prepared by the European Commission, is a detailed description of the common and the Union transit procedures. It explains how these transit procedures work and the roles of the various participants.

en, lt
Transit manual (EU)

Transit manual, prepared by the European Commission, is a detailed description of the common and the Union transit procedures. It explains how these transit procedures work and the roles of the various participants.

en, lt
EU law news: April 2021

News in week 17: Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK enters into force on 1 May 2021; additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the USA; Commission public consultation on the Union Customs Code; read for more news.

en, lt
EU law news: April 2021

News in week 17: Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK enters into force on 1 May 2021; additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the USA; Commission public consultation on the Union Customs Code; read for more news.

Trade agreements: the direct transport rule

One of the conditions of a trade agreement is that goods must travel directly between the signatory countries. How is the direct transport rule enforced in practice? This article provides an overview of the answers based on the experience of local practitioners from Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ukraine, Mexico, and Vietnam.

Customs Practitioners Association

Trade agreements: the direct transport rule

One of the conditions of a trade agreement is that goods must travel directly between the signatory countries. How is the direct transport rule enforced in practice? This article provides an overview of the answers based on the experience of local practitioners from Lithuania, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Ukraine, Mexico, and Vietnam.

Customs Practitioners Association

LR teisinės aktualijos: balandis 2021

Balandžio mėnesio aktualijos: pakeista patvirtinta EUR.1 judėjimo sertifikato blanko privalomoji forma; patvirtintas muitinės leidimų, suteikiamų muitinės leidimų sistemos priemonėmis, valdymo proceso aprašas; patvirtintas eksporto leidimų eksportuoti COVID-19 vakcinas išdavimo tvarkos aprašas ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: balandis 2021

Balandžio mėnesio aktualijos: pakeista patvirtinta EUR.1 judėjimo sertifikato blanko privalomoji forma; patvirtintas muitinės leidimų, suteikiamų muitinės leidimų sistemos priemonėmis, valdymo proceso aprašas; patvirtintas eksporto leidimų eksportuoti COVID-19 vakcinas išdavimo tvarkos aprašas ir daugiau!

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