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LR teisinės aktualijos: balandis 2021

Balandžio mėnesio aktualijos: pakeista patvirtinta EUR.1 judėjimo sertifikato blanko privalomoji forma; patvirtintas muitinės leidimų, suteikiamų muitinės leidimų sistemos priemonėmis, valdymo proceso aprašas; patvirtintas eksporto leidimų eksportuoti COVID-19 vakcinas išdavimo tvarkos aprašas ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: balandis 2021

Balandžio mėnesio aktualijos: pakeista patvirtinta EUR.1 judėjimo sertifikato blanko privalomoji forma; patvirtintas muitinės leidimų, suteikiamų muitinės leidimų sistemos priemonėmis, valdymo proceso aprašas; patvirtintas eksporto leidimų eksportuoti COVID-19 vakcinas išdavimo tvarkos aprašas ir daugiau!

en, lt
EU law news: March 2021

News in week 13. Judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union: tariff classification of bank note validator and cash boxes (headings 8472 and 9031), inward processing and failure to present goods to customs, anti-dumping duties on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or steel originating in the People’s Republic of China. Regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of aluminium extrusions originating in the People’s Republic of China.

en, lt
EU law news: March 2021

News in week 13. Judgements of the Court of Justice of the European Union: tariff classification of bank note validator and cash boxes (headings 8472 and 9031), inward processing and failure to present goods to customs, anti-dumping duties on imports of certain seamless pipes and tubes of iron or steel originating in the People’s Republic of China. Regulation imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of aluminium extrusions originating in the People’s Republic of China.

LR teisinės aktualijos: kovas 2021

Kovo mėnesį aktualijų temos: cheminės medžiagos (REACH), vakcinų eksporto leidimai, kovai su Covid skirtų medicinos prekių siuntų deklaravimas, prekių gabenamų vykdant karinę veiklą deklaravimas (NATO 302-oji forma arba ES 302-oji forma), dokumentų nacionalinių kodų sąrašas, galutinio vartojimo procedūra, įvežimo bendrosios deklaracijos pateikimas ir daugiau!

LR teisinės aktualijos: kovas 2021

Kovo mėnesį aktualijų temos: cheminės medžiagos (REACH), vakcinų eksporto leidimai, kovai su Covid skirtų medicinos prekių siuntų deklaravimas, prekių gabenamų vykdant karinę veiklą deklaravimas (NATO 302-oji forma arba ES 302-oji forma), dokumentų nacionalinių kodų sąrašas, galutinio vartojimo procedūra, įvežimo bendrosios deklaracijos pateikimas ir daugiau!

en, lt, ru
EU hard law: hierarchy, types, and opportunities

Sources of European Union (EU) law can be classified according to their binding nature. 'Hard law' defines binding legislation, and 'soft law' includes non-obligatory guidelines, recommendations, opinions. Andrius Košel has published an excellent article on soft law and here we will examine hierarchy and types of hard law, as well as opportunities in its application.

Monika Bielskienė

en, lt, ru
EU hard law: hierarchy, types, and opportunities

Sources of European Union (EU) law can be classified according to their binding nature. 'Hard law' defines binding legislation, and 'soft law' includes non-obligatory guidelines, recommendations, opinions. Andrius Košel has published an excellent article on soft law and here we will examine hierarchy and types of hard law, as well as opportunities in its application.

Monika Bielskienė

The concept of a customs debtor and the case-law in Lithuania

In tax disputes with customs authorities, the question often arises as to whether a person in respect of whom a customs debt is calculated can be regarded as a customs debtor. This issue is particularly evident in cases where the person concerned did not import the taxable goods himself, but only indirectly or directly contributed to their importation. While in the European Union (EU) such issues are mainly regulated and covered by the Union Customs Code, in practice the implementation of EU customs law differs in various EU Member States, which sometimes even adopt their own national laws in this area. With this in mind, the article discusses the latest practice in Lithuania and the position of its national courts whether such an expansive interpretation of the concept of customs debtor is possible and in which cases.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

The concept of a customs debtor and the case-law in Lithuania

In tax disputes with customs authorities, the question often arises as to whether a person in respect of whom a customs debt is calculated can be regarded as a customs debtor. This issue is particularly evident in cases where the person concerned did not import the taxable goods himself, but only indirectly or directly contributed to their importation. While in the European Union (EU) such issues are mainly regulated and covered by the Union Customs Code, in practice the implementation of EU customs law differs in various EU Member States, which sometimes even adopt their own national laws in this area. With this in mind, the article discusses the latest practice in Lithuania and the position of its national courts whether such an expansive interpretation of the concept of customs debtor is possible and in which cases.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

'Lex Portus' fueling discussion on Customs in Ukraine and the EU

“It is important for us to provide the floor for discussion of issues important for scientists and practicing lawyers focusing on respective fields, for logistic and customs professionals.” - Prof Dr Borys Kormych, the Editor in Chief of 'Lex Portus' journal, tells in an interview about the journal, shares insights from articles, provides interesting facts about the case-law (Ukraine has an extensive practice of customs appeals), and answers other questions.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
'Lex Portus' fueling discussion on Customs in Ukraine and the EU

“It is important for us to provide the floor for discussion of issues important for scientists and practicing lawyers focusing on respective fields, for logistic and customs professionals.” - Prof Dr Borys Kormych, the Editor in Chief of 'Lex Portus' journal, tells in an interview about the journal, shares insights from articles, provides interesting facts about the case-law (Ukraine has an extensive practice of customs appeals), and answers other questions.

Prof Dr Borys Kormych

knowledge management
en, fr, lt
Harmonization of procedures is still work in progress

The authors of this article argue that harmonization should be high on the agenda both of those who make, and of those who enforce, legislation. To illustrate, they explain some of the issues faced by businesses due to the lack of harmonization of rules, or to the non-harmonized implementation of these rules. Three topics are addressed: the difficulty of identifying preferential rules of origin for a given HS code; the process to obtain a Customs registration number in the European Union; and the implementation of the AEO Programme in Ukraine.

Anna Gayk

customs clearance, origin, trusted trader
en, fr, lt
Harmonization of procedures is still work in progress

The authors of this article argue that harmonization should be high on the agenda both of those who make, and of those who enforce, legislation. To illustrate, they explain some of the issues faced by businesses due to the lack of harmonization of rules, or to the non-harmonized implementation of these rules. Three topics are addressed: the difficulty of identifying preferential rules of origin for a given HS code; the process to obtain a Customs registration number in the European Union; and the implementation of the AEO Programme in Ukraine.

Anna Gayk

customs clearance, origin, trusted trader
en, lt
EU law news: February 2021

Monthly overview of customs-related legal acts, case law, notices published in the Official Journal of the EU, and information published by the European Commission and by the World Customs Organization.

en, lt
EU law news: February 2021

Monthly overview of customs-related legal acts, case law, notices published in the Official Journal of the EU, and information published by the European Commission and by the World Customs Organization.

LR teisinės aktualijos: vasaris 2021

2020.01.30-2021.02.26 aktualijų temos: muitinės įstaigų klasifikatorius; valiutų, naudojamų deklaruojant prekes Lietuvos muitinei, sąrašas; muitinės prižiūrimų prekių sunaikinimas; konfiskuotų, pripažintų bešeimininkėmis prekių, neturinčių Sąjungos prekių muitinio statuso, pardavimas elektroniniuose aukcionuose; ne maisto gaminio draudimas išleisti/ išleidimas į laisvą apyvartą.

LR teisinės aktualijos: vasaris 2021

2020.01.30-2021.02.26 aktualijų temos: muitinės įstaigų klasifikatorius; valiutų, naudojamų deklaruojant prekes Lietuvos muitinei, sąrašas; muitinės prižiūrimų prekių sunaikinimas; konfiskuotų, pripažintų bešeimininkėmis prekių, neturinčių Sąjungos prekių muitinio statuso, pardavimas elektroniniuose aukcionuose; ne maisto gaminio draudimas išleisti/ išleidimas į laisvą apyvartą.

en, lt, ru
Significance of guidelines, explanatory notes and other "soft law" acts

In the European governance the EU legislation distinguishes between the so called “formal law” and the “informal law”. The latter also known as measures of soft law. Formal law compromises regulations, directives and decisions, whereby recommendations and opinions, as well as other methods of developing policy: e.g. policy guidelines are considered soft law. Practical examples of informal law in the field of customs are the Guidelines for Customs Valuation of Goods, the Customs Valuation Compendium, the Transit Guide. What is the significance of these documents in practice?

Andrius Košel

en, lt, ru
Significance of guidelines, explanatory notes and other "soft law" acts

In the European governance the EU legislation distinguishes between the so called “formal law” and the “informal law”. The latter also known as measures of soft law. Formal law compromises regulations, directives and decisions, whereby recommendations and opinions, as well as other methods of developing policy: e.g. policy guidelines are considered soft law. Practical examples of informal law in the field of customs are the Guidelines for Customs Valuation of Goods, the Customs Valuation Compendium, the Transit Guide. What is the significance of these documents in practice?

Andrius Košel

en, lt
EU law news: January 2021

News: International Customs Day 2021; complementary amendments to the HS Nomenclature 2022; EU authorisation mechanism for exports of COVID-19 vaccines; EU-UK trade: Trade and Cooperation Agreement, regulations on the making out of statements on origin for preferential exports to the UK and on the determination of goods not at risk; application of the REX system; EVFTA: cumulation in Vietnam with fabrics originating in South Korea; and more!

en, lt
EU law news: January 2021

News: International Customs Day 2021; complementary amendments to the HS Nomenclature 2022; EU authorisation mechanism for exports of COVID-19 vaccines; EU-UK trade: Trade and Cooperation Agreement, regulations on the making out of statements on origin for preferential exports to the UK and on the determination of goods not at risk; application of the REX system; EVFTA: cumulation in Vietnam with fabrics originating in South Korea; and more!

LR teisinės aktualijos: sausis 2021

2020.12.29-2021.01.29 aktualijų sritys: intrastato statistinių ataskaitų pildymas, muitinės įstaigų teikiamų papildomų paslaugų ir jų įkainių sąrašas, leidimų taikyti tikslinio naudojimo ir perdirbimo specialiąją procedūrą išdavimas, muitinės įstaigų klasifikatorius, muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklės, vidaus kontrolės įgyvendinimo Lietuvos Respublikos muitinėje tvarkos aprašas.

LR teisinės aktualijos: sausis 2021

2020.12.29-2021.01.29 aktualijų sritys: intrastato statistinių ataskaitų pildymas, muitinės įstaigų teikiamų papildomų paslaugų ir jų įkainių sąrašas, leidimų taikyti tikslinio naudojimo ir perdirbimo specialiąją procedūrą išdavimas, muitinės įstaigų klasifikatorius, muitinės elektroninių paslaugų teikimo taisyklės, vidaus kontrolės įgyvendinimo Lietuvos Respublikos muitinėje tvarkos aprašas.

en, ru
Diagonal cumulation as a new reprocessing trend in Ukraine

2020 has presented a new possibility for the trade with Ukraine – cumulation. Cumulation is one of the rules of origin, provided by the Regional Pan-Euro-Med Convention. This rule applies, when two or more countries have identical rules of origin and trade agreements between each other. This possibility as well has to be acknowledged by the parties and published.

Oleg Kyryievskyi

en, ru
Diagonal cumulation as a new reprocessing trend in Ukraine

2020 has presented a new possibility for the trade with Ukraine – cumulation. Cumulation is one of the rules of origin, provided by the Regional Pan-Euro-Med Convention. This rule applies, when two or more countries have identical rules of origin and trade agreements between each other. This possibility as well has to be acknowledged by the parties and published.

Oleg Kyryievskyi

LR teisinės aktualijos: gruodis 2020

2020.11.29-12.28 pakeitimai: Laikinojo įvežimo perdirbti procedūros įvykdymo dokumento pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo muitinėje taisyklės; Mokestinių prievolių įvykdymo užtikrinimo muitinėje taisyklės; Dėl Nacionalinių muitinės procedūrų požymių kodų sąrašo patvirtinimo; Dėl Privalomosios tarifinės informacijos sprendimų priėmimo taisyklių patvirtinimo; Muitinės veiklos tęstinumo taisyklės, taikomos neveikiant muitinės arba asmens elektroninėms sistemoms; ir daugiau.

LR teisinės aktualijos: gruodis 2020

2020.11.29-12.28 pakeitimai: Laikinojo įvežimo perdirbti procedūros įvykdymo dokumento pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo muitinėje taisyklės; Mokestinių prievolių įvykdymo užtikrinimo muitinėje taisyklės; Dėl Nacionalinių muitinės procedūrų požymių kodų sąrašo patvirtinimo; Dėl Privalomosios tarifinės informacijos sprendimų priėmimo taisyklių patvirtinimo; Muitinės veiklos tęstinumo taisyklės, taikomos neveikiant muitinės arba asmens elektroninėms sistemoms; ir daugiau.

en, lt
Unique situation of Northern Ireland: UK and EU Customs law applies

Reader's questions: Does Northern Ireland belong (as of 1 January 2021) to two customs territories: the United Kingdom and the European Union? What customs formalities apply to the movement of goods from the EU to Northern Ireland and vice versa? What about zero tariffs and preferential origin of goods?

Muita UAB

en, lt
Unique situation of Northern Ireland: UK and EU Customs law applies

Reader's questions: Does Northern Ireland belong (as of 1 January 2021) to two customs territories: the United Kingdom and the European Union? What customs formalities apply to the movement of goods from the EU to Northern Ireland and vice versa? What about zero tariffs and preferential origin of goods?

Muita UAB

en, lt
Customs territory: Where does it begin

CustomsClear ㅤ

‎ €9.00
en, lt
Customs territory: Where does it begin and end?

CustomsClear ㅤ

‎ €9.00
en, lt
EU law news: December 2020

News 29 Nov - 26 Dec 2020. Brexit: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, entry summary declarations and pre-departure declarations, controls at the border control post of products of animal origin, General Export Authorisation for the export of certain dual-use items, tariff rate quotas and other import quotas, Union preferential trade arrangements; Covid-19: new CN codes and TARIC subheadings for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, protective face masks, diagnostic reagents and diagnostic kits; E-commerce: new guidance document on the import and export of low value consignments by European Commission, E-Commerce Package by WCO; and more news in other areas!

en, lt
EU law news: December 2020

News 29 Nov - 26 Dec 2020. Brexit: EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, entry summary declarations and pre-departure declarations, controls at the border control post of products of animal origin, General Export Authorisation for the export of certain dual-use items, tariff rate quotas and other import quotas, Union preferential trade arrangements; Covid-19: new CN codes and TARIC subheadings for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, protective face masks, diagnostic reagents and diagnostic kits; E-commerce: new guidance document on the import and export of low value consignments by European Commission, E-Commerce Package by WCO; and more news in other areas!

Customs regimes in Ukraine: co-author about the book

In the book "Customs Regimes in Ukraine" disparate provisions of the legislation - the Customs Code, the Tax Code, numerous regulations - are brought together. This simplifies the perception and understanding of how customs formalities are carried out in a particular customs regime. Read the author's talk or watch the video.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

knowledge management
Customs regimes in Ukraine: co-author about the book

In the book "Customs Regimes in Ukraine" disparate provisions of the legislation - the Customs Code, the Tax Code, numerous regulations - are brought together. This simplifies the perception and understanding of how customs formalities are carried out in a particular customs regime. Read the author's talk or watch the video.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

knowledge management
LR teisinės aktualijos: lapkritis 2020

2020.10.29 - 11.28 pakeitimai: Muitinės ir PVM įstatymų pakeitimai taikomi nuo 2021.07.01 (PVM elektroninės komercijos paketo taikymo pradžia); Intrastato statistinių ataskaitų statistinių formuliarų pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo taisyklės; TIR procedūros vykdytojo leidimų išdavimo ir panaikinimo komitetas; Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos teritorinių muitinių veiklos zonos.

LR teisinės aktualijos: lapkritis 2020

2020.10.29 - 11.28 pakeitimai: Muitinės ir PVM įstatymų pakeitimai taikomi nuo 2021.07.01 (PVM elektroninės komercijos paketo taikymo pradžia); Intrastato statistinių ataskaitų statistinių formuliarų pildymo, pateikimo ir priėmimo taisyklės; TIR procedūros vykdytojo leidimų išdavimo ir panaikinimo komitetas; Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos teritorinių muitinių veiklos zonos.

en, lt
EU law news: November 2020

Union Customs Code amendments (AEO); Regulations regarding classification of various goods (reusable drinking straw, plastic cables, etc.); Judgements of the European Court of Justice: valuation, excise; anti-dumping measures on products from China, Indonesia, India; HS 2017 / HS 2022 Correlation Tables; and more.

en, lt
EU law news: November 2020

Union Customs Code amendments (AEO); Regulations regarding classification of various goods (reusable drinking straw, plastic cables, etc.); Judgements of the European Court of Justice: valuation, excise; anti-dumping measures on products from China, Indonesia, India; HS 2017 / HS 2022 Correlation Tables; and more.

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