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en, lt
Who is responsible for CBAM in the company?

If you import aluminium, steel and iron products, cement, fertilisers, hydrogen or electricity, you should already have answered the question of who in your company speaks the language of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), i.e. is knowledgeable in this area and responsible for compliance. And not just you, but also your suppliers from outside the EU, as they will provide you with information on the carbon emissions generated in the production of goods. So who in your supplier company speaks the CBAM language? In this article we look at the links between CBAM and customs, as well as other areas, to help you answer the question of whether the primary responsibility for CBAM compliance should lie with the person responsible for customs matters.

Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
Who is responsible for CBAM in the company?

If you import aluminium, steel and iron products, cement, fertilisers, hydrogen or electricity, you should already have answered the question of who in your company speaks the language of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), i.e. is knowledgeable in this area and responsible for compliance. And not just you, but also your suppliers from outside the EU, as they will provide you with information on the carbon emissions generated in the production of goods. So who in your supplier company speaks the CBAM language? In this article we look at the links between CBAM and customs, as well as other areas, to help you answer the question of whether the primary responsibility for CBAM compliance should lie with the person responsible for customs matters.

Enrika Naujokė

PADKM pereinamasis laikotarpis: koks yra muitinės ir kitų asmenų vaidmuo?

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PADKM pereinamasis laikotarpis: koks yra muitinės ir kitų asmenų vaidmuo?

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With the increase in globalization and economic interdependence between countries, trade facilitation has become a critically important issue for the global economy. Consequently, trade facilitation has been addressed in all its possible meanings, in all fields and scopes, and by all institutions that are somehow linked to international trade, composing a true Tradeweb of players with specific roles and common objectives.

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What does “trade facilitation” really mean?

With the increase in globalization and economic interdependence between countries, trade facilitation has become a critically important issue for the global economy. Consequently, trade facilitation has been addressed in all its possible meanings, in all fields and scopes, and by all institutions that are somehow linked to international trade, composing a true Tradeweb of players with specific roles and common objectives.

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Finnish Customs experiments with the carbon footprint calculator

A host of Finns imported goods from outside the European Union (EU) in 2022 for their private use. Of these individuals, 250,000 used the Customs Duty Calculator[1] when planning the cost of importing goods. Planning with the Duty Calculator is an effective way of understanding the costs arising from value added tax (VAT) and Customs duties. Customers are also informed of how they will get their imported packages when they arrive across the border.

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Finnish Customs experiments with the carbon footprint calculator

A host of Finns imported goods from outside the European Union (EU) in 2022 for their private use. Of these individuals, 250,000 used the Customs Duty Calculator[1] when planning the cost of importing goods. Planning with the Duty Calculator is an effective way of understanding the costs arising from value added tax (VAT) and Customs duties. Customers are also informed of how they will get their imported packages when they arrive across the border.

Mikael Hyövälti

en, lt
CBAM reports and declarations for imported goods: Who, what, when?

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Enrika Naujokė

en, lt
CBAM reports and declarations for imported goods: Who, what, when?

To reduce carbon emissions in the EU and globally, the EU has put in place a legal framework - the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), set out in a recently published regulation. The CBAM will apply to imports of certain goods such as fertilisers, screws, wires, hydrogen, etc., the range of which will be expanded. The obligation for importers of these goods or their indirect customs representatives to submit quarterly CBAM reports comes into force already this year.

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The European Union Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – the launch in 2023

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Customs valuation of raw materials and waste as subject of the circular economy

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Milda Stravinskė

en, lt
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Karolina Semionovaitė

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Dubai Customs

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Dubai Customs

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The European Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for business cooperating with customs

The European Green Course, presented at the end of 2019, raised new challenges for various business enterprises; however, at the same time, it presented new opportunities. Businesses that cooperate with customs, such as customs brokers, logistics companies, and companies that export or import goods, are no exception.

Dr Erika Besusparienė

Prekės kelionė žiedinėje ekonomikoje

Redakcijos žodis. Suderinta sistema, prekės vertė, prekės kilmė - tai tik kelios su muitine susijusios sritys, kuriose būtini pokyčiai pasauliui pereinant iš tiesinės į žiedinę ekonomiką. Tiesinėje ekonomikoje gamtos išteklius sunaudojame gamybai daiktų, kurie panaudoti virsta šiukšlėmis („imk – gamink – išmesk“ modelis). Žiedinėje ekonomikoje šiukšlių (atliekų) beveik nelieka, nes produktai projektuojami taip, kad juos būtų galima naudoti pakartotinai, taisyti, perdaryti, perdirbti. Tačiau tokios ekonomikos veikimui būtinas kitoks teisinis reguliavimas, pradedant nuo atliekų apibrėžimo (pakeičiant šią savoką į „išteklius“), reikalingi jų gabenimo, naudojimo, importo ir eksporto reglamentavimo pakeitimai ir suderinimas pasauliniu lygiu.

Florence Binta Diao-Gueye

Prekės kelionė žiedinėje ekonomikoje

Redakcijos žodis. Suderinta sistema, prekės vertė, prekės kilmė - tai tik kelios su muitine susijusios sritys, kuriose būtini pokyčiai pasauliui pereinant iš tiesinės į žiedinę ekonomiką. Tiesinėje ekonomikoje gamtos išteklius sunaudojame gamybai daiktų, kurie panaudoti virsta šiukšlėmis („imk – gamink – išmesk“ modelis). Žiedinėje ekonomikoje šiukšlių (atliekų) beveik nelieka, nes produktai projektuojami taip, kad juos būtų galima naudoti pakartotinai, taisyti, perdaryti, perdirbti. Tačiau tokios ekonomikos veikimui būtinas kitoks teisinis reguliavimas, pradedant nuo atliekų apibrėžimo (pakeičiant šią savoką į „išteklius“), reikalingi jų gabenimo, naudojimo, importo ir eksporto reglamentavimo pakeitimai ir suderinimas pasauliniu lygiu.

Florence Binta Diao-Gueye

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