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Extending the ISO Audit Data Collection Standard to improve Customs and indirect tax audits and bring some innovation into this field

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Richard van't Hof

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Extending the ISO Audit Data Collection Standard to improve Customs and indirect tax audits and bring some innovation into this field

International Standard ISO[1] 21378:2019 aims to make data collection for financial audits more efficient and reliable. In this article, Dutch Customs explains the structure of this ISO Standard and why the Netherlands has submitted a proposal to extend it to cover data related to Customs and indirect tax audits. The article argues that this development is critical to facilitating post-control audits and bringing much-needed innovation in this field of work. At the same time, it will offer the business community the opportunity to reduce administrative burdens and improve their internal control processes and their compliance with regulations.

Richard van't Hof

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How the Dutch ports readied themselves for Brexit

In choosing the most cost-effective option to distribute goods, supply chain managers all over the world have four transport options to choose from: ocean-going vessel, plane, train, or truck. But for European distribution there is also another efficient option available, shortsea shipping (SSS).

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How the Dutch ports readied themselves for Brexit

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Fiscal representation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

This article explains, how a company can import into and sell from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands using a fiscal representative. The main benefit of using fiscal representation is to avoid actual VAT payment at the moment of import by using customs procedure 42 or a license for deferring the import VAT.

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Fiscal representation in Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands

This article explains, how a company can import into and sell from Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands using a fiscal representative. The main benefit of using fiscal representation is to avoid actual VAT payment at the moment of import by using customs procedure 42 or a license for deferring the import VAT.

Jan van Beek

duties, taxes
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