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EU law news January 2024

News in week 4. WCO dedicates 2024 to 'Customs Engaging Traditional and New Partners with Purpose'; EU's white paper on export controls and new guidelines on data gathering and processing; uniform regional restrictive measures implementation in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; preparation for linking the excise system EMCS to export system AES; FAQs about CBAM; updates to the tariff measures for poultrymeat, open mesh fabrics of glass fibres and mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate; extension of protective (SPS) measures for bivalve molluscs from Türkiye.

EU law news January 2024

News in week 4. WCO dedicates 2024 to 'Customs Engaging Traditional and New Partners with Purpose'; EU's white paper on export controls and new guidelines on data gathering and processing; uniform regional restrictive measures implementation in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia; preparation for linking the excise system EMCS to export system AES; FAQs about CBAM; updates to the tariff measures for poultrymeat, open mesh fabrics of glass fibres and mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate; extension of protective (SPS) measures for bivalve molluscs from Türkiye.

en, lt
A future without customs declarations and with new roles and responsibilities for importers and exporters in the EU

The UCC reform proposal, if adopted, means saying goodbye to many familiar concepts (entry summary declaration, customs declaration, declarant, etc.) and welcoming new ones. We provide an overview of some proposed changes to the definitions of the UCC, which show that the current roles and responsibilities of the actors involved (e.g., exporter, importer, declarant, carrier, customs warehouse of free zone operator) as well as certain familiar customs simplifications will disappear (e.g., entry in the declarant’s records, simplified and supplementary declaration) and customs processes will change significantly, in particular due to the creation of a central EU Customs Data Hub. Economic operators concerned should analyse the forthcoming changes and draw the attention of the legislative bodies to weaknesses and possible unintended consequences in customs processes in a timely manner.

Michael Lux

en, lt
A future without customs declarations and with new roles and responsibilities for importers and exporters in the EU

The UCC reform proposal, if adopted, means saying goodbye to many familiar concepts (entry summary declaration, customs declaration, declarant, etc.) and welcoming new ones. We provide an overview of some proposed changes to the definitions of the UCC, which show that the current roles and responsibilities of the actors involved (e.g., exporter, importer, declarant, carrier, customs warehouse of free zone operator) as well as certain familiar customs simplifications will disappear (e.g., entry in the declarant’s records, simplified and supplementary declaration) and customs processes will change significantly, in particular due to the creation of a central EU Customs Data Hub. Economic operators concerned should analyse the forthcoming changes and draw the attention of the legislative bodies to weaknesses and possible unintended consequences in customs processes in a timely manner.

Michael Lux

en, lt
CJEU: a decision on legal certainty

Late payment of taxes, including import taxes recalculated as a result of discrepancies detected by customs after clearance, is subject to late payment penalties and interest. The sums can be huge, especially considering that tax reassessments can be made for three years or even longer (for example, if the dispute is in court). For an idea of how long this period can be, see the relevant Court of Justice of the EU judgement. Moreover, it is a significant Court's decision impacting the landscape of Value Added Tax (VAT) and customs law within the EU. This article delves into the Court's findings, emphasizing the principles of legal certainty and effectiveness in EU law, and exploring its implications for VAT legislation and practices.

Jonas Sakalauskas

en, lt
CJEU: a decision on legal certainty

Late payment of taxes, including import taxes recalculated as a result of discrepancies detected by customs after clearance, is subject to late payment penalties and interest. The sums can be huge, especially considering that tax reassessments can be made for three years or even longer (for example, if the dispute is in court). For an idea of how long this period can be, see the relevant Court of Justice of the EU judgement. Moreover, it is a significant Court's decision impacting the landscape of Value Added Tax (VAT) and customs law within the EU. This article delves into the Court's findings, emphasizing the principles of legal certainty and effectiveness in EU law, and exploring its implications for VAT legislation and practices.

Jonas Sakalauskas

en, lt
Other legislation applied by the EU customs authorities

‘Other legislation applied by the customs authorities’ means legislation other than customs legislation applicable to the goods entering, exiting, passing through the customs territory of the Union, or to be placed in the Union market, in the implementation of which the customs authorities are involved.

en, lt
Other legislation applied by the EU customs authorities

‘Other legislation applied by the customs authorities’ means legislation other than customs legislation applicable to the goods entering, exiting, passing through the customs territory of the Union, or to be placed in the Union market, in the implementation of which the customs authorities are involved.

ES aktualijos: sausis 2024

Naujienos 4 savaitę. PMO dedikuoja 2024 m. temai "Muitinės, tikslingai įtraukiančios tradicinius ir naujus partnerius"; ES baltoji knyga dėl eksporto kontrolės ir naujos duomenų rinkimo ir tvarkymo gairės; pasirengimas susieti akcizų sistemą EMCS su eksporto sistema AES; DUK apie CBAM (PADKM); tarifinės priemonės, taikomos paukštienai, stiklo pluošto tinkliniams audiniams ir karbamido ir amonio nitrato mišiniams; pratęstas apsaugos priemonių taikymas dvigeldžiams moliuskams iš Turkijos.

ES aktualijos: sausis 2024

Naujienos 4 savaitę. PMO dedikuoja 2024 m. temai "Muitinės, tikslingai įtraukiančios tradicinius ir naujus partnerius"; ES baltoji knyga dėl eksporto kontrolės ir naujos duomenų rinkimo ir tvarkymo gairės; pasirengimas susieti akcizų sistemą EMCS su eksporto sistema AES; DUK apie CBAM (PADKM); tarifinės priemonės, taikomos paukštienai, stiklo pluošto tinkliniams audiniams ir karbamido ir amonio nitrato mišiniams; pratęstas apsaugos priemonių taikymas dvigeldžiams moliuskams iš Turkijos.

LR aktualijos: sausis 2024

Naujienos 4 savaitę: Baltijos šalių regiono susitarimas dėl vienodų kontrolės priemonių, susijusių su sankcijų įgyvendinimu; patvirtintas įvežamų negyvūninių pašarų sąrašas veterinarinės kontrolės tikslais; eksportuojamų į Kanadą mėsos gaminių veterinarijos sertifikatų atitikties Kanados reikalavimams užtikrinimas; LVAT dėl prekės kodo nustatymo tyrimų, atliktų nesertifikuotų institucijų, vertinimo.

LR aktualijos: sausis 2024

Naujienos 4 savaitę: Baltijos šalių regiono susitarimas dėl vienodų kontrolės priemonių, susijusių su sankcijų įgyvendinimu; patvirtintas įvežamų negyvūninių pašarų sąrašas veterinarinės kontrolės tikslais; eksportuojamų į Kanadą mėsos gaminių veterinarijos sertifikatų atitikties Kanados reikalavimams užtikrinimas; LVAT dėl prekės kodo nustatymo tyrimų, atliktų nesertifikuotų institucijų, vertinimo.

EU law news: mid-Dec 2023 to mid-Jan

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €19.99
EU law news: mid-Dec 2023 to mid-Jan 2024

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €19.99
The customs posts and their impact on customs tax control

The present research covers the interpretation of the concept of customs posts and the relationship with customs tax control. The analysis of the European Union (EU) regulations showed the essential criteria for customs posts. The Maturity model was also reviewed in order to implement the EU regulations requirements for customs posts. In customs posts the Maturity model must be used in three areas – tax administration, customs administration, and information technology implementation. To assess the practical situation, it was chosen to analyse high-risk customs posts. The situation of the Suwalki corridor and the three-month data collected by two customs posts at the Kybartai Road and Raigardas Road posts were reviewed. The analysis revealed that there is a lack of available data for researchers to conduct analysis and determine the impact of selected customs posts on customs tax control.

Tomas Zymonas

The customs posts and their impact on customs tax control

The present research covers the interpretation of the concept of customs posts and the relationship with customs tax control. The analysis of the European Union (EU) regulations showed the essential criteria for customs posts. The Maturity model was also reviewed in order to implement the EU regulations requirements for customs posts. In customs posts the Maturity model must be used in three areas – tax administration, customs administration, and information technology implementation. To assess the practical situation, it was chosen to analyse high-risk customs posts. The situation of the Suwalki corridor and the three-month data collected by two customs posts at the Kybartai Road and Raigardas Road posts were reviewed. The analysis revealed that there is a lack of available data for researchers to conduct analysis and determine the impact of selected customs posts on customs tax control.

Tomas Zymonas

UK customs-related updates: BTOM, CDS (I)

Editors' note: Many economic operators in the EU and other UK trading partners are and will be affected by the ongoing customs changes in the UK. We start with a monthly overview of some important news from the UK. Many thanks to Mark Rowbotham, who recently joined the CCRM Editorial Board, for preparing the updates on the Border Target Operating Model (that will be progressively introduced from the end of January 2024) and the Customs Declaration Service (from 30 March 2024, the CDS will be the UK’s single Customs platform). Related developments are also interesting to follow for those who are not directly involved in trade with the UK but are interested in effective border management as the UK aims to create the most effective border in the world.

Mark Rowbotham

UK customs-related updates: BTOM, CDS (I)

Editors' note: Many economic operators in the EU and other UK trading partners are and will be affected by the ongoing customs changes in the UK. We start with a monthly overview of some important news from the UK. Many thanks to Mark Rowbotham, who recently joined the CCRM Editorial Board, for preparing the updates on the Border Target Operating Model (that will be progressively introduced from the end of January 2024) and the Customs Declaration Service (from 30 March 2024, the CDS will be the UK’s single Customs platform). Related developments are also interesting to follow for those who are not directly involved in trade with the UK but are interested in effective border management as the UK aims to create the most effective border in the world.

Mark Rowbotham

EU law news December 2023

News in week 52: Changes to import duties on certain products from 2024.01.01; changes to tariff quotas (reduced import duties) from 2024.01.01; EU-UK trade - transitional rules of preferential origin for electric accumulators and electrified vehicles; Anti-Coercion Instrument enters into force - possible new tariffs and trade restrictions in the EU; farewell event for WCO Secretary General Dr. Kunio Mikuriya.

EU law news December 2023

News in week 52: Changes to import duties on certain products from 2024.01.01; changes to tariff quotas (reduced import duties) from 2024.01.01; EU-UK trade - transitional rules of preferential origin for electric accumulators and electrified vehicles; Anti-Coercion Instrument enters into force - possible new tariffs and trade restrictions in the EU; farewell event for WCO Secretary General Dr. Kunio Mikuriya.

en, lt
Customs territory

Uniform customs laws apply in a customs territory and there are no internal customs duties or similar taxes. A customs territory comprises territories including their territorial waters, inland waters and airspace.

en, lt
Customs territory

Uniform customs laws apply in a customs territory and there are no internal customs duties or similar taxes. A customs territory comprises territories including their territorial waters, inland waters and airspace.

ES aktualijos: gruodis 2023

Naujienos 52 savaitę: importo muitų tam tikriems produktams pakeitimai nuo 2024.01.01; tarifinių kvotų, pagal kurias mokami mažesni importo muitai, pakeitimai nuo 2024.01.01; ES-JK prekyba - dėl elektros akumuliatorių ir elektrifikuotų transporto priemonių lengvatinės kilmės; įsigalioja kovos su ekonomine prievarta priemonė - papildomos ES muitų ir prekybos apribojimų galimybės; PMO generalinio sekretoriaus Dr. Kunio Mikuriya atsisveikinimo renginys.

ES aktualijos: gruodis 2023

Naujienos 52 savaitę: importo muitų tam tikriems produktams pakeitimai nuo 2024.01.01; tarifinių kvotų, pagal kurias mokami mažesni importo muitai, pakeitimai nuo 2024.01.01; ES-JK prekyba - dėl elektros akumuliatorių ir elektrifikuotų transporto priemonių lengvatinės kilmės; įsigalioja kovos su ekonomine prievarta priemonė - papildomos ES muitų ir prekybos apribojimų galimybės; PMO generalinio sekretoriaus Dr. Kunio Mikuriya atsisveikinimo renginys.

LR aktualijos: gruodis 2023

Naujienos 52 savaitę: muitinės deklaracijų ir reeksporto deklaracijų taisymo tvarka; įsigalioja 12-asis sankcijų Rusijai paketas; dėl naudotų automobilių kainų žinyno taikymo; asmenų, turinčių teisę įsigyti akcizais apmokestinamų prekių su akcizų lengvata, registravimo taisyklės; prašymus imtis veiksmų dėl intelektinės nuosavybės teisių apsaugos bus privaloma teikti elektroniniu būdu; atliekų tarpvalstybinių vežimų patikrinimų plano priemonės ir užduotys.

LR aktualijos: gruodis 2023

Naujienos 52 savaitę: muitinės deklaracijų ir reeksporto deklaracijų taisymo tvarka; įsigalioja 12-asis sankcijų Rusijai paketas; dėl naudotų automobilių kainų žinyno taikymo; asmenų, turinčių teisę įsigyti akcizais apmokestinamų prekių su akcizų lengvata, registravimo taisyklės; prašymus imtis veiksmų dėl intelektinės nuosavybės teisių apsaugos bus privaloma teikti elektroniniu būdu; atliekų tarpvalstybinių vežimų patikrinimų plano priemonės ir užduotys.

Monthly EU law news overview CW 46-49

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €9.99
Monthly EU law news overview CW 46-49

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €9.99
Ukraine customs and trade news October/November 2023

News at a glance: Customs clearance without presentation of goods - no longer an option; Constitutional Court: the Customs Code must allow for the individualisation of penalties; Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Regional Convention: Alternative rules of origin (EU and Ukraine); verification of exporters of agricultural products; reliable, transparent and comprehensible trade protection tools that benefit both Ukrainian businesses and international partners.

Iryna Pavlenko

Ukraine customs and trade news October/November 2023

News at a glance: Customs clearance without presentation of goods - no longer an option; Constitutional Court: the Customs Code must allow for the individualisation of penalties; Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Regional Convention: Alternative rules of origin (EU and Ukraine); verification of exporters of agricultural products; reliable, transparent and comprehensible trade protection tools that benefit both Ukrainian businesses and international partners.

Iryna Pavlenko

EU law news October/November 2023

News in week 48: Amendment of EU's GSP Regulation; UCC Work Programme 2023 revision; updated UCC Guidance on Special Procedures other than Transit; EU completes ratification of state-of-the-art trade agreement with New Zealand; Transitional Rules for Ukraine are now in ROSA (Access2Markets); a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain polyethylene terephthalate (PET) originating in China; tariff classification of a multifunctional apparatus in a housing with front control buttons, to be installed in the dashboard of a motor vehicle; and more updates!

EU law news October/November 2023

News in week 48: Amendment of EU's GSP Regulation; UCC Work Programme 2023 revision; updated UCC Guidance on Special Procedures other than Transit; EU completes ratification of state-of-the-art trade agreement with New Zealand; Transitional Rules for Ukraine are now in ROSA (Access2Markets); a provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of certain polyethylene terephthalate (PET) originating in China; tariff classification of a multifunctional apparatus in a housing with front control buttons, to be installed in the dashboard of a motor vehicle; and more updates!

en, lt
CJEU on the right to be heard: It cannot be limited by any legislative provision

The right to be heard is well known to practitioners from various customs decisions and the Art. 22(6) of the Union Customs Code: 'Before taking a decision which would adversely affect the applicant, the customs authorities shall communicate the grounds on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his or her point of view'. This fundamental right of the EU legal order is not just a formality - the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently annulled a regulation because it found that the European Commission had violated the importer's right to be heard during the process of adopting that regulation. It is therefore worthwhile for importers, exporters and other parties involved to take a close look at the topic and be prepared to use the right to their own advantage at EU or national level if needed.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

en, lt
CJEU on the right to be heard: It cannot be limited by any legislative provision

The right to be heard is well known to practitioners from various customs decisions and the Art. 22(6) of the Union Customs Code: 'Before taking a decision which would adversely affect the applicant, the customs authorities shall communicate the grounds on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his or her point of view'. This fundamental right of the EU legal order is not just a formality - the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently annulled a regulation because it found that the European Commission had violated the importer's right to be heard during the process of adopting that regulation. It is therefore worthwhile for importers, exporters and other parties involved to take a close look at the topic and be prepared to use the right to their own advantage at EU or national level if needed.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

ES aktualijos: lapkritis 2023

Naujienos 48 savaitę: ES bendrosios lengvatų sistemos reglamento dalinis pakeitimas; SMK darbo programos peržiūra 2023 m.; atnaujintos SMK specialiųjų procedūrų, išskyrus tranzito procedūrą, gairės; ES baigia ratifikuoti prekybos susitarimą su Naująja Zelandija; pereinamojo laikotarpio taisyklės, taikomos Ukrainai, jau yra ROSA (Access2Markets); laikinasis antidempingo muitas tam tikram importuojamam Kinijos kilmės polietileno tereftalatui (PET); daugiafunkcinio aparato, skirto įrengti motorinės transporto priemonės prietaisų skydelyje, tarifinis klasifikavimas; ir daugiau aktualijų!

ES aktualijos: lapkritis 2023

Naujienos 48 savaitę: ES bendrosios lengvatų sistemos reglamento dalinis pakeitimas; SMK darbo programos peržiūra 2023 m.; atnaujintos SMK specialiųjų procedūrų, išskyrus tranzito procedūrą, gairės; ES baigia ratifikuoti prekybos susitarimą su Naująja Zelandija; pereinamojo laikotarpio taisyklės, taikomos Ukrainai, jau yra ROSA (Access2Markets); laikinasis antidempingo muitas tam tikram importuojamam Kinijos kilmės polietileno tereftalatui (PET); daugiafunkcinio aparato, skirto įrengti motorinės transporto priemonės prietaisų skydelyje, tarifinis klasifikavimas; ir daugiau aktualijų!

LR aktualijos: lapkritis 2023

Naujienos 48 savaitę: nuo gruodžio 3 d. eksporto ir kitos nustatytos deklaracijos bei pranešimai muitinei teikiami per iMDAS; patvirtinti nacionalinių kodų, naudojamų „Papildomasis dokumentas“, „Papildoma nuoroda“, „Papildoma informacija“ duomenų elementuose, sąrašai; Lietuvos muitinė kuria šiuolaikiškus IT įrankius, kurie leis atrinkti tikrinimams tik galimai apgaulės muitinės vertės srityje atvejus, o sąžiningas verslas nebus trukdomas tikrinimais; patvirtintas Lietuvos profesijų klasifikatorius (jame ir muitinės tarpininko bei kitos su muitine susijusios profesijos); ir daugiau aktualijų!

LR aktualijos: lapkritis 2023

Naujienos 48 savaitę: nuo gruodžio 3 d. eksporto ir kitos nustatytos deklaracijos bei pranešimai muitinei teikiami per iMDAS; patvirtinti nacionalinių kodų, naudojamų „Papildomasis dokumentas“, „Papildoma nuoroda“, „Papildoma informacija“ duomenų elementuose, sąrašai; Lietuvos muitinė kuria šiuolaikiškus IT įrankius, kurie leis atrinkti tikrinimams tik galimai apgaulės muitinės vertės srityje atvejus, o sąžiningas verslas nebus trukdomas tikrinimais; patvirtintas Lietuvos profesijų klasifikatorius (jame ir muitinės tarpininko bei kitos su muitine susijusios profesijos); ir daugiau aktualijų!

Monthly EU law news Oct-Nov 2023 | CN
01h 00min

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €34.99
Monthly EU law news Oct-Nov 2023 | CN codes, value, CBAM, IT, int. sanctions…
01h 00min

Enrika Naujokė

‎ €34.99
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