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Mykolo Romerio universitetas kviečia įgyti plataus profilio tarptautinės prekybos specializaciją

Nėra negabių žmonių, yra tik nežinančių, kurioje srityje jie gabūs... Kaip pasiekti karjerą, kur studijuoti, tai klausimai, kurie artėjant vasarai jaudina kiekvieną abiturientą ar kitą jaunuolį galvojantį apie tolimesnį gyvenimo kelią. Pasirinkti aukštąją mokyklą ir studijų programą - atsakingas žingsnis, tenkantis būsimiems studentams ir jų tėvams.

Dr. Alfonsas Laurinavičius

knowledge management
Mykolo Romerio universitetas kviečia įgyti plataus profilio tarptautinės prekybos specializaciją

Nėra negabių žmonių, yra tik nežinančių, kurioje srityje jie gabūs... Kaip pasiekti karjerą, kur studijuoti, tai klausimai, kurie artėjant vasarai jaudina kiekvieną abiturientą ar kitą jaunuolį galvojantį apie tolimesnį gyvenimo kelią. Pasirinkti aukštąją mokyklą ir studijų programą - atsakingas žingsnis, tenkantis būsimiems studentams ir jų tėvams.

Dr. Alfonsas Laurinavičius

knowledge management
"Vieno langelio" sistema muitinėje

Technologinė pažanga sparčiai keičia darbo su muitine aplinką: procesai standartizuojami ir supaprastinami, veiklos organizavimas grindžiamas tokiais Modernizuotame muitinės kodekse įtvirtintais principais kaip centralizuotas muitinis įforminimas, vienas prieigos taškas. Šiame straipsnyje - apie vieno langelio principą ir kaip dirbsime jį įgyvendinus.

Jurgita Stanienė

IT systems, databases
"Vieno langelio" sistema muitinėje

Technologinė pažanga sparčiai keičia darbo su muitine aplinką: procesai standartizuojami ir supaprastinami, veiklos organizavimas grindžiamas tokiais Modernizuotame muitinės kodekse įtvirtintais principais kaip centralizuotas muitinis įforminimas, vienas prieigos taškas. Šiame straipsnyje - apie vieno langelio principą ir kaip dirbsime jį įgyvendinus.

Jurgita Stanienė

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en, fr
Another tool to fight environment crime launched

A new publication has recently joined the “arsenal of weapons” already developed to prevent and combat environmental crime. Entitled the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit, it has been prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with its partners in the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC).

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en, fr
Another tool to fight environment crime launched

A new publication has recently joined the “arsenal of weapons” already developed to prevent and combat environmental crime. Entitled the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit, it has been prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with its partners in the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC).

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en, fr
Mesoamerica improves international transit controls on goods

Ninety-five percent (or six billion US dollars) of commercial goods in the Mesoamerican region are transported overland using the Pacific Corridor every year. The Corridor, which crosses six national borders from southern Mexico to Panama, is the backbone of commercial trade in Mesoamerica. Despite numerous efforts to improve its infrastructure, bottlenecks at border crossings have created huge delays that have dramatically reduced the flow of goods. In 2008, the average speed of a truck moving from Mexico to Panama was 15 km per hour. As of August 2012, the average speed is 60 km per hour following the implementation of an innovative project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

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en, fr
Mesoamerica improves international transit controls on goods

Ninety-five percent (or six billion US dollars) of commercial goods in the Mesoamerican region are transported overland using the Pacific Corridor every year. The Corridor, which crosses six national borders from southern Mexico to Panama, is the backbone of commercial trade in Mesoamerica. Despite numerous efforts to improve its infrastructure, bottlenecks at border crossings have created huge delays that have dramatically reduced the flow of goods. In 2008, the average speed of a truck moving from Mexico to Panama was 15 km per hour. As of August 2012, the average speed is 60 km per hour following the implementation of an innovative project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

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en, fr
South Africa to roll out mobile Customs controls

Customs in South Africa operates within a ‘revenue authority’ model. The Customs and tax departments were merged into an autonomous body known as the South African Revenue Service (SARS) in 1996.

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en, fr
South Africa to roll out mobile Customs controls

Customs in South Africa operates within a ‘revenue authority’ model. The Customs and tax departments were merged into an autonomous body known as the South African Revenue Service (SARS) in 1996.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
WCO Data Model connects trade stakeholders

In recent years, there has been increased activity around the WCO Data Model among WCO Members and international organizations. But if most Customs IT systems seem to be, by and large, compatible with the Model, the question of their full conformity remains open. This article presents the latest information available on the adoption of the Model by WCO Members as well as future developments of this major WCO tool.

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en, fr
WCO Data Model connects trade stakeholders

In recent years, there has been increased activity around the WCO Data Model among WCO Members and international organizations. But if most Customs IT systems seem to be, by and large, compatible with the Model, the question of their full conformity remains open. This article presents the latest information available on the adoption of the Model by WCO Members as well as future developments of this major WCO tool.

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en, fr
East and Southern Africa benefits from new MBA with Customs specialization

A new Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Customs Management has been launched in Arusha, Tanzania by the East & Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI), in collaboration with the University of Canberra’s Centre for Customs & Excise Studies (CCES). ESAMI is chartered to grant degrees by 10 countries in the East and Southern Africa region: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Th e new degree marks a milestone for Customs in Africa, as students from these countries have the opportunity for specialized postgraduate studies similar to what CCES has been off ering in Canberra (face-toface) and in all continents (online).

Creck Buyonge Mirito

knowledge management
en, fr
East and Southern Africa benefits from new MBA with Customs specialization

A new Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Customs Management has been launched in Arusha, Tanzania by the East & Southern Africa Management Institute (ESAMI), in collaboration with the University of Canberra’s Centre for Customs & Excise Studies (CCES). ESAMI is chartered to grant degrees by 10 countries in the East and Southern Africa region: Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Th e new degree marks a milestone for Customs in Africa, as students from these countries have the opportunity for specialized postgraduate studies similar to what CCES has been off ering in Canberra (face-toface) and in all continents (online).

Creck Buyonge Mirito

knowledge management
en, fr
EU database facilitates authentication of documents

A multitude of document types from all over the world may be presented to you at any time, in any offi ce. Is this a genuine document? What are the most important security features and technical specifi cations? Obtaining accurate information on security features and their validity, as well as easy access to updated information wherever you are, is key to verifying the authenticity of such documents.

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en, fr
EU database facilitates authentication of documents

A multitude of document types from all over the world may be presented to you at any time, in any offi ce. Is this a genuine document? What are the most important security features and technical specifi cations? Obtaining accurate information on security features and their validity, as well as easy access to updated information wherever you are, is key to verifying the authenticity of such documents.

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en, fr
WCO Origin Database now online

While harmonization of origin rules remains a work in progress at the WTO, the WCO is continuing to assist its Members to enhance their understanding of the rules of origin, contained in various free trade agreements.

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en, fr
WCO Origin Database now online

While harmonization of origin rules remains a work in progress at the WTO, the WCO is continuing to assist its Members to enhance their understanding of the rules of origin, contained in various free trade agreements.

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en, fr
Korea’s Client-oriented Logistics Information System

In 2010, Korea’s trade volume reached USD 891.6 billion – accounting for 89% of the nation’s GDP of approximately USD 1 trillion – making Korea the 9th largest trading country in the world. Given the huge contribution of foreign trade to the country’s GDP which shows its high level of dependency on external trade, the Korea Customs Service (KCS) has stepped up its effort to make innovations to the trade logistics system for speedier and more facilitated international trade.

Yoon Yong-Sun

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Korea’s Client-oriented Logistics Information System

In 2010, Korea’s trade volume reached USD 891.6 billion – accounting for 89% of the nation’s GDP of approximately USD 1 trillion – making Korea the 9th largest trading country in the world. Given the huge contribution of foreign trade to the country’s GDP which shows its high level of dependency on external trade, the Korea Customs Service (KCS) has stepped up its effort to make innovations to the trade logistics system for speedier and more facilitated international trade.

Yoon Yong-Sun

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Customs in the cloud, a personal reflection on the 2011 WCO IT Conference

Customs administrations and the IT industry gathered in Seattle from 11 to 13 May 2011 for the 10th WCO IT Conference & Exhibition to discuss developments around Cloud Computing and how this new technology could help Customs and border security agencies to accomplish their mission of facilitating and securing legitimate international trade with higher effi ciency. Th e opening statements covered the full spectrum of issues explored during the event. Kunio Mikuriya, the Secretary General of the WCO, mentioned that borders divide but Customs connects. He regarded Cloud Computing as a means to facilitate Customs connectivity. Th e Deputy Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection, David Aguilar, in turn emphasized the role of IT as a critical backbone of a country and, as such, ICT and Cloud Computing had to respond to the need to protect the sovereignty, privacy and confi dentiality of information.

Dietmar Jost

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Customs in the cloud, a personal reflection on the 2011 WCO IT Conference

Customs administrations and the IT industry gathered in Seattle from 11 to 13 May 2011 for the 10th WCO IT Conference & Exhibition to discuss developments around Cloud Computing and how this new technology could help Customs and border security agencies to accomplish their mission of facilitating and securing legitimate international trade with higher effi ciency. Th e opening statements covered the full spectrum of issues explored during the event. Kunio Mikuriya, the Secretary General of the WCO, mentioned that borders divide but Customs connects. He regarded Cloud Computing as a means to facilitate Customs connectivity. Th e Deputy Commissioner of US Customs and Border Protection, David Aguilar, in turn emphasized the role of IT as a critical backbone of a country and, as such, ICT and Cloud Computing had to respond to the need to protect the sovereignty, privacy and confi dentiality of information.

Dietmar Jost

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en, fr
Dematerialization of Customs documents receives trade support

TIACA has welcomed the WCO's decision to work towards reducing the profuse paper-based documentation that accompanies international air cargo shipments as a ‘significant step forward’.

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en, fr
Dematerialization of Customs documents receives trade support

TIACA has welcomed the WCO's decision to work towards reducing the profuse paper-based documentation that accompanies international air cargo shipments as a ‘significant step forward’.

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en, fr
The power of knowledge

As the global Customs community enters the Year of Knowledge it is only fitting that we have dedicated this edition's Special Dossier to knowledge with a selection of articles covering just some of its many elements and angles.

knowledge management
en, fr
The power of knowledge

As the global Customs community enters the Year of Knowledge it is only fitting that we have dedicated this edition's Special Dossier to knowledge with a selection of articles covering just some of its many elements and angles.

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en, fr
Fostering knowledge: creating learning organizations

The global economic situation has reinforced the need for Customs administrations to be adaptable. Many of us are being asked to re-look at how we function and to do more with less. During my time as Council Chair I have been promoting three key themes for the WCO – the need for the organization to be visionary, relevant, and indispensible. To achieve this, Customs services in the 21st century need to be receptive to new ideas, to new ways of working, and to embrace change.

Martyn Dunne

knowledge management
en, fr
Fostering knowledge: creating learning organizations

The global economic situation has reinforced the need for Customs administrations to be adaptable. Many of us are being asked to re-look at how we function and to do more with less. During my time as Council Chair I have been promoting three key themes for the WCO – the need for the organization to be visionary, relevant, and indispensible. To achieve this, Customs services in the 21st century need to be receptive to new ideas, to new ways of working, and to embrace change.

Martyn Dunne

knowledge management
en, fr
Learnism: a continuous learning approach, the solution for an ever-changing professional environment

Administrations, just like private enterprises, are faced with an ever-changing, rapidly evolving environment. Change is right at the heart of an administration and the success of the Columbus Programme demonstrates that Customs administrations are not lagging behind and are undertaking vast reform and modernization projects. The integration of new technologies, the internationalization of professions or the priority given to service are but a few examples of this new state of affairs.

knowledge management
en, fr
Learnism: a continuous learning approach, the solution for an ever-changing professional environment

Administrations, just like private enterprises, are faced with an ever-changing, rapidly evolving environment. Change is right at the heart of an administration and the success of the Columbus Programme demonstrates that Customs administrations are not lagging behind and are undertaking vast reform and modernization projects. The integration of new technologies, the internationalization of professions or the priority given to service are but a few examples of this new state of affairs.

knowledge management
en, fr
Using knowledge: a must for Customs' competence and inter-connectivity

Knowledge management is right at the heart of problems relating both to organizational performance and the technical dimension of Customs in the 21st century.

knowledge management
en, fr
Using knowledge: a must for Customs' competence and inter-connectivity

Knowledge management is right at the heart of problems relating both to organizational performance and the technical dimension of Customs in the 21st century.

knowledge management
en, fr
Making training operational: designing more technical and effective training mechanisms

A changing environment and innovative career possibilities have given rise to new training requirements both in quantity and in quality. The search for effi ciency, the major aim when developing skills, is based on ensuring a parallel between teaching methods and the professional context and working methods. The design and implementation of training actions, mechanisms, programmes or systems must therefore be visionary and provide an environment where both sequential training concepts and technical skills can be applied.

knowledge management
en, fr
Making training operational: designing more technical and effective training mechanisms

A changing environment and innovative career possibilities have given rise to new training requirements both in quantity and in quality. The search for effi ciency, the major aim when developing skills, is based on ensuring a parallel between teaching methods and the professional context and working methods. The design and implementation of training actions, mechanisms, programmes or systems must therefore be visionary and provide an environment where both sequential training concepts and technical skills can be applied.

knowledge management
en, fr
Version 3 of the WCO Data Model launched

On 9 December 2009, the WCO launched the latest version of its Data Model; a global solution for optimizing electronic data exchange. This version of the Model represents a significant development as it will act as an enabler for improved management of cross-border transactions.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Version 3 of the WCO Data Model launched

On 9 December 2009, the WCO launched the latest version of its Data Model; a global solution for optimizing electronic data exchange. This version of the Model represents a significant development as it will act as an enabler for improved management of cross-border transactions.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Celebrating 21 years of TradeNet® – Singapore’s Single Window

As Singapore Customs celebrated its 100th anniversary in January 2010 and took stock of its numerous achievements through the years, TradeNet – Singapore’s Single Window initiative, which marksits 21st year in 2010 – stands out for its role in revolutionising the trade documentation process in the city-state. TradeNet has enhanced the competitiveness of Singapore as a global trade hub, creating an overall positive trading environment for the country and the region. We trace the development and progress of this electronic wonder that makes paperwork a thing of the past.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Celebrating 21 years of TradeNet® – Singapore’s Single Window

As Singapore Customs celebrated its 100th anniversary in January 2010 and took stock of its numerous achievements through the years, TradeNet – Singapore’s Single Window initiative, which marksits 21st year in 2010 – stands out for its role in revolutionising the trade documentation process in the city-state. TradeNet has enhanced the competitiveness of Singapore as a global trade hub, creating an overall positive trading environment for the country and the region. We trace the development and progress of this electronic wonder that makes paperwork a thing of the past.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Cameroon launches a GPS tracking system for goods in transit

Against an overwhelmingly liberal trade background, the modern Customs environment appears to be dominated by seeking the best possible balance between facilitation and security of international trade, followed by the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on Customs clearance activities.

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Cameroon launches a GPS tracking system for goods in transit

Against an overwhelmingly liberal trade background, the modern Customs environment appears to be dominated by seeking the best possible balance between facilitation and security of international trade, followed by the impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on Customs clearance activities.

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