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Informacija dėl muitinės deklaracijų ištaisymo

Kol kas nedaug įmonių kreipėsi į muitinę dėl 2012 m. rugpjūčio 1-7 d. įformintų muitinės deklaracijų sumų perskaičiavimo dėl valiutos kurso tam laikotarpiui pakeitimo. Todėl primename, kad dėl 2012 m. rugpjūčio 1-7 d. įformintų muitinės deklaracijų, kuriose buvo pritaikytas neteisingas lito arba euro ir užsienio valiutos santykis, taisymo ir mokesčių perskaičiavimo turėtumėte kreiptis į teritorinę muitinę, kurios veiklos zonoje įforminta muitinės deklaracija.

Muita UAB

customs clearance
Informacija dėl muitinės deklaracijų ištaisymo

Kol kas nedaug įmonių kreipėsi į muitinę dėl 2012 m. rugpjūčio 1-7 d. įformintų muitinės deklaracijų sumų perskaičiavimo dėl valiutos kurso tam laikotarpiui pakeitimo. Todėl primename, kad dėl 2012 m. rugpjūčio 1-7 d. įformintų muitinės deklaracijų, kuriose buvo pritaikytas neteisingas lito arba euro ir užsienio valiutos santykis, taisymo ir mokesčių perskaičiavimo turėtumėte kreiptis į teritorinę muitinę, kurios veiklos zonoje įforminta muitinės deklaracija.

Muita UAB

customs clearance
Kodėl muitinės kodeksas Bendrijos, o ne Europos Sąjungos?

Kasdieniniame darbe taikant Bendrijos muitinės kodeksą, turbūt teko pagalvoti kodėl jis Bendrijos, o ne Europos Sąjungos muitinės kodeksas?

Muita UAB

Kodėl muitinės kodeksas Bendrijos, o ne Europos Sąjungos?

Kasdieniniame darbe taikant Bendrijos muitinės kodeksą, turbūt teko pagalvoti kodėl jis Bendrijos, o ne Europos Sąjungos muitinės kodeksas?

Muita UAB

LR teisės aktų pakeitimų apžvalga 2012.07.01-2012.10.31

Keičiami: bendrojo administracinio dokumento 47 langelio pildymo tam tikrais atvejais taisyklės; muitinės prižiūrimose prekių saugojimo vietose laikomų prekių apskaitos, tvarkymo ir apyvartos ataskaitos pildymo taisyklės. Papildytas greitai gendančių prekių sąrašas. Patvirtintos importo pridėtinės vertės mokesčio įskaitymo taisyklės.

Muita UAB

LR teisės aktų pakeitimų apžvalga 2012.07.01-2012.10.31

Keičiami: bendrojo administracinio dokumento 47 langelio pildymo tam tikrais atvejais taisyklės; muitinės prižiūrimose prekių saugojimo vietose laikomų prekių apskaitos, tvarkymo ir apyvartos ataskaitos pildymo taisyklės. Papildytas greitai gendančių prekių sąrašas. Patvirtintos importo pridėtinės vertės mokesčio įskaitymo taisyklės.

Muita UAB

Muitinės ir verslo bendradarbiavimas ES valstybėse: skirtinga praktika, bendras tikslas

Nemažai įmonių importo procedūras įformina kitose ES valstybėse, prekių transportavimo į Lietuvą metu. Pasidomėjus kodėl, tarpe kitų priežasčių įvardinama „kitoks muitinės požiūris į verslą, daugiau pasitikėjimo, mažiau bereikalingų kliūčių“. Apie skirtumus ir to priežastis – šiame straipsnyje.

Enrika Naujokė

customs control
Muitinės ir verslo bendradarbiavimas ES valstybėse: skirtinga praktika, bendras tikslas

Nemažai įmonių importo procedūras įformina kitose ES valstybėse, prekių transportavimo į Lietuvą metu. Pasidomėjus kodėl, tarpe kitų priežasčių įvardinama „kitoks muitinės požiūris į verslą, daugiau pasitikėjimo, mažiau bereikalingų kliūčių“. Apie skirtumus ir to priežastis – šiame straipsnyje.

Enrika Naujokė

customs control
Su prekių deklaravimu muitinėje susijusios rizikos

Deklaruojant prekes muitinei svarbu užtikrinti duomenų teisingumą ne tik dėl administracinių sankcijų prekes deklaruojančiam asmeniui taikymo, bet ir dėl to, kad gali būti sulaikytos ir konfiskuotos deklaruojamos prekės kaip administracinio teisės pažeidimo padarymo įrankis arba tiesioginis objektas.

Muita UAB

Su prekių deklaravimu muitinėje susijusios rizikos

Deklaruojant prekes muitinei svarbu užtikrinti duomenų teisingumą ne tik dėl administracinių sankcijų prekes deklaruojančiam asmeniui taikymo, bet ir dėl to, kad gali būti sulaikytos ir konfiskuotos deklaruojamos prekės kaip administracinio teisės pažeidimo padarymo įrankis arba tiesioginis objektas.

Muita UAB

Sąskaitos proformos naudojimas muitinės tikslams

Visas iš trečiųjų šalių į Europos Sąjungos teritoriją įvežamas prekes privaloma deklaruoti muitinei. Prekių deklaravimo muitinei pagrindas yra prekybinė sąskaita, kuria remiantis deklaruojama prekės muitinė vertė. Nemažai klausimų dėl teisingo sąskaitų išrašymo kyla susidūrus su retesniais atvejais, pavyzdžiui, kai prekės tiekiamos neatlygintinai ir jų vertė nustatoma tik muitinės tikslams.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance, valuation
Sąskaitos proformos naudojimas muitinės tikslams

Visas iš trečiųjų šalių į Europos Sąjungos teritoriją įvežamas prekes privaloma deklaruoti muitinei. Prekių deklaravimo muitinei pagrindas yra prekybinė sąskaita, kuria remiantis deklaruojama prekės muitinė vertė. Nemažai klausimų dėl teisingo sąskaitų išrašymo kyla susidūrus su retesniais atvejais, pavyzdžiui, kai prekės tiekiamos neatlygintinai ir jų vertė nustatoma tik muitinės tikslams.

Jurgita Stanienė

customs clearance, valuation
ES teisės aktų vertimų naudojimas

Skaitant ES teisės aktų vertimus ir juos lyginant su originaliu tekstu neretai aptinkama netikslumų, todėl patartina nepasikliauti vien tik vertimu.

Muita UAB

ES teisės aktų vertimų naudojimas

Skaitant ES teisės aktų vertimus ir juos lyginant su originaliu tekstu neretai aptinkama netikslumų, todėl patartina nepasikliauti vien tik vertimu.

Muita UAB

Kur "nukeliauja" muitai?

2011 m. Lietuvos muitinė surinko 204 mln. 835 tūkst. litų muitų. Trys ketvirtadaliai šios sumos buvo pervesta į ES biudžetą, likusi dalis liko šaliai administravimo išlaidoms padengti.

Muita UAB

duties, taxes
Kur "nukeliauja" muitai?

2011 m. Lietuvos muitinė surinko 204 mln. 835 tūkst. litų muitų. Trys ketvirtadaliai šios sumos buvo pervesta į ES biudžetą, likusi dalis liko šaliai administravimo išlaidoms padengti.

Muita UAB

duties, taxes
en, fr
Untangling the complexity of non-tariff measures

This year, the World Trade Report ventures beyond the well illuminated area of tariffs, to shine a light on non-tariff measures (NTMs) – a generic term which covers policy measures, other than ordinary Customs tariffs, that can affect international trade in goods by changing quantities traded or prices, or both.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Untangling the complexity of non-tariff measures

This year, the World Trade Report ventures beyond the well illuminated area of tariffs, to shine a light on non-tariff measures (NTMs) – a generic term which covers policy measures, other than ordinary Customs tariffs, that can affect international trade in goods by changing quantities traded or prices, or both.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Another tool to fight environment crime launched

A new publication has recently joined the “arsenal of weapons” already developed to prevent and combat environmental crime. Entitled the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit, it has been prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with its partners in the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC).

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
Another tool to fight environment crime launched

A new publication has recently joined the “arsenal of weapons” already developed to prevent and combat environmental crime. Entitled the Wildlife and Forest Crime Analytic Toolkit, it has been prepared by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in collaboration with its partners in the International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC).

illicit trade, IT systems, databases
en, fr
“Together we can ensure global economic growth”

The upcoming months will be marked by the launch of a number of initiatives approved by the Council during its recent sessions, such as Globally Networked Customs proof-of-concept projects, the roll-out of the nCEN package around the world, the further development of the Project Map Database, the implementation of the tools included in the Revenue Package, as well as the launch of a new Economic Competitiveness Package.

Kunio Mikuriya

customs and other authorities
en, fr
“Together we can ensure global economic growth”

The upcoming months will be marked by the launch of a number of initiatives approved by the Council during its recent sessions, such as Globally Networked Customs proof-of-concept projects, the roll-out of the nCEN package around the world, the further development of the Project Map Database, the implementation of the tools included in the Revenue Package, as well as the launch of a new Economic Competitiveness Package.

Kunio Mikuriya

customs and other authorities
en, fr
Tariff and Trade Affairs

Developed as a response to WCO Members’ concerns with regard to falling revenue returns in the light of the 2008 global financial crisis and declining duty rates, the WCO Revenue Package brings together all material relevant to revenue collection, including formal instruments and conventions, guidance notes, and training material.

law international
en, fr
Tariff and Trade Affairs

Developed as a response to WCO Members’ concerns with regard to falling revenue returns in the light of the 2008 global financial crisis and declining duty rates, the WCO Revenue Package brings together all material relevant to revenue collection, including formal instruments and conventions, guidance notes, and training material.

law international
en, fr

The first formal review of the SAFE Framework of Standards since its adoption in 2005 has been finalized. The principal change in the 2012 version of the SAFE Framework involves the inclusion of two new sections; one on Coordinated Border Management and the other on Trade Continuity and Resumption, as well as a new Annex on Definitions which includes the definition of high-risk cargo.

law international
en, fr

The first formal review of the SAFE Framework of Standards since its adoption in 2005 has been finalized. The principal change in the 2012 version of the SAFE Framework involves the inclusion of two new sections; one on Coordinated Border Management and the other on Trade Continuity and Resumption, as well as a new Annex on Definitions which includes the definition of high-risk cargo.

law international
en, fr
Compliance and Enforcement

The WCO Secretariat has reviewed its Compliance and Enforcement structures and assumed a new programme management based approach to its activities. One of the newly established programmes draws together WCO security and counter-terrorism related projects and activities. The Strategy and the 2012/2013 Action Plan for the Security and Counter-Terrorism Programme were approved.

law international
en, fr
Compliance and Enforcement

The WCO Secretariat has reviewed its Compliance and Enforcement structures and assumed a new programme management based approach to its activities. One of the newly established programmes draws together WCO security and counter-terrorism related projects and activities. The Strategy and the 2012/2013 Action Plan for the Security and Counter-Terrorism Programme were approved.

law international
en, fr
2012 WCO IPR Competition

The 2012 WCO IPR Trophy was awarded to the Panama Customs administration for its outstanding commitment to combating counterfeiting and piracy by implementing an effective policy aimed at increasing border protection and preventing infringements of intellectual property rights (IPR), thereby enabling improved results to be achieved.

illicit trade
en, fr
2012 WCO IPR Competition

The 2012 WCO IPR Trophy was awarded to the Panama Customs administration for its outstanding commitment to combating counterfeiting and piracy by implementing an effective policy aimed at increasing border protection and preventing infringements of intellectual property rights (IPR), thereby enabling improved results to be achieved.

illicit trade
en, fr
Korea examines informal fund transfer systems to crack down on illicit trade

Since the Asian financial crisis swept the Korean economy in 1999, the Korea Customs Service (KCS) has been analysing data related to foreign exchange transactions to examine the flow of money for trade payments, because traders’ invoices and Customs declarations – which can easily be manipulated through collusion between traders – are not enough to show the veracity of commodity trade transactions.

Yongho Joo

illicit trade
en, fr
Korea examines informal fund transfer systems to crack down on illicit trade

Since the Asian financial crisis swept the Korean economy in 1999, the Korea Customs Service (KCS) has been analysing data related to foreign exchange transactions to examine the flow of money for trade payments, because traders’ invoices and Customs declarations – which can easily be manipulated through collusion between traders – are not enough to show the veracity of commodity trade transactions.

Yongho Joo

illicit trade
en, fr
Mesoamerica improves international transit controls on goods

Ninety-five percent (or six billion US dollars) of commercial goods in the Mesoamerican region are transported overland using the Pacific Corridor every year. The Corridor, which crosses six national borders from southern Mexico to Panama, is the backbone of commercial trade in Mesoamerica. Despite numerous efforts to improve its infrastructure, bottlenecks at border crossings have created huge delays that have dramatically reduced the flow of goods. In 2008, the average speed of a truck moving from Mexico to Panama was 15 km per hour. As of August 2012, the average speed is 60 km per hour following the implementation of an innovative project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Mesoamerica improves international transit controls on goods

Ninety-five percent (or six billion US dollars) of commercial goods in the Mesoamerican region are transported overland using the Pacific Corridor every year. The Corridor, which crosses six national borders from southern Mexico to Panama, is the backbone of commercial trade in Mesoamerica. Despite numerous efforts to improve its infrastructure, bottlenecks at border crossings have created huge delays that have dramatically reduced the flow of goods. In 2008, the average speed of a truck moving from Mexico to Panama was 15 km per hour. As of August 2012, the average speed is 60 km per hour following the implementation of an innovative project financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

IT systems, databases
en, fr
Global security: the dilemma posed by dual-use goods in the Customs tariff

Customs officers around the world are used to implementing a broad range of controls, and increasingly, security-related controls. Of these, controls of dual-use commodities may be some of the most difficult to understand and apply. After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a number of international initiatives were taken to improve the security of international movements of goods and persons. Amongst them, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540) makes it obligatory for UN member States to put in place an export and transit control system to prevent the dissemination of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) - related technology to unauthorized nonstate organizations or people.

Renaud Chatelus

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Global security: the dilemma posed by dual-use goods in the Customs tariff

Customs officers around the world are used to implementing a broad range of controls, and increasingly, security-related controls. Of these, controls of dual-use commodities may be some of the most difficult to understand and apply. After the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, a number of international initiatives were taken to improve the security of international movements of goods and persons. Amongst them, United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540 (UNSCR 1540) makes it obligatory for UN member States to put in place an export and transit control system to prevent the dissemination of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) - related technology to unauthorized nonstate organizations or people.

Renaud Chatelus

restrictions, trade barriers
en, fr
Egyptian Customs Authority

Egypt has been a Member of the WCO since 1956. The ECA is keen to interact with the WCO and other international organizations with a view to ensuring that experiences and best practices are transferred to Customs. In line with the WCO’s promotion of partnerships with all economic operators and international organizations, the ECA has played an active part in many events that encourage cooperation, such as the WCO International Customs Day and the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

customs and other authorities
en, fr
Egyptian Customs Authority

Egypt has been a Member of the WCO since 1956. The ECA is keen to interact with the WCO and other international organizations with a view to ensuring that experiences and best practices are transferred to Customs. In line with the WCO’s promotion of partnerships with all economic operators and international organizations, the ECA has played an active part in many events that encourage cooperation, such as the WCO International Customs Day and the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.

customs and other authorities
en, fr
US and EU recognize each other's cargo security programmes

The United States (US) and the European Union (EU) signed a Mutual Recognition Decision on 4 May 2012 recognizing the compatibility between their respective trade partnership programmes.

trusted trader
en, fr
US and EU recognize each other's cargo security programmes

The United States (US) and the European Union (EU) signed a Mutual Recognition Decision on 4 May 2012 recognizing the compatibility between their respective trade partnership programmes.

trusted trader
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