
About the journal

The journal "Customs Law for Practitioners" is published once a month in Lithuanian language for Lithuanian market. The publisher is company CC Learning, UAB

On the platform you will find all the articles published starting from the first issue in November 2012.

Terms and conditions

Responsibility for the content. The information contained in the journal "Customs Law for Practitioners" is for general information purposes only and cannot be construed as legal advice, conclusion or consultation. The publisher CC Learning, UAB does not necessarily agree with the views of the authors of articles.

Distribution. The exclusive right to distribute the journal belongs to CC Learning, UAB. The paid articles of the journal are only for use of those who have acquired them lawfully. The originals or copies of the articles may not be distributed, sold, rented, lent or otherwise transferred without the written consent of CC Learning, UAB.

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LVAT: Tranzito užbaigimo įrodymas

Tinkamai neužbaigtos tranzito procedūros – auganti problema, įtakota Brexit, karo Ukrainoje, muitinės IT sistemų keitimų ar trikdžių ir, žinoma, žmogiškųjų klaidų. Tai tikras „galvos skausmas“ procedūros vykdytojui, kuriam, nepavykus įrodyti užbaigimo, tenka mokėti muitinei kartais net labai dideles importo mokesčių sumas. Aktualioje byloje įvairiais susijusiais klausimais išaiškinimus pateikė Lietuvos Vyriausiasis Administracinis teismas (LVAT).

Jurgita Stanienė

LVAT: Tranzito užbaigimo įrodymas

Tinkamai neužbaigtos tranzito procedūros – auganti problema, įtakota Brexit, karo Ukrainoje, muitinės IT sistemų keitimų ar trikdžių ir, žinoma, žmogiškųjų klaidų. Tai tikras „galvos skausmas“ procedūros vykdytojui, kuriam, nepavykus įrodyti užbaigimo, tenka mokėti muitinei kartais net labai dideles importo mokesčių sumas. Aktualioje byloje įvairiais susijusiais klausimais išaiškinimus pateikė Lietuvos Vyriausiasis Administracinis teismas (LVAT).

Jurgita Stanienė

Kaip tinkamai deklaruoti mažos vertės nukainotas prekes?

Kuo turėtų pasirūpinsi apdairus ir rūpestingas ūkio subjektas, kad kuo mažiau kiltų rūpesčių importuojant pigesnes, nukainotas, praėjusio sezono prekes ir deklaruojant jas muitinei? Kada muitinė atmes importuojamoms prekėms sandorio vertės metodą ir taikys kitus muitinio įvertinimo metodus?

Jurgita Stanienė

Kaip tinkamai deklaruoti mažos vertės nukainotas prekes?

Kuo turėtų pasirūpinsi apdairus ir rūpestingas ūkio subjektas, kad kuo mažiau kiltų rūpesčių importuojant pigesnes, nukainotas, praėjusio sezono prekes ir deklaruojant jas muitinei? Kada muitinė atmes importuojamoms prekėms sandorio vertės metodą ir taikys kitus muitinio įvertinimo metodus?

Jurgita Stanienė

Classification of a pipe transportation device: an article of aluminium or a container?

Let's take a look at the second judgement issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) earlier this year on the tariff classification of goods (the first one was on classification of inflatable couches). This case is about a pipe transportation device: Should it be classified as an article of aluminium or a container? Accordingly, the import duty rate is 6% or 0%. The CJEU also clarified what a ‘container’ means for tariff classification purposes.

Ingrida Kemežienė

Classification of a pipe transportation device: an article of aluminium or a container?

Let's take a look at the second judgement issued by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) earlier this year on the tariff classification of goods (the first one was on classification of inflatable couches). This case is about a pipe transportation device: Should it be classified as an article of aluminium or a container? Accordingly, the import duty rate is 6% or 0%. The CJEU also clarified what a ‘container’ means for tariff classification purposes.

Ingrida Kemežienė

Classification of inflatable couches: furniture or camping equipment?

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has in the first 2 months of the year provided clarifications in 2 cases related to the tariff classification of goods. This shows that business is constantly confronted with questions of the proper classification of goods, which, for certain goods, we will overview. In this article, let’s start with the classification of inflatable couches: Are they furniture or camping equipment? The duty tariff would be 3.7% or 12%, respectively.

Ingrida Kemežienė

Classification of inflatable couches: furniture or camping equipment?

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has in the first 2 months of the year provided clarifications in 2 cases related to the tariff classification of goods. This shows that business is constantly confronted with questions of the proper classification of goods, which, for certain goods, we will overview. In this article, let’s start with the classification of inflatable couches: Are they furniture or camping equipment? The duty tariff would be 3.7% or 12%, respectively.

Ingrida Kemežienė

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