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Blocking Regulation: the first step towards solving the conflict of laws between EU and US sanctions

The Court of Justice of the EU has interpreted for the first time the Blocking Regulation. The ruling confirms that it is possible to terminate contracts with a US designated person without providing reasons. However, in civil proceedings it is for the EU party to prove that, when it sought to terminate a contract, it did not seek to comply with US sanctions in the absence of an authorisation by the European Commission.

Lourdes Catrain

restrictions, trade barriers
Blocking Regulation: the first step towards solving the conflict of laws between EU and US sanctions

The Court of Justice of the EU has interpreted for the first time the Blocking Regulation. The ruling confirms that it is possible to terminate contracts with a US designated person without providing reasons. However, in civil proceedings it is for the EU party to prove that, when it sought to terminate a contract, it did not seek to comply with US sanctions in the absence of an authorisation by the European Commission.

Lourdes Catrain

restrictions, trade barriers
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