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Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

customs clearance
Can a direct customs representative amend what he has declared, if he erroneously indicated the wrong person instead of the actual importer who empowered him?

Human beings are prone to making mistakes. Mistakes in customs declarations are no exception. Customs law allows them to be corrected. But it is not that simple. Does it apply to all mistakes and to all people who make them? Read the details in the article below.

Michael Lux

customs clearance
CITES reikalavimai papūgų importui į Lietuvą

Klausimas: Planuojame importuoti į Lietuvą papūgas (AROS rūšys: psittacus erithacus, aratinga solstitialis, poicephalus gulielmi) iš Pietų Afrikos. Prekės kodas 0106320000. Ar taikomos CITES konvencijos nuostatos? Ar reikia gauti leidimą iš Aplinkos apsaugos agentūros? Jei taip, kokius dokumentus reikia pateikti, kad leidimas būtų išduotas.

restrictions, trade barriers
CITES reikalavimai papūgų importui į Lietuvą

Klausimas: Planuojame importuoti į Lietuvą papūgas (AROS rūšys: psittacus erithacus, aratinga solstitialis, poicephalus gulielmi) iš Pietų Afrikos. Prekės kodas 0106320000. Ar taikomos CITES konvencijos nuostatos? Ar reikia gauti leidimą iš Aplinkos apsaugos agentūros? Jei taip, kokius dokumentus reikia pateikti, kad leidimas būtų išduotas.

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Product safety: New General Product Safety Regulation

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restrictions, trade barriers
Atsakomybė už prekių, kurioms taikomos tarptautinės sankcijos, deklaravimą muitinės procedūrai – kas ir kada atsako?

Teisingas, tinkamas bei efektyvus tarptautinių sankcijų taikymas prekėms, importuojamoms iš valstybių, kurioms nustatyti prekybos draudimai ar apribojimai, yra labai svarbi šiandieninė aktualija. Už tarptautinių sankcijų, susijusių tarptautine prekyba prekėmis, ir jų neteisėtu įvežimu ar išvežimu į (ar iš) ES bei Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teritoriją(-os) bei deklaravimu (jei tai nesukėlė didelės žalos valstybei (visuomenei)), paprastai taikoma administracinė atsakomybė pagal Administracinių nusižengimų kodekso 515 straipsnį. Tačiau praktikoje neretai pasitaiko ir situacijų, kuomet pačios valstybės institucijos (pavyzdžiui, muitinės įstaigos) netiksliai įvertina įvežamų prekių pobūdį, priima jų eksporto ar importo deklaracijas, ir oficialiai leidžia jas išvežti ar įvežti, bet vėliau pakeičia savo sprendimus bei atgaline tvarka (retroaktyviai) vertina jau realiai įvykusius, užbaigtus ir deklaruotus prekių tiekimo sandorius, taip pat siekia pritaikyti (už jų vykdymą bei deklaravimą) teisinę atsakomybę. Ir verslo praktikams, ir teisininkams, dirbantiems prekybos ar muitų (muitinės) teisės srityse tokiose situacijose iš esmės visuomet kyla klausimas – ar tokia praktika teisėta ir teisinga? Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atsakyti į minėtą klausimą remiantis naujausia teismų praktika (Lietuvoje) bei jų pateiktais aktualiais išaiškinimais.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
Atsakomybė už prekių, kurioms taikomos tarptautinės sankcijos, deklaravimą muitinės procedūrai – kas ir kada atsako?

Teisingas, tinkamas bei efektyvus tarptautinių sankcijų taikymas prekėms, importuojamoms iš valstybių, kurioms nustatyti prekybos draudimai ar apribojimai, yra labai svarbi šiandieninė aktualija. Už tarptautinių sankcijų, susijusių tarptautine prekyba prekėmis, ir jų neteisėtu įvežimu ar išvežimu į (ar iš) ES bei Lietuvos Respublikos muitų teritoriją(-os) bei deklaravimu (jei tai nesukėlė didelės žalos valstybei (visuomenei)), paprastai taikoma administracinė atsakomybė pagal Administracinių nusižengimų kodekso 515 straipsnį. Tačiau praktikoje neretai pasitaiko ir situacijų, kuomet pačios valstybės institucijos (pavyzdžiui, muitinės įstaigos) netiksliai įvertina įvežamų prekių pobūdį, priima jų eksporto ar importo deklaracijas, ir oficialiai leidžia jas išvežti ar įvežti, bet vėliau pakeičia savo sprendimus bei atgaline tvarka (retroaktyviai) vertina jau realiai įvykusius, užbaigtus ir deklaruotus prekių tiekimo sandorius, taip pat siekia pritaikyti (už jų vykdymą bei deklaravimą) teisinę atsakomybę. Ir verslo praktikams, ir teisininkams, dirbantiems prekybos ar muitų (muitinės) teisės srityse tokiose situacijose iš esmės visuomet kyla klausimas – ar tokia praktika teisėta ir teisinga? Šiame straipsnyje siekiama atsakyti į minėtą klausimą remiantis naujausia teismų praktika (Lietuvoje) bei jų pateiktais aktualiais išaiškinimais.

Dr. Gediminas Valantiejus

restrictions, trade barriers
ES sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: 833/2014 VII priedo ir 765/2006 Va priedo prekių identifikavimas

Prekių, kurioms taikomi draudimai ar apribojimai, identifikavimas gali būti tikras iššūkis, ypač sankcijų kontekste. Atsakome į skaitytojo klausimą: „Kokie iššūkiai gali kilti norint nustatyti, ar prekėms taikomi ribojimai arba draudimai (kalbant apie 833/2014 VII ir 765/2006 Va priedus)?“.

restrictions, trade barriers
ES sankcijos Rusijai ir Baltarusijai: 833/2014 VII priedo ir 765/2006 Va priedo prekių identifikavimas

Prekių, kurioms taikomi draudimai ar apribojimai, identifikavimas gali būti tikras iššūkis, ypač sankcijų kontekste. Atsakome į skaitytojo klausimą: „Kokie iššūkiai gali kilti norint nustatyti, ar prekėms taikomi ribojimai arba draudimai (kalbant apie 833/2014 VII ir 765/2006 Va priedus)?“.

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UK’s Border Target Operating Model: Impact on trade

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BTOM Checklist for movements to GB
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BTOM Checklist for movements to GB
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Compliant on Forced Labor? Prove It: The Expansion of U.S. Anti-Forced Labor Laws and Compliance Requirements for Importers

Forced labor is on the rise worldwide. The United States is one of the largest importers of merchandise at risk of being produced with forced labor and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is committed to identifying products made with forced labor and preventing them from entering the United States. From FY 2022 to date, CBP’s forced labor enforcement has impacted over $ 2 billion worth of shipments. Clearly, companies have a lot at stake, and compliance with anti-forced labor requirements is critical not only from a corporate responsibility standpoint but due to the impact it may have on a company’s financial position.

Simeon A. Yerokun

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Compliant on Forced Labor? Prove It: The Expansion of U.S. Anti-Forced Labor Laws and Compliance Requirements for Importers

Forced labor is on the rise worldwide. The United States is one of the largest importers of merchandise at risk of being produced with forced labor and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is committed to identifying products made with forced labor and preventing them from entering the United States. From FY 2022 to date, CBP’s forced labor enforcement has impacted over $ 2 billion worth of shipments. Clearly, companies have a lot at stake, and compliance with anti-forced labor requirements is critical not only from a corporate responsibility standpoint but due to the impact it may have on a company’s financial position.

Simeon A. Yerokun

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UK BTOM Commences

Anthony Buckley

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UK BTOM Commences

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UK customs-related updates: BTOM, CDS (II)

Despite officially leaving the EU’s single market in January 2021, the UK has delayed introducing full border controls several times due to concerns over cost and disruption. However, we now know that these post-Brexit checks on plant and animal goods coming into the UK from EU countries will begin at the end of January 2024. What does this mean for businesses importing these goods into the UK? We provide a summary of the changes coming into effect and how the trader can prepare for these stricter border controls.

Mark Rowbotham

restrictions, trade barriers
UK customs-related updates: BTOM, CDS (II)

Despite officially leaving the EU’s single market in January 2021, the UK has delayed introducing full border controls several times due to concerns over cost and disruption. However, we now know that these post-Brexit checks on plant and animal goods coming into the UK from EU countries will begin at the end of January 2024. What does this mean for businesses importing these goods into the UK? We provide a summary of the changes coming into effect and how the trader can prepare for these stricter border controls.

Mark Rowbotham

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (II)

Note from the CCRM editors: The first part of the article provided an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examined the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and posed the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In this second part, the author provides an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and shares a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (II)

Note from the CCRM editors: The first part of the article provided an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examined the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and posed the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In this second part, the author provides an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and shares a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Used car parts - export of waste or goods for reuse?

Today, we often talk about circular economy goals and the ambition to reduce waste by extending the life of products through reuse, repair, refurbishment or recycling. The legal framework is still under development. For example, there are provisions in the EU Combined Nomenclature for certain waste and scrap and for used cars, but no such provisions for used car parts - this can lead to difficulties when declaring these goods for the chosen customs procedure. Let us give an overview and discuss a current practical situation in Lithuania regarding the environmental and customs requirements for the declaration of parts of used cars for export.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Used car parts - export of waste or goods for reuse?

Today, we often talk about circular economy goals and the ambition to reduce waste by extending the life of products through reuse, repair, refurbishment or recycling. The legal framework is still under development. For example, there are provisions in the EU Combined Nomenclature for certain waste and scrap and for used cars, but no such provisions for used car parts - this can lead to difficulties when declaring these goods for the chosen customs procedure. Let us give an overview and discuss a current practical situation in Lithuania regarding the environmental and customs requirements for the declaration of parts of used cars for export.

Jurgita Stanienė

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
What to expect if you transport goods to (or from) Russia and Belarus via Latvia?

According to customs data, since the introduction of sanctions, Latvian customs performed 184,972 cargo document controls and 6,027 cargo physical controls. In 8,396 cases, customs prevented the movement of goods subject to sanctions. In 2022, 114 criminal proceedings have been initiated for the circumvention of sanctions, and in 2023, – 87 criminal proceedings. Considering the above, economic operators who move goods from or to Russia and Belarus or countries that could be used to circumvent sanctions should consider the consequences mentioned in this article.

Alisa Leskovica

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
What to expect if you transport goods to (or from) Russia and Belarus via Latvia?

According to customs data, since the introduction of sanctions, Latvian customs performed 184,972 cargo document controls and 6,027 cargo physical controls. In 8,396 cases, customs prevented the movement of goods subject to sanctions. In 2022, 114 criminal proceedings have been initiated for the circumvention of sanctions, and in 2023, – 87 criminal proceedings. Considering the above, economic operators who move goods from or to Russia and Belarus or countries that could be used to circumvent sanctions should consider the consequences mentioned in this article.

Alisa Leskovica

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
CJEU on the right to be heard: It cannot be limited by any legislative provision

The right to be heard is well known to practitioners from various customs decisions and the Art. 22(6) of the Union Customs Code: 'Before taking a decision which would adversely affect the applicant, the customs authorities shall communicate the grounds on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his or her point of view'. This fundamental right of the EU legal order is not just a formality - the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently annulled a regulation because it found that the European Commission had violated the importer's right to be heard during the process of adopting that regulation. It is therefore worthwhile for importers, exporters and other parties involved to take a close look at the topic and be prepared to use the right to their own advantage at EU or national level if needed.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

law, risk management
en, lt
CJEU on the right to be heard: It cannot be limited by any legislative provision

The right to be heard is well known to practitioners from various customs decisions and the Art. 22(6) of the Union Customs Code: 'Before taking a decision which would adversely affect the applicant, the customs authorities shall communicate the grounds on which they intend to base their decision to the applicant, who shall be given the opportunity to express his or her point of view'. This fundamental right of the EU legal order is not just a formality - the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) recently annulled a regulation because it found that the European Commission had violated the importer's right to be heard during the process of adopting that regulation. It is therefore worthwhile for importers, exporters and other parties involved to take a close look at the topic and be prepared to use the right to their own advantage at EU or national level if needed.

Dr. Ilona Mishchenko

law, risk management
en, lt
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (I)

Note from the CCRM editors: This first part of the article provides an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examines the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and poses the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In the second part, the author will provide an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and share a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
CBAM: History, objectives, scope, and its compatibility with international law (I)

Note from the CCRM editors: This first part of the article provides an overview of the history, objectives and scope of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) introduced by the EU. It also examines the issue of whether the Paris Agreement on climate change foresees border adjustment measures by countries with high climate ambitions, and poses the following question: Is the CBAM fair towards developing countries? In the second part, the author will provide an overview of the provisions of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) which could justify the CBAM, his assessment of the CBAM Regulation, and share a practical list of questions that companies can use in order to find out whether they are affected, and if so, how they can prepare to meet the CBAM requirements, in particular for the transitional period.

Michael Lux

restrictions, trade barriers
Non-tariff measures: the biggest challenges in 2023

Where do we draw the line between non-tariff measures that help governments achieve important goals (e.g. sustainability) and non-tariff barriers that unnecessarily restrict trade? How can SMEs ensure compliance in an increasingly complex regulatory environment (international sanctions, export controls, SPS, CBAM, REACH, forced labour, etc.)? As a distributor, how do you control the supply chain with multiple points of sale and resale, especially in relation to export control? These and other related questions were addressed at the 18th Authors' Meeting in an exchange of views between experts from different countries - the EU, the UK, the US, Brazil and Pakistan.

restrictions, trade barriers
Non-tariff measures: the biggest challenges in 2023

Where do we draw the line between non-tariff measures that help governments achieve important goals (e.g. sustainability) and non-tariff barriers that unnecessarily restrict trade? How can SMEs ensure compliance in an increasingly complex regulatory environment (international sanctions, export controls, SPS, CBAM, REACH, forced labour, etc.)? As a distributor, how do you control the supply chain with multiple points of sale and resale, especially in relation to export control? These and other related questions were addressed at the 18th Authors' Meeting in an exchange of views between experts from different countries - the EU, the UK, the US, Brazil and Pakistan.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU sanctions against RU and BY: non-tariff measures or non-tariff barriers?

This article discusses the challenges faced by the Bulgarian automotive industry in the context of EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus. A national customs risk profile has been introduced, triggered by the export of certain automotive parts of HS Chapters 84 and 85 to Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and others. The documents and information required from the consignee of the goods in the third country and the end user of the goods (if different) in order for these goods to be exported are problematic, as it is often very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain this data.

Boryana Peycheva

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
EU sanctions against RU and BY: non-tariff measures or non-tariff barriers?

This article discusses the challenges faced by the Bulgarian automotive industry in the context of EU sanctions against Russia and Belarus. A national customs risk profile has been introduced, triggered by the export of certain automotive parts of HS Chapters 84 and 85 to Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan and others. The documents and information required from the consignee of the goods in the third country and the end user of the goods (if different) in order for these goods to be exported are problematic, as it is often very difficult, if not impossible, to obtain this data.

Boryana Peycheva

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-tariff measures: their purpose and effect on trade

According to UNCTAD, 90 % of global trade is subject to non-tariff measures (NTMs). NTMs can increase trade costs three times as much as tariffs. NTMs often lack transparency. This increases uncertainty and unpredictability in global trade. At the same time, NTMs can be beneficial for international trade, as they guarantee quality through certification, provide information about products through labelling, reflect a commitment to socially important issues through labelling and environmental standards, etc. This article briefly describes what non-tariff measures are, what purpose they fulfil and what impact they have.

Rizwan Mahmood

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-tariff measures: their purpose and effect on trade

According to UNCTAD, 90 % of global trade is subject to non-tariff measures (NTMs). NTMs can increase trade costs three times as much as tariffs. NTMs often lack transparency. This increases uncertainty and unpredictability in global trade. At the same time, NTMs can be beneficial for international trade, as they guarantee quality through certification, provide information about products through labelling, reflect a commitment to socially important issues through labelling and environmental standards, etc. This article briefly describes what non-tariff measures are, what purpose they fulfil and what impact they have.

Rizwan Mahmood

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-tariff measures

Non-tariff measures are policy measures other than ordinary customs tariffs that can potentially have an economic impact on international trade in goods by changing the quantities traded, prices or both.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
Non-tariff measures

Non-tariff measures are policy measures other than ordinary customs tariffs that can potentially have an economic impact on international trade in goods by changing the quantities traded, prices or both.

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
REACH chemical regulations in the EU and the UK – international conflict?

In the manufacturing industry, there are often complex supply chains where chemical substances cross borders between the UK and the EU several times. In this article we provide an overview of how REACH works in the EU (including the current revision) and in the UK, the implications for businesses and also address the Windsor Framework for Northern Ireland. Most companies use chemicals, sometimes even without realising it, therefore you need to check your obligations if you handle any chemicals in your industrial or professional activity. You might have some responsibilities under EU REACH or UK REACH or both.

Mark Rowbotham

restrictions, trade barriers
en, lt
REACH chemical regulations in the EU and the UK – international conflict?

In the manufacturing industry, there are often complex supply chains where chemical substances cross borders between the UK and the EU several times. In this article we provide an overview of how REACH works in the EU (including the current revision) and in the UK, the implications for businesses and also address the Windsor Framework for Northern Ireland. Most companies use chemicals, sometimes even without realising it, therefore you need to check your obligations if you handle any chemicals in your industrial or professional activity. You might have some responsibilities under EU REACH or UK REACH or both.

Mark Rowbotham

restrictions, trade barriers
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