Pasirengimas PVM Pokyčiams (mažavertės siuntos) nuo liepos 1 d.

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Pirmoji dalis 4-toje Muitinės praktikų konferencijoje, vykusioje 2021-06-17 buvo skirta temai: Pasirengimas PVM Pokyčiams (mažavertės siuntos) nuo liepos 1 d.

Šia tema buvo skaitomi du pranešimai:

Justas Dukavičius, Muitinės departamento Muitų politikos skyriaus vyr. specialistas, skaitė pranešimą tema „Fizinių asmenų gaunamų siuntų savarankiškas deklaravimas“ (trukmė ~ 18 min.). Pranešėjo apžvelgti klausimai:

  • Teisinis pagrindas
  • Sąjungos muitinės kodeksas
  • Atstovavimas muitinėje
  • Deklaracijų duomenų rinkiniai
  • Komunikavimas su IMDAS

Dainora Rinkevičienė, MB Two Wheels Empire projekto vadovė, skaitė pranešimą tema „Elektroninė prekyba - praktinė patirtis, su kokiais iššūkiais susiduriame po Brexit'o, kas padėjo jam pasiruošti. Lūkestis vs realybė“ (trukmė ~ 15 min.). Pranešėjos apžvelgti klausimai:

  • MB Two Wheels Empire strategija prieš Brexit
  • Kokie didžiausi iššūkiai pasitiko mus po Brexit
  • Ko išmokome per šiuos kelis mėnesius?
  • Brexit perspektyvos?

Resursų dalyje: pranešimų skaidrės pdf formatu bei konferencijos programa.

Taip pat kviečiame pažiūrėti pirmosios konferencijos dalies diskusiją (trukmė ~18 min.).

Muitinės praktikų asociacija yra ne pelno siekianti organizacija. Gautos lėšos skiriamos konferencijų organizavimui ir asociacijos veiklos vystymui.

Ресурсы доступны после покупки.

Комментарии ()

Strengthening E-Commerce Compliance: overview of Brazil Programa Remessa Conforme

Brazil’s Customs Authority and private sector representatives worked together to develop a compliance programme dedicated to e-commerce companies. Launched in August 2023, the programme is a testimony to how Customs-Business partnership can shape regulatory frameworks and foster innovative solutions. The authors hope it will inspire countries grappling with the challenges of cross-border e-commerce in adopting a similar approach and compliance scheme.

John Edwin Mein

Strengthening E-Commerce Compliance: overview of Brazil Programa Remessa Conforme

Brazil’s Customs Authority and private sector representatives worked together to develop a compliance programme dedicated to e-commerce companies. Launched in August 2023, the programme is a testimony to how Customs-Business partnership can shape regulatory frameworks and foster innovative solutions. The authors hope it will inspire countries grappling with the challenges of cross-border e-commerce in adopting a similar approach and compliance scheme.

John Edwin Mein

Indonesia implements automated data exchange with e-commerce marketplaces

In Indonesia, the number of individuals purchasing goods online continues to rise annually, and it is estimated that 73% of the population made at least one transaction through a computer network in 2023. Bank of Indonesia has reported that, in 2022, e-commerce transactions reached USD 30.5 billion and the figure is to grow further in the coming years.

Oryza Septi Utami

Indonesia implements automated data exchange with e-commerce marketplaces

In Indonesia, the number of individuals purchasing goods online continues to rise annually, and it is estimated that 73% of the population made at least one transaction through a computer network in 2023. Bank of Indonesia has reported that, in 2022, e-commerce transactions reached USD 30.5 billion and the figure is to grow further in the coming years.

Oryza Septi Utami

en, lt
The Reform of the UCC

The EU Commission has presented a proposal for the reform of the Union Customs Code (as well as amendments of several other legal acts). In view of the largely failed centralisation (and thus standardisation) of customs activities and – apart from ICS2 – IT systems, as well as a lack of harmonisation of customs sanctions, the proposals for an EU Customs Data Hub, an EU Customs Authority, the shift to the (deemed) importer as the person responsible for duties and all compliance aspects, as well as a partial harmonisation of customs sanctions are bold steps with regard to which the business community suffering from unequal treatment within the EU Customs Union and Single Market can only wish the EU Commission success in the Council and the Parliament.

Michael Lux

en, lt
The Reform of the UCC

The EU Commission has presented a proposal for the reform of the Union Customs Code (as well as amendments of several other legal acts). In view of the largely failed centralisation (and thus standardisation) of customs activities and – apart from ICS2 – IT systems, as well as a lack of harmonisation of customs sanctions, the proposals for an EU Customs Data Hub, an EU Customs Authority, the shift to the (deemed) importer as the person responsible for duties and all compliance aspects, as well as a partial harmonisation of customs sanctions are bold steps with regard to which the business community suffering from unequal treatment within the EU Customs Union and Single Market can only wish the EU Commission success in the Council and the Parliament.

Michael Lux

Customs strategies at the heart of international business development

In the year 2021, there has been a major breakdown in the customs practices in the EU and the changes will continue over the next years for many reasons: data provisions and data quality will become the new hobbyhorse for customs authorities, more significant facilitations will be granted to companies who have the AEO status for e-commerce flows, etc. We provide a brief overview of the changes, highlight the role of customs experts in turning challenges into opportunities, and share some thoughts on what is needed to become a member of the big family united under the customs topic.

Christophe Pereira

Customs strategies at the heart of international business development

In the year 2021, there has been a major breakdown in the customs practices in the EU and the changes will continue over the next years for many reasons: data provisions and data quality will become the new hobbyhorse for customs authorities, more significant facilitations will be granted to companies who have the AEO status for e-commerce flows, etc. We provide a brief overview of the changes, highlight the role of customs experts in turning challenges into opportunities, and share some thoughts on what is needed to become a member of the big family united under the customs topic.

Christophe Pereira

de, en
ATLAS-IMPOST - off to the post office! How e-commerce and small consignments are handled now

ATLAS-IMPOST was launched in Germany on the customs side in mid-January. Now there is an end to transitional solutions or the transmission of a complete data set for small consignments. For companies, the electronic customs declaration is to be made via the specially created ATLAS-IMPOST system (import clearance of postal and courier consignments).

Janine Lampprecht

de, en
ATLAS-IMPOST - off to the post office! How e-commerce and small consignments are handled now

ATLAS-IMPOST was launched in Germany on the customs side in mid-January. Now there is an end to transitional solutions or the transmission of a complete data set for small consignments. For companies, the electronic customs declaration is to be made via the specially created ATLAS-IMPOST system (import clearance of postal and courier consignments).

Janine Lampprecht

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