
О журнале

Dear Reader,

Customs formalities cover global supply chains from the country of exportation to the country of importation. The legal rules to be addressed on the way are extensive (tariff, non-tariff, safety, etc.). They vary across countries and regions, change constantly, and often are inaccessible because of the language barrier and/ or unavailability online. 

Businesses aim to arrange customs formalities in the most cost-effective way, taking into account tariff preferences, the variety of customs procedures, and the simplifications. Therefore, the task to ensure compliant and cost-effective customs formalities is a complex one and any customs-related topic is in the scope of the journal. 

At the core of the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners in Europe are these keywords: up-to-date customs knowledge, compliance, harmonisation and simplification of the international and national rules (the simpler the rules, the easier to trade and to manage compliance and risks).

The first bi-monthly issue was released at the end of March 2020. Stakeholders - business, customs, academia, and others - from all over the world are invited to read the journal and to contribute articles.

The Editorial Board:
Enrika Naujokė, CC Learning, UAB, Lithuania
Dr David Savage, Ireland
Roberto Raya da Silva, Raya Consult, Brazil
Prof Dr Borys Kormych, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Ukraine
Dr Ilona Mishchenko, National University 'Odesa Law Academy', Ukraine
Samuel Draginich, Amazon EU, Luxembourg
Ira Reese, Global Security and Innovative Solutions, the USA
Mark Rowbotham, Portcullis ISC, the UK
Omer Wagner, Israel
Svitlana Siurik, Belgium

We will be happy to answer your questions. Contact us: info@customslcear.net  

Best regards,
Editorial Board

Условия и положения

Terms and Conditions

Responsibility for the content. The information contained in the Customs Compliance & Risk Management Journal for Practitioners in Europe is for general information purposes only and cannot be construed as legal advice, conclusion or consultation. The publisher CC Learning, UAB (CustomsClear, the Publisher) does not necessarily agree with the views of the authors of articles.

Distribution. The exclusive right to distribute the journal belongs to the Publisher. The paid articles of the journal are only for the use of those who have acquired them lawfully. The originals or copies of the articles may not be distributed, sold, rented, lent or otherwise transferred without the written consent of CustomsClear.

Procedure upon violation. The Publisher will make every effort to resolve any disputes in a consensual manner and therefore asks to be notified (using the contact details provided) of any conflict or misunderstanding before other steps are taken.

Disclaimer. The Publisher accepts no liability for the quality of the information provided or for it being correct, complete or up-to-date. It is the sole responsibility of the authors themselves to ensure compliance with intellectual property rights. We expect authors to indemnify and hold the CustomsClear harmless from any loss, damage, claim, expense or costs, that may be incurred or sustained in connection with or in any way arising out as a result of intellectual property violation claims.

Contact: info@customsclear.net 

Информация для авторов

Information for Authors

Writing an article is a great way to share your knowledge and, if relevant, to inform readers about your expertise in a particular field of Customs.

Articles are contributed on a non-remunerated basis. Thanking you for your contribution, we will invite you to meet other authors in bimonthly online meetings.

The ISSN 2669-2171 number can be used for academic purposes.


The reader of the journal is a practitioner dealing with customs-related questions first of all in business. She or he might be a beginner or experienced one. Therefore, please write for practitioners, delivering your message in a simple and clear way. 


The main language of the journal is English. However, practitioners in many countries do not speak English, therefore, we encourage to write the article in several languages up to your choice.

Structure and length

Please start with about 3-5 sentences introducing what is your article about. Structure the article in short paragraphs, use subtitles. At the end of the article (and/ or in the author’s profile), you may introduce your organisation and services.

The length of the article is up to your choice, the most important is to clearly deliver the knowledge/ the main message to the reader (there are articles of 1000 and of 3000 words, it can be less or more). 

Author’s profile

Additionally, you may send us a picture and a description of the author for the author's profile. The author's profile opens when you click on the author’s name in the article. 


Please also read 'About the Journal' and 'Terms and Conditions'.


We will be happy to answer your questions. Please contact us by info@customsclear.net

Case law
Overviews and comments
EU law
EU - UK trade
Online tools and resources
en, ru
Обязательное законодательство ЕС - иерархия, формы и возможности

Одним из критериев для распределения источников права Европейского Союза (ЕС) является их обязательный характер. Различимо формальное право (hard law), положения которого имеют обязательную силу, и неформальное право (soft law), которое не считается обязательным, тем не менее является чрезвычайно важной частью правовой системы. Мой коллега Андрюс Кошель дал отличный обзор примеров и значения неформального права, и в этой статье мы рассмотрим формальное право, его иерархию, различия в отдельных формах правовых актов и возможности применения.

Monika Bielskienė

en, ru
Обязательное законодательство ЕС - иерархия, формы и возможности

Одним из критериев для распределения источников права Европейского Союза (ЕС) является их обязательный характер. Различимо формальное право (hard law), положения которого имеют обязательную силу, и неформальное право (soft law), которое не считается обязательным, тем не менее является чрезвычайно важной частью правовой системы. Мой коллега Андрюс Кошель дал отличный обзор примеров и значения неформального права, и в этой статье мы рассмотрим формальное право, его иерархию, различия в отдельных формах правовых актов и возможности применения.

Monika Bielskienė

Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė, Jessica Yang

duties, taxes, export, import
Cases of repayment of import duties (EU and UK)

Reader's question. Is it possible to recover import duties if the imported goods are exported? For example, a Lithuanian company imports goods from China (releases them into free circulation). After a few months, it happens that unchanged goods are sold and exported to a company in Switzerland. In such a case, could the Lithuanian company apply for a refund of import duties? Because the goods were exported and the company itself, if it had foreseen that such a situation would arise, would not have released the goods for free circulation but would have placed them in a customs warehouse. We also operate in the UK, what would be the rules there in a similar situation?

Enrika Naujokė, Jessica Yang

duties, taxes, export, import
СТС ЕС-Великобритания: льготное происхождение в сравнении с возвратом товаров

После вступления в силу Соглашения о льготной торговле между ЕС и Великобританией было много дискуссий о предпринимательской-модели, когда товары перевозятся из ЕС в распределительные центры в Великобритании и из этих центров обратно в ЕС после перепродажи. На эту тему написано много актуальных статей. Основное внимание было уделено ответам на вопросы: могут ли льготные товары ЕС происхождения, возвращаемые из распределительных центров в ЕС, пользоваться тарифными преференциями, если они никоим образом не изменяются в Великобритании? Если нет, то каковы другие варианты уплаты меньших пошлин?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes, origin
СТС ЕС-Великобритания: льготное происхождение в сравнении с возвратом товаров

После вступления в силу Соглашения о льготной торговле между ЕС и Великобританией было много дискуссий о предпринимательской-модели, когда товары перевозятся из ЕС в распределительные центры в Великобритании и из этих центров обратно в ЕС после перепродажи. На эту тему написано много актуальных статей. Основное внимание было уделено ответам на вопросы: могут ли льготные товары ЕС происхождения, возвращаемые из распределительных центров в ЕС, пользоваться тарифными преференциями, если они никоим образом не изменяются в Великобритании? Если нет, то каковы другие варианты уплаты меньших пошлин?

Enrika Naujokė

duties, taxes, origin
U.S. export law between third countries

While most trade compliance professionals are likely aware of U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as it pertains to exports originating from the U.S., many are not aware its scope can extend to shipments that do not physically involve the U.S.

Samuel Draginich

restrictions, trade barriers
U.S. export law between third countries

While most trade compliance professionals are likely aware of U.S. Export Administration Regulations (EAR) as it pertains to exports originating from the U.S., many are not aware its scope can extend to shipments that do not physically involve the U.S.

Samuel Draginich

restrictions, trade barriers
en, ru
Значение руководств, инструкций и других актов «мягкого права»

Юридическая система ЕС различает так называемое „формальное право“ и „неформальное право“. Последнее также известно как инструмент „мягкого права“. Формальное право состоит из регламентов, директив и решений, в то время как рекомендации и заключения, а также другие методы формирования политики: например, методические рекомендации, рассматриваемы как «мягкое право». Практическими примерами неформального права в области таможенного дела являются Руководство по таможенной оценке товаров, Сборник таможенной оценки, Руководство по транзиту. Какое значение имеют эти документы на практике?

Andrius Košel

en, ru
Значение руководств, инструкций и других актов «мягкого права»

Юридическая система ЕС различает так называемое „формальное право“ и „неформальное право“. Последнее также известно как инструмент „мягкого права“. Формальное право состоит из регламентов, директив и решений, в то время как рекомендации и заключения, а также другие методы формирования политики: например, методические рекомендации, рассматриваемы как «мягкое право». Практическими примерами неформального права в области таможенного дела являются Руководство по таможенной оценке товаров, Сборник таможенной оценки, Руководство по транзиту. Какое значение имеют эти документы на практике?

Andrius Košel

AEO: a look at other countries’ programmes and mutual recognition agreements

Continuing the overview launched a year ago, we present a review of the AEO Compendium 2020 published by the World Customs Organization (WCO). There was in the previous review mentioned that, following Brexit, the EU and the United Kingdom are likely to sign an agreement on the mutual recognition of AEO programmes (which has already been signed) and that the AEO certificate will become even more desirable. We are after Brexit and before the VAT changes on low-value consignments entry in force - the number of businesses facing customs formalities is growing, as is the number of companies planning to apply for AEO status, so the topic of AEO remains important. What do we learn by reading the AEO Compendium? The compendium presents how the AEO programme has been developed in various countries over the past year, what mutual agreements have been concluded between the countries and the benefits for businesses with AEO status.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

trusted trader
AEO: a look at other countries’ programmes and mutual recognition agreements

Continuing the overview launched a year ago, we present a review of the AEO Compendium 2020 published by the World Customs Organization (WCO). There was in the previous review mentioned that, following Brexit, the EU and the United Kingdom are likely to sign an agreement on the mutual recognition of AEO programmes (which has already been signed) and that the AEO certificate will become even more desirable. We are after Brexit and before the VAT changes on low-value consignments entry in force - the number of businesses facing customs formalities is growing, as is the number of companies planning to apply for AEO status, so the topic of AEO remains important. What do we learn by reading the AEO Compendium? The compendium presents how the AEO programme has been developed in various countries over the past year, what mutual agreements have been concluded between the countries and the benefits for businesses with AEO status.

Jovita Dobrovalskienė

trusted trader
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